Show JOHNSON BREAKS LOOSE hoosier congressman denounces hawaiian treaty electrifies TH THE E HOUSE I 1 I 1 he used strong language chang charged to 4 that annexation question was a scheme of colonization that had proved the duill of Empi leat and nations his speech coming un ua aci aided produced it a deep impression demonstration which greeted his conclusion a wai in one feb 23 22 mas celebrated celebi celebia aled ted lit in the linit hou o e at ariar f or a of air bailey to adjourn had bron been voted down v aith I 1 I 1 it ft a vast deal ot at political and it was anu also signalizes signalized by the airi nginr ol 01 tho the arat gull eun in to halahan lion air johnson of india anft n doll rat d S speech I 1 that hut eloctio the house anil and the galleries fiAll erles in denunciation of what v hat lie he teamed sin an attempt to cut loose aiom the traditional polky policy of f the iionno pilot p nd further it IL scheme of 0 ha had d prove proved 1 I tho the ruin of empties aill of nations lie ho used hin deiy strong language but lila his ieni arko wert were ily applauded and the minority and arts mapy fly republicans joined in the th ft monsura ilon hun lie hf doctored that chile he had denounced at the time the statement thattie lic vallan monarchy land been overthrown alth ath the slot aid of american citizens that he now ill hi only belled it vos mas true the speech cili coming entirely unheralded produced a doell amples lm pis slon tho the general debate on the sundry clil cioll bill altos ua crino ludd today and to morrow tho the bill ailt be taken up for op amendment I 1 air fr john bohnn Toh nn on rep ind in opening rescued to the contest now in the senate over Ha hawaiian allan annexation and said I 1 lie ft lends and supporters of the treaty both inside and outside of oc the senate oneie luicine heaven and earth to Us too adoption and that Pies president ident McK I 1 lailey visa as laboring to change the ri of senatorial opponents of if the lie measure ile he discussed the becent visit of president dolf dole and suggested sus atod that the hawaiian nation unlike the united states had everything cat to rain gain and nothing to lose lie ho urged concion concentration of popular attention on oil the issue and the Jib ole abuso abuse ot of tile the mindo of tile the people of ei ci eroneous impressions impression go find and asset asserted ted if that at once put to tile the test either in it the he S senate crisis or the house the american people would he be quick to dis rover tile the danger involved and so sn condemn it it ill be burled buried I 1 he bild ly belond the possibility even of ail ultimate resurrection WHY HE OBJECTS 1 I am A opposed p pos ed to the a annexation ain ovation of ha vall he continued because I 1 believe the people of cawall are opposed to it iam I 1 am not to be confused by the S special plea pica that the real sentiment of the people of the sandwich islands lands lii IS only to be obtained from those nho ho fa assumed to rovern govern them that sir air Is the merest technicality T there here Is 13 no room I 1 here lore for the application of the narion of estoppel whether the present government of Jl hawaii aall in ili tie de facto or a de jure jura govek covet adment it 11 misrepresented the people of Il aall 1 huse lights it was ready to proffer away when it was charged charp in 1393 at the time lime nhen the republic succeeded tho the that the revolution tag au aided by the interposition of amel amei ilan flan itlie izena I 1 did not believe it was fr true said mr air johnson and I 1 anid l aled it very Igo at the time but tile the alth which this treaty of annexation Is being presher gives color to the accusation then made mad and ballich I 1 adhn lh n so 0 o earnestly denounced sir mr johnson continuing gave cave some home of ill the chich impelled him to opposition lon to annexation one was ignorance of the population of hawaii gaall how iong has haa it been he asked since vc me tied passed a bill to kep out norance of theold the old that ne me now propose to annex territory in which ignorance aus the I 1 lule ia not exception we laid had jasd abe th chloene elc clustin cx act now it was pr proposed posed to annex lei a itoiz which con contained ta ined EL a large chinese population ho did n not t favor the holding of 0 territory under I 1 thi e khari ow ol of the lie american flag flae A colonial policy might be adapted to the th nations ot cat antiquity but it would not do for a freo free country which derived its aiom the acan ent of the governed it auld be unwise avid and short sight pd he h said if we should cut loore looe from all the traditions I of tile the past and ami rashly embark on the unknown sea of territorial aggrandizement wo we hud confined our expansion to territory in the acquisition of nf florida louisiana and texas in 1953 tinder r 1 lin loros Preto leney we had been 1 ase enough and sensible enough to ic jcck thesa epry vf ry islands we lve had also rejected the peffer of 0 the th mob of st thomas thomaa and under the administration of gion gen grant congress had voted hotd down it ernp to purchase san kin domingo only oni onan A had va 0 o departed front croni our rule in the purchase of oc alaska from rusala and only the future could determine voli nether ether that ha had 1 ben been a voise WHAT THE rry RY IS possession of territory mint meant a con cotant nuree of 0 irritation tho the y of 0 the world pooled this thin tt it mas aa urged that the leh islands vire mere the key ko to the its strategic importance vas mag emphasized ns as it 1 thi the punt mounted there could tile th nicaragua Ni caruB canal and the pacific coasts tb auto n 14 or ociell miles awny away the th of kiwall would esti establish blish the bad of iff lie grew by eliat it fed fallen today the cry wm wall un UM hawaii tomorrow it 11 would III br give ua its C caubu b unit and th next adly diy alv IV un aim samoa I 1 ulo these appeals would mould all be justified by tile th cleant sophis trios nelch all ai pealed to our vaulty and cupidity until sat lit last we mould fluid ourselves lne life ti lovably to a policy kiy unatie aspary to the material or of our ropo lolo hurrying along alone a path ellich was ivits strewn with nith the wrecks of empires and 0 of f A lotions lie ile did ool not deny he h said thit thil tile lh acquisition of forella forc dpn territory hid had added to tile ali prosperity of 0 nations but history it tn in have been ulal it source of weakness cupidity brod oppression it piled paled up taxes it stirred up strife it shed human blood it was lias the nral first step alep toward berment let the nations of t the e old marld pursue this policy ot of aggrandizement diz ement to their he huir arth lH content lol IL a them saddle their people with debt equip armies and navies and alle shod ocean of blood let england boast if t bhe pleased leased ti that the sun fuu never set act upon her territory but lt let us ui remember that it never goes down dawn the atie misery her policy lips crentz her people pop lii arvo in india lt IA t wars and rumors of wars brinit bring anxiety to the faaleo acca of her lut but let the of her colo cf lonka aich broke vav from hor her domination onea bundled deais ago aeo and naab by pursuing thi the opposite policy has out lur her continue to at alsi on example to tie ih I 1 world while either ol hr sock ook dav far an atil 1 itta lt let us K gh our people enduring pence peace h b ith all i 1 ti last IUM no less 1 renowned bcd flail iutin it kv a in i in fit the luff infancy incy oc at aur ur rein rain the ih morning of our material matutat ma trtat do d lei W V will ill be b wie while to dabi d iop our maichler maich lew boutar the th of in terna I 1 reform isaich our on country antry rt do monda iliad at a field broad enough to e I 1 moot A pin it best efforts the purification 0 of tile the ballot tin tile CLU talling of the ond and trusts blitch alch plunder our people without stint the restriction of oc imick Kift xi llon allon the establishment nt of oc rt it fixed flied and labh of oc balue alu and tho the it forin fit 0 four our banking inva afford corla for us to to in let us u not be known and or ted iia as tile tho blustering bullies bullboy ot of tile hemisphere macan THAN WAR WAK our country Is all ali powerful the world concedes our sar nath while I 1 am pan phoud u d of t our navy continued mr air John attrition non impressively I 1 I 1 sometimes think that the powerful battleships wo we have built have bred feelings ot of ance arid and insolence InHo lenco it IN 1 not finoro true that it 11 haute treasury breeds public aubil plunder than a mell army and navy reality rashly leads to friction filc ilon and war il ifft 1 our L ament insure lather father t than ln provoke war N tile it may seem that these amien anaik ha are premature and that I 1 lave have taken too flint ali ni agalli a eilf all the forc lotic or of ioime it Is my purpose puri ione to sound the IA alum al au um on thit that the th house raid and the country may understand the clia lacter of nc tile proposition sillon pi in hi the senate mv aly informs inn I 1 fy that ihal t the he milt fall fah lit in the senate iut hit it will be b auppl allied by do a joint for the annexation of the hie Is irlandi landi I 1 do not doubt its IES passage by bv the senate und and thai albrat it will conic come here it the senate falls to lo to do Us HS italy duly let its u fresh from 1 the he people our high elsh t lluc 1 1 0 anti and send end to lo its doorn doom I 1 tiute to 41 od 1 it u mill ili not he be made a party ivaa uie I 1 with patriotism and deliberate c coun pla ue e mill reach a conclusion of t liv of oc this house and the country A and ad creca a for the hie future I 1 ac f we HO turn from this now nour and adhere adborg to tile the right twenty five yea years of peace and prosperity will vindicate our palo bothom and io ich ill bless our me demolles molles let us havo have the moral courage to sav tie no to it a policy which iii lead god alone knos i v here the which greeted erected the conclusion or of mr air johnsona speech mas one of the ilie greatest greate bt and most spontaneous in this congress Con cress alaby of the R republicans joined in it and tile the ralle gall ilos ciles which ocic etc crol crowded ded 94 9 KIVO 4 ve eai lonce of r q g gathered a t iti it I around the indiana mean member to 11 when h it lie took his seat and wainly congratulated him I 1 1 ARRAIGNED the rem remainder remaina aind 1 I of the lav dair was almost entirely consumed w ith political spee speeches hes mr myers dean dr m ind made a v viperous arraignment of gold mono and the republican twenty per cent of 0 the rooney money oc if the country coun try lie he said was now beld in tile tho hands of one three of I 1 pet per cent of tho the population 31 ill jones Fus fusionist lonIst wash delia of eich P I 1 a general speech in rega berard rd to ox isteni Istl tl ni ng conditions which aroused the tit to enthusiasm mr simpson pop poll kan izan 1 created sonic ome a amus amusement talent by some ot of his I 1 lather ather t unique ile he was shea speaking king of oc the tendency tf i the times to produce an millionaires on oil tho ie one hand and pauper on tile the other and was directing his ic marks especially at mr air walker vi buhion hen mr fr perkins rep la ia asked him if 1 lie would object to being a millionaire air I 1 1 I should not nol replied d mr simpson hamid amid laughter 1 I don t believe in playing tile ahe hypocrite but that I 1 am ain not net a millionaire la Is eNi evidence dence or of roy my illi als net I 1 nation to take advantage ol of my any feln me men sir mr rop MASS asa replied to in I 1 mr air simpson denouncing the other side tor rot its ila reiterated aspersions aspera lonai of 0 men 0 of wealth turning to the southern Snut hern members he declared impulsively that he had ghen to the cause of 0 education in the south more than llian all of them together had bad contributed flauie figuie it out it t said paid he with feeling and you 1 hlll ill find I 1 have riven given two dollars for or every one you have contributed I 1 am tired of this abuse I 1 stand here in the integrity of 0 an houet bouet hrin cst life I 1 have given alven away more than J T now possess Ios sess you have lave driven roe me to this statement inow now hang hanff your heads in shame beffie the debate began air cannon took the floor arid and made a general explanation n of tho the features of the bill 1111 while the bill was not extravagant mr r cannon said it was nas liberal in its ihsle ins for the ia service lie iio pointed out in detail the various barlou increases I 1 11 and reductions in ill the bill and the new provisions of law mr smith rep alich criticized criticised the provision in the bill creating an advisory board of nine commissioners to the paris exposition espos expos to serve alth without u con compensation sensation pensa tion lie he said it was disc discrimination riol 1 ra final against those acho anho now e al athy enough to serve serc without salary mr M r simpson pop kan suggested that if th the p r 0 violins vio lons stood As a recommended in e u mith special ln tereS would so go to palls pails amuse thom themselves selves and attain special cloty at 5 odoth the house adjoin nd TWO REGIMENTS senate passes the bill providing for them washington Washl neton feb SS 22 As soon as tiro the reading of fit th the hi historic faie ivell address of AV vas nials concluded by mr lodge of in ill the senate today mr I 1 law ley of connecticut chairman of if the th january if I 1 a AITI affairs ors con committee h bo ir i mit ec called up I 1 tile a bill 0 providing O diax for the of oc two additional ments ut of artillery for service in nian arting the heay defense ba alei tag alch congreso Congre sM soo lias has provided during ohp tn vears air ditto ofT of tc erane tel ted to the th bill because it feudel feuded to un increase voc of the arany to AN illch Illch hoi he said ile wits WAS unalterably opposed lie ile thought that there N ere enough to aloas nl tay under tinder to nian till fill the guns now low be b ing broat provided aided for by alii jover mcm alo argued thit that it would be better to as ulen ign infantry regiments to IA the man mail of these there guns than to put plat them in hi L harge of mw law recruits in reply mr 11 II awley pointed ut lit that thai he strength of at the no aimy my realia airi d ri casing in proportion to the ih inhabitants inn ot if the country in addition ile ho frold angress tn gress had made large appio PINt Ions lit in berent years arara for great puno guns for forat und const of 0 these gunk euna bic runs guns oc it birto tall tali her and deli delicate cute m to these muni lie addad 22 lined filled steel mortars niort ara al heady placed or soon to be placed in iho COHL creio L defenso defense stations lons in order 1110 eliat 1 theme guns guna may b be properly iro perly bandl d I 1 EL a body of 0 trained 1 is itte seary As much skill Is required to handle bundle thebe guns en as it requires to run ran it a or un ail old ordinary inary river ai the WHO war department edtl i in itea that thai th the a sixteen hundred men ahli 1011 lo li 11 this bill cill for v aili be decem fallry eary to pio properly perly man inon these ethehe gunt eum nit mr C cockrell c carell of souil said he was a s opposed ty ol an Inci caso case in the y or nr cavalry arrangements or of the service but in this case the country was confronted toy by a serious condition lie ile lea ica P ida al I 1 U t Us aa celesa ry that the batutis provided by the government should be pio pealy cured for and manned por for that reason lie he lind had consented as a member inin bor of oc the com commit mILICO tco to have I 1 hie b a 1111 favorably repeated the bill aa na then passed 52 to I 1 1 the negative copat I 1 VP votes avre M |