Show 1 4 it L oregon short line az C utah northern unit wy way tit in tho the circuit court of mhd united states for tue elie district of nehl oliver annei allies vill it sd at it al vs a the union I 1 nam railway company pt ft ul al dr de heinl tilt hits s order of I 1 adon poll leading alis I petition of S it 11 if dark clark wiver W V idin mink it M 1 ally andreon and rHon john V donne donna and ai I 1 K Cout coudert lort as s lec elvers of tho the oregon short line I 1 vinh Not northern thern hallway company for a final filial settle of urn tilt account of raid paid slid mid for art an order for thi film disposition of the pio properly perly und ails 1 or of tho ther funds bud ami alln of the iho p orty ot of thov oregon choit t lintl ax duji a 1 I northam cauway their bands in ill this ihla cuti cm it IL ai 1 g lit r by i ordered that thai nil all milo v tio have or i claim any una Inter lute cut in or lien tilso i uny any of at such fund or pari perty us 0 cre of i the said ra or aa w of such sach railway atto atin OP uny oily other way wa i file fila verin campag fil at of the ati natures nates of accrual and amounts of their I sportive with alth william D cor nasli master at Orna omalia tirs lit in thi the stat beato a of aska on or brodko shot flint first day dav of f jul july A D 18 auto and that thai if any adv of them full to do no BO they anti each of them so ta illing shull shall IH ho barred front sli aring in tile the lirrie lits of ITIC of f tile cionci H und 3 of ito ilio property J of the ils said nellav thit that now ilow are or hereafter shall ba lit li tile ino hanast of sald ald aerel pro lit in this t raso aae any ali patty to this burl alt and any patta boyf ilem lils duani lit in mit alth may art answer lo 10 lh chinai of aliv 11 i hereunder wall kiil master castr within thirty dals bals adur zuly i 1 ly and may contest tire tin sain harno al all chol collind fins or binon sheps funds fir arft ol to aahl gatial Siy lal master who mill hear them lepni and report TW lie ii ninnia juilly ing theron mild and tire order in juh NY I 1 it t they h ey tire aro lawfully luv lAw dilly tully eat cheul al tl to pal pa imal this order dball be b published fo once in each ch week for favor aye week a it in the suli suit lake tribune pub lilied tit nt silt salt lake tho elie illif 1101 idt tuv published at r colao 01 city ida lt lot a copy of this oded b be served wil wilh it in dut from thin ditl arpon tilt hv olegon short shoil line ihn I hn utah N 01 RAH av company tho tha union anion baelli liall hafl way compass rompu n the th american loin loan und trust cum comparin pariN im an trustee PC tilt litt hint of tire iho idaho central railway roi iphron na n trust of the or kan S hol I 1 ja J alno 1 0 ion olal itra iu tee of tire hie uteri A northern comp companas anys condoll if 1 ja as a trubee of at tho the utah itah It allway coni com laust li mosig moi agac aize of april 1 no na kruste iri inte of the th orann recall bhurl line ilal Nor thein M n collika col liKi tl trust Inden tars or of Selin oin bop r 2 W upon john P e illion ud find cyrus cyrna J lt livi ketive I 1 I 1 sateen of th firt niort guge of elio strait line 3 hii atoll and 01 oliver iter ant alrh of the hie utah northern North vrn hallway first m ort guitte tinted J jelv we 1 oliver er allies a nd to 2 in in F I 1 acklam A 1 tr t usters of i iio so utah celormy company mail game ol of january Ju inary 1 ice imir NL iino bud arid oliver alaba trusts teg of the ajah railroad lit annl BI niort meet rage of july 1 find and a oa tru arn of tit faso his 0 via f I 1 southern soul born of oc july 1 atts the oregon OM SUII jano railroad samuel varr tarr ahli lan of tho the committee of the th oregon short line lin utah Nor theril ballway company km elio h uc of thee parties may mav file to as tho the ik altton on which this order 1 banked eacle on oil or loot baom forn tile ffrost silly 0 of f april latt total lite hi pet petition it ion ors majy LT preto on oil or before ili I 1 he wilt lii day of I 1 abill avit id all ait tile tho hr bv tile 1 tic petition and van vvera not herh her h hi 1 liepo ped ut of tire referral lo 10 fluid special 1111 M alnar cpr i it OHN i judge civitell li imblum IM olum 14 aks apts i |