Show ACCUSED OF TREASON cuban secretary of the interior under a cloud SPLIT IN CUBAN MINISTRY gloomy tonn tenet pervades political circles in madrid impartial cial prints it a facsimile fac simile letter from senor govin to a friend el correa conea espana bitter in ia comment Chmir charging ging that gorvin Is a traitor to his country official press however coun bols prudence and Conil confidence denCe I 1 madrid peb feb 22 A gloomy ton pervades poll ical circles on the reports of a split in the cuban ministry the autonomists senor giberga and senor amblard art are it Is believed secretly treating in the direction 0 of In deperi cac for cuba senor oln the cuban Secre ot of the interior la 14 accused of treason by the impartial cial which publishes a rac fac ramile of if a letter from senor S enor collin to a friend in which iilah Ii leh the roamer says bays now flow could you think that sagasta sagas t a a man an inferior to canovas and liberal only in name has inspired my attitude and not my ideas and sentiments as a cuban mckinley as well as cuba will whether I 1 am n spaniard long loner liv me our country and liberty the impartial cial adds that it predicted aleak n weak ministry in ili cuba and warned senor morel tho ilia spanish colonial alln lister of what nhat vas mas likely to be tho the outcome of his autonomy scheme el pars says spain should treat with the rebels direct rather than to tolerate the traitor govin ki EI correa corra lapana espana asks how will mill senor moret patron of and senor sagata Sa easta the patron of both moret morel and govin stand nv now that govin Is a traitor to its his country whoever supports a traitor Is likewise a traitor the official pi ess on the other hand counsels prudence and confidence in the patriotism of the cubans CARNIVAL IN HAVANA display not so great vis ns in fornier former years havana feb 22 this was the last day oc the carnival and tho city la is nay gay as far as the prado prad and principal streets are conceited conce ined but the display Is not su so gleat as lit in former years tor for many tire are in mourning anti and others are poor or feel so of mer ry makers however in cair catri lages agos and on foot there was mas no great lack and tho the city in gala mood intend was well worth seeing police mounted and on in foot went the crowds but they served to have hano little to lo do beyond moving about the marquis do df apezteguia leader leade r C of f tile tho spanish conservatives in C cuba uba dispatches of condolence today front from united states Min leter Wood woodford foid oen gen and others on the sudden death of the ohp marquise Marq A who hn was formella for meily melly miss ellen vincent of new york tork and who was beloved here for her amiability and character VISITED THE VIZCAYA VINAYA admiral bunco and spanish con consul sul call on capt eulate new york rub rb 22 2 the spanish crul cruiser or alzi aya received attell lion today than at any time since she hopped d I 1 anchor off tom tile tito tho tact fact that the day was ft a holiday attracted thousands thou sandi who he tried to take a look at thi much worship P a it was an utter impossibility to set get a eight of the vizcaya aya from the shore sh re during ilia forenoon on account 0 of the heavy hen y toe fog only the aarnink whistles of the guard save gaie an indication of her poil posit lioi ilion I 1 it was as to be a busy day for the ilia oni core cers and crew however ua the anniversary of birthday aas as to lie bt observed d in tho the varno manner as on board the ships of oc our mir own olin navy at eight bells lit in tile the mori ling tile tho spanish vessel creased whip lit in herfor of birthday and the expected gnosis she had what la ili known Us as tho lb brows im of t L hiu fine of peni tants running from the jack staff forward over or the fr fore and main trucks dott dom in to the an ex tia size si amk vian am flown A Span lih rn on sign graack the tore fore truck kt at the tha main flew the stars and S SI while iho he the roval spanish mian dard ELL at the etem admiral duntze accompanied by him personal pera onal commander r p P gilman and flak libut ward approached pro ached ched the Vim coya at it 11 fiock on tile the commandants launch undine II 11 in approach ens heralded he ralpd by seventeen guns from the cruiser crul scra 4 decks the band played tile spangled Spans leil hanner and the ships colors vele dipped admiral bunce wax was taken to capt eulater Eu lates latos cabin and courtesies were more exchanged for fifteen nan en minutes then the party luft litt li tt at noon fiction the tha crul cruisers sert batteries again claimed boomed b with A national salute of t awen oil tyone ty one guns guna in III honor of the catl nations ore 5 lin liday soon afterward consul gen tot ral armulf laid Kald baldasano asano ivy hy his soft BOH and a detective a arrived rived the consul general and party parly arrived at T ol 01 kllc by tir truan ain and one on of the V Vl CAya a launches was at tho dock to convey them on board the th consul general wim man in hla his uniform and it attracted much attention alu allon on the streeta tB and drew draw a crowd of small boys behind behin 0 1 him they jeered and hooted him ws hj hii approached approach wl the th dock the spanish boffl clat was visibly annoyed hut but said paid nothing THIS FROM washington this accompanied by bv sacre tarv porter returned to lent last eye or the benale senale yesterday confirmed the ui n lot of 0 W an x ter er ul at santa bara cl cal 1 hato been taken rl n fur for t 4 0 of f a nt in livishin akton to the memory of the and nio file of oc tile annly and navy 1 ho 10 0 served during ith cv the 1 I nur or thu Pur pona into in to ralso by poplar gen gordon very ill III toledo 0 0 feb fb sow S 1 ow 2 3 B 33 gordon the ex ec confederate officer is lying seriously louv ill at port fort hunter today val vata lra are LQ la tha iha gac t t thit I 1 lio I 1 0 ill rz AZZ J |