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Show I Phone To 723-34- f 7 BOX ELDER JOURNAL, Brigham City, Utah Thursday, December 16, 1976 Garland Gazette Place Your President James White released as stake leader i by Flo Mwuoa IlflttlflmWMIMOTMWnMUl Two-acr- e WANTED buildCall site. Nek Johnson ing 5 after 5:00. collect, WHY . PAY RENT? Real Estate is a good investment. Call Keith N. Bradbury. 723-S- I 95 for your new home. Wm. Packer Inc. 86 So. Main. 722-272- ; 723-526- SAVE REAL ESTATE FEES -T- hree bedroom home 1. baths, basement, in Per- partly finished ry. FOR SALE BY OWNER Four level home in Brigham City. Fully carpeted and sprinkling air cooler, p.m. D-- 6-- 1 draped, four bedrooms, 1 D-- FOR SALE property 6-- Still have some Mantua. in 723-556- fini- shed family room with fireplace, built-i- n appliances and disposal, garbage swamp cooler, automatic water soft-ne- r and assorted fruit freest 816 N. Medoland. 5'A FHA will sell for VA mortage appraisal of $46,750. Call 7 for appointment. TWO BEDROOM HOME Close in, low down, owner will carry contract. Wheeler 1 1 Realty 723-588- 1. 9, 5. D-- 1 723-679- FOR SALE BY OWNER brick home in Southwest ' Brigham. Over t ,300 square feet, three bedrooms, 3i bath, doubje garage, ' swamp cooler, large playhouse-shed, fruit trees, grapes, garden plot, extra roof insulation, appraised $34,700. No 1 agents. 949 Englewood Lovely HOME FOR SALE Good East location. Nice three bedroom older home with base.. ment apartment. 1 1 723-5157- ' FOR SALE THRU ESTATE Two bedroom brick home, family room end two bedrooms finished in basement. Southeast location. Also 1973 4 door Chrysler New Yorker. Phone 723-756- D-- 6-- 1 1 723-815- Srlgham C Send gritty substantial 'doom ft absorbs Charcoal grills OWNER Immediate occupancy 4 bedroom walk out basement, 2 fireplaces, double garage. baths, Choice northeast location with view. 741 E. Medoland. s. Priced Phone 1 mid-fortie- conditioner Refrigerator absorbs odors furnace liners animal floor liners asphalt binder roofing. Ogden 393-046- 2. -- t S. Ccrtwi p -- Angela Bowcutt stayed at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowcutt while her mother was in the hospital. Friday the grandparents and Angela visited Mrs. Sherrie Bowcutt in the hospital and saw the new baby. The Stage Coach Camp of DUP met at the Senior Center Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ruth Rampton as hostess. It was their annual Christmas party and a lovely planned dinner was furnished by the family, . Glade Timothy is receiving medical care in the Bear River Valley hospital in Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Godfrey spent Sunday at the ed. Hardware Ranch visiting Mrs. Mark and Gail Hall Jensen Jr. of Collinston announce the arrival of a baby girl born in the Logan hospital Dec. 3. They have two boys and two girls at home. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hall of Thompson's brother and sister-in-laMr. and Mr4. Hal Wood and family. Nephi Westergard returned home Saturday after undergoing major surgery in the McKay hospital in Ogden. He is reported to be recovering nicely. , Garland and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen Sr. of Collinston. Mrs. Clara Capener of Brigham City is the See Films Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ashby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Anderson and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bair and family of Clinton spent an evening during the week with Mrs. Ashby's mother Mrs. Eunice Ravsten in Logan where they enjoyed seeing the films she had taken while on her recent visit in the Holy Lands. Spending Monday visiting Mr. In Jerome Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Drake have been spending the past week in Jerome visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eric Drake. Tuesday Mrs. Hazel Rose visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jess Buttars in Logan. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bishop accompanied by Mrs. Phyllis Holmgren of Bear River City attended the viewing of Mrs. Bishops aunt Mrs. Laura Shumway held in the Cranney Mortuary in Logan. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bishop accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Shumway attended funeral services for Mrs. Sumway held in the Logan Second ward chapel. Burial took place in the Logan City cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Price of Ogden visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rogers Saturday. Mrs. La Von Rose and family of Brigham City visited Mrs. Hazel Rose Friday. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burns in the death of their daughter Mrs. Linda Hill of Brigham City. Funeral services were conducted Monday in the Brigham City 21st ward chapel. Burial took place in the Fielding wdr in, Ask your nrchlts y !. t S' H T $ Ip 0 lhUt.,1 JL This 3 bdrm cutle has hug garden spot, fruit treas. lots of irrigation water and much more. Drive by 555 N. 4 E. then call us. Price Only $26,400. r ; V r f r r 3 bl s3 Two bdrm frame home in Corinne. Price reduced to $18,3j)vMurry this one won't last. ' lM fl - il . , . ' , WOODWORTH CALL DOROTHY rK fiy6? RoclCy 580 N. Main Brigham CIty. UL kfej. o. 734-966- 6 i:mm pudb.cs AREA OC2 PLAt:j DISTRICT STATE TRAHSPCRTATt;: ff Utah Elks association on 3"66half dT the BttieVoltfrit And Protective Order of Elks and Elks Lodge No. 2208 of Brigham City, has announced the 197778-Mos- t Valuable Student contest. The funds in this contest are derived from the Elks National Foundation trust fund. This trust fund was established in 1928 by a 8100,000 gift to the. national foundation. Since then, largely through donations by Elks members, the fund has grown to $27 million. This year, the Elks will distribute $776,900.00 in scholarships nationally, the largest amount ever. Utah, in 1977-7- 8 will receive a minimum of $7,100 in scholarships from this fund. ' In addition, the Utah Elks association will award $4,000 more in scholarships within the ' state. Each lodge in the state generally awards lesser amounts to winners who have participated from high schools within its area of jurisdiction, according to Joel Galbraith, local exalted ruler. Contest application.forms will be distributed to high school counselors in December. The iiO., ICACS i ' muNmwn in planning future transportation improvements. A meeting has been scheduled to give you an opportunity to provide 29 East 7th South NICK TOPIK Broker Philip Thom, Sales Assoc. 723-349723-237- . UMA Input. This will assist transportation officials In planning needed transportation projects in your area. wood."- - affairs. Financial need is also taken into extra-curricul- ar 7 1977. High school seniors wishing to con- - , , j Thursday, Dacambor 16, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in th Box Eldor High School, Choral Room, 380 South 6th West, Brigham City. $4.99 38 Misc. gp Mr. Property Owner, a special Season ogroo that professional Mtssagt to you. Don't you service pays dividends In the long run. Western Hills Realty sells 90 of ell our listings and this is the ((01011 we ore among the top volume Real Estate leaders in Northern Utah, simply because we work a little harder. Find out about our unique guaranteed Sales and Buy Back Program. We have faith in you and the local economy to continue and prosper. Our goal is to upgrade our service for each individual family orangement. CORRUGATED FtSEROLAES Peneis PANELS First Orede VnluM tn 8v.ee Simuiotad Waadgroin on louau Plywood Thinking of buying or selling cHomss ix4xS Hi4 ES.49 16.38 PO ' Y GALVANIZED ALUM. ROOFING '..$7.58 4fW9 89 48 wrote evi-o- tl. ...111.88 $18.28 Woie $18.18 evrni' In 21 --Ft. Lengths :Htft. 49c ft. rti Sic ft. :.62cft. Wutv w8r 8Sft ,$19.99 MU4 ALUMINUM BUCK SLICING WINDOWS WHIT! CROSS 16 left iRiphunq I rtyM c mo lltity lyoottdl Com $9.95 V9o $26.51 5 19S $27.14 )ft.M $16 95 $27.95 S1S 95 539.20 in.vt "..... $39.95 We buy equities and take trades. AH nstwoxH ivs cun . . . CALL CHADWICK'S ox ijoux fixofisxtij mots fsL css in fsss tints than uiuons sfss. fssofss u 10-roo- m brick on Boochor one floor B - faaturas. finished many t4ft.3 14-- ft. $1.49 59c ft 4 Grape Stakes 1 Mochino Jp' JVt" wldth,4 ft 15c Rough Codar ft... $3.49 ea. 3 ............. $1.64 4.4s SW $1.76 CHAIN LINK 6Vh..... ST Heavy Go. 1.33 nearly $2.04 $2.18 $2.70 7 $18.95 S'xSO'mtl roll... $21.95 3Yk50' $14.95 exSO roll FIELD FENCE 20 Rod Roll American Made rn with fireplace, new garage,' fenced well kept back yard. Call 113-- 45c M. 4 Sir plus room 1134 ft.... 4 8' Naarly family 55c 25c 14-- 4 ft. Clean attractiva 3 bedroom split level home in NE Brigham with endup Rough Codar Combed Cedar Dog Ur) 3 tt. 35( Oropo Stab ov ) full Unit. Only 15l Rocky Codar finished, full basement. $45,000. City 1.99 Sixes SEASON CLOSEOUT ON FENCING to 26 39 Chadwicks. S'xSR roll exSO roll $3'5 136.9$ BARBED WIRE $35.99 $49.70 1 2Vi go. 80 Rod l loll lTW PRICES SUBJECT TO CURRENT STOCK 6 ACRES IN NORTH WlUARD FOR SALE ROOFING . I. AUTHORIZED DEALER 34" tO 1 XV, .$4.13 .$S.20 .$6.23 '34''.. Dependable Service from an 2'34" alvaniiod Stool 30 go. Corrugated or Potto (14 1434" 1434" $7.30 58 55 ptainitoH mm mt AT WSCOUNT PtCU 9PSCIAI ON fUU UHTflOT & AUITMUSU8JKT TOPMOCSAU CHRIS & DICK'S UN WAU OMN Cordially, 7Ari $4-6- 9 99-n- t4 MatM, Charles E. Ward, Commissioner Utah Trasnportation Commission tt99 is-o- te INTERIORS OH Utahs transportation future. Come and share your views with us. j $.il .:... 9r AN OAMAOCD DOOtt I Transportation concerns everyone Make in involved become it your business to - random width. i I2h, lngth 5 par running tool 1 M.C9 u par-pie- rs maUdem-w- 10 mtitii UOmW t The meeting scheduled for the Bear River Planning Association of Governments District which includes the counties of Box Elder, Cache and Rich will be held: (Mi CUCCT Avonue with a family room, two firaplacos, a irrgation wator nicoly landscaped yard. Over 1300 sq. ft. on uMk $8.49 wood groin'' on (nownMo bock WeBBftm CU3STKUT NOW. . Ytsf Didpi N. (tmUmm. FlnmriMMt Plywood CABINIT BIRCH lit Grad, timulatod 03.49 2? Tremendous opportunity for Gentlemen Almost brand new Bi level, 40 acres with Water rights to raise livestock In beautiful Park Valley, far away from city noise and confusion Only 40.750, assume 33,500 8 Gl loan. Hurry, make Offer. 3. First time offered, 10 acres, No. Corinne 18,000 easy down payment, assume contract. Custom Built te I la--on iwemdo leOmdn. WfRI i ew'jse'k IRON in W. on 3Mi4i9 7 5m, i I account. ' A total of 1051 scholarships, ranging from $600 to $3,000, will be awarded by the national foundation alone. An untold number will additionally be awarded by state associations and lodges across the nation. Contest judging will be com- pleted in Utah by March 12, 1977, and nationally by May 1, -- . .. boauty WELDING BAER OWMAMCNTALMOM MttU $3.99 723-750- 8 Spacious 3 SISlis...., IAUAN Real Wood Veneer 1st Grode siavitn cy Quality ORNAMENTAL Winter coming on Protect your-te8 beautify your homo with ornamental Iron on your top or porch from FOREST HICKORY Ailmulotod woodgrolnon o louan plywood. CALIFORNIA rciUTY rc&KOAL v The Utah Transportation Commission is actively seeking greater public involvement 09.49 end QuentBy In She MMMhim IrifkMI - mbMIbbi CatnrneNeils AND INSURANCE The contest is open to high school seniors of high academic , ability, active in school And counselors in December or tact the Elks lodge. e - t3ASt iy4oi rrrnwIWB MO- fWlkllH, . wittnHili w Mutm m mi mm. OmI hmm yw hw Mnk wUwt M wd M $199 VlfcrtoTVk maos v 1LS nGALTV I'JQSTEQC completed applications must be tivitieJ returned to the youth chairman or secretary of the! Elks lodge no later than Feb. 10, 3 participate should contact their VHCU40 tOGrado. Simulalod evsa se Above Average Buy lovely neighbors, close to school, Playground, Church and uptown shopping, Rambler, TVs eye appealing, spacious 3 bedroom Price reduced double bath, well insulated, garage, 913 Wild-- . minded for terms Buyers, budget reasy 1977. . jt EC3T3AC3 SXCCD3 plalt::::j nsTn: 3 valuable Roll show ytu how ts ds K yourssH i andsavtiMnty iti4zB award scholarships - The if, VOM IUTQ3 Waodgram on louon w Elks announce to hr. HOUSE ' raftcsii YEARS END SPECIALS: miwr. J ' anniversary. Friday evening Mrs. Louise Harper, Mrs. Mildred Smith, Miss Delerie Hess and Miss Kai Nlshlguchi attended a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lloyd in Salt Lake City for all members who recently were on the leisure tour to the Hill Cumorah paattended. geant. Thirty-tw- o Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and family of Brigham City visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marriott Saturday. Sunday Mrs. Louise Harper entertained at a dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. Don Harper and family. The occasion was Elder Tom Harper will be leaving for an LDS mission in New Zealand Jan. 8. A testimonial honoring him prior to his leaving will be held Dec., 22 in the Garland First ward chapel at 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Jennie Gephart accompanied by Lesa, Robyn and Marc Gephart of Tremonton visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gephart and family in Bountiful Sunday afternoon. Overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Hall' Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Longhurst of Rexburg. Mrs. Hazel Rose and Mrs. Winona Ballard attended funeral services for Linda Hill held in the Brigham City 21st ward Monday. and Mrs. Ervin Jensen was their daughter Mrs. Beva Lynn Archibald of Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marriott spent Friday afternoon in Ogden visiting Arthur's sister Mrs. Virginia Nowland. In the evening they enjoyed dinner with their son and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. Karl Marriott and family. The occasion was Wendy Marriotts eighth birthday 734-938- 1 Os SrtftMm CHy taml H City. cemetery. Miss Vergalee Anderson of Salt Lake City spent the weekend visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leedrow Anderson and Jensen Rocky Say s: I Baby Girl Randy and Sherrie Petersen Bowcutt of Logan are happy over the arrival of a baby girl born Dec. 8 in the Logan hospital. They have a small daughter Angela at home. The new baby will be named Valerie Bowcutt. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowcutt of Garland and Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen of Salt Lake 3. BY garaga floors S Driveways, garbage pail Hoars, traction sand ice 1 snow mulch soil Sincere appreciation goes to President James White who has served in the Garland Stake .Presidency for the past 19 years, nine of those years serving as the president. He was released at the Garland stake conference Sunday morning and sustained as a partriarch in the Garland Utah stake. Knowing of the outstanding service President White has performed in the past we know he will do equally as well in his new assignment and we offer our sincere congratulations. We also are appreciative of the service Bishop Claine Archibald who has been serving as bishop of the Garland Second ward has rendered. He has been sustained as a counselor in the Garland Utah Stake presidency, along with Clive Garn of Fielding as President and Mark Jensen Jr. of Collinston as a counselor. Congratulations are extended to these fine young men in their assignments. executive officers. Mrs. Helen Marriott gave a lesson, The Unpublished Pioneer Stories." Gifts were exchanged. The Garland Bridge club met with Mrs. Fern Huish as hostess Thursday afternoon. A luncheon was served. Prizes in bridge went to Mrs. LaVana Carter, Mrs. NaVelle Rhodes and Mrs. Lena Hall. Gifts were exchang- 35 T, imChaMek Eric Ericsss Of 723-537- 2 AllO 7234472 PANItffM KINOS" CtwM 10 TCaU a.m. tn (mm p.m. rn-m- t 1553 Wait 3300 South (I Nodt Catt at hodwood) OPtN SUNDAYS 10 . m. to 3p. m. :SfelIJ.AKFjCl |