Show Explains Ho How Enlarged Veins Can Be Reduced I Often OUrn Tunes Times Tl cs Veins Burst and Cease Much andlA Expense and lA Loc of ot A Many people have bave become cIa ds because they have bave been led to believe bellee belle e that there Is Ia no remedy that will reduce and bunches It If you Ill 11 get a two-ounce two original original nal nat bottle of ot Moone s a Em Emerald OIl strength at any first class drw druc store and apply It at home h as directed you will quickly notIce an Improvement 1 which wilt will con con- continue con continue until the voIn veins and bunches are reduced to normal nermal Moones Moone's Emerald Oil Is very ten ery con con- concentrated concentrated con concentrated and a bottle lasts laats a long locI that clime a hT th v hy It Is a most In- In Inexpensive In Inexpensive expensive treatment It has much comfort to worried people alt all allover oter o the country and find is one of the tho wonderful discoveries o of recent ears and always bear In mind that anyone who Is disappointed with 1101 it use can have hate their money refund refund- refunded refunded ed Cd A A R It McIntyre Drug Stores ill atil supply you Mall Mail lall orders ac BC accepted Advertisement t y yu Vou u wouldn't gp go marketing But that's not a bit worse than buy buying ing canned foods without specifying the brand I The label on the can means every everything thing to tb you Its It's your identification of the quality inside You may always be sure of the uni form uni form goodness and fine flavor of your canned food products if you are car care careful ful to buy them under the guarantee of the well known DEL MONTE label Leading Lean C Grocers I I Ii i V h ri I f I H r H 21 u CANNING SEASON Thrifty housewives who would save eave on their canning supplies will wI find much In common at We price sell the strong shoulder Mason Muon Jars and nearly all other canning supplies at a remarkably low placing Since na the tho so pInt many Mason Mn people A J jars I- I are ara now using usinI the i small Jars Jara u for i preserving j a-j i and e making Jellies we ar are rs among our unusual values all day Saturday Dont Don't fall to supply your entire needs need at this saving price prica yourI I I I II UNUSUAL BARGAINS ALL DAY SATURDAY STRONG SHOULDER PINT MASON JAR JARS Dozen 75 75 FINE PRESERVING SUGAR 10 lbs Ibs 98 FINE QUALITY JAR RUBBERS white or red red 1 dozen for 55 MASON JARS BUTTER SliTTER PORI PORK AND BEANS The strong shoulder kind Skaggs famous Small sizes first grade Pierces Pierce's Quart dozen Jars Jare HC butter Is fresh dally daily at every Medium 3 for size iz 25 C I One halt Gallon Jars M store sore t 2 Pierces Pierce's 25 I for 1 or C dozen dozea PIt 31 i 1 b bl hi I Skaggs Brand Al A Large size I Mason or Economy Caps 27 Butter 43 iOL iC C 2 z for Pierces Pierce's 45 C dozen C tg Parow 2 Ib lbs Ibs ax tJ 2 Butter Dutter lbs Iba 85 OC C Medium S- S Ss Deans s Heinz Kidney KIdney 19 C Large size aize Heinz BREAD Baked Deans Beans 29 C SALAD DRESSING Small g size alze Heinz y Premier Salad 37 Fresh twice dally daily Baked Beans Deans 2 for 25 C Dressing p J I C Butter Dutter Nut i n Medium Yacht Club Dread Bread luC 10 lOc C CLARD LARD 35 Dressing g J Maid C Maid American Pure white hite In palls pails Wrights Wright's s Supreme 37 7 C large i loaves i s 2 for or 25 n or Sp C 10 lb Ib pall t i Mayonnaise Lard 1 59 i CHEESE BECCO Pure Pure QC-Pure 6 5 Ib lb pall pail Lard 85 C I Full Cream Mild Cheese 3 largo large CA r 2 lb pall pal best Quality Ib lb bottles 30 Pure Lard 35 CI I IN N OUR OU MARKETS MARKE TS 1 UNUSUAL BARGAINS UNTIL NOON SATURDAY LEAN SHOULDER PORK ROAST lb Ib 13 12 CHOICE BEEF POT ROAST BOAST lb Ib 10 io PORK ALL-PORK LINK SAUSAGE lb Ib IS 15 is Shop In our You will find the service savIng and good quality moats meata meat very vel ver I I SOME SAVING MEAT MEA PRICES PORK ROASTS BOILING BEEF BEEF LAMB LEGS I Ch lb Ib Iba Choice a I ce L Loin 0 I n 2 OPIate C lb ib Plate Doll Boll 8 C On C lb Ib Choice Lamb 30 OA C Brisket Doll Boll c lb 5 C PORK CHOPS VEAL ROASTS Small Loin lb Ib no VEAL tOPS CHOP Shoulder Boast Roast 20 n C lb Ib lb OC Loin and Rib Kib Shoulder Chops 17 lb 25 C Ib Rump Hump and Loin 23 no C Ib lb 17 11 C Shoulder Chops Ib lb 22 lv C CHOICE STEAKS DEEF BEEF ROAST Round and end Sirloin n nIb Ib LAMB CHOPS lb 23 C Prime Rib Rolled Loin and RIb lb lb 30 MC C CHOICE STEAKS Choice Rump Roast Roast 1 0 Shoulder Chop Chop 00 Bone T-Bone and ShortCut Short Cut lb 20 C lb 28 ZOC C lb TEN BUSY OGDEN STORES AND MARKETS STO R STORES ES MARK MARKETS era No 4 No h 24 II 6 C and 2564 64 Grant Wash I and No 1 Grant No Ne 8 2276 2275 Wash No 3 2364 Wash No 10 NO 6 8 2564 25 4 Wash Wah 2364 Wash No 7 2275 Wul Wash No 60 50 35 No 33 24 11 V to o io r c y tr ii l See You Says Sm t 2303 Y Washington Avenue SPECIALS FOR JULY LADIES and MENS MEN'S HECHT r HECHT BUCK BOOTS TOPS LADIES inch 15 LADIES 15 Inch i LADIES Inch 15 Inch f 1 I TOPS HI-TOPS Buck Buck Hecht Hacht Hach 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a D Deach each a ton ohn 1525 25 LADIES WEAR MENS MEN'S WEAR LADIES LADlES LADIES Mens Mena Men Khaki Mens Men's LADIES KHAKI Coat KHAKI each shirts each KNICKERS RS PaIr HATS each J up from LADIES LADIES Mens Men's Khaki Breeches KHAKI COTTON SPORT Double Seat Mens Men's Khaki SHIRTS P PaIr a I r Pants pair SHIRTS each h SWEATER FOR THE HIKER U S Army Armyl U S Army Armyl CanteenS Canteen U S s- s Army Pup Tent and Cover Knap Sack I IDI new DI I Boys KhakI I 5 Breeches all Boys Khaki J sizes pair I ShIrts all size each C b I I IS Mens Men's LEATHER PUTTEES V II Cordovan Askew I ASKEW Es CordovanI Strap or I double bot bet I j Best But Grade torn tom 6 Spring pring St Style y ye I Itom el elor Spring or oror or strap strap Style It pair I style pair pall I Pair Cl I I II HU cr laborers Wanted FOR STREET WORK Apply on Job Thirty-first Thirty Street and Adams Avenue Second Street and Washington Avenue Fourth Street and Washington Avenue Seventh Street and Wall A Avenue venue I- I Phone 53 UNION CONSTRUCTION CO CO Alhambra Theatre Building Ogden Utah |