Show INSULIN NOT I DIABETES CURE CARE Only Relieves Disease Hopkins Professor Cautions BALTIMORE Jul July 20 By Dy 11 l lie hc Associated Press Insulin the new remedy for tor diabetes Is Inot I Ithe not to be considered in any sense as a cure for that disease and It itis ItIs lis is not of ot such uch nature as to ob obi ob oblate late the necessity of careful diet for all persons undergoing the called so-called so Insulin treatment These state state- statements statements statements ments are made by Dr William S McC McCann nn associate professor In Johns Hopkins Medical school schoot and associate physician of Johns Hop Hop- kin Hop tins hospital under whose hose care it- it ite ere acre e e cases of diabetes are ar being gisen en the Insulin treatment at the hospital Dr lr McCann J say says Insulin Is not a a cure It la III e er In tn our experience a 8 specific remedy for tor diabetes which ha hag already alread already saved many Ih lines es and has l alle alleviated ted much sufferIng sufferIng- from Irom the disease e Its effects effect are alt only leasing lea the tho fun tun- fun fundamental condition of or the disease unchanged The disco of Insulin In- In In Insulin sulin Dr Ranting Banting has always as been sery er careful not to make the claim that Insulin cures cure diabetes The Th manufacturers Eli Lilly Co In ad matter on insulin I ar are likewise Ie careful not to make this claim Never be- be betOI before bc fore tOI c has II a great medical discovery I been pl en gh en to the world orld with morn more unselfishness on the part of Its It au- au author author au author thor or by more ethical I manufacturers I The most that can be said I for Insulin is that It Is I a specific I Tamed medi for lor diabetes which shish re- re reI restores re restores stores the metabolism to normal I I as long lont as us the th treatment is con con- continued con continued I 1 In some omo cases the tho bene- bene bene beneficial effects may continue for tor a short period after discontinuing the treatment Sooner Sooner or later Inter the I patients alt always return to the con con- con Preceding the treatment un- un unless un unless less It is resumed con MOST CONTROL coN CO DIET A great creat deal of ot harm can arise from careless statements In the press to the th effect that diet can be neglected during Insulin treatment The publications of or all the men who has ha hue hae o e subjected Insulin to eci- eci study emphasize emphasise the th tact fact that accurate control of the diet Is Ismore ismore Ismore more necessary with Insulin than ut it The The Th reason for this thi Is two fold foid A gisen gli gh en dose doto of or insulin sill cause the tho proper utilization of ofa ofa ofa a fairly definite amount of food It more food is taken than the dose dObe of or Insulin provides provide for the patient will sill hale ha ha sugar In the urIne again so 50 that some o the thel l I good effects ot of the treatment will ha hate hae e been nullified On the other hand an o erdos l of ot Insulin may kill the patient by reducing the sugar BU of the blood below that which Is I necessary for life This means that the diet of the must be measured no so as to Insure that thol there e will be the right amount or of food taken to balance the dose I ot of Insulin gh then glen en The patient who takes Insulin Is I given riven a liberal I diet but the tho diet must be b accurately accurately measured and the patient must mut take all that Is I prescribed On EN L tN MILD MILU rORaI PORM Estimates of ot the tho number of or sufferers from diabetes nary aT art from Irom halt half a million to a million In Amer- Amer Amer id t Many of these people have havethe havethe havethe the disease In a very mild form torm so o that It is b l detected accidentally to tn life Insurance Such people may go o for tor ears care car be b tore tore fore serious consequences of ot the tho th disease I become apparent Others hale ha a mild form which responds 1 readily to sery ery moderate reduction of the diet These Thes people do not need Insulin unless units It be at times when It Is I necessary to tide them oser o emergencies such as ax surgical operations Infectious diseases eta ete Prom 75 7 to 90 0 per cent of or all cases of dIabetes e can cin n be controlled satis satis- satis satisfactorily satisfactorily by proper dieting with with- without with without j out Impairing the effi efficiency and without undue suffer Butter ButterIng suffering Ing from restriction of blood For Forthe I Ithe the tn ton to 20 per cent who have havethe the tho disease In a more severe Bevere tome form I Insulin Is la a It Godsend but Is not a acure cure and accurate control of ot the diet must mut still st be maintained |