Show BY B Y U GRADUATE WORK INCREASES PROVO July According 20 20 tp toa a report submitted to President Franklin S Harris Brigham Young by Professor Christen Jensen chairman of at the committee on grad graduate work the gro growth of the dh Islon of at graduate pork tork ork of I th the university Is most encouraging During the th summer 7 67 graduate students has be been en enrolled Thirty Thirty-sl 51 six are ts s of o the B Y V U 19 are from the th Utah AgrIcultural college 11 from the of oC Utah and one from Irom the ot of Michigan Professor Jensen recommends recommend thi that t to meet the gro growing InC demands th the number of graduate courses ot of the th school be b materially Increased and this says President Harris probably bill III be done Following Follo Ing Is a list lIet of the graduate ate lite students of th the B Y U V with the respective schools from which they the received ed their bachelors bachelor's de- de degrees de grees Brigham Young loung University University- Archibald Anderson A BAnder- BAnder BAnderson B Ander son Ander-son son Edwin ln Baird Harold W Bentley Bent Bent- Bentley Bent ley ley Rhoda Clark Leah Collins Colllns AI- AI dous Al-dous dou dous Henry Hnry Dixon Ray E Gard Gud- Gardner Gardner ner mer J W Harrison J Frank Hot Hoyt e L e Yle Huish Hulsh Joseph Jenkins Christen J Jensen Ida Jensen James Jensen Julia B Jensen Ora Markham larkham C W Mitchell ld Da N Mitchell S D Moore Jr F Benman B man enman Ralph F Nilsson Ray Arthur R Lucy A Phillips Lorenzo Lornzo H H- H Reid Arch S Reynolds I L L- LW IV V W Searle Ro Roy H Slack Ruby Smith Carl B Swen- Swen Swenson Swenson son Swen-son son Lesley eley Taylor William T few Tew Jr 1 R H Wardell Warden Ken Ken- Kenneth Kenneth n neth lh E Weight L Ernest Wilkin- Wilkin son Utah Agricultural An College An Andrew drew W V Anderson Emma Bayles William llIam J Bond Edna Burn Burnham BurnhamE barn E L B D S Darley Darle Anna Egbert bert H 11 B Evans Ethel Etbel Hale Veda D Harren Blanche Amy Lyman Merrill Harrison H Merrill Lowry La ry Nel- Nel Nelson Nel Nelson son Anna Page Pare Abel S Rich Bernice Ber- Ber Bernice nice Ber-nice nice Glen W V Floyd Flod Johnson Unie of V Utah Utah V C Ander Ander- Anderson Anderson Anderson son Karl Banks Rulon W V Clark J E Fisher Isher Aaron E Jones Jane Flo Floy Kartchner S Alma Kirk Louis Lou S B Sperry Spero P Ray Stewart George S B Tanner of at Michigan Michigan-H H L L Harris |