Show POOl MADE AT I ATI SCOUTS SCOUT'S CAMP CAH B Bergstrom erg s t rom and Boys Getting Ready for Annual Outing t Undu h the direction ot of George ge Boy Scout camp director tor I asI tor a large s pool was as vascon constructed yesterday at the he sire of oC the scout coul cout camp on the North Jorth NorthFork NorthFork Fork The water was as as backed up by i a aam oam of ot rocks s and timbo a pool 1001 25 5 feet teet by fO 60 feet f and a about three and onu one one- ono halt half feet teet deep The water Hater aler comes from a spring sprin which I is 1 clean and clear running In und nd out or of o the pool all the rep it clean The scouts are I allowed cd to fo o s swim s at stated slated Internals In ten alq I at 11 oclo o'clock k In to the morning and anI 4 30 In the afternoon and I then tIen only under adequate leade ship leade-ship i and supervision A large portion of the th grounds I ha halt L Leen cleared of tape sage unde unde brush brush and dead Hood nood making I a large parade ground and athletic field for tor 1 II I kinds ot of contests where sports and camp games cames h 11 I In during the days das da s shen I when hen t It tle c couts spouts outs are not hiking or Ing other r camp activities Spacer Space I has also been beat made mad tor for the 10 large lar army tents the commis- commis commissar sar iri auppl supply tents and mess tents that ait aH to be erected the first of t nett a eck ck 1 1 he tables table and benches benche sill Ill also aiso e 1 made and set up liP the I fI field hl range and other equipment M equipment I wit 11 I I be In n f and made rea ready for foe the thO th of camp caino July 28 29 The fhe toad load to the camp c mp has las be been n logged lo-ged and In a few days road f vW will be placed at Inter Inter- Intervals vals als along alons alen the road sho Ing th the directIon and mileage to camp These Thebe oad are arc in e excellent cond condi cond- campI l I lion tion no bad hills or steep sleep grades Automobiles Automobile can he be b en almost l I Ito to the sir Hr edge of ot the camp 1 |