Show I IiA GAS STATION OWNERS SUED Ogden Paint Oil and id Glass Co Wants Con Con- Contract Contract tract Con tract Voided Suit for S O damages at- at at torne s tees foes and asking that an be Issued preventing pre tenting the defendants from transferring title to the KIL station located on the southe st coiner ne of ot T first enty tl and Washington 0 avenue sacs as brought by tho the Ogden Paine Oil 01 ift t Glass GlaM In the district court today against J M H and Mry r J Hill Hili and the Independent nt OIL Ac k c Gas GILS company The complaint alleges that on or Jui July Juh G 1921 while e J M H T Mary Marv J Hill hilt were In posses posses- Sian of the premises at the south south- cast corner of Washington avenue avenand and Twenty first Ta T enty firs street str the enter enter- ed Into a B contract with Ith the plain plain- lIf t bv which the plaintiff would to them 4 94 to build thol the t ha s r-s F S if they 1 buy iras alt all 11 oil and han handled from the com company pan which ihy agreed to 10 do It lt Is also alleged that by the contract tutored Into the plaintiff plaint n nit mat t to transfer the title titie le nd possession to the premises un un-J ill the loan ion lo n hid been heen repaid but ut I that on or July 6 B 1923 the J 3 M If and Mari J Id lease and turn over oer to the In- In Independent dependent Oil Gas company the thega JOS ga station n and tint thit the Hills is thereafter ceased to buy gas oils ald greases creases I from om the plaintiff corn com comp pajay p UI The complaint alleges that J S U H JIm Hill Is wholly Insolvent insolent and that thany an any Jud ment obtained against 31 him 1 would lie Ioe holl The plaintiff asks that the con con- contract contract 1 tract bet between een J M H and Mary J Hill HIli and the Independent Oil Gas C company be set aside and for tor torl t JI r I li l relief n |