Show MYSTERY Y OF SPOOK HOUSE PUZZLE TO PORTLAND POLICE a rl 5 rc s la 1 t v- v tr t trL 4 L 1 C MRS LESTER W HUMPHREYS Ghost Theory However Is Scouted By Homes Home's I Owners r D C NEA IA Service I ID LA D Ore July 20 20 li There may be no such thing as a ghosts Mrs Lester Lesler Humphreys Isn lea t sure though II I The he Humphreys home on Portland Heights has been the thet-cene thet cene ier of queer do- do doIn doings do In ings s On n various arlous occasions 11 ilin h n the the family has been een away ny members hae have returned on only to find things in an on up uproar up- up uproar ros roar r clothing and valuables al alu- alu u- u ables were Cl era strewn e Put save only once nothIng liac beep been taken talen Once Ones the be us was as set afire the past three month five fhe un Invisible attacks base p been made on the tile house The affair is a 0 complete and gives rise once wore rc to tho the much much haunted bouse house theory home berne time ago ago Mrs Hum Hum- phi Hum Ihl phie 0 UK I sas a as called to her din din- dinIng dining din dining ing loom by tho the maid mad There ThereIn in hl the c center of ot the room roomy a u I ml led eld Chinaman with a huge sad on hl his hia bent bout back tood leering Mrs Humphreys ys stopped In amazement Tho Chinaman shuttled shuffled for lor- for forward ward aunt grinning The soung oung alto Ife and screamed screamed and the figure or apparition or whatever er It is a vanished as-vanished vanished Again when Mrs Hum Hum- Hum had been away from the house houe only a short while after after M It t tine me hen extra locks had been placed on all possible point of ot entrance she found b had be been n tossed to the floor Ioor a flower tower basket hung on the Chat chai deller defier pictures turned In odd ode HIS silverware ar about and chairs and carpets put on the dining room table Aside I r om cm the ghost most of the people out including here Including Mr and Mrs emphatically do donot donot donot not It tt Is la the popular l that some sol man sent to primon on by Humphreys when he wan MaN U S district attorney Is nursing an old grudge If Ie such Is the tho case It probably probably ably aMy accounts for ht his hating n only a II dl diamond mond ring n a little icy mo-icy and c IJ stick pin The case elUo Is the strangest Sn In Inthis Inthia this city's history and police pollee nr ar J bending every energy to trap the spooks which they be- be belies ll be-ll II lies t to bo ho decidedly material |