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Show Grease and Oil For Winter Driving. We have Quaker State, Permalube, Vico anc) Ensign Oil. which are the best money can buy. We also have the proper grades of grease. I Expert Lubrication ARROWHEAD SEUVSCE STATION Phone 361 I 70 West Center Pleeasant Grove I iYERY - DAY LOW FREES ! ! i f I 3 : jl Milk, 4 Cans For 48c j Shortening, 3 Lb. $1,03 j Purity Sodas, 2 lb. 39c Sugar, 100 Lb. $9.95 Miracle Whip, qt jar -59c Syrup, five pounds white 48c Peas, Case Lots $2.40 up Blended Juice, 46 oz. Case Lots $2.99 Cream Corn, Case $5.40 Cocktail, one lb can, six $1.49 Soda Pop, 6 for 25c Corned Beef, Genuine 49c COME SN SEE OUR HOT ROD SPECIAL a it IT TI?M9Q IGA Fooci jiijiLiiiVixNJ U store ; u m - -.n,. h--.-'.- it .i -mi ijurtn -rt.Mklttin . .fc,-,.lii.i'T)Wi it Jt1. H -iV'-rifi''VlirM n i 11 n ih - HWIIIWMWIIIlllIW!HniWJBI, H I III I Ieec HojDDflen'Gr Have Your Boots Waterproofed 1 With Herbert's Shoe Grease WE MAKE YOUR OLD BOOTS LOOK LIKE NEW WITH I CATSPAW SOLES AND HEELS While You Walt Service All Work Guaranteed B HEAD OF MAIN STREET j G R 0 V E PLEASANT GROVE. UTAH Motion Picture Are Your Best Entertainment "T - Thursday," Friday, and Saturday OcSnber 9, 10 and 11 I .i j j Also Selected Short Subjects Sunday and Monday October 12 and 13 Hi IS DON '"'CATHERINE i. AMECHE McLEODiff Color Cartoon and Sportscope Matinee Sun. 4 p. m. I For Service Work j On Appliances, See Or Call 1 FREE ESTIMATES ON WIRING JOBS g Gift Wrapping and Delivery Service I Phone 2591 I Ivjo names you Exraovj and rus2 Lane Cedar Hope Chest j jj THE GIFT THAT STARTS THE HOME FROM ) Only th batl quality bears these TWO moth protection. New, waterproof ft caines ours and LANE. We know Lane-welded veneers will not peel or l( ) LANE upholds the finest quality in i ma- crack. Besides, you get a free moth in- V tcrials. craftsmanship and styling in surance policy with your Lane. l cedar chests. Exhaustive study of the Soon, we'll be receiving more Lane h i market convinced us. Chests. Come in and register your name If LANE is the only tested aroma-tight on our Prospect List for a Lanegift l(j ) cedar chest in the world factory-tested that pledges sweethearts' love gift 3 under air pressure to assure absolute that starts your home! I ' You'll Be Glad You Insisted on a LANE u .t ; (( .riv t Come In and Order Yours Now for Earliest Delivery ' S LANE CHEST MAKES THRILLING CHRISTMAS GIFT S l( A small deposit will h Did .your selection v DIXON-TAYLOR-RUSSELL j (jj PLEASANT GROVE. UTAH ( GAS Lennox Furnaces Magic Chef and Roper Ranges Servel Itefrigcrators Water Heaters Fireplace Logs Gunther Sheet Metal Works ABSH'g'ieasi f'orli K'hoitv 007 n - -.""""i Tuesday and Wednesday October 14 and 15 2 FEATURES 2 Number I I HOY ROGEnS - TRIGGER L Niinihcr 'Z W , ,U PV-k SHARYN ..;fe&isMOFFETT IIICIS T00MIY MADGE MIRIDITH V WALHR RHD UNA O'CONNOR DORIS MERRICK |