Show MANY A POOH WOMAN SDFFEKS UNTOLD TOKTURB FRO BACKACHE I she only knew how easily she could get relief by using Ballards Snow Liniment she would bless the day she read these few lines I is a grand remedy for headache and all neuralgic pains No pain can withstand with-stand its jnagio influence It removes the fire from a burn or scald in one minute It will cure inflammatory rheumatism and sciatica applied t the throat and chest in croup it will give immediate relief and make breathing much easier No family can be without it if once they know r its value Try i Price 50 cents 12 A Bare Cure for Piles Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing intense itching when 1I This form as well a blind bleed Ing and protruding yield at once to Dr Bosancos Pie Remedy which acts directly rectly on the parts affected absorbs tumors tu-mors allays itching and effects a permanent perma-nent cure flOe Druggists or mail trea Use free Dr Bosanco Pique O Sold by Z C M I drug store S Sohmer Pianos 0 SILVER BROS IRON WORK No 149 West North Temple WANTED At Deseret meat market dairy fed pork and choice veal highest prices paid D H ilton Co 3 and 3 E South Temple Boys suits S110 each at SJ Nathans The Salt Lake Plumbing Steam and Gas F itting Co makes sanitary plumbing a pecialty Prompt attention given to all kinds of jobbing Store room in basement of r Constitution building EUPElSY This is what you ought to have in fact you must have it to fully enjoy life Thousands are searching for it daily and mourning because they find it not Thous ands upon thousands of dollars are speut a Annually by our people in the hope that hey may attain this boon And yet it maybe may-be had by all We guarantee that Electric Bitters i used according to directions and he use persisted in will bring you good d litjestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and i nstall instead eupepsy We recommend I Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver stomach and kidneys I3mith at 50c and 51 per bottle by A C Smith I Co druggists 4 KNOWLDEN CO Real estate agents have removed to 209 Main street Wasatch Building on the ground floor Sohmer Pianos KAYSVILLE KINKS Mr Isaac Sears of Salt Lake was in town Monday President John Morgan was up from tho apital yesterday Judge Phillips and party started on their d eerhuntlng trip last Monday monring Wessels S Co have just opened their xi i iew store with an elegant line of dry goods millinery and notions They will make a ipecialty of dressmaking Farmers are beginning to complain of he continuous dry weather and it is feared hat I unless a storm comes soon there wi be a general failure of the grain crop on he I range next year I On going to the stables about daylight this I morning Mr Levi Taylor was surprised sur-prised I to find that two of his horses were missing I He immediately commenced searching for them but up till noon had found I no trace of the missing animals The Johnson Brothers of Springville gave an entertainment t a large audience in the meeting house last Sunday morning morn-ing They have organized a class with about sixty members here and have been giving I lessons almost every night during the week M Kaysville Nov 22 THE STUDENTS SOCIETY The Interesting Exercises at the Usual Weekly Heeling The Isles of New Zealand a the subject sub-ject of a lecture very ably delivered Friday day evening to a large and appreciativi audience by Instructor J J Walton chairman chair-man of the society The speaker began by narrating the early discovery of the Paclfi ocean by Balboa in 1513 the naming of is principal picturesque islands with their treasures in the South sea and finally the discovery of New Zealand by Abel Tasmai in 1042 But as the natives would not permit per-mit him to go upon shore nothing was really known of it until Captain Cook vii ited it more than a century later The 1 lecturer dwelt principally upon the aborig ines of tho islands who It is suppose came directly from the Malay race their situation boundary climate dress vcget tiou and fruits animals birds insects and reptiles the process of tattooing and tbeir various superstitions A song was then very sweetly rendered by Miss Annie Swonsen then an organ solo by Mr Clare Reid which was folowed by a duet sung by Misses Jessie Pugh and Irene Merrill in their usual pIcas an t style ZINA BENNION Secretary A PREVENTIVE FOR CROUP cIoup The discovery of n preventive for croup is one of the most important made in ra cent years Since first discovered it has been used in many cases and with unvarying un-varying success Its being within the reach of all makes it the more valuable It is only necessary to give Chnrnherlam Cough Remedy freely as soon so the I Lrst indications of croup appear and it will die pel all symptoms of the disease sFull fli rections are given with each bottle For sale at 5 cents per bottle by Z C M ForL drug department Gods blessing to mankind say thousands thou-sands who have been cured by Ore gon Kidney Tea a a Embroidered suspenders tBASTTEnnT MJR Co 142 Main St Mens chinchilla overcoats 54 each at S J Nathans ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 291800 Will sell at public auction taclose out our stock of dress goods and notions boots and shoes hats and caps preparatory to removing remov-ing to our new store at 2 and 3 Main where we will open out on Monday December ember 1 with a new and complete stock 0 if goods Wo invite the public to call and secure bargains at this sale This sale is genuine no humbug sae HAIIDT YOONG I Co First South opposite Commercial St Novelties in full dress shirts BASTTERKT MEl Co 142 Main St c f fK ERADICATES BLOOD POT A41 SON AND BLOOD TAINT 0 CEVERAL bottles of Swifts Specific SSS 0 entirely cleansed my system of contagions blood poison of the very worst tye contgu WM S LOOMIS Shreveport L 0 rrT4 CURES SCROFULA EVEN t i IN ITS WORST FORMS O T HAD SCROFULA in 1834 and cleansed my A system entirely from it by taking seven bottles of S S S I have not had any symp sven toms since C W WILCOX syp SpartanburfT S C 0 B SS3S HAS CURED HUNDREDS OF ESggigSBg CASES OF SKIN CANCER Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed Cree SWIFT SPECIFIC Co Atlanta G Jzt 3 V t f 2ccosuArs I Sign Writers Painters Honsa Decorators I AND DKAU5R3 I Wall Paper Painters Supplies 107 E 7lnt South Street opposite City Hal a Lm city Utah Telerbono No 4T3 ESTIMATES FURNISHED |