Show tes Seeded t In In College Net Events I IC r 1 C Champion Redskins Favored F 7 in Tourney at Provo r Teams Selected Selected PROVO May 17 University 17 of or Utah's double teams of Ross Sutton Bud Bennion and Grant Evans Evans- Jimmy Wilding will be the seeded pairs in the state collegiate tennis tournament to be held in Provo Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- day and Saturday according to Graduate Grad vale Manager Fred Dixon who is dIrecting directing directing di dI- the meet The Ute racquet wielders also will willbe willbe be seeded be-seeded seeded in the singles competition with Captain Ross Sutton and Grant Evans in the favored positions Brigham Young will enter George Stoddard-Kirk Stoddard Stephens and Wilson Joe Booth Swenson in the doubles competition while Stoddard Swenson Swenson Swen Swen- son IOn and Harold Fitzgerald will play In the singles The Aggie team of Jack Christian Christian- sen len and Merlin Allen is expected to give the Utes their greatest competition compell- compell t tion Joe Geddes and Dick Hill will like likely form the s second ond Aggie team while the third pair is uncertain The singles players will likely be Captain and Roy Swenson b The state meet is slated at 10 a. a m. m Friday on the Knight Woolen Mill courts and it is expected that all of or orthe the semifinal matches will be held during the day The finals will start Saturday morning mornin probably at 9 o'clock depending if members of the final doubles teams are also in the singles jingles competition |