Show I NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING ORING COMMUNITIES IN SALT SA LT LAKE DISTRICT SCHOOL SETS AWARD AUTO EVENT Lehi Commencement Exercises Exercises Exer Exer- A Slated for J j May 24 Annual Annual LEHr LEHI Annual award da day Ma May 22 Will ill usher I In commencement week for fot Lehi high school Graduating ceremonies will be held May 24 ac GC according oc- oc cording to D. D R. R Mitchell l principal Extracurricular scholarship and athletic ic awards will wilt be made be-made made May 22 at the the high high school choo auditorium m. m Principal Prin PrIne cipal Mitchell will present the silver trophy for the district basketball championship Raeldon Goates will receive the Lions Lons award to boys oos for activity activity- and scholarship and the Athenian club dub girls' girls award for lor outstanding out cut standing activity and schol scholastic record rec record record rec- rec ord will be presented to U Utella Smith The valedictory address will be delivered delivered de de- livered by Mary Abbott at the exercises exercises exer exer- May 24 Salutation will be given by Earl Banks and diplomas will be awarded to 46 graduates by A. A B. B Anderson An An- derson Following is a t list of the graduates Mary Mery Abbott Von O. O Adamson H. H Don J lot t AI Mired Allred Karl Earl Banks M MabeL bel Brown n Vera Brown liah Ilah Bushman Myrtle L. L Carson Wesley Vesley Car Carter r. r Glenn Chilton Dorothea Dorothe George Georue EL Eo Davit E. E Lots Lois Dickerson Reo geo Gall Gail Evans EnD Don C. C Wayne rox Fox Raeldon Goates Oris R. R Gray OrA Elmo Austin Gray OT Carlos Culos Hickman M. M Dover Hunt Levi Hunt 1 Beth th Jackson Ellen Christo Chris Chris- to euon Donald Lett Lott Od Odell Odeil F. F Peterson I Alvin O. O Phillips Marie A. A Robinson Fern Pern Elsa Rowena Russon Clifton howDon how Don Sims Matilda Ann Siad a Pa lace acc AJ Skinner f tt I Smith William nf S. S Smith J J. J Boyd Alta B. B Sunder- Sunder land and Ruth V. V Taylor Henry Wayne Thom- Thom u. u s. s Marie Marl Thrasher Don A. A Trane Trant Rose E. E Dean Denn Wilson Dean S. S Webb find and Helen Gardner |