Show SILVER AGREEMENT STIMULATES MARTS Futures Shoot Up and Stocks Stocks' Regi Register ter Good Gains NEW YORK 1 May a 17 P F Finan Financial cial markets rallied substantially loday today to lo day with wilh the initial push coming coining from the silver market in response to news of the agreement between President Roosevelt and silver senators sen sen- I Futures jumped nearly a cent an an ounce but finished with final linal gainor gain gains of or only about 12 2 cent But wheat at Chica Chicago o was up around a cent a n bushel In the stock market silver shares registered a few net gains of 3 to 7 but advances ances of 1 to 4 vere were numerous numerous numer numer- ous elsewhere U U. S. S Smelting Smelling usually a wide mover mo closed at up American Smelting Smelling topped lopped 41 11 with wilh witha wilha a jump of 4 President Roosevelt's agreement with senate silver leaders at this session session ses ses- sion sian of congress accelerated activity on the Salt Lake stock exchange Thursday The local exchange c was lifted lIlted from its trading of the week to activity on 20 issues ThIrteen shares traded higher b by 4 1 to lo 90 points |