Show POLICE GRILL SUSPECTS IN ROBLES CASE June Herself May Put Finger on Man Who Buried Her in Desert GETTLE GANG IN PRISON Trio Arraigned on Federal Extortion Charges By United Press TUCSON TUCSON- Ariz May My 17 17 One One man was held incommunicado and two others were being questioned by authorities authorities authorities au au- au- au today in a general roundup of suspects in the of 6 year old June Robles Department of justice agents said that after ater th the questioning the suspects sus sw peels were to be viewed by June for purposes of a possible identification Large crowds gathered threaten threaten- about the county jail where the questioning was in progress We have several other very likely suspects we e expect to pick up today for questioning Chief of Police Wollard Wollard Wol- Wol lard said I believe we ore arc close to toa toa toa a solution TUCSON Ariz May 17 June 17 June Robles authorities indicated today may herself hersel put the finger on the kidnapers who buried her olive elive inthe inthe in inthe the Arizona d desert ert for 19 days The little girl believes belie they said she will recognize at least one of at three men she saw after she was taken to lo the pr prison on pit nine and one one- half hat miles mile from n Tucson on April 25 and is ready to denounce him if it she sees him asa again and d demand mand thc they put chains on him too Texas Arrest Forecast In Austin Texas Captain D. D E E. Himer h headquarters Is company forecast foreast an arrest would be made in that state stat after the arrival there tomorrow night of an operative operative operative opera opera- tive from Iraqi Ch Chicago cago Hamer declined to give details but made his prediction after alter telephone conversations with Tucson and end Chi Chi- cago June chained by the ankles three feet underground was released Monday Nonday Non Mon day after the location of her prison Continued on or Page Pace Two TUCSON POLICE GRILL ORILL SUSPECTS t T ree uee Men Who L. L A A A. Millionaire Enter San Quentin Prison Continued from Pace e One I way was revealed in an m anonymous letter mailed from Chicago Sh She had Iud viewed one suspect already al ready rel but bul he she said looked like th the man in the picture show and was was not the person she seeks Fingerprint Ace Acc Arrives An zee ace fingerprint m man n of ot the de detriment department of oC justice arrived from Washington today and an intensive ex examination of all articles recovered from the desert pit and 2nd the three communications from the kidnapers Was as started at once b by him little kittle June on the third day since inc her heat release was showing steady im im- in her physical con condition but her activities still were limited by her parents She still stumbles OC occasionally when she walks walls the re re- cult of or cramped muscles from her herIon herlong herlong Ion long close confinement jf SAN AN QUENTIN Cal C May play 17 P PJ l- Three Three kidnapers of William F. F Gettle Gettie arrived ed at San Quentin prison to today ay front rohL Los Angeles to begin their l life e Guards accompanying the prisoners prison er ers lames erg James ames F. F Kirk Roy A A. Williams and Larry Kerrigan paused Kerrigan-paused paused for a 0 p moment at the prison gates and Kerrigan Kerrigan Kerri gan and Williams posed willingly for photographers il wJ dont don't want lOt my mj picture taken 11 said said Kirk attempting to hide his face Then the men were rushed through the barred gates ond and quickly put through t the e prison routine They ey were verc photographed and fingerprinted their th r heads were shaved and they we wee e outfitted with prison clothing Just before belore the three left let Los An An- gefis g last night they were arraigned in federal court on indictments charging conspiracy to use the mails nuns to defraud They pleaded not guilty and ani their trial W was S set sel for May by 29 |