Show SUGAR QUOTAS AS FIXED BY CROP West Anticipates Almost 90 Per Cent of Total Beet Production By CHARLES C LES O. O GRIDLEY Telegram Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON May 17 The 17 The domestic domestic do do- beet sugar quota of tons will be divided between producIng producing Ing districts on the record of pas past production of sugar and not on acreage acreage acreage acre acre- age basis Rocky mountain producing districts were assured as as- Thursday by Professor John E E. Dalton new head of the sugar section of the agricultural adjustment admin Representatives Fred Cummings o of Colorado J. J Will Robinson and ond Abe Murdock of Utah and Terry Terly M. M Carpenter Car Car- penter of Nebraska called on Dalton to a learn whether the A A A expected to jo follow the recommendation o of Michigan producers that they be liven given a a. larger share of the domestic beet quota than their previous output would justify The sugar administrator promised promise them that they will be given a chance chanc to protest if i they do not approve th the regional quotas prescribed by A A A officials before those quotas are arc made mad public If past sugar production Is used In i calculating the quotas the western beet districts would be given per cent of the total and the Michi Michi- Ohio gan-Ohio districts 1246 per cent Michigan members of congress claim that Chester C. C Davis A A A administrator has has promised them I 16 3 1 per cent of the total or about abou 40 per c cent nt more than their usua usual share of total production According to Representative Cummings Cum Cummings that would permit them to operate operate op op- op- op erate crate at least two extra factories an and would probably close the thc same number num ber in the Rocky mountain area Whatever Davis may have said t to the Michigan group will have no e ef ef- feet on the decision of the new sugar suga administrators other officials of ot th the department of agriculture have an an- Full information on quotas Is expected expected ex ex- ex to be made available about th the end of this week |