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Show "rrr v rmr? t' Business News TV Fare, Page 2 B-1- Section B o rrrr ry t -- r rr v ww r wv rv fake ffibuut fbc-ga- it Salt Lake City, Utah Trrrmnnnn" r'M'f yw"r Sports, Comics Fair skies and the main features days weather in City. Some gusts mph in the city. Proud Pioneers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, offered the dedicatory prayer. About 1,000 guests were present In his preliminary remarks, President McKay expressed "thanksgiving , and appreciation for the pioneers and for what they have done for us. that they cherished the belief that there is nothing delightful and beautiful in the world but that the Lord had created it for the good of His children. It was under that spirit that they built the old Salt Lake Theater. He dedicated the new Pioin neer Memorial Theatre memory of their sacrifices, their love of art and desire for esthetic culture. wind were of Wednes- Salt Lake reached 45 "mnrrr. : - THE UNNAMED former un&i & i - TRAFFIC the glittering backdrop of "first night crowd at dedica tory services for the beautiful Pioneer Memorial Theatre. The figure of David O. McKay President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, stands silhouetted against y Agencies Lift Parade, Bands, Fanfare Fire Ban In Wasatch 6 Midvale to Cite Women Drivers Ft.Douglas Sounds Review of Century A ban on open fires in north- ern Utah, particularly along the Wasatch Front, will be 9 two-third- KILLED TO DATE LAST YEAR Canyoiilanils Film Calls Udall to S.L. County Opens Home Bids For Elderly Named to Help In Youth Study , ---- d Panel Named to Submit Bid on Clearfield Depot l A. k civic-minde- d B-1- WORKMAN QUIT the prisK on during the early days of the; i probe. , And another guard was sus pended Wednesday after taking a polygraph (lie detector), test, said Warden John THE WARDEN said the guard was suspected of taking THE COURT. Instructed le236 DIED IN 196l gal counsel for the prisoners to accompany the women this week and the order with a notice restraining Informing police are ready to issue prison officials counsel that citations. the state will be required on Oct. 26 to show cause why the THE CITATIONS will be order should not be to courteous women drivers, temporary made permanent. said Mrs. Iris K. Buhler, who is chairman of the annual RONALD N. BOYCE, assist contest of ant state attorney general, and courtesy-drivinthe Midvale Business and Jay E. Banks, Third Judicial Professional Womens Club. District attorney, Informed the Mrs. Buhler said the club court they had no objections Secretary of Interior Stewart will give' g memento to the to the restraining order be- L. Ud$ll will Introduce a public woman selected each day as ing made permanent at this premiere showing of a color the most courteous driver. time." picture on the controversial Well, well do this In an Canyonlands Area Tuesday In Police will do the citing. dewant no we orderly way, Salt Lake City. fects In the record, Judge RitSPONSORED BY the U.S. ter replied. Department of Interior and the THE COURT also took ju National Park Service, the dicial notice of the fact that film, titled "The Sculptured Gov. George D. Clyde asked Earth, will be shown at 7:30 for an investigation into the p.m. In Hotel Utah Motor cruelty charges made by Leon- Lodge Auditorium. film has not ard W. Bowne, Orlando Mor-fin- , The Paul R. Sheffield and been shown publicly before, acBarde Beckstead, now; serving cording to William T. Davoren, The Salt Lake County Com- long terms in prison on felony chairman of Pacific Southwest Field Committee, Interior Demission Thursday opened 16 charges. who announced Mr. CRIMINAL charges may partment, bfiil submitted for construcUdalls plans for the presentation. tion of a new Elder Citizens result from this investigation. now Center. The lowest bid was Therefore, all witnesses If they CHARLES EGGERT, Indefrom Culp Construction Co., are admonished that reason to believe pendent producer who filmed have any -$239,400- ,they may be involved In the the presentation for the park discuss adventures COMMISSION C h a 1 rman investigation they will not be service,-WilW. G. (Bill) Larson said the required to testify in this pro- in shooting the film. Sec. Udall will be Introduced commission had approved ceeding, Judge Rotter said. by-Hamer Reiser, chairman new for a $225,000 spending "UNDER THE protection of of the State Park and Recreacenter for construction at the Fifth Amendment, US. tion Commission, Mr. Davoren site of the present center, 245 the" Constitution, they will not be said. 10th East required to give testimony that IN A LETTER to Mr. DaTHE SECOND lowest bid might be used against them, voren, confirming his appearof $241,386 came from Home-Zwic- the Jurist added. ance In Salt Lake City, Sec. read court had the Earlier, Construction Co., only Udall said in part: a of $1,986 more than the Culp bid. into the record portions "All who have seen the film Mr. Larson said the bids will letter received from another at this stage agree that It prewas he claimed who be carefully checked by the prisoner sents the story of Canyonlands - Merrill Mack near confined architects of the new center, in a most Impressive manner. Burtch Beall Jr. and Paul Rivenburgh who committed he before a hours suicide THE FILM --was prepared few Lemoine. was to face the firing squad expressly for the purpose of "BY REVIEWING the bids for first degree murder. showing exactly what the area it will be determined where holds in the way of recreation al opportunities for all Ameripossible reductions can be made so that the county can Gty to Open Bids cans. authorize construction for the The Salt Lake City Commis "It does not attempt to dis$225,000 fig- sion is scheduled to open hlds cuss the controversial aspects approximately ure, Mr. Larson said. Thursday at 10:30 am. for con of current debates over the "We expect to award the struction of the proposed Salt area, although it does point up contract and get the center Lake Municipal Airport fire the values that would be lost if under construction within a and rescue station at a cost of some form of protective acan estimated $150,000. tion Is not taken." month," he said,' g s Turner. Special to The Tribune MIDVALE Midvale police have their eyes on 1 ; Officers said he is known to -J have left the state. Bail was set at $5,000 and am search for the re cently-release- d inmate war started, said County Attorney! f Grover A. Giles. . - "ANY RETALIATORY treatment against prisoners who have testified in the hearing and Interference with the prisoners attempts to communicate by letter with the federal court. The hearing then was recessed until Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. in-- mate was charged with fur- nishlng a drug to a convict.! By A. W. Ferguson S Tribune Staff Writer A federal court hearing on cruelty charges brought by four inmates against Utah State Prison officers was recessed Wednesday, but not until Judge Willis W. Ritter restrained the prison authorities from any "retaliatory treatment against those Inmates who have testified. The federal district court Judge issued the temporary restraining order agalftst Warden John W. Turner and other TOLL prison officers enjoining them from: soldiers I Connor officially designated Weary, footsore lifted Monday, according to a marched through the streets of the site as Camp Douglas. decision reached Wednesday by Salt Lake City toward their SINCE THAT meager be members of the Utah Coopera-- , destination on the east bench at the mouth of Red Butte ginning, surrounded in hostiltive Fire Fighters. EARLIER IN the program, ity and suspicion between the REPRESENTATIVES of Canyon. University of Utah President militia and residents of Salt THE DATE WAS Oct 22, A. Ray Olpin traced the history city, county, state and federal 1862. The force, numbering Lake City, Ft Douglas has of the old Salt Lake Theater agencies chafged with adminis- about 850 men under command played a vital role in the work and and planning which, 'public domain and wa- of Col. Patrick Edward Con- areas history. through the years, resulted in tering The last major Indian rebeltersheds agreed that, although nor, were completing a march the new theater to replace and lion in ' the area was quelled still the fire is it exists, danger carry on the tradition of the nbt so extreme as it was earlier of more than 800 miles from in a joint effort of Bear River California. famed, old landmark which, settlers and troops from the season. in the Col. Oct. s Four 26, a of for days later, century military post was "the central place of the THE GROUP MET at 525 W. drama in the cultural life of 13th South under the chairLATER, THE Utah Light 2 Utah. Artillery, which played a manship of Richard P. Klason, He said the audience at the assistant major role in the Spanish state forester in dedication was made up of charge of fire control He said American War, was trained "those who have helped to the groups also discussed fire at Ft Douglas. When the make this dream come true Two coordinators were United States entered World prevention plans applicable with their donations. named Wednesday to repre- War I, the post became a seadeer the during hunting sent the Salt Lake area of the prisoner of war camp. HE PAID particular tribute son, which opens Oct 20 in State Committee on Children state. of the most hreas to President McKay, whose en WITH THE outbreak of and Youth. thusiasm for the new theater, "IT WAS THE consensus DR. VAUGHN L. Hall, exec- World War II, Ft Douglas he said, is certainly the most that local fire control agencies utive secretary, of the group, assumed another vital role, Important single element in in hunting-- areas are probably said the new coordinators are that of headquarters of the the success story which we in the best admin- Douglas H. Smith, who super- Ninth Corps Area Headquarto position - - celebrate, here tonight ister controls Jtljis year, Mr. vised the youth section of the ters, which moved inland from Gov. George D. Clyde spoke Klason said. However, we do Utah White House Conference San Francisco for security "for the state and myself in not feel hunters should disre- on Youth two and reasons. commending and thanking "all gard well established fire con Dr. Maurice J. years ago, Both Since 1946 when Ninth Taylor. those who have so generously trol and Headquarters are from Lake Salt prevention practices. City. participated in making this was returned to San Francisco new theater possible. and renamed the Sixth Army Area, the role of Ft Douglas he "ESPECIALLY, said, in military affairs has dimin "the LDS Church, Kennecott ished noticeably. Copper Corp., and the indi vidual citizens who have conBUT NOW, 100 years after tributed to the cause. The Col. Connor led his troops to State Legislature as you know, the site of Ft Douglas, the joined in the financing of the is celebrating its centenCivic leaders who are at- will be opened by the GSA post structure." nial In concert and review FriDr. C. Lowell Lees, profes- tempting to restore the Clear- Feb. 15. day and Saturday. sor and head of the U. depart- field Naval to It is the aim of both the A force about three times Supply Depot ment of theater and ballet, also an effective role in Utahs executive committee and or- the size of the first army aswas a speaker. an ganizers of the standby named that dug into the hilleconomy Wednesday announced earlier sembly side that autumn day at the HE TRACED the ability of executive committee to submit this week to draft a successful site will march across Stillman the theater to bring to people a bid to purchase the sprawling bid on the properties and : Field itIn tribute. northern installation. Utah of life the deep meanings Saturday aconce the properties are self," and said that "surely the APPROXIMATELY 2,500 THE EXECUTIVE commit- quired to invite Interested theater must strive to awaken from all military units us to beauty and epitomize its tee has been assigned three Utah citizens to participate in troops in the Salt Lake area will tasks: ownership. relationship to our spiritual major perform In a formal military on To a L bid the prepare and cultural life. THE COMMITTEE Is confi- review at 10 a.m. "If this theater can create surplus property and submit dent the government-buil- t in Participating will be the awareness, it must also create It to the General Services Ad- stallation can and. will become Sixth U.S. Army Band from ministration. . . ". The readiness, he said. an important factor in Utahs the Presidio of San Francisco, 2. To recruit moment Is now. , economy. Column 8 See Page "In truth and readiness and individuals and institutions to an to form finance is the there agreement possibility aptness fw ?? tfr'Vff of a theater of beauty which the bid. will afford great moments to 3. TO TURN the properties its audiences and even blindover to a standby corporation see and who those to ing truths whose stock will be offered hear. to the public if the bid is " "HOW WE build today will successful. reflect in the society we dream The chairman of the execuand look for tomorrow. tive committee will be George The University of Utah S. Eccles, president of the a cappella choir, under the di- First Security Corp. His aprection of Newell Weight, pro- pointment was announced by vided music for the dedicatory Jesse D. Barlow, chairman of ceremony. the - Clearfield NavaUSupply f JL& I Depot Action Committee. ALSO NAMED to the execuS.L. tive committee Wednesday were John M. Wallace, chairman of the board, Walker Bank and Trust Co.; James E. Hogle, Ay. ,1 The Salt Lake City Commis- chairman of the board, Hogle Investment Co.; John H. sion Wednesday approved presiding University of Utah Homecombishop, ing committee request to hold Church of Jesus Christ of -Vv Saints i R. H. Burits annual homecoming parade Latter-dabusiOct. 20 at 10 a.m. In the ton, executive vice president, ness district Edward L. Burton and Co.; S m ' Leland B. Flint, president-manageTHE PARADE will start at Flint Distributing South Temple and Main, go Co., and J. W. Gallivan, pubV south to 2nd South, east lisher of The Salt Lake TribState and north to Social Hall une. This what Ft. Douglas looked like two years the north of the fort looking south over the Ave. (40 South), where it will BIDS ON THE surplus depot after its establishment In 1862. View is from' then barren Salt Lake Valley. CoL Patriek Sisband. ft-'- a letter from Leonard Warner! Bowne to Workman for de; livery to Rivenburgh. It reportedly contained Information upon which Riven burgh based his last court ap- -( peal to avoid the death sentence, Warden Turner said. ; and Bowne,. Rivenburgh along with Jesse M. Garcia; Jr., were convicted of the slaying of another inmate, Joseph! LeRoy Vemer, in a prison at-! tic on Aug. 24, 1958. BOWNE WAS sentenced to; in prison while Rivenburgh and Garcia were sen-- ; tenced to die. Rivenburgh committed sui cide less than 24 hours before they were to be executed on! Sept. 14. Inquest showed that; Rivenburgh died from an over! I dose of a barbiturate. serve life HE WAS FOUND in his cell , on Sept 13 at 7:30 p.m. Later that afternoon, Utah' State Board of Corrections! commuted Garcias death sen-- , tence. 1 - BOTH LT. FERRIS D. An-- , drus, sheriffs office, and Mr. Giles indicated there may be! more complaints signed as, both offices are pushing the investigation on how the drug) reached Rivenburgh, i Lt Andrus said several more!prison guards will be questioned andgiven the lie detec--! for tests Thursday. j MR. GILES SAID the com- -' plaints signed Wednesday re- suited from the extensive investigation by both the slier-- ; iffs and county attorneys of- fices. Several Inmates and! bf-leers have been interrogated by deputy sheriffs and attoi! J neys. Mr. Giles said the investigation showed Workman allowed, another inmate to visit Riven" burgh on death row. T THIS, .PLUS the fact that; Workman "knowingly violated; rules and regulations at the; prison," led to the complaint,-M- r Giles said.- Lt. Andrus said the wanted inmate has left Utah and the! sheriffs office has been trac! ing him for several days. GOV. GEORGE D. Clyde said Wednesday he has re-- ! quested a full and complete re-- , port on the case from state penal leaders including the, Utah State Board of Corrections, which supervises the; , prison. j The governor said he has; ordered a complete and full investigation which is to con- tinue until all the facts are J known. HE ADDED he Is withhold-- ; lng any further steps until he! receives this report ; j r Murray Calls Addition Bids J 3 Gives Okeli For U. Parade Special to The Tribune , t MURRAY Bids for a 13 classroom addition to Murray High School and a bandroom! at Hillcrest Junior High School; will be opened by the Murray, City Board of Education Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. , , Van-denber-g, y w! r, V w County Signs 2 Charges in Prison Death Hearing oil Cruelty y ... WE ARE grateful tt e U.S. Court Recesses A-1- WE ARE grateful,"' he said in the dedicatory prayer, that even though they had to fight primitive conditions of pioneer life In providing a mere subsistence . . . the needs of the spirit never became secondary. "Places of worship were with planned sheltering homes; and only two years after they had first broken the soil of their new refuge, they were presenting theatrical performances In a rudely improvised theater. r Former Inmate Linked to Rivenbur gli Case- It was a glittering first night and a reverently proud first night, asthe new Pioneer Memorial Theatre at the University of Utah waa dedicated Wednesday. In addition, the opening performance of Hamlet delighted theatergoers. WITH CIVIC, church, community and' educational leaders taking part, the dedication ceremony began at 8 p.m. President David O, McKay Review, Page i o rw t rrTT i POLICE RECEIVED a report that a tree had fallen on a car at 7th South and 3rd West It also knocked down some power lines. An arc light at 21st South Ex-Guar- d, and 11th East also was knocked down, and police reand fire departments ceived a number of reports ! of broken tree limbs. THURSDAY SALT Lakers Felony complaints were signed against a former Utahi ean expect cloudy skies and State FTison guard and a former inmate Wednesday and possible showers. The winds another guard was suspended as officers pushed their invests will gradually abate. Temsuicide at the peratures will be lower than gation into the Mack Merrill Rivenbur gh-- Jr. the with predicts prison. Wednesday , ed high about 72. The low 10600 J. W. 975 48, WESTON WORKMAN, South, South, Thursday night will be Close Jordan, was charged with violation of prison rules and regu- to 50. latipns in a complaint signed before City Judge Arthur J Mays by Deputy County Attorney Richard C Dibblee. Workman w a s -- arraigned Wednesday and released on! $500 bail. Preliminary hearing; was set for Nov. 19. j Rites Open Theater At U. of U. ' e Wind Marks Blight Day Local News October 11, 1962 Thursday Morning we-- ir 4 I r 1' Afti Edward Connor was the forts first commander, First garrison numbered approximately 850 men. TO FINANCE the construe--, tion, the board1 Wednesday night agreed to meet Tuesday at 5 pm. to open bids for the; sale of $748,000 worth of bonds Sale of the bonds was; authorized by voters more than a yeaf ago in a $1100,000 bond election.. |