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Show f 'T'T V 7 ? 'X'X'I'Xvl, s s, Pllili, V- - vjb. Jp WK felt LaKe Tribune, W f T T T W'WW T - D5 - '"Mountain Cloth" HUNTING COAT . Grand Opening BafgainI SPORTING GOODS STORE tamovobl jam bog rubbrltod with zipper. b Wt down for v waterproof toot. Con Insido waist boH Veep coot snug whon weighted with gomo and ihellt wW8 M, COT OWWOOD V (WALL o o XT - lloitk ihll loop, fetid th THESE COATS pockttl. SOLD FOR AS MUCH AS $29.95 .v-i- now only 9 p.m. ursT. . . 10 a.m. to greatest hunting coat bargain In our history I This coat It made of lightweight, closely woven 11 ox. mountain cloth that It toft and comfortable yet amaxlngly rugged. Double yoke back and double lined tleeves. Large bellowt pockets, with handwarmer pockets. Elastic shell loops inside the pockets, zipper removable game bag, inside waist belt for snug fit. We have 400 of these fabulous coats to tell, in most all sizes. The -- 00 r UNBELIEVABLE! No Mail Orders No Phone Orders Grand Opening WINCHESTER, "MODEL 70" with 4-POW- HIGH-POWE- SCOPE ER 7.62 Russian bolt action rifle that won the battle at Stalingrad. The same rifle that won 5 out of 6 first places Olympics at- - Squaw during Valley. All in good shooting condition, and fully guaranteed. Hurry for. this, as the-Win- AT Zl NIK'S! we have only 100 to sell West stores charge $139.00 for this Winchester Model 70 alone. Only at Zinik's can you buy the Model 70, and get the great new Hurricane 5 -- 3X to 9X coated rifle scope, plus Nato Bridge Mount all at this fantastic low price. Completely .270 or .243 mounted, all ready to go. In calibers. $191.00 30-0- No Mall ar Phan Order I VALUE .38 Special Caliber Military & Police Revolvers SCOPE 4-POWER WESSON" & No Down Payment Finest hunting scope made, featuring Bushnell's exclusive "Command Post," th only workable solution to the heavy crossbar prob lem. You can change from crosshair to post reticule instantly: Lightweight, wider field of view, with Bushnell guarantee. These are demonstrator scopes removed from mounts. 20-ye- are "Excellent" to "Nearly by NRA standards. In spected and checked by our own gunsmith. cylinder, 5" barrel, 1014" overall, weight about 31 oz. Parkerized blue finish, walnut grips with S&W All New" REG. Shoots monogram. Special ammunition. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! 88, in .308 Model Winchester n check- or .243 caliber, with handsome ered stock and exclusive locking rotating bolt. The gun alone normally sells for $143.95, but Zinik's include a Hurricane coated-len- 145 $183.45 scope s .38 RED HUNTING PANTS for long range RIFLE 95 AT BOTH OPENING SPECIALS IN EFFECT pullover Lightweight ZINIK'S DOWNTOWN & COTTONWOOD STORES pants that fit everyone. Made of flaming red with drill VALUE waist. All drawstring RED 30-0- 6 SAVE $53.00 AT ZINIKS! 1 42'' $212.50 VALUE RIFLE 75' ID DOWNTOWN In Zinik's-$4,500.0- Zinik' 50 SOUTH MAIN 6 Opening Speciall Opening Speciall Cottonwood store. parkas, made of twill dyed red. Perfect for skiing os well as hunting. Made of mustard tan canvas, with elastic loops for 12, 16 or shotgun shells. style, holds 24 shells. Sizes small, medium, large and ex- 68 Button-fro- SET LL tra large. REG. $3.95 No Moil er Phono Orders Complete, Nothing Else to Buy! Bar 88 Big Deer Contest ... y SHOTGUN SHELL VESTS Chrome Revolving Sleeve GUNSLICK 188 locking Cellars "H 40 other fabulous prizes freel Register er buy your of Zinik' Downtown or license to be eligible heavy-dut- BRAND-NE- e, super-accurat- e. ..COMPLETE 0 No Mail or phono Order! These are all An almost exact duplicate of a very famous powder scale that tells for $14.00. Precision-mad- FORD FALCON! - 99 POWDER SCALES on this set of diesl Save Most manufacturers charge $13.50 for these precision-mad- e quality 30-0- 6 rifle dies that produce perfectly matched ammunicaliber only. tion. 30-0- 6 No Down Payment WIN A NEW COTTONWOOD HUNTING PARKAS Special! MATO DIES 110-LBBARBE- - REGULAR $2.95 MATO ftM 7 Xj- 99c brand-ne- ONLY 50 TO SEL! of bullet weightsl 22" barrel, overall, weight 714 lbs. Completely mounted with the great new Hurricane coated rifle scope, with Nato Bridge Mount. In the new modern .243 Win. and .308 Win. calibers. tJ r Phon Ord.r, No Mail with SCOPE Fastest shooting hunting rifle in the worldl Absolut minimum of recoil to keep your shots en target. Pick it up anrf swing this gun to feel Its beautiful balance. Will never jam regardless 53 GUARANTEE. WINCHESTER. MOD. 100" AUTO. $79.50 00 S&W No Down Payment end Nato Bridge Mdunts, all at this low, prlcel shots . , . Tapered post tor dawn or dusk; in timber or brush Crosshairs -- lever-ootio- SCOPES RIFLE ot famous power 00 "SMITH WINCHESTER. The new VARIABLE Nearly New . . , "MODEL 88" with ushnell R RIFLE FOR ONLY This It the - Made To Sell For $28.95 ' . N Pbn Mailer1 Ordait ' 1 Pr. Adjustable Dumbell Bare 100 lbs. Iron' r f FABULOUS , ' M f Thursday, October II, 1963 o DOOirQ ) H T CLEANING Save $1.00 on these I cleaning kjts er made by REG. $2.95 No Moil r Phon Ord( KITS OutersCdn-tain- s gunsljck 'patches, oiLspWerrt, wire brushes 'tnd cleaning rod. . 4- - |