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Show -- nr f ' TTTTTrrrr ty TTTT y tr v vww v Wt vi"n s "r The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, October 11, 1962 12 H Checking tlie Channels Borgnine Bows hi With Comic Premiere Tonight By Richard O. Martin Tribune Staff Writer The new seasons final entertainment series premiere takes place Thursday night, with Ernest Borgnine and Navy making an entrance. The new series, based on Me-Hal- GUARANTEED ELECTROLUX VACUUM llocondiHonod OvONIliMd by A (pairs' A Salas New Hoover Warranty Servico mw Mini handled by N ms south 11 SUGAR iat hu HOUSI IT HAS BEEN my experience that symphony rehearsal sessions can be highly rewarding experiences, providing musical understanding as well as a glimpse of musicians' personalities. I highly recommend this program. Viewers who saw the recent CBS Reports program on racial strife in Mississippi will want to tune in the Oct 24 telecast which deals with a different aspect of the situation. 4:30 pjn. TreasFamily Theamu-'OuUaure." 8 Superman. 7 Number 1 Sunny Street. X 5 p ju. 4'Lene Ranger with Capt The Mickey Moau Club. 7 It hat 4 K.CL New? 5:30 pjn. Biff Kevi. 1 The 1.31 New Beport, Weather. Til 7 Americas Economy. 5:45 pjn. 5 Walter Cronkite Newa X 6 p.m. KCTY NewareeL S Supcfcar. 7 Tell Me. 6:15 pjn. 6:30 pjn. 2 HuntlejBrink!ey Report. TITLED THE Other Faces a Wide Ceantry. Rodeo chamof Dixie," the program of this Mitch Guthrie la helped air date will show the brighter pion out of trouble by a family of tlie school side of farmers and Is integration migratory shocked to learn of the Injuspicture, placing emphasis on at every tice suffered them by the slow, painful coming toturn. (Hour ahow). TennesIn races the a Ossie and Harriet. Ozzi and gether of AAvsbevt m his neighbor Joe Randolph play see, Virginia, Arkansas and celebrate will fort The on It administers a but the District their Joke 100 wives, at Ft. Douglas Military Building Georgia schools. backfirea Reserve units from the entire Utah its 100th anniversary this coming Saturday. Army X a Mister E4. Mister Ed, the TV, BY ITS nature, can do talking hone owned by Wilbur the eruptions and the riots Post, feels a touch of pity when W. he see the despondency ot MarFred very well," says gie, the performing elephant. Friendly, executive producer of 7 Teleceune: Slide Rule. " the series. "But I do think that 7 p.nt exmuch as when you give 4 e Tha Donna Reed Show. Don 100-Yea- r na Stone la skeptical but coposure to something such as operative when her son Jeff Oxford, youve a responsibility of eye strain. to show the good things, the 8 complains a Tha Norses. "Fly Shadow.1 slow, tortuous process of healA mines attempt to conceal some significant facta In the ing ease of an alcoholic woman t IWt. Indlcxtto MORE THAN 60 staff mem. patient who develops pneumonia Utah candidates for politi- accused Sen. Bennett of pro- Continued Frm Page B-- l 4 pan. almost results In her dismissal bers will gather for a two-dahosand the lawsuit a cal offices continued their posing unworkable comproTlmf. n against Hippy cjiief Warrant Ofworkshop Friday at the Peruvi-adirected pital. (Hour ahow). Wednesday with mises to hide his opposition to ficer EarlbyMaes. campaigns editor 4:15 the at Alta, pan. 7 latent of Art. Lodge bilL and HU VrUndi. S Km-kspeeches throughout the state. the said. 7:30 p.m. THE BANlj ALSO will preX a Dr. KUdare. Dr. Kildare Is s THE SENATOR, in r sent concert Friday a directing the medical team at Bennett Scores King, efforts, persuaded a raging-for- est fire when one com- at 7 p.m. neat Stillman Field. on the every Republican Record his medical of students panics 1 mittee to follow the Bennett In The Burning Sky. (Hour The two-dacelebration also Special to The Tribune show). line, and to oppose the Moss-Kin- will serve as a greeting to a Beaver. "Wallys 4 Leave te It Wallace Sen. KAYSVILLE said Bill," 12:55 pan. Rep. King. CoL Walter A, Shaw, who has 10 B.nt. 6 a.m. License." The entire Cleaver a NBC News. F. Bennett a Continental Clean, S Tour Firm! Imprescharged Canyonlands' Park will just assumed pommand of Ft. family worries when sion. 1 p.m. room, "American Wally sets out to get his driv- Wednesday that Rep. David spark an economic resurgence Douglas. Tho new command4 Tennessee Ernie Government." er's license. a Isntt Young. in southern Utah, and will re-- e ing officer anj his wife, Tome, 7 Civic Dialogue: Politics 1962. Ford. S. King has established a rec4 Day In Court 6:25 kjil r s e declining population had been sta ioned in Pans, Lave of Ufa. 8 p.m. Tha Millionaire, 4 Prayer. ord of almost complete in- trends which several counties 10:25 s.m. to his new as of "Moment a Sons. Three My 1:15 p.m. on issues involving have fel$ in the last 15 years, France, prior 6:27 a.m. CBS News. Truth. The campus queen and activity signment. Franeals L Parlous 7 4 Farm Market Report Utah. 10:30 KJit. the hamburger shop waitress 1:30 p.m. THESE COUNTIES should both accept Mike invitations a Truth or Conseqnea-guenee6:30 ajn. BRIG. GEN. Patrick H. SEX. BENNETT said that be particularly incensed over Doctor a to the same dance. Young 1 Continental chief oi staff, Sixth U.S. Hoar. Hitchcock The Alfred Malone. a one 4 far Tears Bong. on Clnaeroom. Rep. King has had only the senators 'I Saw the Whole Thing John bill 4 Seven Keys. 5 Search far 4 TEA Presents. his four con Army, during represntating Lt. Gen. passed King Rep. Canyonlands, B Ts Tell tha Troth. Forsythe stars as a novelist who Tomorrow. College ot the Air. John L. Ryan Jr., commanddecides to handle hla own de- years in Congress. "But even eluded. a.m. 10:45 1:55 p.m. 7 a.m. fense against a charge of man- more important, he said, Rep. g The Guiding Light 5 CBS Reports. ing general, yill be the rea Today Show, slaughter and then must prove King has failed to testify time Kesler Cites s-10:55 -Record, viewing officej at the Saturg Captain Kangaroo. 2 p.m. the fallibility of hostile wita NBC News. after time when important nesses. (Hour show). 7:06 a.m. a Make Room for day parade, 7 United Nations Review. . Utah projects were at stake. and 11 a.m. Urges Comparison Units from tie active Army, Daddy. Captain a for 4 Queen Pixie. Sen. Bennett said that Rep. Day. a Bold Journey. 8:15 p.m. Mormon Battalon, HeadquarA dedicated to the lifetime g The Secret Storm. 8 KJIk 4 Jana Wyman 7 Civic Dialogue. not once had testified beters 96th Infantry Division and King state this law in of practice 2:30 a Amy When, p.m. Present, 8:30 p.m. fore the House Appropriations has afforded me a broad in- 96th Division Artillery will a Here's Hollywood. g Midday. (Color). g Calendar. X HsieL (Color) Hazel enlists Committee in favor of any ' Do Yon Trust? Who 4 11:30 8:25 a.m. s.nt sight into Utahs problems, march in review, the aid of maids Rosie and Utah water The Edge of Night a Nowaday. project a NBC New. both legal and otherwise, A Millie to save a restaurant from ALSO IN fornation will be 2:45 pjn. He said that it had been Pratt Kesler, Utah attorney 4 Camduflage. 8:30 am going out of business a Play Your Hunch. g Aa tho World Tarns. 7 Elementary Spanish. 4 McHale't Navy. (Premiere). necessary for the two Utah general, said Wednesday. He the 328th General Hospital, 1st "An Ensign for McHale." Ernest 11:55 son. 2:55 pjn. (Color). senators to get projects added spoke before the Bonneville Battle Group, 38rd Infantry,-4ta NBC Newa. Borgnine stars In a series aa the in 4 Midday Report 4 Morning Matinee. the Senate because no effort Kiwanis Club. kipper of a zany PT boat crew. Reconnaissance Squadron, "Yank at Eton," S p.m. NOON was made to get their approval 9 p.m. 5 1 Love Lucy. a Merv Griffin Show a Two on the Aisle. 8th he had THAT NOTED HE Cavalry, 961 Division; Tho Andy Williams Show. in the House. 9 .m. (Color). "Escape to Burma' been a member of the Utah 21st Marine Rifle Co.; Navy 4 American Bandstand 4 Divorce Coart a Price la Right (Color). Guests are Myoshi CONGRESSMAN King has bar for 29 years. He said hed and Air Force Reserves, UniUmekl, Alan Young and Mr. Ed, g Groucho Marx. Password. (Color). the talking horse. (Hour show). established an amazing do been concerned with problems S Romper Roam. 12:30 p.m. , 3:30 p.m. versity of Utah fcOTC and Premiere. Guest In the nothing record - wherever and affairs of Utah citizens ROTC 9:30 a.m. 4eHouse B IJnkletter's House 4 Discovery. units from West, South, as stars Fred Astaire One Step Beyond. a Concentration. Party. time. were Utah's that at issues a and Highlid East stake, mystery during high Pete and Gladys, 3:50 p.m. 12:50 p.m. who, although down on his luck, and I believe his election to On the other hand, my op- schools. I 9:65 rn.ni. 7 Farlona Franeals II. 4 Captain K.C. Is willing to do anything to help has spent most of his 4 Farm Report. his friends including murder the Senate would mean that ponent the states interests would be legal career as an employe of GUESTS ON the Reviewing (Hour show). 9 Rawhide. A blind girl whose poorly represented and that he the federal government in oth- stand will include Mayor J. Bracken Lee, Sen. frank E. father has been murdered Joins would continue to rubber er states and overseas. the trail drive as a passenger Moss Gen Devine with her fathers killer as her stamp every administration I SUBMIT THAT my life- and representatives of the milidriver In Incident of the proposal regardless of its ef- long experience as a Utah r (Hour show). tary in this area. fect on Utah, just as he has concerned with Utah 7 Telecourse: Types of Christian Miss Joy Erickson, Miss Sen. in Benthe past, done Philosophy. problems qualifies me for the Utah Armed Forces, also will concluded. nett 9:30 p.m. office of Utah attorney gen- be in attendance on the re7 Llva and Learn: Focus on Phyeral far more than does my viewing stand. sics Greek Philosophy. Blasts Bennett opponents King foreign service, 10 p.m. Mr. concluded Kesler. Over Canyonlands X KrTV Newsreel. 4 4 Star News, Heather; Sports. to The Tribune CO. iu -- CHANNEL 2 has announced it will carry a special Telstar program on activities of the 21st Ecumenical Council In Rome Thursday at 7 a.m. Fort Sounds Utah Political Pot Candidates Voice Pleas For November Ballots -- SmhbsCrwwn Co. SMITH-CROW- aeries of Casals Master Class programs carried by Ch. 7 last season. - Yearbook" Work Advances at U. Factory Approved HOOVER SERVICE to Also, the World's Series travthe wacky exploits of a FT boat captain and crew, will air els Thursday, but is scheduled to return to television Frion Ch. 4 at 8:30 p.m. Despite the great wealth of day on Ch. 2 with pregame ko tivitles beginning at 11:30 a.m. com edy and baseball action St noon. gramming season, I suspect FUPPIXG THE DIAL: For that this series persons who may be interested will climb u p m the tremendous effort rapidly In the to prepare a Utah Sym ratings. phony concert, Ch. 7 will pro It has a wild vide an object lesson In spepremise, and cial program scheduled for when I talked Tuesday. with Mr. BorgThe prerecorded program, to nine in Hollyshow a wood, he seemed Mr. Martin air at 9 p.m., will sesrehearsal Utah Symphony of with the prospect delighted ' sion. playing a comedy role. Other Thursday veiwing will WHILE THERE will be conhave Fred Astaire starring in siderable musical content for Premiere (Ch. 4, 9 p.m.). He the listener, emphasis will be plays a very generous man of placed on conductor Maurice the world who stops at noth- Abravanels musical interpretto ations.not even murder ing One Ch. 7 official referred to help a friend. the program as an Abravanel JOHN FORSYTHE, recently master class," alluding to the is of Bachelor Father, keeping his hand In the television game with a 'guest star spot on Thursdays Alfred Hitchcock Hour (Ch. 5, 8 p.m.). Andy - Williams (Ch. 2, 9 p.m.) will indulge in some horseplay when he is host to Production of the 1963 ediMr. Ed, televisions talking tion of the Utonian," Unlver horse. Nonequlne guests will sity of Utah yearbook, is well Include Alan Young and My-os- under way, according to JacUmekL , quelyn Back, editor. Review Call B-.- y behind-the-scene- one-ho(- qOOOOOq' O Daytime Programs O o o THRILLING? oo THURSDAYS arc on CHANNEL 2 0 0ooooooo0 I'JIDEOODUTilV grandparent! and anothor drama wedding fifty yean lot. Unuuul, warn drama itarring Wallaca Ford and Nellie Rurt. A wadding for kindly 6:30 P.M. KUTV Ch. 2 ir. imm Rickard Chamberlain, ai Dr. Kildaro, helpi a medical itudent meaiure up under the ttreu of a climax tonight diioitroui fire. Power-pocke- d 7:30 P.M. KUTV Ch. 2 115 jr Do-Nothi- y g o. De-vin- g 1 l-C- Por-trait- law-yea- t Dimension. tin News, 10:30 p.m. The Tonight Show. (Color). Sal Susan Strasberg and Mlneo, Prof. Erwin Corey ar Johnny Carsons guests. (To aignoff.) 5 Showcase. X Radio Log 8:30 P.M. KUTV Ch. 2 KLUB MBS 570 Thursday. Oet 11 Morning 8 IS Farm Digest 8 30 News Ev. H Hr. 7 00 Hardman. Newa 7.15 Jim Dakan 8 00 Hardman. Newa 8 OS Whitney Bolton 9 05 Wall Street 9 35 Klub Karouiel 10:00 Cedric Foster SHOW (Color). Weather, Sports. 7 Decision. (To sign off) but Hazel would enliit the old of two ntaidi in order to save a roitourant from going out of bulineuf See "How To lure An Epicure." Who ng 10:35 p.m. 4 Manhunt. 9X5 Public Pulia 10 00 Night Final 11 p.m. 6:45 Voices of City 10.15 Gordon Owen Million Dollar Movie. "High, I 7:00 World Tomorrow U:U0 Alexander Wide and Handsome. (To sign-of- f 7:30 News lit 20th Schreiner ) Century America 11:30 Album of Muate 11:05 p.m. 8 30 Sounds In Stereo 11.55 Newa 12 00 Bowen and Jazz 4 Big Movie. "Roma 11 00." Ital 10.00 BUI Curtis Ian film with dubbed sound a,m, 10 05 Sounds In Stereo F.M Stereo, 4 (To aignoff.) p m. 9 p m. 11:05 John Brophy Jazx 13.00 Quiet Sounds Sports Sounds 6 30 BUI Curtis 5 7-- 3-- 910 BALL ot Oty 1160 KSL CBS EMN-AB- C Thursday, Oct. 11 Morning Morning BUI Stern Davis, News 8.90 Break ft, Barlow n 4 35 Wall Street 6.45 Bua ot Farming 1 00 Davis, News 5.40 Kavanagh Show 7:00 CampbeU Newa 3 0U Newa hourly 7.15 Sanaom A Small Evening 6 00GUmour, New 6 00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 7.45 Bartow Newa 10 Lucas Show 6 6 15 G. H. Combs 8.00 Sanaom A SmaU 7 00 MiUer, New 6 30 Nlte Sounds 6 30 News Lamp Deli Speaking Sport 9 00 The World Today 8.45 Nightingale 7 30 World Roundup 9.35 Something Show 8 00 Hemingway, Newt Special New 10 15 Stardust Klub 910 Party Line 8 30 Dr. Burke LOS Klub 9:40 Calling Holly-wo9 00 Allen, News Thursday, Oct, 11 2 00 McIntyre. Newa 1:35 Gaylon Rowan I Special KANAB Kane County could now look forward to sharing in the estimated 16 million dollars in tourist trade which Canyonlands National Park would bring to Utah if Sen. Bennett had not opposed the park, said Rep. David S, Wednesday. King REP. KING spoke at a Dem ocratic Operation Barnstorm rally. Rep. King said that Sen. Bennett had headed the opposition to the Canyonlands Bill. He fD-Uta- TONIGHT ON Mlyathl Umekl Alaa Young and Mr. Id" tha talking ban 0 AU-Nl- te 1320 RCPA NBC " 10:06 Newa -- 10-0- 0 New. MUli Breakfast Club 10.10 Arthur Godfrey Thursday, Oet 11 10 55 Joyce Brother 11:10 House Party 11:00 Lucas. News IRaralag Gary Moore 8 05 Farm Newa 11:05 Paul Smith Show Trio Kingston 6:U0 NBC News Hrly. 13.00 News 6.05 Sounds ot De13 00 Harvey. New Afters soa tenu 1:00 ABC New 12:15 Bua ot Farming 7:00 NBC News 3.00 ABC News , 13X5 Food New 7:05 Newa tn Depth 2 05 Daddy Flo 12:40 Party Lin 7:10 Paul James 3X0 ABC New 1.00 Crossroads MS World News 4 00 Matthew. Newt 3 00 Crossroads 7:30 BiU Terry 4 30 Harvey. New 6:00 Spurts Seen New 8 05 What Stubba. Newa 8:15 Crossroads 8.35 B1U Terry 5 05 Augle Sports 8:30 Mount W. News 9:30 What's New 10 Barnett Show 5 Lowell Thomas 10:05 Herb Jepko 6 00 Today In Business 8 30 World Roundup New. Dreter 6 15 Rare, WeU Don 6.30 Harmon, Sport What'S New 7X0 New 13:10 News In Depth reals Observations USA 3 05 Rex Wallgren 7:15 Worldwide Sport Morgan New 4:05 Sound ot DeOn the Line 7:30 New Analysis tenu 8 00 Matthews, Newt 8 35 Rare, WeU Don 8:30 Bua Trmda 9X0 ABC New 8X0 New 8.45 Sports Sounds 9 05 Davla Show 8 10 Lit Line Don 10 00 Dreter New Wei 8 25 Rare, Evening 10 10 Late Sports 8 45 World Tonight 6:00 NBC New 9XOOwen't Notebook 11:00 ABC New 6:05 News in Depth 9? tow KSL-n- i 100.3ms KCPX-Fto? ms KUEH - FM (U ol U (0 lme KLUB-10-0- 11-3- 11-4- 0 Andy Wfilleml and the gang mix it up with comedy, eong and done. Wait 'til you wo Andy ting to "Ed." 9:00 P.M. KUTV Ch. 2 dr2- - MY THREE SONS ! ITS ALL IN THE I FAMILY! The fun, that is, with Steve Douglas and his busy brood! Fred MacMurray stars with William Frawley. ' jJ 8:00 debt" ' Arthritis Session To Hit Quack 9 A thruit at phony cures" and misripresented remedies for arthritis will be made by the Utah Chapter, Arthritis xnd -- Rheumatism Foundation, at its annual meeting Oct. 22. WE INTEND remedies ad treatments which promite a cure or lasing relief asserted Dr. Y. D. Eskelsin, immediate past president of the Utah group. DR. JOHN RiWard of the chapters Medictl and Scientific Committee Will discuss "Beware of Quaiery as the sessions convent at 8 p.m. at Holy Cros$ Hospital Nurses Home, HXfc E. South Temple. i 1 rSSSALE tvspecEu P.M. "Whats Whtl DRY SKIN CREME Ernest Borgnine commands a rollicking, restless PT boat crew thats ready for fun but prepared for a fight! unset Concert Music Mew KW1C 1S70 funrtst to Punsst Kaoillsr Musts KNAR KBBO-ltt- tin IS M Hour Doily Music Newt O to 8unset 1 - Dtytimt Western MuMA Newt KSXX SunsO to Om Musto Hews in Home BuyinV TONIGHT: "You ' Havt ought Your Home-No- w What Can Yoi Do With Itr Will prafmioml lamhcaiing aW to tho valaa afwty fcoVM? How rfo 5 mafco look Individuatf , tract ' SKooM f nii proWncfaf a wetfora stylo turnitvrot TKo Premiere 8:30 p.m. exports onswor your auothont. how to decorot your new House vtr And for y (bothparticular problem, you're asked n pbona m and psk tho exports yourself, EVDEPEXDEOTS RMUR ir 4 Hour DaiIt Music. Newt to warn arthritis sufferers against the purchaie of devices, 13-0- 5 are itzo. SunnM to COTSALT TakeTcitv Sherman P. Lloyd, Republican candidate for Congress from Utahs Second District, carried his campaign to Murray Wednesday night in a series of eight cottage meetings. HE ATTACKED the fiscal policies of the Kennedy Administration stating: The average unemployment rate is still running higher than when the present administration took office in 1960. The cost of living has gone up nearly every riionth this year and is now at an high. MORTGAGE- - foreclosures are at their highest since 1939 and the nation has suffered its first stock market crash since 1929. If this administration continues its present fiscal policies, it is going to have to (1) increase taxes, or (2) further increase the national all-tim- e 13-0- March-Singalo- JFK Fiscal Policy Draws Lloyd Fire jjT Jfl 10:30 p.m. Tonight KSL-T- V, I! Channel 5 |