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Show TrrrrrrTT 4 The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, October, 11, 1962 V How Would You Like to Put Big Dent in Egg Bill? By Carolyn Dunn Extension Specialist Utah State University Do you want to put a large-sizedent in your egg bill? Then fill your egg basket with the medium and " d sizes. small are defi-- n They e 1 y top value on the economy food 1 1 list right Its a sonal now. sea- thing good and a way for con-- s u m e r to Miss Dunn save on their food bill in the fall. More young chickens are producing and naturally the majority of eggs coming to market are among the smaller sizes. Around the first of the year large eggs will once again come into their own, as the hens mature. Compare Prices How can you tell when this seasonal change occurs? By a simple rule Involving price comparisons. Small eggs are the best value when they are more than 15 cents below the price of the large eggs. Medium eggs are a better value when they are by choosing the grades of eggs most suited to the uses you have in mind. Grades are not related to size but they do identify quality. Top egg grades U.S, AA and A are the best in appearance for poaching or eating in the shell The yolk is high and the white and yolk are firm with little spread. On the other hand, lesser grades such as B and C are good eggs but have thinner white with a flatter yolk that is easily broken. These grades - usually cost less than the top grades and are satisfactory for baking, scrambling, salad dressing and general cooking. Save Extra Pennies Consumers who buy top grade eggs for cooking purposes will save extra pennies by substituting the lesser grade egga wherever possi- more than 7 or 8 cents below the price of large eggs. Consumers can easily tell which sized eggs are the best value and when these changes come about simply by watching and comparing egg prices during the year. At last report the large sized eggs have dropped a few cents in price this past week, but the small and medium eggs continue to be the exceptional values of the season at local egg counters. Still Another Way This may seem enough of a savings at one time but there is still another way to cut the egg bill and that is O. P. SKAGGS' CO. Boneless Sirloin CHOICE O GRADE Proper refrigeration also plays a part in maintaining the value of the consumer's egg money. Egg quality decreases - at higher - tempera- tures and under these condi-tion- s the homemaker may lose much of her original Investment Hie best eggs are always cold until the time of using. Cooking," a timely and complete booklet by USU specialists is a recommended guide for all hunters and to know the best methods on the proper care of the deer, from kill to kitchen. Its Venison . . . T-BO- STEAK ROUND lc STEAK Choice I CHOICE GRADE LB. Grad prickly, pimply skin Use toothing, Vi Beef n.. 39 Htoy Dgw Don's .Market a .. d help skin feel better, fast "finiKtnf ArrmfM N lanolin-ric- h RESIHOL.rdTHo 59 ib. Graced USDA VOI I. Mow, aWt O.V. ( MS -- 7 . 4M-00- Stum. Straw T83 SOOTH FOOD BARGAIN ANNEX: Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday t BARS LETTUCE heads LARGE HEADS TOMATOIS .Q, Ih- - PANCAKE FLOUR m 0 Pilltbury AA-- a P Hungry Jack bag Saturday lunch takes on a new look with this tasty soup. , Cook 3 tablespoons chopped celery, 2 tablespoons chopped green pepand 1 frankfurter per, (sliced) In a tablespoon of butter about 5 minutes or until tender; stir often. Blend iiv a can of condensed bean with bacon soup and a soup can water. . Heat; stir now and then. Garnish each serving with a dab of sour cream, if desired. Serves 2 to 3. w b. j FILL 22-a- 44c Ib. 39c Ib. 49c Ib. TOMATOES cans 2 'i SIZE $00 POWDERED Starlac Cut, Wrapped, Quick 12-q- t. onow Moety Ib. FRANKS ,45D Swift' RIB STEAKS Loan, T.nd.r Ereieit-fR- EI Complete lino of adit, trace feed, end uic for yeur freecnr. Financing available SAVE MONEY NOW l MILK Size I ib. Premium U.S.D.A. GOOD GRADE RED RIPE there. -- i. CANNED Ask for "Classified. They'll take it from YOUR FREEZER Beef Front Qtrs. Hind Qtrs. SYRUP Sunny Jim 53 f.p.r,ib 39 BACON SAUSAGE ROLLS HORMEl 3 DOG FOOD Vets No. 1 Can si00 rn cans 20EO to Our PricesE Add Only 10 PRODUCE FROZEN FOODS TV DINNERS Steak Care and Saturday Soup L Ttiictor Rib NT Venison Bulletin D M,d" LB. OVEKTISEME Eggs T ble. - large trMk To obtain a copy, without cost, UTite to Carolyn Dunn, 75 West South Temple, Salt lake City, Utah. A C3 2 1. 99 CELERY 9 Bleached - .A S ' y s x, Shaver's 9 . GRAPEFRUIT Mandarin m VIENNA sausages 5 LIBBY'S .'3 EGGS a 4- A 2 GracU AM. 83 doz. FOLGER'S COFFEE 2 n. 63 ibs. r ORANGES 89 ssrr QP. SKAGGS corn FOOD 6 consul TISSUE Northern STORES 209 422 SOUTH NORTH 4pfimwrn 121 13TH EAST 2ND WEST a ''r ' A- - ' "t ', ' ' ,v ' " ? U y4 t ',V? V?"" f ''"' 'Tourkv trv , fyi' ' S't Jv,"4J ' rAy. , ' ", ,v, t ' , v ' f A ; i ; f, Jr, 4 ONLY S7 VS V sty s&M '4, , r BOBOLINK IMMATURE BOSE FOR THIS EXOTIC PLANT! l! ' V; rV' ' Vv - CHILI CON CARNE A 4 ',y, " ' '' s 'A ',?','' ' " , A 5K y i ,, , '' v ' V ?' V" 4 ? " 'y , , ' 1 ' , " ''-'i- , " , f,, : A t y,',, fA , v , tAf, 4 a ' " ' S" ' , ; s';'' 4' ; , M, m dfc.tfn ' ' tyfl ' y't " ' ' , , f , ss ... , A ' . 'i '' 1"1' 't At 4 ,A'A . ''"'A A&k.&A.ys. .SAn.A.AAASAttAAA'&ySbSyvSAsd'SAVArir. AASAt'tr v'' WdVAAA.r AS. A 'A.AAAa.AsAAaAaA " A" ' ' 4t' vv'. w a.aAHAAAaAA 'A'.'A. &SA.A.A ' v'", AAVAtA These tomatoes are strictly for drinking. To us. a stewing tomato is one thing: A drinking tomato is another Many fine canners get all then tomatoes from the same crop. They pack the most perfect tomatoes whole, stew some, and whatever is left over they make into juice. A practical, sensible procedure. Were impractical. We grow California tomatoes especially for drinking. We leave them on the, vine until and bursting with juice. they are soft and sugar-sweMore fragile, and more expensiye to handle, but thats the way S&W dpes things. .We think theres only one way to make perfect tomato juice: with a perfect iuice tomato. If it isnt perfect, S &W wont pack. it. et DENNISONS CHIU CON CARNE1 ' ' , 4y;, - , 4 '! ' ',''4 1" 4f any can of Dennisons Chili Con Came. Ma3 it along with the price of the plant selected to Dennisons, BO. Box 522, Sierra Madre, Calif. Order as many plants as you like, but each order must be accompanied by a Dennisons ?To help you meet and enjoy the finest canned Chili label and the price of the plant selected. chili in the world, Dennisons makes this un- All of these ' usual premium offer, plants grow indoors or out. Hurry!-Se- nd for yours today! Supply Limited. Offer Just print your name, address and name of void where taxed or otherwise restricted. plant preferred on the back of (he label from . : ,,v Tour choice of 6 live plants at big savings just for trying our famous Dennisons Chili Con Carne. , f . GJltrtiMlIKi y, ' A . ' |