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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, January -- Or' i- Semi-Toug- h m. -i ELK THEATERS by DAVID PROCTOR Chronicle staff Football and est are combined in A h on its way from funny thing happened to a Dan novel to Jenkins being a movie. It ran by being popular the of hands Michael Ritchie The director through News Bad had just read a book who Candidate, Smile, Bears) entitled Powers of the Mind by Adam Smith, which was all about the consciousness movement. Suddently, before you could say, "Joe Namath wears panty hose," Semi Tough was transformed from a funny story about football players into a satire on est, pyramid power and assorted other g And as it wasn't suddently groups. just very funny anymore. I should confess right up front that I read Semi-Toug- h in its original form and liked it very much. Jenkins took on pro football and speared it clean while telling some of the funniest dirty stories this side of Mark Twain. I realize that a director has the right and sometimes the obligation to make changes in a story while translating it to the screen, but I also think he has the obligiation to make but one movie at a time. Ritchie tried to make two and come up with just a mish-mas- h that doesn't do either justice. Jenkins' story was about two good ole boys named Billy Clyde Puckett and Shake Tiller (Burt Reynolds and Kris Semi-Toug- -- head-bendin- for 'Semi-Toug- h' confusing mixture Now is r rrn n y99vTr 20 1957 CHEV WAGON. Rebuilt engine, trans., chrome wheels, etr. Excellent 1 20 condition, $900or best. Rebuilt POLARA, new paint, p.s., p.b.( air; EXCELLENT condition, $900. 278-036DODGE enginetrans., l20 74 FIAT 128 WAGON, low mileage, front wheel drive, radial tires. AM FM radio, superlative condition. I 1970 PONT1AC EXECUTIVE 20 400, $500. also willing to negotiate. Power brakes, power steering, cruise control, power seats, rear spikes, daytime I J9 Hans. CAPRI, GOOD CONDITION, radial tires. Will negotiate price, call '71 eveningsorweekends582-2790- . 24 I Equitable AUTO-INSURANC- E service simplified General has policy, most competitive rates. Kurt 126 ext. 78. 1 566-299- VALLEY WALK TO U impressive 486-479- 3 1 ASUU SPONSORS VICTORY STOMP, on January 19, 1978, after Arizona State basketball game. I'nion 1'19 Ballroom. Admission charge. RENTALS(62I0). CRACKLIN FIREPLACE quality flat, plush carpeting, $120. VALLEY Most bills paid. I 20 RENTALS (6211). FREE UTILITIES COMPLETE bedroom apartment, east aves, $125. I.ow VALLEY RENTALS deposit. 20 I (8706). GARAGE! FIREPLACE! Amaing bedroom, useable kitchen. $195. RENTALS (6720). basement, modern VALLEY 20 I BEDROOM, unfurnished, near Smiths bus lines. Off street parking. I 27 619 Fifth Ave. $140. Avenue.532-2936- ! 120 TWO BEDROOM HOME, ten minutes from campus $15,000. Bob Wilde, MILLER BROTHERS 119 REALTY. $50.00. Includes utilities, fridge, game room. pool. Call DOUBLE kitchen, or PUPS, AKC REG.. Champion bloodline, yellow. Gall LABRADOR I 1 WANTED WAITRESS Ic HOSTESS (Prefei 21 or older) Msitions open evenings. Chinese Citv Restaurant. Call 467-- 12 PERSONAL TECHNOLOGIST, ASCP TECHMEDICAL REGISTERED hotits NOLOGIST to woik arranged. Peivmncl Office, I 'niwrsilv of TRAVEL ! A.T. 8c T.'s NAIVE CONCLUSION The svstem is the vlution. WAKING OWL BOOK CO., 1260 K. 1th So.. I 19 GETTING A COLD SORE? Call within 21 hours fot Free Treatment Studs. I 20 SUFFERING FROM TION, DIARRHEA, CONSTIPAABDOMINAL PAIN, GAS? Free evaluation and treatment while panic iating in a study to improve these symptoms. The study is approved bv (he Human I'm Committee, tall 127 JKA KARATE CLUB taking meets Monday beginners Wednesdav 7:00 p.m.. HPER E- - new and 212. I ELECTRIC !90cm. Kastle National Teams 205cm, Look Nevadas, 1 '25 barrecrafter ski poles. call KASTLE X-- heidishiru IS HAVING on custom r9? AXmI WANTED ROOMMATE South 15th East, utilities. Own room ic private entrance. pait-lim- Utah.' TRAVELSTUDY WITH THE "V" IN JAPAN, GERMANY, TAIWAN! U OF TRAVEL STUDY TOUR. JAPAN. Julv. 1978. 4 credits. Liberal Education 395. KIEL STUDY TOUR. March 20, y 1978. Courses Year months) for undergraduates; v holarships available. AC, PA 3.5. Application Deadline, February I. U OF U NA I IONAl .TAIWAN UNIVERSITY EXCHANGE PROGRAM 2 1979. Advanced Asian August 1978-Jun- e Studies Applicants must have 4 years of Chinese- ianguage studs to ejuahly. Scholarships 23 Academic University Program available. FOR INTER- SEE NATIONAL EDI ( A ION. MIX. (north of Unioni. Room 165. APPLICATIONS. A SALE! Save dresses, sheepskin vests, it more, heidishirts, where your crary ideas get on our neeto shirts! 924 East 9th South. 52 1 0 67. I 25 10-5- 0 NEW UNMOUNTED Olin Mark Vi s (205 cm)racing stock. Call 551- 8069. 123 MUST SELL NEW HEAD HRP COMP SKIS (185cm) & Solomon 555 equipe bindings. Used only 10 times. $300 new, asking $200 or best offer. 125 IRISH SETTER PUPPIES AKC, 3 months old. Show, hunt, or pet. Shots. after 6:00 p.m. 123 FEMALE 41 2 2! 2( HASSLED? CONFUSED? TYPING LEGAL SECRETARY WDISSERTA-TIOexperience wants home typing IBM Correcting Sclectrie II. Close in. 121 CASH ONLY! TYPIST - 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. I.B.M. Correcting Seleetrie. Accepting manuscripts, theses, resumes, and letters 3 10 Suede & Leather Cleaning Helpline is an ASUU service Country Club Cleaners 1331 3900 S Olympus Cleaners 6095 Highland Dr. Martinizing Cleaners 6157 Highland Dr. West Jordan Cleaners offered to students who need to talk to someone. Legal, medical and academic referrals are also available. CALL 1593 W. 7800 5. 581-822- EQUAL I 20 WANTED: VISITING PROF requires I in lustic (I I in 2 hrdiooin atfciiimeni near U. Feb. 20 Mar. 25. quirt I 25 23 Norman Harsin 8 31 yrs. Experience 7 COUNSELORS COMMUNITY. BASED PROGRAM WORKING W JUVENILE OFFENDERS. Agency dedic atecl looking for experienced, individuals. Transportation necessars. AND MATERNITY CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE needs part lime help. ( ill between 9:30a m. and 5:30 19 p.m. DELIVERY PERSON FOR MORNING Route Apply 3700 Highland Drive. 123 -- 3 TUXEDOS : PART-TIME- BRIDAL WEAR aggressive. Mr. Wall. AND Neat. ixisonalilc. male oi female. I unde r pressure. 1 I!) ask foi Jackie. jc Local BUSINESS. Amway distributor offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours. We provide the training. For appointment, tall 24 between p.m. BUILD 23 I 486-519- PART TIME HELP WANTED. No set v hedule. Must be Bonclable. Typing, filing, phone, ten key, bookkeeping required. Must have car. Able to woik WANTED MF CHILD CARE 1 Live-iBOY, 9, and light housekeeping 8 days Holladay area. Use of car 3 $10 per day. Call at after fi p.m. Beg. Jan. 30. 23 A DOUBLE YOUR INCOME working hoursa day. 2 p.m. POOR KUHAKUS RtSTAUKAi 7:00-9:0- 0 luncheon and dinner shifts 930 I 2 $100 plus . I r WANTti) to ROOMMATE Annex 14 I Wednesday, January 20th. See Mrs. Halliday. 4:00-5:3- KEY PUNCH HELP NEEDED. Aft ernoons anil evenings. Experience neccssarv. Comae Val PART-TIM- E I 20 DELIVERY PERSON FOR MORNINO Route Apply 3700 Highland Drive. 1 23 , 5445 So. 9th East (North of Sports Mall) will be taking applications for competent waiters and waitresses for 9 shareapartment.Call582-5l27- 101 OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. in German language and Special Studies. Application Deadline. January 31. NEW PROGRAM IN TOKYO. JAPAN!!! I' of $70 a month after 7:00 FEMALE ROOMMATE, 5 utilities. Call plus p.m. a.m.-10:0- 25 MEDICAL 25 22 NEAR U. S Bedroom, 2 baths, washer, dryer, fireplace. $400month. One month I'M deposit. 52 6392. 40. Don't Ski outfits. I' of 1' Spec ial Full set. Daily RENT $2.50. 10 wks x Set. $24.50. Fiberglass Daily $3.50. 10 wks $34.50. Collateral is needed Call the "MATTERHORN" BUY 39-- 1 exensive new FOR SALE STEREORECEIVER: JVC. Speakers: KLH 331, Turntable: Garrard 4 40M. Like new $300 offer: 53 19 8643. 8:00 Hydro-po- t I U OF U SKIERS, P E. Skiing No. Ext. 3552. 486-466- ROOM-SINCLE-$- 31 or Class ol non-skie- 1 SKIS: WE LOVE STUDENTS! Help us fix it 1 some up fc save! Studio Ic bedroom, furnished, utilities paid, downtown. I Unlimited income own hours. Call p.m.. DIRECT SALES: potential. Choose 23 I 1 r 24 years I 20 I PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Call around 6 p.m. 120 NEAR U AND BUS STOP. LARGE 3 bedroom duplex. New inside! Perfect for 8 or 4 or 5 students $295. Eric 4 home, fully carpeted, leisure patio. $140. VALLEY SMITH-CORON- FOR RENT prices. Will beat anv prices LUCAS, JOHNSON fc ASSOCIATES MATERNITY SPECIALISTS. Representing many companies. We can save you 40 to 60 in maternity costs and we tailor coverage to meet your individual I 31 needs and budget. Call older AVENUES APPEARING TONIGHT: I in HOLLADAY . . . John Bateman. II at the UNIVERSITY . . . "Available Jelly", III on STATE STREET . . . Karen Gibbs, IV at Ml'LE HOLLOW . . . Dale Newey. Call 19 for more information. wholesale ALL TYPING NEEDS. Seseral experience. Reasonable. IBM. 272-595- SERVICES I CEPETTO'S PRESENTS NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AT OUR FOUR RESTAURANTS: 3 bedroom home, recreation room, securelv fenced, VALLEY fireplace $300.. 20 RENTALS (7916). AVENUES, ENTERTAINMENT RENTALS I 20 Dial (9017). the time to do some cleaning USE THE CHRONY CLASSIFIEDS!! STUDENTS Ic FACULTY. Name Brand stereo components and CB equipment at around. Call FENCED AND PRIVATE I bedroom, some furniture, modern kitehen, $130. est-lik- place so long. RATES: $1.50 PER DAY ($6.00 NEAR U finer home, furnished or unfurnished, fullv fenced $135. Kristofferson) who have been fast friends for years and play football for the New York Giants. They both happen to love Barbara Jane Bookman who loves them both back but lives with Shake. Jenkins takes this trio through to the Super Bowl Jets, charting their loves and raunchy against the doss-as- s goings on. It's funny stuff. What Ritchie has done is introduce Beat (or is it beat), and e training run by Bert Convy. Pretty soon things are reduced to whether Barbara, Jane will "get it" or not so she and Shake can get married. Football becomes just a sideline.. There are still several funny scenes, and Jill Clayburgh as Barbara Jane mouths some marvelous obscenities with all the class you could want. But the football scenes are totally unconvinced, and the plot is continually forced onto sideroads where it doesn't belong just to include another swipe at a consciousness movement Ritchie wants to satirize. A movie about est or the movement in general would have been great fun. And a movie about football would have been great fun. But one about both with the director trying to walk the middle path between them is not great fun. Maybe into the movie it someday someone will make Semi-Toug- h could have been. and sell all those nasty things that have been hanging around your per week) for 1 5 words or less; rates for larger ads available. DEADLINE: Ad must be submitted and prepaid by 1:00 p.m. 2 days prior to publication. PHONE: 581-704- 1 1968 19, 1978 cm p.m. I 20 WAITRESS, COCKTAIL WAITRESS. BROILER COOKS AND LINE COOKS wanted for new Dinner House Restaurant. Waitress must be legal at International Dunes Hotel. 20e So. West Temple. 21 I NEED PART-TIMHELP foirn 8 a m 12 p.m.. and 10 or a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m. 134 I 24 Union Bldg Apply to REPAIRMAN Must know repairs. Cjll NEEDED for apartments ic electrical plumbing, I HOUSECLEANER WANTED 23 (all I 8:00p.m. 27 COLD ON CLASSES & HOT FOR THE SLOPES? Work and ski at Snowbird this winter!! We still have several year 'round and seasonal positions available on a full or basis. Ski free as a Snowbird employee for a refundable deposit. Free bus transporta tion is also available. Other part-tim- e benefits include food WANT TO LEARN CHINESE, CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING, OR TAI CHI? Come to the Chinese American Community School on Saturday morning. The school offers Mandarin and Cantonese languages in a leisurely atmosphere. Forget the blues of grades. Language classes will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for both adults and children. Chinese brush painting, flower making, Kung-f- u and T'ai Chi are offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost is twenty dollars per person a semester. Registration starts on Jan. 21 at Room 215, Highland High School. Discounts Special Students, Faculty EYE & Employees EXAMINATIONS and Hard & Soft CONTACT LENSES J.F. Feiler, O.D. 60 S. 4th East, Suite No. 8, SLC for appt. Phone 531-118- 5 discounts, health and life insurance, holiday pay, sick leave, etc. For more information visit the Personnel Office. Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Main rloor bnowoird Center at Snowbird Resort, Little Cottonwood Canyon, 521-604- Equal Opportunity Employer snowbird and summer resort ijski For best business results, if you have a choice, dress affluently.. - Dress for Success 39 W i STOREKEEPERS FOR GENTLEMEN 200 NORTH PROVO UNIVERSITY MAll SQUARE 3 T LTROllfY M |