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Show 4 The. paUy Utah Oironicle, Thursday, January 19, 1978 Page Three student befriends Eastern indigo snake, 2 boa constrictors U by CINDY the indigo, suffocate their prey with their jaws, Romney explained. The indigo eats goldfish and Romney hopes to start him on young mice. The constrictors eat mice, rats and birds when possible. Romney is on the Hogle Zoo Docent (teaching) Council. He feeds the zoo's snakes each week. He is also treasurer of the Utah Herpetology Society a group of people interested in reptiles and amphibians. The society is interested in the preservation of two locally threatened species of snake; the Utah milk snake and the Sonora Mountain king snake, said Romney. The Mountain king snake is very colorful and beautiful, he said. People find it in the mountains, capture it and take it home where, due to lack of care, it dies. This is why the snake is scarce, he explained. Romney is in the process of writing articles for wildlife magazines concerning the behavior of people toward snakes. Romney says most people believe that snakes are slimy, evil or that they never die, all of which are myths. Many of the myths TIXGLEY Chronicle staff Be a good little boy or girl and Snakeman will come visit your school. University student Eldon Romney is Snakeman. He has always had an interest in snakes, and fine years ago he began raising them. He now owns two boa constrictors, ft. female Fang, a six and one-haand Eggtooth, a five and one-ha- lf ft. male. Romney also owns an Eastern indigo snake, Merlin, which is protected as an endangered species in its native Florida. Merlin is a sleek deep blue-blacone and one-haft. long and 8 months old. Fang was obtained from a belly dancer in Colorado. Eggtooth and Merlin were purchased at a local pet shop, explained Romney. Romney lectures at schools and children's organizations. He carried his constrictors around with him, especially in the summer, and attracted attention. "My constrictors are smart enough to know thatitisa waste of energy toattempt to eat their master," Romney said. All snakes swallow their food whole. Some constrict, some poison and others, like three-year-o- ld lf k, lf stem from religious misconceptions, Romnev said. "People need to respect animals and Campus Briefs Perspectives Lounge. All Alma Gygi, president of Commercial Construction Co. and Gygi Enterprises, will speak at Perspectives in Business Thursday at noon in the Mark H. Greene Hall, Business Lecture Building. Interviews Bohne, former University will speak at the LDS Institute Noon Devotional, Vice-Preside- Friday, in the Central Chapel. a Bohne, consultant, goals and self-imag- k :ur ' ' : University-student- Donna will speak on e. Business frat John Prince, of Prince, Langheinrich and Greer stock brokerage company, will speak to the Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity on Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Business Lecture Faculty flSUb Riggs reptiles, and this will be the start of their And a snake can be made as neurotic as can a understanding and ridding themselves of dog, he added. myths," he said. "Snakes are fascinating, and they fit my "A lot of people have to realize that they I don't like aggressive animals. should not irrationally kill snakes on sight. personality. noses on you to express rub their Dogs Snakes are of immeasurable ecogogical affection. Snakes will crawl into a corner value," Romney said. and stay there, observing. If they don't like "People don't give reptiles credit for you they'll go theother way. They won't bite having feelings. They have the same your leg," Romney said. capacity for feeling as any other animal, but His goal is to do research on snake they don't show it because it's not their nature," he said. Snakes ran show affection. breeding and genetics. s Kenney, p.m. For additional mation, call 363-078- infor- 0. Writing talk Department of English is sponsoring a lecture by Jame Kinneavy, professor of English at the University of Texas, Austin. The theme of the lecture is "Kings of Thinking in Aims and Modes of Writing." Kinneavy is the author of A Theory of Discourse, (Prentice Hall) 1971. The lecture will be held in the Social Work Auditorium on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. -- presents An Afternoon forBrides Saturday, Jan. 28, 1978 12:30 p.m. Hotel Utah Grand Ballroom 2 presents I. 8AR0N Master Hypnotist ... to help you plan a wedding you'll never forget! An to savor a delicious luncheon, to discover the latest in afternoon just for you combo! bridal wear, to enjoy the live music of a three-piec- e We know you want everything to be perfect on that very special wedding day! Let us show you our beautiful collection of the newest bridal and trousseau fashions, as well as a marvelous array of gowns for the bridal party. Whether your favorite is elegantly traditional or blissfully romantic, we're sure you'll find the perfect An afternoon to remember ... expression of your dreams! Buy your tickets in any Auerbach's Credit Office for only 4.50 each and be our guest for the special events of the afternoon! With your ticket you will receive a 20 discount card valid from January 28 to February 28, 1 978 on merchandise in the following departments: Bridal Gowns, Lingerie, China and Glassware (excepting Waterford Crystal), Silver, Gifts, Housewares, Linens and Domestics. Your ticket also enables you to park free during the show in Auerbach's convenient Parking Plaza (just show your ticket to the parking attendant as you leave the plaza) and ride our courtesy bus to and from Hotel Utah. You can come early stay late and browse through our exciting displays of home furnishings and trousseau fashions. Auerbach's Bridal Registry can help you achieve the perfect wedding! Our professional consultants will help coordinate all your patterns and will record your choices in our gift registry. It's the assurance you will receive your choice in all your needs and avoid duplication, too. As a special gift, all brides registering at Auerbach's will receive free a beautiful pearlized handle cake knife to treasure as a momento of your wedding. We hope you'll join us for a delightful afternoon! . . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 8:00 PM $1.50 at the Door UNION BALLROOM Always Entertaining, Always Mystifying Always Different SPECIAL TEASER SHOW: Jan. 25 at 12:30 in the Huddle area I John Wauon Eldon Romney demonstrates his skill in handling a boa constrictor. r National Miss Universe Committee member, will conduct interviews for Utah Miss Universe contestants in Business Classroom 303 on Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 3:30 The financial lEOUIIN ' v are welcome. Devotional Stanford S c- W V7 f H . . . |