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Show V Page Eight . - . ir The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, January AT ITHE ELL PLAYERS I STAND ABOUND IN A NEAT TURTLE NECK. WTU A ROLLED UP PROGRAM I ..."BUT LOVE yELUNG f X EVEN YELL AT AND YELL AT THE donT ENjcy BASKETBALL 50fAE TlfAES n in I REALLy TOO- - 19. 1978 I I I m THE 0PFIOMJ3 5 mark shenefelt Kappa Psi Alpha presents Orange Crush weekend survival author of Mow to Awahen the Financial Genius Inside You THURSDAY, JAN. 19 7:30 pm - Business Lecture Hall Faculty Lounge all are welcome it's free Fortunately for me, NBC saw fit to provide two Sunday morning college basketball games to break up my Super Bowl vigil. I had four bucks on the Broncos, with seven points and I couldn't stand the long wait I had to endure over the weekend. First I had to make it through Starsky and Hutch Saturday night, so I headed up to the grocery store for some mixers. Once in my car, Bill Marcroft's elongated voice turned my attention to the shuffling WAC won-los- s records around in my head as I pulled up to Food King. Now if Utah wins and Arizona beats New Mexico, things won't look so bad after all, I thought, despite the at Fort brawl-los- s Collins. Marcroft and Neil Hansey began griping about a call against the Utes as Wyoming so I came back to reached for the key to turn the engine off. But then 16-1- 0, Marcroft completed his just Laramie. To my surprosed delight, the Utes were sticking it to Wyoming 16-- 6 early in the first half. I began The Food King's new electric double-door- s nearly took my head off when I stepped on the pad in front of game getting under way in Wowl the 'out' door. The door whipped out, but I pulled my nose back and went through the 'in' door. Sure, those new doors allow fat people with two baskets of groceries easy manuevering in and out of the store, but for daydreamers, they're dangerous. Coke, Pepsi and Seven-umonopolized almost the entire beverage shelf. With an armload of the real thing, I turned around and began walking back toward the front of the store and the long checkout lines. As I launched into a mental tirade against the damned hassle of getting out of the store, the small area reserved for Mountain Dew, root beer, Mr. Pibb and all that weird stuff caught my eye. That's when I saw one lone six pack of Orange Crush. I decided Denver plus seven wasn't enough and grabbed the sixer. This junk p is the Last Day to Reinstate, Initiate Registration, or Pay Tuition, Regardless of Late Fees! WE ARE HIRING you are looking for immediate responsibility and practical experience after graduation, consider the U.S. Navy. The Navy is seeking highly qualified, capable individuals for challenging positions as Naval Officers. Interviews will be held for the following fields: If Nuclear Propulsion Nuclear Power Research Nuclear Propulsion Instructor Engineer CorpsCE, ME, EE, ChE PLACE: U of U Placement Center DATE: 24 and 25 January NAVY REP: Lt. Paul Roberts 643 East 4th South Salt Lake City, Utah Phone: 524-430- 0 Law Aviation Medicine Business 10-fo- ot 32-3- The CBS hype more. even me up pumped The third can of Orange pre-gam- e Crush was doing my stomach no good, and when all the former pro jocks Rebels, so NBC commentator Billy Packer dribbled some seldom-hear- d praise on a WAC team New Mexico, of course, which had beaten UNLV this year and had beaten Arizona 94-8- 1 Saturday night and is ranked 15th itself. I liked things better when Utah was Miracles Happen", or maybe they just had Pabst Blue Ribbon on their minds a couple of hours too early. Whatever the cause, they were getting stomped it looked like a Utah-Notr- e w 71-6- 3, gangster Tarkanian's UNLV 13th-ranke- d in that spot. Uphill battles are exciting, but I enjoy the n prestige owned by the Utes much more. Consuming two cans of Crush, I viewed with some glee the UCLA loss at the hands of the Russians. A Soviet guard burst the Bruins' bubble with an Earl Williams-styl- e buzzer shot, a ending long UCLA win streak. The cocky Walton years had alienated me from UCLA basketball, so this pre-seaso- particular 'Red Square' hurt me none. Boy, I was trying desperately to keep my mind off that football game. I like Denver, I like underdogs 6 facilities available for loca ice skating by ELDON ROMNEY Chronicle staff Six places in the Salt Lake area offer ice skating and hockey facilities. Skaters may choose a facility according to their budget and mobility. The closest and possibly most convenient location for University students is the Hygeia Iceland, at 1208 E. 21st South. It offers skating Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. , Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Night skating is scheduled Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights from 8 to 10 p.m. The cost is $1.25 and skate rental is 75 cents. this Super Bowl fit my style. the car to life once more. I began to worry for the Utes but they were embroiled in a game, so I decided to forget Starsky and Hutch and listen to the rest of the game. Bad foul shooting made me dream more of the 1977 season, but Utah still gutted out a rough road win, shoring up my interest in this year's unpredictable Ute team. I became jealous of New Mexico on Sunday morning. Marquette was hammering see-sa- editorial and said Arizona was ahead of New Mexico by five right before the half. Ute-Wyomi- just had to put the whammy on Dallas, I thought. Doug Bessert hit a hook to give Wyoming a 0 half time edge as I gunned their began making I I thought predictions, from kickoff miss the might a bout of nervous frenzy. Good ole dramatic Jimmy the Greek picked an overtime game. I hoped for once the guy was right he hadn't been doing very well of late. Well, I had five cans of that crap inside me by halftime and vowed to forsake the last one. The Broncos were playing like they had too much confidence in Jon "Make those Keyworth's Dame contest. Clearly, Dallas was the superior football squad. Neither kind of Orange Crush worked for Denver or me. When the Broncos I scored to make it gave the stuff one more 20-1- 0, chance. But Dallas twisted my stomach with another weird play, the Newhouse to Richards strike. My day was ruined. I lost four bucks and possibly part of my stomach. But I gained some solace from my favorite sport, basketball, over the weekend. Something down inside tells me the Utes will come from behind to wiij the WAC, surprising everyone but themselves, for the second fantastic year in succession. The Salt Palace has a rink available Monday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m., with night skating on Tuesday from 8 to 10 p.m. The fee is $1.50, with skate rental also an additional 75 cents. In Bountiful, skaters may go to the Recreation Center, 150 W. 6th North, Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to noon, 1 to 3 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Saturdays it's 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.nar, 1:15 to 4 open and p.m. Sundays 1 to, p.m. Night is skating Monday 6:15 to 8:15 p.m., 8 to 10 p.m., Friday and Tuesday 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Costs are Saturday $1.25, and 50 cents skate rental. Magna Ice Rink, at Cyprus High School, is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 5 to 9 p.m. for night skating only. The cost is only 85 cents with 25 cents for skate rental. , t..4 i.,. Skating for 50 cents with the same for rental is available at Murray Park Monday through Friday from 4 to 8 p.m., Saturday noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday noon to 6 p.m. At Hygeia and the Salt Palace especially, it is a good idea to call to make sure hockey games ot other events do not interfere with skating planes. . |