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Show THE DAILY UTAH fi ( THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH THURSDAY. JANUARY 19. 1978 or v rr-tt -- iff r- VOLUME 87. NO. 79 - Retired coach tells means to success f by JOHN HASBROUCK Chronicle staff of the UCLA Bruins, spoke to more than 400 people Wednesday at noon in the Union Ballroom. Noted as the winningest coach in basketball history, Wooden spoke on the topic of success, and elaborated on his "pyramid of success." He noted that the criteria for success in the dictionary involves having many material possessions andor being in a position of status, such as a company picsidcnt. In his life, others have measures his success in terms of basketball wins and losses, but to Wooden, this is not success. "My greatest abilities and achievements have not been in basketball," said Wooden, who pays closer attention to how many of his players are doctores, dentists and lawyers, than to how many are in professional basketball. "Success is a peace of mind that can only be attained in knowing that you have done your through best to become the best in what you are capable of doing," said Wooden. His background as an English teacher and his love of poetry are evident in his lectures, as he frequently recites a poem or other literary excerpt that relates to his subject. YThen striving for perfection, Wooden said, "there is no substitute for hard work. The things that mean the most in life are those which are the hardest to attain. If you try to take short cuts, you are not filling your potential." In the mid 1930s, Wooden began formulating his pyramid of success. He emphasized the importance of enthusiasm one of the cornerstones as being first and foremost. Wooden said, "If you aren't enthusiastic about what you are doing, you shouldn't be doing it. I don't like coaches who'cry and complain about how hard their job is; if they don't like it, they should get out." In his early years of coaching at UCLA, Wooden did research on every aspect of the game, such as rebounds, offenses and defenses, and presses. After studying of types each topic a full year, he made a composite list which he later used in guiding his teams to 10 national championships. At the top of Wooden's pyramid is competitive greatness, described by him as "doing your greatest when your greatest is needed. " He said it is easy to do well when the going is easy, but it is the mark of a true champion who does his greatest when the pressure is on. John Wooden, John Watson Keith Holt Co. tows illegally parked cars from car pool area. Car pool lots misused, towed cars problem get by JIM SMEDLEY Chronicle staff That parking problems continue to plague the University was evident Wednesday as six student cars were marked for towing by Keith Holt Co. at 10:30 a.m. The problem cars were parked in the "car pool only area" located between Orson Spencer Hall and the Union Building. Of the seven vehicles parked, only one had the correct sticker. "We don't impound the cars unless the stall is full," said Bart Ellis, Parking Services field supervisor. "Problems arise when the stall is full and a legal car pool member comes and has no place to park." To properly tow a car, a Holt employee must enter the vehicle and take an inventory of all articles in the car. The employee also inventories the condition of the vehicle, making notes on all dents and scratches to prevent claims against the company for damage. According to Ellis, it is legal for the Holt driver to enter the car because after the car is impounded, it becomes the property of the University until the owner claims it. from the Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. President Carter has chosen U.S. Circuit Judge William H. Webster to be the next FBI director, administration sources said Wednesday night. JERUSALEM Egyptian President Anwar Sadat broke off talks with Israel on Wednesday, called his foreign minister back to Cairo and accused the Israelis of deliberately blocking progress toward a Middle East Peace. e PUEBLO, Colo. Three persons aboard a Frontier Airlines plane were killed Wednesday when the plane nosed over and crashed on the runway during a takeoff from Pueblo Memorial Airport, training-missio- n authorities said. twin-engin- SALT LAKE CITY The Greater Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce urged the legislature Wednesday to invest $3 million in extending a water line from Salt Lake City to the South shore of Great Salt Lake. stainless steel tubes holding MERIDIAN, Miss.-Eigdangerous doses of radioactive radium were found amid the debris in a junkyard Wednesday, six days after they disappeared from a hospital. ht Weather cloudy and windy with rain andor snow likely late evening; high 45, low 30 in-dep- th AAatheson News Briefs -- The impound cost to students with U stickers is $15 plus a $3 ticket for parking illegally. The car without a U sticker must pay a $5 ticket plus impound charges. The car pool sticker is available at Parking Services for $ 1 0. Each car pool must have at least three cars in it. Every car pool gets a permanent sticker and one tag. The tag is passed among participants and hung on the rear view mirror of the car used that day. "There are seven car pool areas around campus. Each car must park in its assigned space or it will be in violation also," said John Wright, director of Parking Services. "We'll have improperly marked cars towed out of the 'car pool area only until 1 p.m. After that the areas are open to vehicles with the proper U stickers." Students who had their cars towed Wednesday can go to 4th S. 540 West and claim the impounded vehicle. Rick Bogue, driver of a Holt towtruck, said lot No. 28 near the Medical Center was also a big problem area for parking. "Most of the parking there is reserved and there are only four meters," he said. "We impound an average of twocarsperday from there." ex-coa- by agrees to smaller tuition increase by LIZ GARDNER Chronicle staff Governor Matheson has agreed to decrease suggested 10 percent tuition increase to meet the Board of Regent's proposed 6.9 percent. "If that will do the job that they say it will, it will be acceptable to me," remarked the governor in Wednesday's press conference at KUED-- 7 studios. Matheson stated that Utah increases in tuition are much below that of surrounding states; students are now paying much less of a percentage of educational costs (15 percent) than the nearly 25 percent of the past. Emphasizing the "spectrum of needs in state government," he added that, "each of us should chip in a little to help get the job done." 4 Gov. Scott Matheson preparing for his monthly KUED-- 7 press conference. He discussed his long-rang- When e priorities. asked about the Law School University library on the bond issue, Matheson explained the Board of Regents had placed the library ahead of other priorities, among which included a landscaping renovation at Weber State College (WSC). However, Matheson said, the Building Board then reversed the priorities, making WSC the recipient of the money. "I simply accepted it and have gone along with it," he said. Aside irom the bond issue components, the governor stressed his other long-rang- e priority, that of the two percent tax on gasoline. Stating that the tax will be sufficient at getting at (he $69 million backlog, he said "part of the two percent gas tax would have to be used to maintain ongoing state road, maintenance that comes on each year." The governor also approved method the for prima-faci- a speeding violations, which allows persons ticketed to contest the ticket, and stated the new proposal of allowing storage of liquor in wholesaleoutlets deserved "favorable |