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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle. Thursday, January Page Two Walden Poi tld . . X SEE S the tear of rv fpOn JfiL KlHR THIS COULD BE YOUR -- OUR GOVERNOR AfcDUT tit iiIf 1 fv A mmj ncTwWl COSTS KTTHE U RE HV6HER- THAT'S I V R II k a NVAM U. SMk , l - .fS ..r-'- r, Brunei i ii i... ncTUITION AT THE I i i 1 I"? r wjjj I y Juts tVttt TuiTtow. 19, ig78 I OF ACTION I HE pRomiED TO CORRECT liiwr ne I I I I CiLJ Sl v I THE OTHEP schools. wS "rvfV ULN JTYVLsiW fcWV XCMl looolmlf I LUCKY DAY 1 i An Air Force ROTC scholarship can mean a lot when you need help with college finances. It pays tuition, books and lab fees , . . and gives you $100 a month for other college costs. This could be just what you need to permit you to your concentration on your studies. It could mean the difference between not making it at all, and going out on your own with a good, solid college degree. The Air Force is a great way to be on your own. As a commissioned officer, youll have responsibility with your very first job. You 11 find an atmosphere of dedication, trust, and reliance, and youll jump right into managing people and expensive resources. Youll have an excellent good financial security. starting salary It can all start with a decision to check out AFROTC. Find out how you can get a scholarship. See what we offer, then show us what you can offer in return. It just might be our lucky day. too! j i Candlelight vigil in protest fine-tun- e Exam deadline Prospective teachers who plan to take the National Teacher Examinations on February 18, at the University have less than two weeks to register with Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, N.J. Dr. Robert E. Finley, director of testing at the University Testing Center, said registrations must be mailed in time to reach ETS no later than next Thursday. Registration forms and instructions may be obtained from the University testing center, 2202 Annex or directly from the National Teacher Examinations, ETS, Box 91 1, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Inperson registration is not Captain Daniel J. Jones AFROTC Det 850, Annex Bldg. Rm. 2009, U of UPhone: 581-623- 6 - mmm mill MANM saviatAHBi WNTSI FftOZEN J tort IMI mhmuei ham on suftaa CAPTABK OMKI !., fl" Hortnel Little Siulen Whole Hog Sausage Fresh Side 69 2M '98 Kr J2!MM Porker 73 VjacntKAM auowtBUMiio Brauniweiger?,::s 73' Cotto Salami Smokie Links SSSK. Pork Loin Chops VSSl Corned Beef Salami Chubs S.9V .1M ..1M ZVK LAIM MB ST1 M" Cooked Perch Fillets SS, l4 n DUIIEIITOS .1M Pork Fritters Veal Steaks SfSSTTS,. Catfish Steaks Malabar Snapper IS. Red SAKWAY ASSM1B Boneless Staabiitfi.M Roast S212Z Crosi Rib Roast nicts CHILI ROLLS M" Pork Shoulder Roast ST Boneless Pork Roast ts Boneless Pork Steaks 1SZ. ,.2" Ut, imh - MM imam items 'U4m Oty, trifhai Or. Oly, .99 '(m ., 'U, SmUi FtA, $. 'IvrtM, '(mtw. Hw -- Pm, Irmitn, Mwnr, Km, Wr., hd, Sfrit, -fwitii, my.. . Bf. 'Bk,, Hn. 9GOEE0 CSB (33MS C$ SUHZBOQ IOTCKZI CRAFT tAKSVf FLCSX 1 MI2ACLE WK3 SALAD KtESSISS CKEERI0S UiUM STAR KE CREAM BRAK3 Kl-- C 1 LUCERNE UaiM FMt)wiBfa( SUCED BREAD GOLDEN CCRN Oyrttr Owkcrt tS. Jrl tori:?'" 9Cydil(tFMS Wbh KanJ Inmm iffU . Mmha S,,a" ImtMt CoffM K3' ir6' - 1, lbs. Potatotf II 1 IhM E QEfi Chlckon 1 U.S. No.! White Iro 4 Cim i; opposes capital punishment because, "we feel it is a racist law, applied in a racist manner." All the speakers agreed (hat the poor and the minorities are the ones being discriminated against by the death penalty. I roc A 49- - l.'M ) STOMP PST-'GAM- E i; WRIN G ftr? 49 49 lllili Bt 229 Pears laiclfi QCC CJ Jtoira Hmr B S 1" I OQC Heart Shaped Ptillodendron Uutt Out RewA ud ?twd 1 SJSJ7 I 5 f?ttlCLTI Cordatum h 2 lrflf (MctaitlMn Traali THURSDAY, Qf?e 1 Chlckon i" 'g-- ? .39 Fresh Cucumbers B'AaM Rkh J ' SAVE Cn GLAD BAGS m SoepStortor SI 11) IN I I; A I Cnaaiy MM strongly organization Ginos Pizza n Select Onions r"-Cris- p Carrots ?r" Firm Tomatoes variety E B ana Community $1 SJ1 Tm row. We're concerned about the number of blacks there, a disproportionate number in comparison to whites," she said. Leon Brown first told about his newly formed University group and its goal to fight racism around the world. Then he said his d Frvl tmm Split Poa families with sons on death ;: 2" can Crinkh Frmdi frits S Orffn((t Jitict MM Pitt nfftt Dtnwrt Src $129 UJ Tomato We're concerned about those Fift (mm Fuejal SCraMiCkMMi. S CiHlnrt Wrfri MMt. CkUM Ho, CkMM CC Sego iquid fflj SCUPS WWW- appeal cases. ir'l" Diet Food Ji".l Town Mease Wn, $129 aCoff.Mt 3 Nabitc Otm ananas ' members of the Utah Coalition Against the Death Cluck yeut Puthij! wt& Saubt SlbiHiiSowliM 'tZW Ikwa people his He added, "That we now insist to kill the killer makes murderers of us all." Bonnie Rogers said the NAACP has been fighting the death penalty for many years and will continue the battle. "We're concerned about those still on death row. We're concerned about those who don't have funds to Church: Bonnie Rogers, Executive Director of the NAACP Salt Lake Chapter; Leon Brown, head of the University of Utah Student Coalition against Racism: Salt Lake Chapter of the National Stai: Bill HoI of the Salt Lake City Soc ialist Workers Partv. STCKEKELKE Mi Mi IS Si ISM CmM 1 My However, a few incidents interrupted the meeting: a man drove his car by and yelled, "Get 'em out!" A lone woman stood at the foot of the steps holding a sign in front of her face which said, "Remember the Victims." And one of the participants briefly set her hair on fire when she moved her candle too close to her head. The group consisted of Bountiful "CHOC." MILK KSSHWAY TCSLET TISSUE f aCravfTntaDtf ) f DETERGENT MARKiA FRdT CRIXS iiS f KEW SIZE 30 memories of the day of Gilmore's execution. He said, "We gathered out near the gates of the Utah State Prison to protest the use of the death penalty, the first in 10 years. We remember shivering from the cold before shivering from the fear." Penalty, the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah and the Salt Lake Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), who met to protest the death penalty. Speakers, who disapproved of what they (ailed the "resumption of legal killing in the U.S." included: the Rev. Donald Proctor of the Oty. VwmI, Cmi. M--L joMBO M TtAST i--n. iS0""- - Corn Dogs about ). State Prison cannery. A candlelight vigil to commemorate and protest this event was held Tuesday night on the steps of the State Capitol. It was a small, quiet MEATS CMKKKAMOn JQCtW Boneleti Chuck Roast Sliced Beef liver ST. Top Round Steaks Gilmore was executed by a She Frances Farley (D-ltold the group she just "came to lend her support." Proctor told the group of demonstration. PGIIU STEAK BEEFSTEAKS FISH STICKS The only state official in attendance was Senator firing squad in the Utah )9ti IP Um BARRETT Chronicle staff January 17, 1977 one year ago Tuesday four bullets ended the life of Gary Gilmore. At 8:07 a.m. by JUDY permitted. ROTC . . ' i wihk ro . ruitCMAM Bwiione T. 3 in. Modern Pottery 4 in. Modern Pottery n.u Miiml U.J rorrcry o !in. muuern ZV 99 R " tii Jg Mm HMtc Im. U, M, M, II, ttll UNION BALLROOM Kr $3?8 coui I tur Bp', with coupon FLAM! LOSS ry II JIANUaMIQT 19TH h 8 P.M.. TO VI A..M.. iCi VI MISSION i. 01) ) |