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Show t 4V a H UTAH, SOV. 6. "ALV1LLE. To Cure a Cold in One Day TIMES. COALVILLE Tke Laxative Bromo Quinine Ti!et. s 13 Seven MS3oa boxes sold 1903 Q la peal Booth. COUNTY NEWS. Gitberei bj Items ct Interest 0 Onr Toms of County. A MARION Mahrn, L'Uh, Eorroa Timm Mn ilUt pret ia qol FREE game inside each package of Lion Coffee Nov. 3, 1903. . u C. Uratn est w.tb CD GO la grippe. Mrr. Carrie Wililainaon took very eick yaaitrday morning but ia tome better different games. URAil to-4- CRKKR 03 03 Chest Pains From S' O Co 50 Valvular Heart Dls ease Threatened. M Dr. Miles Edward foreseen and Ray Anderaon are os tbe sick list tbia week. Welter Laren, who bee been tick for tbe paet two or 'three weeke, ia greatly Improved at tbia writing. Jobs Hoyt and E. foresees have bees tip Wabvr casycs for tbo paat week helpJames Staple and eon are working at ing Mr. Matfis, tbo asrvoyor. tbe mine. Joeeph Willlame baa eold bia placa is Bom of our citizen made a flying Marion to Edward Btranaea, and will trip to Coalville Tuesday evening to vote. move with bia family to Kamaa. While lifting large piece of coal on H. R. Heath and Mr. Geerteon of Salt tbe car Jset Monday Elijah Turner Lake art eponding a faw day is Marios. lipped and fall against tba corner of the car, Injuring him ao that be ie unable to attend to bia work. T- r goatroR- Heart Cure Cured Me. The effect of ezeetuve smoking shown by symptoms u heart pains, heartburn, smothering spells, shortness of breath. Out- terinand palpitation, is mot serious. If your heart u in any way affected you should at once begin the use of Dr, Miles Heart Curt which enriches the blood, regulates the hearts action and improve the circulation. T am a local newspaper man and have been an inveterate smoker since my boyhood. A Utile over e year ago 1 first noticed tlon N r eick and on Baturder ber huibend wee called to ber bedside, bbe is tom bet ter at tbta writing, William Chappell was called borne to Coalville laet Friday to bia eick wife. He returned hie work again on Monday. Oor religion clateei meet every Sunday evening and tba Mutuals on Tuaa-d- ay evening. David and John Haddow and W. H. Wilda went banting deer last Friday but they only found a faw chickens. A. London and J. Wilda of Crovden commenced work at tbe mine Monday. ay. Local physicians said 1 had Tobacco heart I quit smoking for n while and took regular ith tome dose, of digitalis end belladonn relief but the tame old symptoms were suit there. A friend of mine here recently died of what the doctor said was valvular disease of the heart. Knowing that bit symptoms were similar to mine I felt that my time too waa limited, although I aa (till a yoi man, la my thirty-nintyear. In Skilie ft Stones drug store here Dr. Miles New 1 began Heart Cure was recommended. taking it ai id L can positively state that its effect is marvelous. I have just finished my third bottle and feel bke a kid and belter I ua cared. This letter it the spoataaeous utterance of one wbo wishes to thaak you for benefits received. Wm. N. Giant, n Seattle, Wash, formerly of Spokane, Wash. Alt druggist sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles Remedies. Iwad for free book lutsiBsslssts- on Nervous and Heart lhseaset. Address Three more testa of sugar beet raised Dr. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, tod. by Summit oouuty farmers have recently bean received from tbe AmalgaLoaf, Strayed ar Slopes mated Sugar company of Ogden. These brown horse, four years old, One am pies were riper than those formerly as below branded sent and give much bettor roeulta. Tbe o 0 h Call and see our Line of $1.25 LADIES SHOES! c: standard required, it will be remembered, ie 12.0 of eugsr with a purity of 80. Kocxfobt, Utah, D. Om4-- 1I Pay. Two of theta eampleeraa wall above tbe Esitoa Timer ! A Chicago mas has observed that, mark, and tba one which fall Good deed are better than real estate required Nearly all tbe people is tbia place are below waa raised from th California deed eoma of tbe latter are wortbleea. offering with bed eolde. and while th aamplee wire beauand gently, ebow sympathy seed, Act Finder please notify Samuel Banner, tiful pacimeni end showed careful cuftldowe day was observed Saturday. and kindly lend a helping band. You cannot IJtab, ltivation, tba aeed from which they were Upton, A Apt (upper wa served after which as possibly Iota by lL Moat men apprec- produced doee not team to gin a satiswae rendered. appropriate program iate a kind word and encouragement GOTO THE factory crop for factory nae. ? Ralph Mai well earns to attend our taorwtban substantial help. There are is ths tost on tbs Vt amFollowing Mutual Sunday evening but tbe young pereonein thie community who might wM Shop people did not turn out to there waa no truthfully tay :J My good friend, cbeer ple: 9.1; beet. in purity, John Brown, sugar - Palace Barber saeotlog. A ebow of tomo hind wae at tbe ball wot draw much of Monday nlgbt but did a crowd. Ifatere. Cluff and Glade lectured here A few doeee of Chamberlain's Clough Remody will rid you of your eold and there ie no danger whatever from pneumonia when you nee that medicine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many a time." fold by John Boyden A Son. up. waiiair. 77.6; Baa Brown, sugar, 18J; purity, 83.; Ale. Street, sugar, 161; purity, 4 16.7. It has now for sugar beet can be successin tbia county. Tbe matrates to Ogden will be Hiii Cot ltd i Clem Stale. . been demonstrated beyond t Stylish Razors Honed, 25cts. doubt that tbe V. S. JOHISTOI, Prop. fully produced ter of shipping investigated and if with eatiefactory reROBBERY AT KAMAS. sult, a quantity of tba beat seed will b secured directly from the Amalgamated Coant; Snrieyor of Summit County. Ktore Burglarized Sugar company to be aupphed to tbe growers at a nominal cost. I is probby Two Basked Bea. familiar with section and township able that about tbe same rate can be Is comers in Summit county. A bold and daing robbery wae comfrom from Coalville ae cored Kurgan mitted at Kama laet evening about 7 where the eugar company payialt freight Mot try Public end Conrt)anc$r. oclock. Tw masked men tutored Alma chargee and pays per toe fur beets COALVILLE UTAH Warre itore, bound and gaged Mr. Warr on board the cars. and emptied tbe money title of tbeir Be Lauaad a Groat Tistb. eonteota and skipped. Mr. Warr reia said of John Wesley that he once It leased bimaaif after about an boars said to Mistreat Wesley . Why do you struggling and gava tbs alarm, tali that child lbs same thing over and Th above facto were telephoned to over "John Wesley, became again T County Attorney Callie last evening and once tolling is not eooota. if for Notice. be notified tbe eberiff, wbo with a num- thie Mine reason that you are told again ber of deputise, were tearebing for tbe and again that Chamberlain Cough cures colds and grip; that it O. W. FRENCH, M. D., thieve all night, but up to the preeent Remedy counteracts anv tendency ofib sedis- PkyeleUn aad Burgeaa, time no trace ol them baa beau found. lies to result in pneumonia, and that it AT RESIDENCE OFFICE ia no aa to do who the robbers ia pleaauit and safe take. Fot rale by .Thera " Caalvilla. Son. ft John wsre or in what direction they went. It Boyden Office hour from 2 t o 4 p. ne. ie not known juet bow much money waa All whocan should obarva these hoars stolen but it I thought ibe amount will ae near as possible. reach 200, Mr. Wair wae used quite but did not roughly by tbe bold-upe- , OAHOV eJLWlAHTIC uffer any aerions injury. 11 laet night in tbe fntereat of tbe B. Y. 'Uslvereity. Owing to ao much ticket the turnout waa light. Mr i. Glbbone and family and Mr, and Mr. Btambridge and family went to Al Park City Monday to attend tbe wedding of their grand daughter. E. H. RHEAD, a Writs 4-- Wam.bip, Utah, Nov. 4, 1903. Eorroa Timm , Lat : Sunday evening the eoujolot meeting wee viaited by Eider Pace sod Siller Phillip. After the program had been tarried out Elder Pace (poke on Matnal Improvement work; adviced ail to take aa intereit and work with wilt thie eeaeon. Bitter Phillips followed id gave a ebort sketch of ber mleelon-a- ry labor In Honolulu. Aithaugh called upon to part with ber newly wedded buebaudin a foreign land and among eiracgere. ib felt to .acknowledge the hand of God ia all things. She urged tbetirla to work diligently daring tba winter and gain all the kaowlegetbey could and fit and prepare themeelvea for future ueefuliteee. t I ' . Messrs. Fetereon end Young beve purchased tba aaw mill from J. G. Lambert. Lyle Hizton baa moved hie family to Atklneonandl has taken charge of tbe action there. Our tick folks are improving alowly. Alter th program wae tendered In bouor of tbe widowe I art Saturday, they were taken over to Leerainge hotel end treated to an oyster tapper. Tbe biebop end bie counselors were present and ell seemed to have an enjoyable time. BCNZrZK.1-HiMirEB- , Utah, Nov, 4, Eorroa Tine cues AT MORGAN, it In Thirty Day. For several month our younger brother be i been troubled with indigestion. He tried eeveral remedies but got no benefit Irom them. We pnrebated tome of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tab let and he commenced taking them, lotide of thirty dave he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He ie now fully recovered. We have a good trade on tbe Tablet. Holley Bros., - Merchant, Long Branch, Mo. For tale by Jobs Boyden A fon. f.rtj Rounds RlPANS of Gewjns stamped lewsre of the C C C, letter Until Further Ftvtrtold la bulk, who trie to ssU Tonxtlifsg Jut good. u SERVICE. diphtheria have w w rTw SHOES. eo-o- p. Hat Opening Monday, Oct. 19th. Have just received a shipment of the Latest Novelties in Hats aid Trimmings. Also have a line of Pieces waist No two alike. Have the very latest in DRESS TRIMMINGS. M, R. Salmon. Perfumed and Medicated Soaps For toilet and bath, A new line; the most complete ever displayed in the city. 5ctsto35cts per cake. Try our "Crown Castile, 5 cts C9 PtoR'kV Tabules Hie For mankind. Facifio Union FOR ALL Eastern Points. DIET THBEE TRUSS Letter. b ctiuio, TUOUfiVCUS Tba funeral of Jams p, rekett held . Would not Intereel you if you're look-la- et Wednesday waa largely attended. log for a guaranteed salve for tore. The speaker were W. W. Cluff, Alma borne or pile. Otto Dodd of Fonder, M., Eld red ge, Robert Jones, Oscar Wilkins . writes: I suffered with an ugly tore aid M. F. Harris. The meeting bou-- e for a year, bat a box of Bucklens Arni- wae beautifully decorated with plants jea Salve cored me. Itethe beet salve and draped in wbita by tba Relief fo- - bn earth. 25e n Boyden drug (torn, . . ( ciaiy and Young Ladies. , PURE I lusts MELLOW spolii RICH & DELICATE far Salt 4. Caarfe ty J. H. BAH. - - ud City, r Son. h- VIA Doctors find A good pescription Subscribe lot THE TIMES. eoAbvibLE John Boyden Tdo tseoouab for usual eoradou harax Jamee Robert and ibt tawilr packaae aonle ( rents contains a supply (or a AD trll thru year. druygi.ts tbe infant child of J, II. Fowler being afflicted. A Love Wadding balls In tba near future, EQUIPMENT TRICK. 1903. : Mr. end Mrs, George Bond of Morgan made a brief visit here yesterday Two more been reported Dr. W VISICK, Galuod Co-- op SHOES! Nov, 4, 1903. " box. 25c. such larte Bumher ol relative and fnesda Eorroa Tii were eDteriained at the home of Mr. sod Mrr. 8.Un horanaau on tbe mgbt of Tbe mine worked ei ery day lad week. Nov. 28ih, at tbe wedding recaption givMrt. Tboroae Lee, wbile vleitiag her es in bosor of their daughter Nellie wbo daughter at Coalville laet week, took A wae married to R. A. Wooletenbolme on that day. The conple rereived a great many valuable pretest. A bounteoo tapper wae eerved and everybody bad a Tbe yoong roople have good time. moved to Park City and will make that tbeir foisre home. All join in wiabing them a long and bappy married life. on every Tobacco Heart.' P3 Grata Creek, Nov. 4, mA Coalville Acute Correspondents In Yariocs This sfmtCTC, Owes Crip la Two Days. lint Sl hoi, . ; . i WITH Direct CiniKtlsu lor tb .: SootkessL list t Detailed information chaerfull y ur fiiahad on application. C,I. WHEAPOir, Agent. Utah Coalville, - A Beautiful Assortment of tHe LATEST MILLINERY M. E. RHOADES ? L |