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Show " ( I REVIVAL OF OLD CEREMONY. Ancient Custom of "Denting the Bounds" Lslely Practiced. This ancient ceremony Is supposed to have originate! with tbe Humans, ; and la a survival of the time when such tlilnrs as maps and charts were . unknown and the landmarks were trees, rod. a and -1 . ' Ib atlng the ' bound" has recently been revived at : ' Great Iterkhnin'it'.il. alter being In . abeyance for over lirty years. f The pailsh oil. ens and rural dla- j' trie; councilor, accompanied by a nnrrbor of lon-nsmon anil twenty of ' f, tbo Bourne sclusd boys, nil armed t, with willow wands, perauibulnted the : boundaries, touching each hedce, f. : stone, ihisi or luiiliiliig. with tho wands; and on arrlvlnc nl any open r space where the boundary was undo- .( lined the processionists formed two ' . lines, and. If any stranr'T was viewed, bu or site was promptly hrotu:ht up nnd compelled to run the line, being ' , tapped smartly with tbe wands as they passed. J This waa one of the sporting event V of the day. for. on seeing tho prepnra- 3 lions for their "euieTtalnment." many , K of the victims bolted and wero : j promptly chased over hedge and ditch. J At other points Individuals were "bumped." either on a iroo-atump or J on Ihe ground; walls were scaled, wat- I er forded, hedges forced, and, In soma cases, hoiisea pnshed through, tiota- I bly at Ashrldge, where the Hue cut t through the mansion of I-ord Brown- low. At llnrcsfoot park, tho home) , I of Mrs. Smlth-Dorrlen (mother of tha fnmoua general), the pleasure grounde I were thus divided, and the venerable j chatelaine obligingly came out and I walked the line. Tho parish clerk I was also compelled to run tho gnnt- j let, also the paraon and tho squire. I who wero bumped six times each, to I tho great delight of tho onliaikors. j Tho distance covered was about t twenty two mllus. Sketch. |