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Show MADE POLICEMAN A VICTIM. Hypnotist Turned Man of Law Into a Laughirg Stock. Aa amusing episode, In which the chief flguro was a hypnotized pollco-man. pollco-man. is rejiorted from llloenifonteln. tironi:e Itiver Colony. A profennor of hypnoilsin had taken a vacant shop In which to give ilcmonritnillonn of his inr:it"rloiis nrt. and his stock In trade Included a bed, upon which r-i .1 a rnnn who was repiesi-nti'il to tin In a trance. The crowd that assembled on thn opi -ilng day to view tho recumbent recum-bent figure Included a member of the South Afrlcnn constnbulary. This person went with n skeptical mind, and. seeing tho figure move, he at onco denounce. I the whol.? dullness an a fraud. The professor, not a hit disconcerted discon-certed eiu'.;im-d Inm In converintlon. and Hie sl.eptlc wns soon keenly Inter-cMtf Inter-cMtf fl In the wondrous tnle the man of science wns relating Knddenly tho isillreniun fell Into thn arm of the professor, nnd went through some very strnnge otitic, tine, of which was to arrest thn pruressor as a dnngeronn criminal. When It downed upon the crowd thnt thn mini of law wns really hypnotised tho John was grcntly relished. rel-ished. After putting bin victim through a few morn "trlckn" for the enjoyment uf the other visitor the professor restored him to hi sense ii quickly as bo had hypnotized hlin. When b renll.ed what had happened, the policeman. Iisiklng white and trlghtcnt-d, mndo a hasty exit, and haa since mndo It a point to keep away from fill bypnotlsta. |