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Show taC V S The Value of an Independent Man. Dy Herbert N. Ca-gyn. SOW It may be lu the other nnllons of the world I do not know, but It certainly I a fact that there la nothing more lucking In the United Hates than luili'iicudence. lu spite of tho Dechirullou of Iudcpenilence. which Is becoming be-coming mythical, the average American haa beeonio nn entirely en-tirely dependent and sycophantic creuttirc, who not ouly con-forins con-forins In overy rvsiect lo the ailnliiiis of tho sltipld uuijorlty, but deliberately tries to luuko bluisclt tho chattel of bis neighbors. There are seven polltlcnl parties In Kriin. e and a dnr.cn In (jcriuaiiy, but In thla country thcro 1b pmctimlly no dllTereiiiv of opinion oti political uurailuiiB. There nre two iartlet. It la triif. but tlio only difference between them la that while Iho one Is In iower Hie other Is out. There are ninny rellgloua sects In the United Hiutes, hut Do one ever bear of controversies between them on matters of belief, Tho only BirtiKirle In which they Like any Interest Is thut for uioro uicuitiers, wore money and Uiure property. There are tunny colleges, but not one ba ever dnred to hold an exhibition of Its finished pioilucls. At nil the large colleges It la the Independent professor pro-fessor who la In danger of la?liig discharged. It Is the. tlinftl nnd non-comiiilltnl professor who bus a life Job. Tho Ideal of all our universities I not tlio development de-velopment of a tiol.ler brand of men and wonieu, but the uiuiiufucturo of a Ktcntcr number of the present Inferior dirt. In fuel. III this Mutual hla very Association which wo call society. If a man appear who la truly Independent, who awing on his own pivot and care untiling for the crowd, every one at once believes Hint hi courM of action 1 a scheme nut of which moro money rim be tiiatlo than by conformity. It I liccoiiilnz my aironirest conviction that nil the plans of social reform, nil tlio co-operation of world-menders, would ilo less to elnlllsli Industrial Justice nnd to promote moral and Intellectual Improvement thnn would a few score of Independent and fenrles men or women who would land out like glatita nmld thu Niiitio.lKil huuinu grasshoppers Hint populate till country. Now Yoik Kvcnlng Journal. -? r? sr |