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Show "T f f - ) 4 WAR WITH RED MEN NORTHWEST NOTES. NEWS SlMMABY. - ) REVIVAL AUGUSTUS I1EINZE. VICTORIOUS OF OLD CEREMONY. Ancient Custom of "Beating th Castidv a Laramie pioneer, ENEMY OF COPPER TRUST j Bounds" Lately Practiced. nan hilled recently in the City of MexWYOMING. This ancient ceremony is supposed ico In ir g run over by a cab. to have originated with the Romans. " th of and is a'survival of the time when Fire the plant Sheriff and His Deputy Killed by In Kail-spe- d such things as maps and charts were near Co Lumber mi Th-e- e company, of Red While the dians. unknown and the landmarks were $35,000. of a loss i Mint mailing Men Meet Death and a Num rocks and posts "Beating th of tl e miners of Butte and Man ber Are Woured bounds" has recently been revived at lti iia- Anaconda who have been thrown out Great Berkharasttii, after being in i1 a li mats tie grai'y of eacip-work ari i in the regular jihejance for over fifty years I'mi-fiWvn sn-I- n A (.penal fniM of the s muon in tin far tast has The parish officers and rural disarmy a liatto fun It Situnl.i not In n i i ' ,it rati il trict count Hors, accompanied by Ml's At. nil Min Stmlev who lived on the Oh ui . resr in llie north nutrber of townsmen and twenty" Niws from So n i -- ml uml indiin and .t i nu east part of lii'twini cate that the Mad Miiith will Phely In Molilalia Iron lbi! to lh'O, the Bourne school bos, all armed dead at the latter sum vm with willow wands, perambulated the l' the thonff of tl at t mniN ai d a rheeni)ti h Buti-n the be (olquerid boundaries, touching each hedge, and a band of (li'inni Indians the piaie i north-Main in the to tin nit or building, with the stone, post ut train EheriT at d hu-d- i a lit of As the ns ut Lnlnl and ernOwing freight of San Domingo the giviru-- I on and part wands, arriving at any open train-mi al Bove-of hlo woundid while wrerk mar Saliita Colo, three ment is entorcmg martial law space where the boundary was undea were slain and n Nere killed and one frightfully three Indians nuni fined the processionists formed two William J Engle of Vnu tutus Ind. ber of braes wound d injured. and, if an stranger was viewed, lines, who were til The information wis broun! t to (was killed b lurglars he or she was promptly brought up As the result of a collision on the s biis'ne-to rob his plate ol and compelled to run the line, being Douglas. by SheritT MiIKinmt ot Con deatonng Southern Puilic In eastern Nevada, Iar'!and has tlirie italans wire killed and two Senator Gorman of tapped smartly with the wands as they verse count passed From Sheriff McDermott it was announced his cam1 nines tor the Dein others eerlou-,- ! injured This was one of the sporting event for tin nomination prtsuVnov ocralic leirned that a roving bard of t li of the day, for, on seeing the preparaElla Davis a waitiess In a Butte enne braves had been hunting in the The Ililboa Spam stiihe si i ms to tions for their entertainment, many liotil, suicided bv taking carbolic t 'tuu uortherr porton of county have been stttlid uud tin men Will acid were of the and victims bolted of wedding her Postponement The he allowtd to return to work at onto over and had deC d the a ithorities chased and ditch. hedge promptly day is said to have led to the deed. At other points Individuals were Weston county shenfr was notified fire! At Ai equips, Puu an strike which has The great coal or bumped," either on a and ho at once oginued a posae three shots at former Prtsideut been looked for in the Trinidad, Colo., on the ground; walls were scaled, watThis was on Triday unhut the president tseffped er foraed, hedges forced, and, in some district for some time Is now on, and Saturday he got traces of the band hurt cases, bouses passed through, the fight will he to sides claim both and came upon them in the early bly at Ashridge, where the line cut War Is being waged upon smallpox a finish evening A pitched battle followed, m in through the mansion of Lord Ilrown-lothe is It and expected Pittsburg, Had Alexander Morrison, who fell At Haresfoot park, the horn which the officer and his chief deputy disease will be stamped out in two from a bridge at Berlin. Wash., lived of Mrs. Smlth-Dorrle- n (mother of th were killed and others of bjs party weeks. famous general), the pleasure grounds another month, he would have rewounded, while the Indiana suffered were thua divided, and the venerable Albert Olson aged 17, was acci- ceived 25 000 as his share of an estate a loss of three killed and a number chatelaine obligingly came out and killed by his father, while left by his father dentally wounded walked the line. The pariah clerk two were duck hunting near TillaA big party of cowboys armed with the Charles Meyers, a ranchman living was also compelled to run the gantOre mook, near North Yakima, Wash., shot and Winchesters left Lusk Sunday mornlet, also the parson and the squire, A disastrous wind and hail storm killed hia landlord, William H. M Inwho were bumped six times each, to ing and another posse headed by the great delight of the onlooker. Deputy Sheriff Cook left in the after- at Cushing, O T , did much damage, ner. The men had a quarrel over noon for the scene of the trouble An- one house being struck by lightning The distance covered waf about their business affairs. other large posse left Lusk Sunday and a woman cremated. miles. Sketch, twenty-twThe dead body of F. P. Ryland, a evening A Philadelphia physician advocates well known miner and prospector of Jumping Dog. FOOTBALL PLAYERS WRECKED. that children should use their right F. Augustus Htdnxe, whose victory Lincoln, was found in Helena Mont years ago, after graduating from the In order The Fifteen Mangled Victims Taken From and left hands alternately, supposition is that Rylands death ia the suits involving the ownership Polytechnic institute of Brooklyn. He of Montana's richest copper mines has is 33 years old, and almost since his that they may become fully developed. was the result of a runaway. Ruina of an Excursion Train. given the trust a severe blow entry into Montana has been engaged of the Faustino Millermo, leader The Helena grand Jury investigating and causedcopper Fifteen persons were killed and 20,000 employes to be in the fight with the copper kings in months for which ladrones band of the lynching of Gorman and Walters thrown out of work, went to Montana which he has just gained another vicover fifty Injured, some fatally, in a of returned an indictment against George is an engineer and promoter twelve tory in court collision In the suburbs of Indian- past has been raiding the province Rlzal, P. I , has been sentenced to Saban, a prominent stockman and apolis, Ind , between a special passendeath. former partner of Col. J. LeTorrey. BOSTON HOLDS WIDOW RECORD, ger train on the Big Four railroad IN OLD NORTH CEMETERY- Four persons were killed and a and a freight engine with a train of Major Tom E. McClelland at Cripple coal cars. The passenger train of corpse torn from Its coffin at Char- Creek seized ten Winchester rifles Tablet In Memory of Men Who Fell State Official Collect Statistics for French Scientist Their Lot Hard. in Siege of Boeton Dedicated. twelve coaches was carrying 954 per- lotte, N. C , as the result of a passen- and 600 rounds of ammunition found A Boston state official who has been A tablet In commemoration of the a rail- under at a train wagon stuger were striking of whom all E. of J. residence Coogan, sons, nearly the lives the subject for , Prof. lost who soldiers their Investigating during dents of Purdue university and their way crossing a member of the Free Coinage Miners tte of Boston, and who were Friedrich Prinzlng of Paris, has dissiege union of San union of Altman. The Piemakers friends from Lafiyette to Indianapolis Juried in the old North cemetery, covered that Boston has more widows for the annual football game between Francisco has ordered a strike and A private cablegram froth Manila lorchester, was dedicated at the in proportion to its population, than the Purdue team and the Indiana uni- the three big bakeries that supply states that Treasurer Bartlett Sinclair lemetery last week by the Massachu-lett- s any other city In America, even Chithe hotels, restaurants and smaller of Rizal province, who formerly lived society. Sons of the American cago, Philadelphia, New York and versity squad for the state championX'V! The young memorial is in the other large center. ship, which was to have been fought shops have closed. in --Idaho, has been vindicated of the tevolutlon. The bronze one ot most a la he with the torm of a big bowlder, widow, says, In the first This is a view of a dog which jumpF. M. Wolf, who lives near Ridge-vin- charges of peglect of his office, and la Saturday afternoon. ablet suitably inscribed inserted in unfortunate of beings, and not at all ed to the eaves of a building to recoach back of the engine were the Ind., and has been dumb for more now on his way home. die rock. An American flag which the gay butterfly which popular fancy cover a stick thrown for him. Th Purdue football teim, substitute play- than two years, is now able to carry Five men were blown to pieces at vis used in the war of 1S12, covered has pictured. dog is owned by Mrs, A. V. Pineo of ers and managers. Three, players, on a conversation as a result of, as he Prof. Prinzlng has collected a re- Kentvllle, N. S. Mont , on Sunday aa the tie. . e tablet, which was unveiled whenHayden, the assistant coach, the trainer and claims, chewing tobacco for several suit of an Morris Cutler of Ashland had pf- markable group ot statistics which explosion. The accident is Charles E. Adams, show that poverty sorely oppresses seven substitute players of the uni- hours. red prayer. Popes Odd Timepiece. supposed to have been the result ol of of the one' killed and were society, presided over the widow, and that the ia more subevery president versity An ancient clock in the form of a Emphatic denial is made by repre- the explosion of a powder mSgazin were attended by ject to insanity, consumption, conflict the fifty three other persons In the sentatives of several important westf the exercises, which planisphere, dating from 1725, is one belonging to grading contractors, of various patriotic organi- with the law and deatn than her mar- of the most interesting gifts of th members car wore either fatally or seriously into widely circulated ruern railroads ried sister. All these woes fall mors late Dr. H. E. Curry of Baker City, Ore., zations. jured. pope's vast collection. mors that a concerted effort was being heavily on the young widow. Dr. PrinMount in was presented to the a Ife of Philthe the It SITUATION IS DESPERATE. discovery reports made by the western roads to reduce Rastus SHOT AT PRESIDENT DIAZ. tings opinion is that the state should ip II of Spain by the mathematician mining district of a tree bearmake provision lor the support of the who constructed It Arbitration of Butte Trouble Seems wages. ing the Inscription "Lewis and Clerk, Criminal Falla In Attempt to AssassL widowed and their children, directly. Bardardo Facial, The planisphere gives the hours and Be to It is reported from Quito, Ecuador, Impossible. and of a well constructed Instead of indirectly through hospital nate Great Mexican. the minutes according to the Spanish The committee of mediation, act- that a dense column of fire was visible tone fort and remains of a log hut An attempt to assassinate President and insane asylums. and IUlian style, the length of day There are 3,200,000 widows in every and nights according to th seasons, ing at the request of the chamber of from there, emerging from the crater The Right Rev. John B. Brondei, Diaz was made Oct 27, as he was Cantandor Garden at 55,000,000 of population, of whom 400,-00- 0 the daily position of the sun according commerce of Great Falls and With the of the Cotapaxl volcano. The neighbishop of the diocese of Helena, and passing the have absolutely no income. consent of the representatives of the boring villages have not sustained any for a third of a Guanajuato. to the signs of the Zodiac, the solar the of century one notorious criminal, a Ellas Toscano, United Copper company and the damage. pnd lunar eclipses, the real season ths of Catholic leading dignitaries AlRecover From Lockjaw. five shots at the president. fired and the seasons according to astronhas after made war pubThe Amalgamated Copper company, department northwest, is seriously ill In Helena though he used ball cartridges at short ot medical profession omy. Members the a session lasting two days came to a lic the report and findings In the case Mont His recovery is not expected range, Diaz was not injured, .nor was in New York are greatly interested Notwithstanding the enormous adconclusion Saturday afternoon that It of Major Robert L. Howsee, charged the colored so- the dhr in which he was riding hit in the case of a Patchogue young man vance In mechanics since its construcHawkins, Sergeant could not find any solution of the with cruelty in the Philippines. The ldier named Henry Price, who has survived tion, the movement of the wheels ia stationed at Fort Missoula, Mont, by any of the bullets. Butte shut-dowsituation, and ad- findings of the board exonerate Major Toscano has a most evil reputation. one of the worst attacks of lockjaw entirely unknown. When once It brok recent the who, during championship was the murder of the local physicians have ever down no one was found able to repair Howsee. journed sine die tournament at Sea Girt, N. J., made His latest crime of San Luis Potisi, that The recovery of Price is at- IL New York Herald. treated. the Jefa at Is There great disappointment The London Post says that it un- the remarkable rifle score of 100 out for which politico $100 be was sentenced to a term tributed to the use of anti-toxithe failure of the committee to come derstands that Japan is by no means ot a 100, will ask for a transbeen released worth having been forwarded from possible Just had He in prison. to some agreement with the parties prepared to acquiesce in the sugges- fer, it being claimed the officers at when he attempted to kill the pres- Albany for the use of the local surIn Interest tion that she give Russia a free hand Fort Missoula refused the enlisted ident He is now closely guarded in geon, Dr. M. B. Davis, when the case Men are leaving Butte and Anaconabout a week ago. was reported in Manchuria in exchange for a Jap- men permission to give a ball in Haw- Jail at Guanajuato. da on eve-- y train, and a general exowaul made on the life of Price ia now able to sit up in bed An in Korea. hand anese free attempt home. return honor kins his upon dus is expected. President Dla cm Dec. 16, 1897. He and to move his mouth and arms, and The charred bones of Justus Har-wlJ. Martin Cattellna and Humberts attended on that day the public cele- it is thought that in a short time he GOOD JOB. DOLE GETS a prominent citizen of Dubuque, Pishkur, Italian miners, fell from a brations in the City of Mexico of the will completely recover. Dr. Davis g Iowa, have been found in the ashes of cage descending Into the Minnie anniversary of Mexican independence. contends that this case is one ot th Governor of Hawaii Given a a barrel near Volga City. The skull Healy mine at Butte, and striking the During the festivities a man rushed most remarkable ever heard of and Position. It is believed sump 1,000 feet below, were instantly toward him and, evading all efforts fie has sent a history of it to various been fractured. had The president on Saturday made reached prominent surgeons and medical Jourkilled. Cattelinas head was severed made to check his progress, Sanford that Harwig was murdered. the following appointments: nals. from his body. In a dispatch from Sofia, Bulgaria, B. Dole to the United States district of the London Four sticks of dynamite with fuses Cant Live Without Fighting. Judgeship for Hawaii to succeed the the correspondent been an all ready for lighting were Issue! has order attached Times says American women are much mia- Charles W. H. Needham, a true sollate Judge Morris M. Estee. George R. dier of fortune, whose home was once taken who think this is th animal Carter, secretary of Hawaii, to be for the complete demobilization of the found underneath the Tacoma Seattle in Kansas City, but now is the wide which furnishes the chamois skin with governor of the same, to succeed Gov- Bulgarian reserves, all of whom will Interurban railway station at Seattle. world, is visiting fits old borne, where which they wipe the shine off their ernor Dole. The appointments will return to their homes at once. This The find caused great excitement The was teller ot the Union National faces. They are using sheepskin he soon the after ha sent to the senate apparently marks the end of the war police think the station was to have bank. Since taking up his wanderings and paying for it, too, which after ail convening of congress. been blown up at night scare. he has fought the Matabeles in South Is some little tatisfdctlon. Claude N. Arbuckle, who attemptMrs. J, W. Ruthuff, living three Minister Powell Declares Uncle Sams Africa, the Spaniards la Cuba, the " miles south of Noble, Oklahoma, waa ed to murder Gladys Grey at Seattle The Spread of a Fad. Warships, Are Needed at San Filipinos, Tagalogs and Moros in the been own and his took then has Mr. life, Frohmana found dead in bed, death being caused Domingo. Last week one of Philippine Islands, sought other fields identified ns the burglar who, In Sepof battle in Asia Minor and stage managers came to him and said; Minister Powell has again cabled by poison. As there have begn many tember, engaged in a d is in Kansas City awaiting aa outMr. JL, in our "Three Little Maids from San Domingo that the revolu- family quarrels, her husband has Peen struggle with Mary Manberg, a ser and Russia that between break Japan company, has left his wife and gone tion which centers at Puerto Plata placed under arrest pending Investiga- vant, in the house of Judge Thomas he may serve under the banner of off with a girl who does a song and Burke. Diaz, tion. President Anis Increasing, and he suggests the to the mikado. Needham is 32 years old. dance turn in a variety show," who settled in United States engineers are inve- the presidents side and attempted Judge M. M. Estee, and fias to. of. legitimate ... advisability of.havlng a Unlted States case Jenney, abandoning .judg other " excitement prevailed, according, kill hisa.-Gr- eat Froh-maCalifornia' inI8E3j twice" a' candidate stigating' prefect1 of 'irrigating two warship there. As the cruiser Baltiseen that the efforts declared he cant live in a land where for vaudeville," wearily said Mr. was soon but It acres in million central Washington, on. is Times. no York going more, which sailed Saturday for Puer- for governor, and who has long been New fighting futile. of the murderer had been to Plata cannot arrive until the mid prominent in politics on the coast, forming a gigantic loop through thss President Diaz was not hurt The as''die of next week, the navy department died at Honolulu on the 27th. He was "Big Bend country." Over will Determined Young Japanese. Bardins Catch Fails. of the vast territory get sassin waa at once arrested and is arranging to hurry the Dixie, now Yoshlo Yamanato, a determined Lovers of the sardine will regret to of Hawaii In its water supply from the Spokane thrown into prison. This attempted a district Judge appointed San across to at Guantanamo, of wealthy connec- learn that the harvest, of the eea has 1900. river. murder created much excitement and young Japanese native country, is fireman failed entirely of late so far as that his in tions I.....I assassin sgr would-bSamuel Bauman, a farmer living subsequently the Attorney 'William H. Julien, one of Killed In Twenty Minutes Twenty-fi- v a mob on n locomotive running over the fish is concerned. One firm la LonKentax in beat known near the lawyers Bertha, Ore., is in jail charged was dragged from prison by Pennsylvania line between Pittsburg don ia accustomed to receive men, three women and Twenty-onIt and lynched. to death at his with killing Adolph BurkhardL waa burned tucky, of the value of several and Greenshurg. He came bere to seems that Burkbardt and a crowd of baby were burned a railroad business thoroughly week by week, from the learn thousand pounds, Soldier, American to death or suffocated In a fire In a home in Lexington, Ky. It is thought other were engaged In Halloween Shortest tenement house in New he stumbled and fell Into the open fire- trick when Bauman appeared in the - John Brown o i Lake City, 1 who and worked two Fears Id railroad one house alone, hut lately not a hops In Altoona. Then be sought a single, tin has arrived, tor the simple York City, Sunday, and which the po- place, before tfhlch the body waa road and began shooting, with disas- claims the distinction of being the on a locomotive and was as'gned reason that the catches have "been Job lice and coroner believe to have been found." trous result. soldier living Shortest United States his to present duty. Every evening nlL to of Incendiary origin. Some of the came is a Scotchman and One hundred miners employed at Peter Grogan, who claimed to have he passes his time as fashionable peculiar features Of the disaster, In Mr. Brown, 1850. in this addition to the startling loss of life, originated the Installment system of the Tomboy mines at Telluride, Colois- whosecountry is 4 feet 6 Inches, has young Americans do. but at 6 o'clock Swiss Chocolate. height are that the fire was practically extin- purchase, and who watched the spread have struck, pursuant to an order in the morning, attired in regulation Swiss chocolate Is exported to alwhich affidavit an in The Miners union. his strike sued the the that possession by of hia idea to nearly every civilized was called guished In twenty minutes; overalls, be Is ready for his dally run. most every country in th world, in for the purpose of prevent proves that he is two and one-hapolice could learn of hut one person Baltihia is dead home The superintendent of his "division spite of the fact that all the raw maat in United nation, at of Inches shorter than any other operations ing the resumption being Injured, other than those- who- more. dark-eyelittle Oriental will terials, Including sugar, are being n men Grogan established the system the Tomboy mill with States soldier who served in th civil says the lost their lives,, and that the- proptwelve-hou- r be soon promoted. scale re a on ago 7.000. years was thirty war. only loss OESPERATE FIGHT WESTON COUNTY, OCCURS IN D Th feer situation In Texaa shows improvement Professor Mommsen the historian, born in 1 N 7 is cllng at Berlin lb. sft'hmfrt of Ameruai claims is f itoil within aci.iisi Tin hi R 1 1 -- f i' i v i po-s- tree-stum- p not' o r e, 1804-1805- n n, Life-Lon- ) to-da- y hand-to-han- m three-fourth- - e e five-stor- y - to-da- lf non-unio- erty 4 A- 9 - r f V I SKIS r V'- - f , |