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Show kiM freed from misery mmaaaan oiitiit or a hih- cr recommendation V V H J- " Flnngmnn (of -a. I I 1 Sherman. T.M U , f 'iy" of Dunn's II 1 1 ' Kidney Fills. I tells his experience In tho following words: Ho myn, "Sometime In September Septem-ber 1 wna taken with h ilull aching pain acroae the arnull nf my but It, directly over the kidneys. 1 piild pmall attention to thla at tlrrt, tliltikliiK It would paaa off. Hut Instead of getting- better It became worse iind In a short time the pain centered through rny left hip and pain across 'nt l 'the snail of T III la precisely the back f. ,h:,, kl,lm'ir ,rou" jC' It doea not al-" al-" Ji? -''fyl wnya show ilaelf nt first, but p- -; IiAiY ":lr lu,t ln ,hl" ATr M j . wuy, when mmi iliT, f '.''r unuaunl movement -TrvJ i l l ' I or artlon brings IlilVlr ni I ""lr' P"'ns and ill" A lt. VYp exhaustive aches, II. , V i telling oCslckkld-i oCslckkld-i Beys. t-iisl Ho Mr. Plang- msn's experience bore thla out. CnntlnulnK. he aaya: "I Old not know the cause of the trouble, but 1 am left to believe now that It wna first brought about by Jumping In and out of the wngon and In aom way 1 may have strained my baric I wna constantly growing worse," he continues, "and 1 became very much alarmed about my condition. I knew that something had to be done or aerloua reaulta were aure to follow. I went to apeclnilst here In Shermnn, and underwent under-went a rigid examination." Then he relntea how the doctor told tilm Hint It wna a aerloua cnae. but thnt he could cure hlin for fifty dollars. However, necessity knows no Inw and Mr. I'langmiin p.it.l half down and took the treatment tin.l followed It fulthful-ly fulthful-ly for four weeks. Naiumlly. he thought thnt he would aoon bo rid of tin- trouble, hut In spite of the doctoring he goce on to add, "I wna In am h ml-ry that It wna almoat Impossible for me to do my work." "It m nt thla Juncture tliut Doan' Kidney I'llla came n . to my notice nn.l I rSlTl W the dru alorc oft!, left knee K. Crnycrnft. I r V uaed these pilla G'l;7 according to dlrec- tlona and to my J V aldernbly relieved -on the aecnnd day s'if'vsjS and In a ahort time V.vi' completely cured," y ' '' Thla 'la' tile' u'nlj Y.s'A.j thoae who hnve fcJL ben aufTererafrom ,K.-M Kidney trouble and Who have been fortunate for-tunate enouKh to teat the nicrlta or Donn a Kidney Pllla. There le nothing wonderful or mn Ical about thla remedy, It ainiply doea the work by direct u. lion on the kid-neya. kid-neya. Donn a Kidney I'llla are for the kluneya only and thla accounts for w K,,rly 'ndlratlona W y come from two (Xt Xj ' iJ,7 eourcea; the back JSl lj"AfA ,ni o'dder. 1 vVl 'n ',',, oecomei lett vffj w",lt mnd ,am" b' 1 1 . Yv cauae the kldneya yllp II'V are alck, and re- I I V Jf 'lf' tnm backache I (lfv3 enn "r com" 1 Pl'le when the 1 l kidney are act ! nnnfajiniiiniirill I PAY SPOT CASH FOR j I JiS-sl -T UID WARRANTS ; A Irl'M'B I Thompson's Eya Water 't L ' oHt:aiiToUo,r Ita vaiuo. When Anawerlng Advertlaementa I "Llr SSIK'S ."""1 l""'0''IhlFP'- ihlSiLUxii i.,::'1"","c';..!!li.',m.'. ir W. N. U.. Bait Lake)-No. 45. I8Q8 all Inflmnnmtlmi nn.tilirlniraei. woodnrful a a ' ami wnlltauieu-iiu, h"mt lody ; e H141 card LJ 1i-,t"1!nV''1p4Wi'S.,..'!l,'Ui M I io"tbelanglatanraeiit ooalpnUIByea. 0 uJ'J "" ' '"'"7 M . I'llK U. I AXTuN I II, K.iatua, Ataa. Vu"" ' "'"alia '"e! ? lie coluoib.j Are. ' -1 f i bladder i?ow0af thnt ItlOVqkt llllil the kldneya are out rfWnrJ of order. Drluy In .t.SllauttU , prompt attention rr;Avvrr-s often ,-.,..ea erl- 07lel'e''nnd'cure alclc kldneya and VV1 wnrd off dungeroua lyj S dlabetea, drended fit J's-') dropxy and llrlitht'a J i lioan'a Kidney ifLj , p," ; .'WSJii They begin by V i ' ,1 J F7 V-healing V-healing the delicate Vltll ( I I i.lj membranea and re- 'J duclng any Intlnm- "O mat Ion of the kldneya. kld-neya. and thua making the action of the kldneya regular and natural. wtrAlnff bifkt art ftiacif. i.'n, bncfc, end loin paint ovrrrvmt. Btllittg qfiht flmoi, rArume-fUm rArume-fUm end drcruy 4,7ai ednlia, 7Vy wwt arlne vlln 6rlr-cfwat aedunen A(7Aultfmi, ercarli, pale le ;-i0i;7, dria-atf. dria-atf. fr"pnry. JDoan'f Jii'lniy IMU dujree end rrmoM mJcmII end gratti. Jlrliftt Amrf MrfriraMoft, ttrrj-lwntu, Htod4rh, MnflWiulA Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. T. mm i i a. o. TATC '. r.W trm Ult hot. Oil Oil. ' . I. i m.i.111, aiaa IiIim. on m mi mi far itirnd i.f xhi old fMiiloned Pyf plcrtrlptty U of ft Ruh Unlit randl. rutimtn PsdAlMa Pyf ar olnlr, u thy nftthwr at tin tha lhi.rn1-iiiori.lH'Hhekttilr. (die te pai c-lortt nth. r mV.M, w. ol cir cotum tMnmllr "H. i irimrnntr.Hi t4 im p-rlvt tukuIm. luinu VadclulJ(.vrafuriwUvtr4Uliii or ButUrd direct M iM l iMukimu, MONKCt URVtf CO VnionvllU. M Siefi.Mervbus MACI1ES. SMt I ORE TESTING iiliiHS t..Iitnerincmi.ttrtwfkin(t uiiin tr Millmf fl.mi oi ny deMriptwn, Ami gursatci tlkUVKf imJ utptuiiy. Out Ceiulotju No. yf UMiib litis deautmcni fully. Offloa ft Worki.ltb Larimer tta. , THE F. M. DAVIS IRON WORKS CO. retallnrrlcal Dep't, I7C7 Champa St. UKNVK.lt. )U U.8. . i 7F WE TBEHT BKD CUBE fpN a. 'a. J t. tiunuluiluii tmr, .u. w. aaoata Weak Men Pay When Cured If rt,nar fr.att.n uf the wvahnetMM or 41- f'r' ,on nrnt qrd Uwii a Ua Aa.iN A Hl.g rHT.U AVl''iliVllu'l-ltuN'w'it WJii o..r -o.cl llu.n..MU.ui i-.fle,,,. u... laiu.iwd .... W. h..'.. ;' "' .""".r,,",!,"!!"'" g" K nlVe'"!" o,.?""."!.".'"!!. f"i"5lnt : ! mui7i rn..n ia,ui wfia. aulug aiua iloiura JJ- 'f?,,,''1' f " w'ltT'.VN T 1TI1I.IHI '"'at ''I BM j.l .t.o.l l.l.r rl-Mr.: M- . ; it UI A i r: llh u..iy. b.uud I'oiMJU, aud all WgANhHHfc.a ef t I frrS'kVi.mTl'oUirJ.Mu''hAiVo'lAilI'oi Uu'u.M u OKIfin H'.l llH: I a. n. is 4 a. m.i t.aolaaa. j j awMia Ikliiaaurplaai na.rt, lu C m. u II. I DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Specialists. " - :.;ot"."u.;';.,J;.h. College Y. M. C. A. ' TTiore are now T17 colloce Young Mat'i Cbrlatlan aaaoclatlona, equaling In number the city .laanclatlona. Theae have enllated I.POO new men for foreign for-eign mlaslnnnrlca. In the last year. other Omra a wee I rowdete for Cfitldreab HuofMarully iiimhI by Mother tirnT.nurae In the ( hlldrrn'a Home In New York, curt t 'oiiHtlpaliou, l'eTrllmca. Kml btoniach, Teething Dlftonler. t itive mill ri'KUlate the Howelannd lelro Worn.. Over ao.lMHe. tlinomnU. At nil lrulla. sno. hnmpla k Klkk. Addraaa A. b. UluuUU. UiUuy.W. X. '' Coat ef Wheat Labor. The amount of human labor now re quired to produce a bnnhcl of wheat from brglnulng to end la on an average only ton tnlnutoa, and the coat of aucb laur I 3',i centa. U'AM BtOncMO-rlfC ioS " COTTON (tit Jr Ve-- It mAttraa In th world, bott. r ihtu. ny teslrn it ,'. Will oo vou ! monvy. A.k votrci..Url'orll. ' Look for our trad mark. Utah Bedding & MTff Co., U Wtl aal Ith Naith ltH tail Laha City. DRUNKENNESS CURED. The Keeley Institute. aat'iLS: " MIDWIFE ""a j Mr. l.lrtalnr. (lra1mi MM I fa or ilf.Ul OUUttddUV. 'a d II I'M. UUH.Ikltl.l.li, j 336 W. Third North. Sail Laht City. j. w. currie. jr.r?.A 70 W. Thlre) Could SI. P. 0. BOX 665. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH CR1SM0N & NICHOLS, JS! 122 no pom rio LIT. "J: S".'oT;"'. R LAKE CITr ULIABLC ASSAYS. t4. n I u. ei i . lv; rL3 FfvHal ralaraa aiall aamplaa. 0den Amy Co, '"J.;::ygSj;T-111 '"J.;::ygSj;T-111 D. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. "I "aral PmIm Kef All Oceatleni. Krenal ana Carafe! Altenllea Si.m le Mail Oreara. f HOME H3II K51 SALT LKC CITY RICHARD E. EVANS, " 'k5 l.,T Kleral Dailffia an laawrlal a Ipatlilri. All Cat KHMera la "A'NJj AAT LAK OIT, Elite Watrlmonlal Journal '2!''a"J!"' UTAH JUNK 007;', -"titer, coy.r, ftraaa,et4. allLaket'ltJ, tbaa' Inn Osm, rirr Tiuwl,, ; ; Tn.ss .1. I n. ..f it,, ke. itm.h II,. I ha li seetnt """' "U"' nt ig j. rni'ii'T. ' Sw.tMi li Nrf.tn m- snl .,ib, r.',.' 1 la far piMvota, f IM.i. n dr wt U.iuor. A. I 1 1, - ( A. IV. UI.I.AHOS, i"."i.f J,r, MM ll.ir. t'alar-k Cnra II tak'stniarasur. ""'jSJ I r.i.in. hea,llnr t ,( "I'iikaVv's eu ., TultOe ,0 Se'Slirall liniai'. a.tv j 1UU . i Mull CO. ars Iba bHl. it I To rare n ol.t In One (lay, f Tak Laaative llnnm. Vuinlii. Tnb.eU. All I lruKKlsUrsfuud muuey 11 Ittallatoeure. It5a f ISfra. Wtn.lnw's HMihlng Kfrnp. 1 fnT rhl ,lr.-a Irfllil, M. H,fl'l Il.r .,.. I-.1, W TB. Sauluisuuu.all..Mlii,i:ur..wloil(ollii. aocabwul. I W. L. DOUCLAS 3.22 &3 SHOES SS22 I Yoa csa tavs from 4S to 6 0 yearly by wearing W.L.I)oujums30 orsaais. They equal tlinae J lug vou lion SI ltd T ki I.UII The I n- l Jl Doiik-las a io-s proves ,r N J i ''irsil-r l)W s" wl!? 7-s all other iiiukes. I Tlx Pol 1 by null shoe : V ' V rfrtilura every whom. ' j.' l...ik for nana and i ' . JT p-leemli,-n. A''Vi I Thai lnal....Mrer. 21 .. .-1; L es.t.,11 am ihrr is Mr-' ' V. rr.:".;-,;'.";,-. f --rfr raS. Palpal Mr ssase. i. , -J hhnM hv bisII, Sft real, eklra. Ills.lraleS Caulus traa. W. L. Hole Us. Uretalwi. aaaa, j la curl -(mure- us !tuuu- x'm &KZta VVa" erproof lyf. is4hi oiled, 'hrfty ftWwK' CLOTHING WQ7 I f Jus. the ihlai for r Xuma-A Silver flalad ' l',,i.i ind l.llbl, r tor SAe. uuarat4 V M ( N A II S I I JKWKE.BV CO. i IS Lake City. ' ' r !' triii4v. h ,rt ntkti. imcfAttitniJlt I Oti HI t-OTaiiy ult" n tslihiti .mi ifiiv f Mlrs, Th flvt'-i ( III .t Ifsw't' la rtiuUall il wnUAAVJf I MbMlulUV All tilUfl,laU A-11 taUrm. I |