OCR Text |
Show - c I - . I . 1:' 0 0 , , 0 --- I oil - ''-'-' ti , , , ?, , . - ''. 1 I 11 rd . ' ' I I ' look .I ' n st tr& - ' peg - atm& ' a va ' au pl." - - . . -- ." - ' - ' '''''' , vAtr , , i . - ' ''.' 4,4, - A- , . I. - - - -, ;- ,,. , 1 J 110,10.0 I r"""rf.' , k 1 . , . ., . ,, t,.' , ' A new multimillion-dolla- r building to house the expand-1- , !rig Salt Like branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San; Francisco will, be built on the southwest corner of 1st South ' and State streets The site for the new bank was sold to the Federal Reserve I o r approximately , $'500.000, the present bank buildirigl iwhile was purchased by Zions Securities Corp. for ap- I proximately one million dollars. i . Plans for a new branch bank have been in th e- making ' for t some use i at ofe oyNr'eer.. ent site. . ' f, -- ., ' ,----4' (1 4. ',' , , - 't4,-.,,,- . ,, 41' - ' .. .:,-- -- ' ' ',, ' -, i v,- , polio victims, - I - . ' I t - ..,, , , . .....,.. .. .':::- , ,tilicholes, Sees a .,.. .' ,l'ic ,'' . :' ,...s.,.9.,,,::: , . I L' h - , . ,, ., ,...,..-- Club Troubles ,.. I , ,''' - - - t it Akre )11.1,11 tP Tgltzgram , ,. .P., . 1,,,,,,..,. ,. ,..,,, ,,,..,,... .., ,,- ., CITY:UTAH SALT LAKE f.,,- -- - Nws rt., No ... , . .,,,,,i.. - D End lo Locker .,. , : . , , s- . -- i . Chairman of the Mother's March is Mrs:L. W. Muglest,on . polio 11 rars ago. St, who was a victim of She was paralyzed for a very short time but recovered with' no ill effects : :stirs Mugleston now th; mother ;of seven children .. . much of the credit for herjcomplete recovery to the physic,- - ; therapist, trained and Suppifed by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, who helped her With muscle tion . , Alter the drive, the'rnoneyAvIll be picked up at the homes ' of captains by members of the- 115th Engineers of the Urinal Guard. Mrs. Mugleston said. 1256 E. 13th South - . , i , Itkadr . - AN, 71:, , , J :.'--..- 11 - - :- , 113-- 7 .i ''.1F-1.- 0) . .n.''' IP - ,C1 - - k' ,! arer- '1 i . ' e 1 ik i gcs - -- .. . O. - 3 500 N ' , - 1 , .."-- '- . - I Will :stage 1. ,,, ,R 0-- i , eboanst rbaceetn : 4 -- ,, ,P. , N 7 ''k ,:- - , , OnS.1 Some , , . ,, - : - - i , h neeidt ' .,.., . ' oVEhers :. ;- - . ' i , . - 4 -1- At,. , , -- ''',:',- - i Approl 1 - , , Parking shifts . ''''''' . a to t.,,k ' ', ,Ax4l'iTs-,,,-,..--ot- - T Part Tonig 3 500, Moms- Do Their . k s,s : 0, ,,,, t,a2,-,- t , ler' 4 -' ' . ' - their annual Matter's March on Polio in Salt Lake ' ,t, li.:4 CitI .lt 't s, and county Thursday from, 7 to fl p rn df, li44 4 ''''' ''', t ''''S 1 l The. A Volunteers; armed with ,mtlk bottles for funds to ' , l';,,,. ' ' C. ,'''' .,,,r? A , , the ,,,,$. , crippling disease, 'will ring doorbells at every home fight lb. s ' in their neighborhood. ?r .,' ,, : This year the terrn - porchlight parade" has, seen dropped .4 ,,.. , - since many people who- WiSn to contribute forget to turn on ' '' their porch lights. Instead the mothers will ring doorbells , 0)',.., ' at' every home ' -' IS,,, .,,,''---,, Last for the annual March of raised $29,000 year they I.''''. ' '',-, ,,, t,,, I? Dimes The. national campaign for the poho' foundation this , ., 4,,, year is being held during the entire month of January. 4, 1 , si ;Air--A' , I I S . ' ' , .,,,- -- ' ,,,,, , ' 1 g ,,, , ., ' , 1 - 't L. - '1 ,' . -- ,f: i ,, - 0 Federal Reserve Puichases Site (on First South, State . - .. ,,,. - .. ,, ., )0 ,, 4 n . Q9VjlJlltcUtntltl , . 6,., r;--.4. , , , .. ' ' ;ttwe'"". '''' . ' ''''''. . - ' ' -- . - ml : . if- , ,., T, - ,. .... , .., THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955.,," earl osing t 41,1 4 A ,!. 4 action ' ... t vague laws concerning Inverf , ..,. , ..., -' : 11, both C. E. Earhart, president of; -- 4 klit', ' . ., lq...Its, 1' ''clubs are hainstringthg . S.L. locker el the Federal Reserve Bank of . '.'ell. Atere .law ...poi enforcetncrEtttlempts.. b ut.t Salt Lake City Commissioners !San Francisco, and L. Pierce t Mi.. , the 1955 Legislature ki.179 11;hursday 'iteltd 16 'proVidiial, Brady: manager o'l Ziolis. Se-p:41,:::: , may clear .7,s . -- - , il i , , extra traffic lane and reliev e. curities Corp., said the transag-,, the trouble. , trp, ha bern agteedto 913 - - rush , ',: o hour- - 'congestion . along 'said COniniia:sioner Lyle B f , -T "fielP irtaTil--, SouthTempTe between- , ,' - ' -...:, : ti 112:ednille:e.t '0W Uri Iti,ef kkia2s, pit.in1........4..', , Tpe , new bank building - will 77 1 klk 4,.,,l' and State re ,,,do ,,,,.,..iiiii......0, A....,.,,.... n.; ri 1 re-v-1 xit 1,7 . e a.,, be constructed so that future t ri of-the Brigham The cropping commission 'approved O kVol t eanbe4andled-wi..euanslon ti IVIARCTITNGTOW-TOLIMrs tirtera ors.. -p- arallel-parking IttA31A'S , for the flUiln OW too much difficulty. Alugleston, chairman of the Salt Lake Countv Mother's les said ' side of South Temple between is and Main Streets size of the new bank Vghile bids goodbye to her seven children, 4 be was not in favor of private Temple State and pedes- - Was- not , under consideration by. Salt disclosed, officials yet 18 14; to Nina. left months; clubsJanet, but baby out Shirley, Wits right, near there trian crossing the Hotel, here said some time pointed ' 'offitia6-that Like ago and and 15, 5, Kathleen, hoW' City 12; 10; Barbara, front, Margaret, some doubt as to far the Utah gardens. more vault space and more of , 7, as she leaves' tO collect funds tO fight the was in understood Thursday It the toulcl go police enforcing Parking along the, half block lice facilities were imeeded, in- disease, to make the , law. that crippling permission section presently is on a 45- - dicating that the new building v removal 4 isnow co. lis!d .Under Mr: Nicholes told the tavern will be somewhat larger than : 'I degree angle,-basihe I should The commissioners also ap-- the presento-ne- . operators they eration.oThe ftfriiiniwould. in three P) proved moving the left turn i Plans for the new bank buildidposlaice, isixt:ysti.hirstth,! 1 don't sell the interests of traffic safety. lane, presently situated in the ing still, are in the formative 4J to minors. beer They did not indicate Just , Secondly, re,. first lane south of the street's stage. a ,, all of how far nlans for trimming' susneeted (mire center bite. Under the new persons However, it is believed the , , , the base had progressed or being under age to fill out identraffic arrangement, it will be new building will have a base( ' on the work '.:'' when prolactual cards. 1,tification Third, light shifted one lane north, or to ment and as well Civilian employes of the armed Iorces la Utah, ,w he' tome-It-LIeet- might begin.your plat-e- up." the first lane north, of the cen-- , as a, main, floor and two other -, iunder the Federal Wage Board System will receive pay In.;; ter line. floors. Not Pro.setute creases beginning Feb. 15. . , Salt Lake City recreation! , TAYLORSVILLETwenty-fivlane r The present branch, besidet II. Changing the cf the Fred head tee, 1 that Capt. Will on notices Feb their re(eive employes .. department will add another through lane the vaults and some Apace in to , squad, told the Won't Be Tool police will end in 15 days.. lhil142kes wwoerrkeersaninnduenreceadse Teh amuresdaa boy tibty,asPea tagsuwi on the south side and eliminate the lower level, has space only !jobs Some Air Tthoepoafy he would not that of them may be rehired by the Salt Lake County operators r a traffic bottleneck, explained on the ground floor, and A Board which took over all recreation the first of the prosecute any tavern proprietor , ---- Utah will be affected by the of a wage study made In Salt City Engineer Sam S. Taylor. zanine and second floor. in his es minors for permitting , at the request of Salt i .The tract purchased will ex- Mr. Taylor said a green left- had a state Increased pay schedules. Lake last May. Lake City. ,, open , to be filled at next! tablismerit if he - turn arrow from tend South lst south St., will be added to will card A be increases idencation signed Average board liquor 'ID nz thos ,Wage month's to be workerscome meeting t'"John McGurk, former sn:T the pc,rwanenttratgtaarpheu.move.,-and--exAe4)4- -. ,....... abitu1 tent,L11111911.LLi2w alidtLilliLIVIIitesbld:iheirl District Leaders told the operators that police phore controlling traffic into vest from State St., 179 feet. ever, , foremen serving under salaries are set by the locality of Lake the Salt perintendent Named as district supervisors Present buildings on the site the ZCMI parking terrace. Wage. Board System will re- - wage surveys, while other c1711 City reéreation departmentTand'vTre Wayne Player, who will, would seek heavier penalties for The changes were recorn-- mill be demolished to make way Leo a ' minors who falsify their age to ceive raise. service workers in the govern-salar- y Pignanelli, superintendent! also be sUpervisor mended to- the commission b y for the new structure. of boys ' clubs. Both have sqb ichurch and adult athletic buy beer. ment receive a employes Supply Depot which .,is s Included in the 1st South St. activ;1 Meanwhile, Salt Lake County i Lyle B. Nicholes .:public safety 1 who are classified under a dif- - set by Congress. the to irn applications also Edward Ries; I McGean, disclosed they tavern commissioner, and Mr Taylor. 'site are the Chiam Cafe, the leounty recreation board. will receive ferent operators system .4 'supervisor of art s and crafts , Wabash Hotel, Photo The commission T. Lee also ap- a test the of Gov. Bracken ;, ? has' about 8 cents an hour. planning court '4 The board met W ednesdaY camping activities, and county's ban on dancing in tav- - firmly rejected an proved twobour parking for See BANK en tate &le and approved divi- - land ' also talternoon super-Mickelsen, 011 . three areas in the city: the 'r WI" the Sierra Club's sion of the county into fourivisor of women's activities, so. erns. ' north side' of Herbert Ave. bePeter G. Condas, 2120 S. Red- tion down the Green t. t (recreation districts,, each ofcial activities and winter sports. National tween State and an alley west I 11111 Dinosaur 1 the Pase--4,0a of Air i Rd., 'Al)" ! Forct which will have a district 50through chalrman THIS I SECTION1 spe.cial, The board also approved area. of 67 Herbert Ave.; the north workers will recellie 8 cents an IF pervisor. Frank Orton as supervisor of committee of tavern operators, Monument wrote hour increases, and 425 foremen be-Club of side would his said representatives Wilmington Ave. group Thursday suThree of these district maintenance and supplies, J. 4 tween Elizabeth St. and llth Radio, TV Logs inInitiate legal action against Salt last week that the governor will receive , 5 Ipervisors were approved, along McKinley Riley as supervisor Obituaries an oppo- - creases. as over won be Lake East; the, east tide of 2nd Eastl Action Ads ! might County. , with three other posts, but one of the golf course, and William en-,Puting,-559 5, , ; between 5th ztnd 6th South. Utah' General ,Depot-1,- 122 district supervisor post was left Liddle, board secretary andl Mr. Condas said he could not nent of the proposed Echo Park k say whether the- action would Dam by Joining one of their wage board employes and .02 office manager. . , Wool growers operated rat a 't't , -or a tours. test . suit form of the take 99 district and Also workers The foremen. supervisor's job -loissin 1954,but decline theInutlookl "I shall simply ., nine foremen of the 'Utah Genstill open also includes :super- a petition for a declaratory Are7,9,4,35 for 1955 is good. ' eral Depot currently 'employed vising youth clubs and youth Judgment. However, Lee Neff causeinI doourn7atownaarnetnttonrboepas. This prediction 'Was . Taylor, Salt Lake attorney for sports and activities. , by the Ogden Army Transpoe- - Thursday in Salt take City by 1 wrote the governor The entire Jordan School Dis- a group of property owners and ganda plan," Don Clyde, Heber City,' presi- - I - 't trict will 'make up one recrea- tavern operators, said earlier he inireply. Tooele DepotOrdnance dent of the UtahiyoolGrowers 11 "I feel that my knowledge of 1,871 tion district, another. will in- thought any aotion taken..would wage board workers and Assn. 24 and the riVer the country ' clude Murray and west part of be in the form of a petition for 23 foremen. Mr. Cly.de, speaking at the taour . that 7,983. awaits MO the engineers knowledge of winner and each readers have Granite School Districts, third a declaratory judgment. , Friday Utah Military District,' Fort sociation's 48thammtlconveop t and experts have gained far That's a lot of entries, but Prize Puzzle Contest No. 21, a chance to outwit the author will include east-Sal- t Lake City Set 7 workers and five tion at Hotel Utah, said he 1 Douglas-4Meeting :, Sierra which the that not one completely outwitted the entry deadline for which d and to compete for cash and the east part of Granite , Mi.' Condaf-saibased his prediction on the fol- - i his commit- xClub may acquire in its scenic, foremen. the author of Deseret News was Wednesday noon. Soluawards. Entry deadline is School District, and the fourth,' tee decided tol.ake the step dur- ' Depot-1,- 200 Naval Supply lowing points: and Telegram Prize Puzzle tion to this tricky crosswords the Wednesday noon follow- west tind part of central Salt' to an receive national a The (1) average WoolAct:uf Gov. Lee's letter was ad- employes ing meeting Wednesday night. ., Contest No. 20. So the cash will be published Saturday ing publication of the puzzle. Lake City. inerease, 1954 of the Incen. ' will another said He bein San to -- and the winner will have operation: dressed David meeting con-becomes for $175 until The apprOved solution' is jackpot May Become Aid committee would be held Thlirs- Francisco, executive director of Deseret Chemical Depotto tive payments under the act test No. 22. next Wednesday noon to pUblished on Saturday followDennis Murphy,. who is com-- day night. 'We want to deter- the club. The Sierra Club has make its own announcement should bring --growers a dollar . Another chance at the jacki .himself to the And the pleting the season as basketball ing L. ,,, more or not the county taken the lead in opposing the, later. "News." winner has until the next supervisor for the city,- - maY ID& mine whether pot will be offered in the dof II. L. chief ated., 'to the power a Florence, Echo feature enforce has the Park Dam, key, The Prize Puzzle Contestis 'contest beginiiing Friday in Wednesday noon to identify offered the job of assistant to ordinanc of torr.- pititive ) dancing," Mr. of the proposed Upper Colorado vilian personnel at Hill Air, (2) P ri against . editorial -a TeleNews Deseret the and "News" himself. Three regular Utahns have Mr. Player, according to Paul , . River ,snd Neal, are7 the Force mat, Base,,said, tCondas said. , Storage Project: ' in-tfeature. A new and tricky gram. of the than a year Rose;lsuperintendent per higher crosswords -.Meanwhile, a cash award of puzzle appears I contest., County Recreation Department.; capita consumption of meat Is , , . Mr. Rose said he had touree --, at its highest lever since Itt0C . the Salt Lake City boys and -- ,,,13) The ., increase of huge ,3102t ,; ,.. ..,.,. utatión in the - UnitedStatls. L ". girls' clubs and felt they werel e., ., There-'sr-- - overstaffed at present wiUi rec-- 1 , three million- - moreli : ,., , ' . , a reation department employes.1 tensumers for; farm productt I r , -- , ' He aIso recommended,- and , than a year ago. ' I , VAIS the board , The (4) 1955 that approved, moving prediction , ., ...., , .. , will be , a boom year for pall play centers to junior high i , ,' z. . Therer will - be t '4 . emploYment. ,,i ,,- - schools, rather than having How would you like to buy , ' '' ' '.- - ''' t ' ' , them at elementary schools. ; higher minimum . wages .tor : NOW IS THE TIME, says Charles W. Locker275 yards of Jet black crino, The coiner of the phrase wasn't referring increased pay for fed. . unions,' ' to our boys line for one cent a yard? bie, local bird authority, for all good men grey at all. In fact, he lived eral workers. This makes for, a to come to the aid of their little. feathered In another part of the world altogetherand N sells for 49 It levelof-spend- ing regularly i,tagher -- friends. The picking these days is getting sonic 2,500 years ago- .- ,, , a cents to some Inflation,. 7,1r. yard.' !points -. N N , mighty lean, what with the snow and all, and , , , find said. Herodotus, . use could for Clyde . ' you Or, I 4 the birds could do with a handout then sojourning in Persia and describing the 1 't 5), A stepped-u- p premotio4a1 , 'the electronic nurse," an in- - -- , -- -' - tercomiet with a loud speakerconmunications system of Cyrus the Great. Our man suggests you clean off a spot of emamenPsapigrodntoucatdzewIllosel stnhde fahincep.)3s. ' ' ,,, ,,,...l.,,T I on tablets of ,metal were carried Messages or lawn In the back yard, toss out '' can place in the baby's ground ',,, , ,,,k you ' ' men on Two swift between sit table Salt ' The other Lake (6) by ,, crumb, crustr and horses, Ile relates, scraps, '41' ti, ,,. City school room and a receiver you carry passing, of the Akri;'? 1" . 4 cultural Development Act- - 'of back and, watch the grateful little crittars relay stations known as post houses (that's children returning to classes with you to any part of the N',,!' ' , f ' ' 1954 where our postal words originated) and, after lunch Were injured Thurs-- house? , ; 7 -stuff themselves. , ow' ,14, i farm nor nor snow neither heat nor cnunrain i ,day afternoon,,when they were 1i s , surpluses Ao foreign - This not only helps the birds which re. 1 ,.'"e t, This Will sell for 99 cent, . tries. Under this act it is hoped , of night Can stay,these couriers from ' 'i an autoRobile at It V 1 struck gloom by ' ' , , invitation for retails $11.95. (sparrows directly to,your spond regularly ---- , 4, t ,.., about 1864 the swift completion of their appointed , - These are but two of many stockpile .of , .....Zio ' for the most part), but by drawing theist into ' ' WOOL' See on ItecN , "ands."' rage B- rare. I more on to in INJURED: items t Salt the city it gives the timid, species go sale, . A. '' Inscribed ' pie ht or aungs-- . - T - , - j -- I :6". -- 5- - . , - i- r----Jr-1- ., , 1 . , ,,, or -- - - . ---LI , , - - - - , - i I ---,--1 . - 1,,tiNriechsso-line- - ; I. ,1,,,...",,,,,k;., r) Voiqz),) S - - , Monument Bose --S- .... ..,,, , . - , I Trimming -- - , , n 'n (,..( Considers - ---, . .4 t ;,:j . - ,: , . $. t 0 "...III n If" I - , the-midblo- - - iLórr , and-David- , , , I s. - Armed Forces Emplgyes Gpt, Raises Starting Feb. 15 co-öp- ecre tion 5 i -- , b at sub-baseme- nt it - 4 1 s - , - - - 4 e left-tur- n : I anti-vic- e - i - , mez-lyea- - --- --' ! ! tee Declines , - ' 1 ; , thrthr-arrderne-rtft- tot "lora i 1 industriald -- ; Trio Invitation . itted -- River , , i 1 ' 1 t i - 1 i IN , i 1 i Iót.:Viabliti6lill. r J 73 1. , - ! . , :' . I I , , - - - - Can Be Wrong and They , -- Prize Puzzle No. 20 Unsolved tatil. - , ,--. . ,r , - :- - - -- - 'me ,, -- . sojou. - It.-Bro- 1 identify entry-deadlin- e. -.- Ii - cei , - 1 i , eracked-eash-jackpot- he s ----- 7-. - - . - . . , perhead-ofsheep-oper- , -- such-as-be- - et ago-an- . d I - - ,, t- -- - -- 1- - - - SI.J - -- erchtnits Scour Store- sfhite Elephtinr Dtirfitilin 1 -- k- . -- -- 1 -- . - slm f -- SCENE TODAY -- O . I, - -- N X. - , , - only--such 2 Pupils Hurt-InCrosswalk ts- I - ' -- -- . . , - - 17- 7- , , S.-Stat- - - e; 44 ,,,ILavhkeli-eC- , ,t - , , - , L s. - , ,, - , ber of Commerce. t - The committee Includes Mr. George Kohlert, Auer- Copp; -bach Co4z Ellison, Keith O'Brien; William C. Capes, Sears Roebuck' and ' Co.; Ted Bushman, ZCMI; Glenn M. Wilrn, I. C. Penney , Co., and C. L. Mobley, ' gomery War4, , -- , , - .1 , -- , f , ,I - i ' I - 4 . . ''' r'' - , ' ' .9 ' . . : ,, - ,;' ' ' 4, ' . , ri Ir ri ,, , ,,, -- ' ' - ,,,, . - - . ,, 1-,,,'' , else,-lIigh- , , - , - s ..,A - -- -- . ed 1The . 1:t-2-- ',..4 , -- i, , , ,--, -- , . -- : . , , '; - FridayexceptA that it via 't ..,, , , Fine Ileather, ' Coming Up---But- -11ciir a Cc ri t , The ,weather will be fine . A A Mont,- - - L ' vT " . -- , . . , probably be too cold to enley,, t it. ' i, i for Pitches of zu,.t and early morning fog in the N 1 Lms . northern tfileys of the state; 1:3 LI LI i . , be cles ' : . f .,, , tre temperatures . ' I' thing in t:''.! , I 4,,, , ,, . , . , , , . 2., part of the' state . ' , . , froin 25 to 25 ei.,gr i , ' YOU CAN BUY lIVIIITE ' ELEPHANTS'Glenn M. , ' from 35:to, 45 lo t,., ,,Wilson,- - el)mraitteeman,:- - and- - Ws. Carol -- Wagner put I ' finishing touches on the "elephant" as part of the pub. 4 range from 5 .: Ii I,, Lake Cit,y,, , licity campaign for two big sales,days in Salt Al - ,- .;.e..nom , ....,,,, , T n El - 4- - - . - - ,' . -- k , - , y. - , . '4. - d -- ,, --- - .,, , - ; , . - -- - - 1-- - enrs - termasntotDresayrduritnrit., , --- le-of 11I ' , , ,. 2 - - and Saturday.: ' I ''"'"--t , -- , 4 Merchants have combed ' , , ,,' , ' ' ' , 4 ' . , their stores for odds add ends ,-" ' ' ' ' . - ,'; to sell ,at ridiculously low i' , ' ' ' ' ' 1 a ' prices, sald Alfred E. Copp, ' ' Paris Co., chairman of the E pi, A 1, -' . two-daevent 2 '1 ' ' Hj i j White Elephant Days is , ' 1-sponsored by stores affilia44 e:1 r 1 ral ,, &.4; i With. the --Retail- Merchants-I ' , Bureau, Salt Lake City Cham- ' , , , , a , s, - -. , -- - - 1 -- - --- whIcti-outhor1zes-'4a- , - ..,,-- g -- 0 N i 4- -- , '-- - -- - Z Nx. , , - , ''' - N' - .''," '-- - . -.... :-- -- , , , -- - - -- , - ';;,' - -- , 1. , -- , , , '- ': - -'- ',- - - - .; , - ,', , - , - The quote was over the entrance Glendon Vincent, 27e:.sortvf to the New York post office ,when it was built t Mrs , Mrand GlenVIncent, - iveather,-wit- h rees as sun-- - Aninyyears ago, andhalkbeentheAthi S. ,1833 facial lacerations State, of since. ever service letter our , flowers and a few redroots remahking above and undetermined injuries. the snow, the competition gets toUgh, and. ' . ,' Bennie Scoville, 7, son of Mr. FOE A' TLIAT , , , yard feeding of such birds as will ventur into ' This is positively the'laAt word welt have and Mrs. Marvin L Scoville, the 'city gives the others a chance. 1801 S. 2nd East, fractured left tosay on haggis; the 'traditional (and inys-- arm and waxwings have Incidentally,.ther Bohemian ' undetermined injuries.1 Scotch.' sam. we've ' dish, until after rious) been going- through in 'numbers this year annual at were And the it rosebushes Both Bobby pl Friday night boys were reported in (our hawthorne tree ', , , ',' 'condition full of them Suzday) and Mr. Lockerbie uys ' Burnanquet. at Salt Lake "good" 4, ' ,! So much for James IlleQueen- observes that people General At's been a great winter for ducks. Hospital, wherethey --- , - silo eat Ida( enjoy- thiftieat'An- dean inT, were, taken by police ambuthe birds. , ,, ' I i lance,: "4 ,,' stitution, the tot dog, have a powerful nerve , The youngsters were walking to question whAktoes into the snaking of DEPARTMENT OF MTORMATION - '' ' ' ' In-the haggis. crosswalk in -trOnt ()Utile ,,,..: .4 reference in this corner the other, day to , - - -: : . Mac sTouche, , i McKinTey School where lxith -rain snow,- - etc. etc.;"- the tra- --it : ' . , ' are pupils When the mishap ocN ditional motto or slogan or whatever of the ' ' , ' curred. . cANNON'S., CHANSON,S They reportedly were what to as Just , mailmen, brought an inquiry' ' struck by a north-boun'- ' auto, A we choler. the fellow know has who said it was ,and ,.,the quotation prst.' , ;'' mobiW , 4 He's nervous andtquito , authority, taturally we went to the proper ' The ,mishap- occurred ' about , 11. Trevithick? David ?The doe said be's sound as a dollar. Postmaster but who else , ,,:., .. AM scared the poor guy half to death. - 12:40 p.m., ',,' , . and discovered as. follows: , seed heavy , a better break on the, f :.crop Lin the outlying,. askiNw1 1 ,) "... , - ' - . b -- .- e , - - - - |