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Show , , , , ,, - , - . ' - . - I , , . ...., , ,.- . ,. AND DESERET NENoyS . Salt take . a Cify:s Thursaily, - January ,2719S5j . - - , , . 'BURGLARYJ7ROBBERtNiCTIMS HEAR , - - I it t '',,,,.,,, t-- , ,,,,,. ..,,., .. , '. '. ik;e- -s, 1 NN r - :7 - I '.1,,,,., If ' t,,. LxQ...S, ' ,-- .J -- A ; 4to,301111son i. ' 'r ft ' ''' , :, 34. ir..'', k' .H r: .. U Iris ' ,. 1 ''''',7.'t Reed Smith if . 44 '' ; v 1, , i ., - ''''-'- - 2- ' ' "''' - ''''.:.-.-:1 t!: ; , LJ ' i' . 1. B. F. Sheffield Z V- , . , Salt Lake butchers and - He did not advocate keeping cers, many of whom have been !guns in stores to prevent or burglarized in recent !aeries. "The holdup man is month s, heard some tips about as scared as you are," just the Wednesday night on how to pre-- officer said. "You !flake a quick vent such occurrences. movement for a gun and that Plainclothesmambewey J. Fil- - man may shoot." us of the Salt Lake police de- - He recommended that money partment, speaking to approxi- - be taken from tills at the front mately 150 members of the Salt of the store perhaps every hour Lake Dutchers and Grocers an. 'taken to the back of the 0 Assn., also outlined somgio- - rob-robb- tures, their clothes, weight. height, anything that might help' in catching them." He also suggested that own- ers report anyone in their stores who act suspicious or look like they might be "casing the Joint." - To prevent burglaries be rec- ommended plenty of light,safes that are buried ih concretel'Aak- - ed i I ii checks;7Offleff' . rft uu at lut au, ' - ..., - - , -- 1,....1 LI 1. DALE A. JONES heads grocers' unit,. 1 T ,.' ....... at it ..,. ..!!'r-.- ' ... ... ' ; ....- 7- , .. , ....... .... .. ... ' '7, .. ... ... ,.. , ' :....,. , '...4,,Z'::,,,X.,:::K::;;;:::':: :,,&.:,'::,,...,:.:, ;';',''',:,,,.. ,..f.f.;:f,X:X,:',:7.:',:.?,,'';:': ".."...,;'; ''''..'5'...4: ' ,, 1 ,., g . .:. . ' :''' '1.ö'n;.; 1 -" :, ' ' I S i: 4 -- --- ,, ':,::.' ...,.;,,,.....:4.:...,.,...., ''' ,.....:,.:..,.... . : .:'! ,: , ,: ,,, ' ' ' ,, 1 7 1 ' l' - , I.! :e' ,i s ' " '7'7 : , , ... :P:..;::':'::"-...-- '':' ' , " ""0".9,900000.6esemloogoloolavalMtlati44,-:- . , ', ' ' ' N oce.A ,, - 4 . , , , .... , 4 .,:., , .... , 0 ir. , ,... . I 4 1 , É ) ernr.--- ,,,,y. ' , , ..10... ' er-powered ' - 41 - -- , , .., - - - ' 1119 fr4 , I , - ,., New . ' .,,,,,,,,,,,.,-:.:,:l:t:',-,- : Low, Price ,.? ..s.::: -- ..., .1 -- ''..-- - with - .'- t .... T:',....7:Z7.77;;T,: I f - , ' t7 Art, r st;- -- Ft '01--- I , tA - 1.,. 3 - ' ,1,,;;;i);;; i..1n, :graslaz - t g I" - w , 11111111-0"111111- .,.'. Z'oi. I'''" 6,0!"- 'I. 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'sit, rtnkel.12111 ,,ci or), vgalto. enViSistsTrr '' ' ed, - , : . - , k 1 . ka . virt Pa tit Oil & Ir.!. , , . trr ."41 - , , IAFEts1 oe , , 1 77- - , ritI.Id 4,81)t. r 9;11r 6114110 ri; Itiellt.Sta Alai- Attis , ' - a At'''. : - - Ar,-- ,,..,,,v,it , 4 114$14-14- , DAIL 09 , 04t (-i- , OPEN . Mitivalik; Utah ; - .4 et.11-4p- I ' - . - ,-- , - 9 ,P.M 1. ' DUDE'S "eyooda,.iroso, Utile . . . ' utak - -- ' - EARL'S - f17 ,414, ft n 'Alto A S - I 7 1- :I)? :stt,,,,, r,Pie,0 -- 11 , 1 "' - - ' tI ''," , .. t., - thole taro, ' - ' .1. 1 , .,... , .,..:.,..!...", - IIARLI.NOWL,& APPLIANCE 11 -Midvale, Utolts-- CO FURS11111111 ' rt.. ..... ,,,' flk leiltlIj ; JOHNSON Garfield, Utah . - . a 4 s , ''' ''''' '"''''''' IREI- CATALOG -,-- UNION FURNITURE - - - foun.tifol, Utak., IVY' ' .. -- : . .,,... , - CARLOS -- ' RADIO SHOP CO.'', . , ' ' 1 ,..,. . ,, - - H. C, 411.1411 CO, - ' -- s" 1' - t If T 17..,-i,,'-,p.,::..'Yk,-.--- 4,,,,.- 7 - , Sutit Shoe 131 ' ... flOrtiv- ,.. - A ,,,,IrS'..:::',.;:., ss;'',:.., ,,c,. k - , PURNITURCOMPANY WESTERN ö , - : M.I. Akosttli IF ,N, .. - . li v, Il 1- 1 . -- -- n ,- a - L. ' , - .. ,,, ., , ' , ,k - . , TV ' - - 7-- - 21 , . '' , - II ,. - -- , - S116. TILIVISIONo RADIO A APPLIANCE SALII A Itcyt's-7 . . 3237 Highton4 Otis, ;' & ' - 'k - ....., ,.. - P , lifts-- , Istst,.. tmetit totaki, - , WARREN EAST PURNITURI - - '1::,:k . . - . YY RADIO A' ,$ , 2144 - 't ' 0:, ran Ga t - ., - , 1111114111122 , , ; ror ' ',;-3"- Idle liPernall ,, ,,,,- ' N"' .....t,,..,,..... , QUallity. PHIL CO - .' ,, , I ,r "s! ; . ' - ft 11;01160e Driv NDAID- - - ,.-- 7., . , - - APPL. .,' 1114.111S0,11T111 totrni ' - ..-- In4 . ' - APPLIAttel COMPANY--IYAW. lit South 1U Stt. lido - . ,. .' , Sollth Stet :'3, ,i Full ; . ,, .0 COMPANY 1.10 - E. '' - .,,,-,croo-- - ' , ,,,,.,. ,', ''.z. .k .. . :- N s ,019 ,,,,,,4..'l . RADIO TELEVISION IING, CO. Army LUMIIII ',. MARDWARI , MADSIM flitttGIVIIII IIJIIYON ., Ssootth - 13 Ifistit Is Stoito . e 2220 - 22111I "' A,11P14 STORE- - ,11110 'hal, , You -. .,'";."-'',.""- " : ;''''''s -- , . .' ,,'s , , , ' - :. ö r g . , .::,,,,,,,,,i,........ ' '..,111AULNOLLAND1S : 404 North Sod Went I gl ib Soatie , -- fit ttimsbdodsPelhoteraismillOgeteeritilis thin ,, .I ,, ,'',,- ,,,,,,,,,,::' . , , , 170W. Ist ,,,,, ,... .... " . ''. ,,:,s,si ,, , , , - 1 . , ....:::: .,, , , , tilyclit ., QUILTED POSTURIZED .. ..,- - .. ' :... ..':,,,;-,1 , 4,,,,---- t MI s 't IP - AM'ERICAti , , f of-tk- e - r ::.'N:N't'S''''.... N..1.,...34.::.2...1:--- ,,x',A-, ... i ,., ' - , , V.v.1 ,. t '411. , ' t f f . , .0...mommon... ,, e .,,..., ,ki - . 7 95-- .' ;,"... '',' ., ......,..::::,...:.i...,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,:k.......i,,,,,,:,,,:,,..,.,22,7,,,,,,,, g St 0 A ' . i d -,. ''4 . e .? , , arid play. , , - --1--- .. 4 ,., , - - ; -- .; ,; 21-in- chassis and GoMm Grid Tuner for TV's finest pie-ture.FingeTTIPTunitig.A1- uo in Blond, Philo 4121-L- .' ..., , , :.:,,,,,,,),' lc. ,.- Now from the great Philco labOraiories come billconsoles and consolettei complete tient new Swivel Bases. You get a with decorator-designe- d straight-On-viefinest TV picture. Avorld's --big plus value- at no extra charge. Nowts the time to trade and save at your Maio dealer's. . , -- -- - - , , '' ' - Console ch 4121. Spaceoev-ing ,cabinet, with Moo ...., , ,, PHILCO 1332. 1. f PHILCO .4. . - ,:, Persimat ' . A Z WHY DON'T YOU Witt A Complete with Swivel Base picture.- Ii , , , . i, tem Aluminized , 2-in- ,00- 4.c,VAtA I CustomStylecl 21-in- ch tikke 1 Li , ,,,..,, da, 1;6' -. ,,,, 4111)1 I) 1 1 - - - TV with "Phonorama"SoundSy.- - , I 'CA'' . Mice , ' - - Lowest-- price ever for fall quality . , .',vP ' ., w ',...,..,.....,...0 - a i i ,..... - ,' ' 4:: 4 0 . - 4 a N.. - ,-- ' L., v i ),1 lor Faat(ireessat r--- '. '41., e -. -- for Phlico TV 4. - :,:,,,-- ::.,..,:::,.....:,i,;:,....--:--- ';'' ; 61 ..ellaklionit.......,1.;. . 71. ' ef0000matlogAt - . lirmckfttstemmoxp-rmsma- i '' 4ot, , : .,.., 1 111.2...11 ,. 441, dim 411111111 treat 6!(1.ra -- - A Ili . - ' -- --- - - ' - .. .... la . - ..:...:1. na0 - L. , in 0 1 - ,.....N ...imemmir-ellam- . Golden Grid Tuner, Finger 21" Aluminized picture. Blond, Philoo 4113-- ; - s 4113. Custom-Style- d cabinet! Transformchassis, PHILCO , ... , Complete with Swivel Base , -- r rL 0 4,10011:000.00 110. P lc listo . , 6 , Illab t I, 2 ...,, Vrt - ,... I e; . . . akl ' lki; N.; ............, ' tit -- - 10 -- . -- i, v , 0 , . , at:21 D (I - - ,i' , - - - . , 0 M . 470 - . 4 , i , ..,',NI ' ., .. Boni zz. z ,, - a,, ,a Ta b il .,..a,,6,i,..40.110PRWAw-,,-;',tkoteeIlle.glitfte- t,, . -- .... .. - 411: , 0 n 5 0 AI . ...0,- ....,.,:,..,,::-r,- , ., . - , 1. - - : ' .4.,' :A i . . 4 - ,. 0 . p - V 11 : . - mitaideviont - 4 - . . I.' . ' , OLE mil qui ee- t- i. , .., . 1', ' ., . S'. ....,?.:....:, .. ..1.,,. I, - it i . , ' -- . ss " ' , , . D, , .,:,.,,t, '..:' I ;t:: ii:11:!".:.f::::; :',,;' , COLO' - . ' ,,..,:.8,.:.,,:,:,......,.:,?,,.,.,.....::,..,,:, ':. ,,,. , t- ... association. He succeeds Alvin E. Borg. ',Other new officers are Max .E. Allred; first vice president; Woiidrow NV, Caldwell. second vice president: Stuart Winegar, , If !rd .. ' : - . 17: , T , . - - the--same ,9::4:0:vt,,,,,,,,,,,2,....,,,,,,,w.,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,m0,,,,,,,,,,,:rT7''''''' ,;1.,,,,.. t , s , .:: .: .: ' , tbree-membo- ac-"- ebolet:t;e,iatel-- I l000 i .. -- - . ...- - A , - ,. , 7-se , ' ' , - . - ., , p ., il 4 ' two-yea- . ' (R...146gan) , Dr, ,execu.' tive secretary 'of the society, triet Thursday annoutwed Titans said: heirs of the late Mrs.:tiveto seek "professional advice- in tiives sneciai kind f4:2; an effort to help solve the ThomasTharns, who deeded ,. lie recently submitted an esti Building to the nrilatr the school overcrowded distriet.s state, apProPerlY, w:amizn' ters,or would problem. parently are in sympatii,, with $42,015 to repair and renovate luibtortinvg The mothers plan to call on tthe the structureTrocated' at 60 E proposal. residents in the rapidly expand. t li Sou to relieve coughs and loosen con-- . Temple ,A in the tiNsd calls. provision ing sehool diStrict who'are qua', In nose, throat, large brong A L'ttah House of gestion ified membtsrs of the construe- for, operation of the mansion atint,p4e, chial tubes. Stainless! :tss 2omin.itive,estii, dying, tion industry (sre.hitects. engi. ii residence for the state;s chief pc:1.r a a 2 gionspon has :mansion problem Deers, and contractors) and ask cxecutIve. t 2 up that Mild woo it turned them to serve on a'. permanent .I Go.v liowever.to Bracken' the histortcal society no detottlrnittee which will draft ree- , ,...:. ormendations to offer to the Granite Board of Education. This committee would act t , ...:1410 on a purely Voluntary basis and 40 ' would endeavor to offer con. 71K 1 structive information to the ... A, hoard pertaining to new build:, ,ing "methods and arrangements which are designed to provide - Any Way ..:11k Greatest Value! - i .1 - You: Look , , I :(0.105f.c- . ' - . - t Save-A-Nick- . mands will be.pade for snormy renovita , The assurance was given' In a letter 'to Rep, Rey! Nyartgsgaartki-:,---.- Lto 1 , - -- Con-tain- s . , d' gov-,to- moncal kSociety, . ; - - r , -- 'Prepared heing I . . . - 2 6, fe wag !)lit ADVERTISEMENT - c7, , - ,f?om Morgan Sr:, Saivtike City bat- Lee, in 'his last three messagesInessman--4nmember't of the legislative sessions, has gcsted the state consider givihg 1Vangsgaard 1I si chairman of r House. corn. the aging strifct u re and . the mittee. a more suit smaller, ahle quirIng residence for the , chief execuADVERTISEMENT ......,,... A- - ethlififitited of windows, installing alirm sys- - Keich, William G. Maxwell. one-- cost," Mrs. F II peyer,. 5772 ,. :knowing the pollee number-- - itemS and changing method of year term dire,Ctors, and Wen- - 11o11ada Bhd member of the keening- it posted procedure whenLtakintm e V dell McDermott, Jess V an I at mat firers group-- said bitliOIA L A ft We wantictisiroomspace.' i right by the tele p hone. f,to, the- bank, ten, Stan -- Hale.- and ',Golden 1,, b r incalm term directors. she said. ''Other ;things such to on down About the only theck had Stucki, and give , Try Ilan You CrazrarmatiPn-ion-the-holduand a checks is insisting on proper Sherman P. Lloyd, associa- as playromns, Auditoriums and ' 'your are' Thousands ar e peppy at 7 0. good description of the man or !credentials, he said el. et TtUhexuttve ,0 rry 00pping up" with Ost reit, Dale A:- - membercif - the- - St,ate- - Senaterlater; We want to get At en. the- - officer- said. !!While ;or wisak,,toodowe lealtnit elms Iireetifig 'to "Melt, tontel ack of which men and standing there. noncha- - !Jones, 1912 Sylvan Ave., owner discussed. certain bills pertain- - children in the district off' 'old.- - 4'4 Ostres Tonne Tablets (or Younger leeltnc pep. tills very dav. "Get stuck up," he said, of markets. took ing to the retail grocers now in double sessions as soon as pos. lantly being gse only 60c. At all druggists. acquainted'. I"Stlidy themtheir facial fea over as new President of the the Legislature. rrEdttaxte-oluweePting , , .: - ok Tstch-e-,er,t- - 0 II Alf II II co-s- I GroceiosNpriefed on Avoiding Theftsi t -I- WWI V 1 (i)ifidiotI:oeting-81-11t- New Officers Elected at Si. Meot - - , 1 1 I , - II , ,. 1 IMO ' ThursdaY transfer the ernor's mansion to the Utah An organiloted gr'oup of moth- ers ill the Granite 5choo1 flis-- - )I -' - - tO 0 P ' ''''' T.'s. A OffSchool Heeds . , ir 'Ntrincinn - - : - , -- ' Ai' , - - 1. 11.0 , 1 '.' ,. "1. ,,t. ,,,:;,,- 7 - - oCall.Eiperts pf. .G9vernor to History Group T , - '.. ., WO IV 7 I 7 , ... 1,i '. A 7. ..:,'. 1 .: ' '' , 1 4, ''''' ' i '7. ' . ' LE En 7 ' ' ,,.. .t..... .... :, t , ,.,..4:. 1. Li ' .,. , :'. .. 1 ''. ..''..' N."ft-'-- , .'''.:e LI Agi - ! .,,,..--I- '' sy-- , ' ,...7, ..;,. ,,,,,,,----,,,- ' ... ' ,r;rnntla Mother's 'Bill Would Trrin' cfI --7. .. , . s ,,t, - ;,.. , , ,,, .., .'"'T 1' 00w: .... 70', .' litAl Alaire ,,,. 'r . s4 '..at' Lit, INts Leith Lingos ' 1 - , pomowle.ft, e' 4'- :. e''7--' ... -- t''' c,i., - , . -, ., - ,Agmlig: t.' , -. , - , '4.1,: - '' '. , ,.., ' ... ' , ' 1 .1:: ' z, i : .Z.V .: 4' ,' - orili ''' .' :: ' . - - f ..1 ,da , ;f. , - ' " StanHile N ' i- ilov,maniik..zdriwa I, g.., , ;,' l' ' .'.., , - , .3 J. " k i .:. 'imt."; -!- -: ' :- .. tips ' --',- .t. . , '''... , , ' A.,- -- s., ....., : -, ' ' ',Z-k,k.,,,:,.. .,: ;:,4 t.11lk ):.,',.., i . :,r . .(Irt. ,reAki.. .:.. - , -' ;':7-- 4,Nt, 41 .,. ' 'N : ' ' '';'(..A: I i i .4' :' ,,, s,'.1 t ,.4-- C -- ''' - ' . ' 1 , - - - , , , - 2 , ' - ! i ' , ' - , I ! toncrt90 '.1i,f itaiP cr liar lig. , ffiAltd II II 11,"1611111 III , - . . , . , - . ' , a a a la., a 4 4. mg t ..,: .., 1 -- 1 ,,,,....,.,. , - --- - |