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Show , ;-- - 4:" -- - , . - - - , - i ' 4 ' I -.! ! 4'''',A 1 'i , , ., , 4, ) 41 t , tivt ' 6 Ii N.cs, 3,-'' - I .1r), : - -,,.:Li t . - ti , . . , , e A ..., 3.,.,. ,. , ,-- , V ,,,, - ,. , . , . :.,,-e-- - , . y COST' fill F - . ., - ,- -I ,- One look the . . i toplit .11 . ("e 4 - , i , I .,, - - : , - , '- - , 1 1 . , - '. , - Values to $69.95 $ - .: - I U : ' -- ,. ' . , - - '- . - - - w . and Mom loililm. lila 1 - - , - t 4 owe as be ea ea 1111 & St -- 160 , 1 I i 4 -- , - - ' - r , - " ' ' , I ' . I an MIE 0 Sizes II:" 1 - Crepe, Taffeta Aond- Wool -- . - Ill G 0- -- - I , -- ' a - , - . . ' - I , . ,.. ' DRESSES and t ,,, ,,.. : I I ' ' - ' , - , I - 'U , , -- - Size 32 '' ---- -- - - , .; - -- - 4 i-- ; .;. - . t2 .... . ' ':' , ' ' 4.4 j : 1 I . - Answer; In a,situation ot ni tIFLINOS , lir ' , ' .. - - thethowerpresentIthink Jones sounds too formal '' ' t .! ( AU winter' hots, formerly to MAP, 2 - 3- 5 , - U-Ce- R.cade Millinery .. i 'ther. i wondering since if ,hiv 11 , J'&Nijit'ICY w "Iiii. Nftdif A II -- ''' . ,,,, . ..;,;.'",'.7 ii q t'1"wIt 4 k , , ( , .......4 ,i, flt UI Qt': L34-1- , - N, I , I ,- ., ,,,,,;,,;,,,,..;,,N,) , 114 -- , 0 . Q 13 , 00 ,. 4 ' A V ' till WA 0 ,,,,, Li 21 I 1 --- 1,1 f ,0 ;14 ' H I : - - , --, - ' ,, - - , - .- - ..., t v r i ;!..i;,, , l , - I - g' - - ail ,txtei beet 16 -- tt SX - - , . - -- 7' (-- iV t P ; - 11 1 ,,,, ; . 00.'.".4t)' t 1. ' FOOT-gAITR- oatt I ... - 0-CID ; 11 1 . iii - , IN ITI n IT1 u 7'1 L. 7 . i il -- - $.4 .. itk, FirsLtimeEVER at this - .0 Ate et 44 - 0 DEEt S - 4:1 I I 7 otaili Sell 0 76, . 11:i-- ALL SALES FINAL- . ,, , . -.- ' i li ,., - .: , , , '''' i , ,6 - '' , te - 4 - Hc- -- ip I go' , . - 124,, 'SOUTH 11A1N , , otasticeasv :,, , '. with 41P 4 eil., aial:, 1 "' ... Inninin . I AO Ilan 1 , - shop-a- Sears with 4ase all you t vit efrar fa iayjs , .. s;ChOri ,, t, Pleaseit! - .... , , . , ,....,,s -' .., . : STATE a.mAT 1TH SOUTH , Until 6 p.m, y 9;36 1111S,--14A1PCIAindays- arid 1 patu' Fddays-Unt- il , . ,,, ' , to keep ricinn -- - - ' , soap anq Water' . , Now you , ., : , - ., . ' . - , - ght in-bri- red, blue or white yinyl - 0'04.11N pen Fr id ay' I .- g , comicl locket - ,.11 ilia pumpsstmdals, ties, , leathers - - suedes in blue, red,rblick and broins , , - low price! 5marfiy styled , - Sale - Includes I 1 '"''- ' - - . - '''t ',5 . ' SIII.0 - is to 10 S , - I -- ''''' - ill! 1 i - 11 , , I, I - - 1 ' - gilr,-(- II AIMS - 't"''v' ' 4,,,t , - .1. r . ., red iensationally ......!,...111 PriLeta-gt - -t ,., t - , t , , , , i ,11 i'. IA . it &OP 9 , blue . 44,0,4-- f t ,' I in white II 1111011111 b a C il(ar2 , . .00. 4' ; 40' N. ,I; - I 1 . og ''"'44' . ' . . . S . ,, . , , U OFF - , , ' Al , ' 1 v 1.1 ., - '' . .1t2e.. .1.1J,, 1 1 - , l'il ,, vinyl picitic . , , 1 1 ,, . fully lined -. --- , - 40 ., . 8 t"ttttti k - .:),1,at I I , .. 6-- - - i NA'ItItALIZERS 0 MICHIDS , ' SWEATERS - . I '" ira711":"NIZ - I' 114-- 113.1W11 -- ,, , , ej I! i - - ' If Ull .,, 0 , - . ill 1 n cr;) - , .,,,,, 1 - ' . , - vol-au-ve- nt ruOTWEAR - , , ,., t ril boys stop, i , F . , . , .4 the - Shop Friday Until 9 . . SAKS SaYed:N011e up so , - S4-65- 23 ii,,,,. Shop rec1 of. flffH 0 VI I V-L- if - Telephone . t)liS ch , II 11774 Simpson Alm , I , , ! ., .. Meaning of 'Entree' , Dear Mrs. Post: Will you Please tell me just 'what an entree is? I always thought it was the mein course of a meal. Answer: Literally it means "something brought' into the meal." That is, it is neither soup, roast or salad, but a hot dish brought in between one of these courses or used is a substitute for the fish or the roast. It is usually a made-u-" p dish-stias mousse, or a or croquettes or sweetbreads. On menus of modern restaurants it has come to mean the main course of the meal. , ' . , f , , ence. NIEN,S-FIN- E COATS ,., . CLEANUP . were wrong in not getting up. ' - - - , -- . , . . , FINAL ill 0 . Raft UCK AND CO. , i I (1 ' , , I i ,, - : .... ' . , 1 a , , 1 4 ' G.-- , --- and stiff to someone iWho is , soon to be my daughter.in-law- . Would it be proper to sign the card "Mother" or 'Mother Jones"? Answer: Sign it "With love Buy Large Size from Jim's mother." While the large size avocados Invitation Reply than more little cost the may 111 Dear Mrs. Post: Will you ones, they really are the best please tell me if it is necessary investment. They go farther, to answer a wedding Invitation serve more, and this year parwhen no r.xv.p. appears on It. ticularly, are of extra fine My husband and I have at small gaslity. ; wager on this. Ansiver: Not if the invitation is to the church. If it is to the house' or club or hotel, then SSO UST 1$T SOUTH yes, because an invitation which ' '''''' implies that food will be served. Announces Sbou l ng must always' be answered. Dear Mrs. Post: I, along witt several other boys, was seate( Sic around, the television set in ou T A Irg lr T.PT-I- T I IL boys club, the other day wait II tt.V I 11E.T 11 tiling to watch a football game 1 11 ILI Before the start of the gam II Nell) wa our: National Anthem 0 NO '-- RAYMOND'S only. a ' ' t . i - - I , tit ..- - --7- -- , name is correct. Dear Mrs. Post: My son is go- log to be married soon and I have been invited to a shower his bridethat is being been Cardigans and --- I , 4 0 - , I 0c JEWELED SUEDE JACKETS "e, hi t -- ;.. i I and Arcad 4-6- 4: , DRESSES I y Spring Hat for as litho as , .. . $399 : I PAIR Cotton, Corduroy 1 ' , House. Caytat 02 '' ' ,, - : InHANGES CHICKEN ' . - : - ea) teN3 LIATHIll . ' , ...,1 s ; see haw much you can get in a gay-ne- i 1. 7 , . ' 4 Mary , ., it ti I Slipovers ! ,, YOURS . . . 2 . $116-U- re I have known the young worn-- an fors long time and am very happy to have her in the fam!III. I would like to know how to sign the gift card enclosed w.ith,. COM, VIO; 4 . ' V OF L?..N, 1 - eg.-114-95 , Answer: The initial of his last .11'w am wool, u rtmma ..., besilonn? CPO r milr If Crepe, n Of nt; IN-o'- 7e Ull -R- t ' to.be. run ... - b COTTON' ,:ii,11.$,7 , When-bOYI- - ' , kind it is not necessary to stand. a or Initialed handkerchiefs, tie, The only time we must stand for a man, should the initial of Is when the National Anthem Is played directly in our prea his first name or his last-na- dati torx U UM 0 , and ands. ils'."oll CI ' SportswearMain floor s , ., , v . '' - P & eo-mrkroit I Crept, Jersey and Cotton , I - , , 7 ' ; . ' ' --- . .. -, - Mil el eg qr. ....iv etniw - : ,01.11 1111111ft IMMO KIDDIESI PARTY DRESSES - ' Pollum.-.0dd- , m, .,.. POST By EMILY . , - 0 Colored Taffeta. ,EIDE1010EIES Ouqtad and ''' 0 no g ram Shoul d.B e Intttal of Last Name. , , Our-Doxvnsta- irs- : .. acetateblack only. Sizes3240 ss. . . 4 )1W" - ' , ; Keeping Posted . - ,, eg LzkitalZfelltA Kiva .EP 1 1 1 ,,. ,... 1 . , . - ,: , 4 , , . I 0 1 - , t , , --- will di- It! $3" ipipi, . : ,. - AM IMP , I - - il riikniar- o .. , Imo Aft No,o, :.! ' ------...- IPSO gin MI Alob I - ..., , , - ' - 117.7161(i111411-1N- 1 I 16111N;ortauLaLik-u---a..LruozuaraL- ii -- , i , - "ric FLOWERS. Reg. SI . 0&-.5, - . I I . ,;.-- , ,, Nylon and , I ' . P , - (..) 3995 ri.9 straple broken sizes and styles. , " ' , cLaATh and these prices - Paddedstraps , 1 Intimate iSpring on the - , I . that here an the coat buys al the qukk. We must move this AP 4ie -- - 1.:' ' ..t: , 7 ' her Iin dalij I rformed .,k ,P -, - Mist Trances Stólt.hatimethebride of Douglas A. Gale in Wednesday evening rites. . it- i., ,,, 1) t. ' is.. ,:v4.34; IS BRIDE C3aillpr - outs -.--moot to $7.50 - . me CIPN CLEARANCE Values , ' ,, h.- , .,.'f; .., COI1TS - tool - , N 'it - . -- , I t i . II ct9sl'cuT ,Stzes 10 and 12 Only , ' . ... ' ' , , I DDEIcif.34B3. , ... - , . , t ,,, 1 , lithe! Bench' Is: first with engaging new Hat fashions 1 Revii-Parkinso- - - . . , v ' - ...1 , .c , ' -- - - , ,'' ,,!, 4 . - will convince you complete stock has balm cut to , , i f AND PARTY y ONLYValues to 10 - ,,- 4 ij it - , Iiir ii E 'IF ED3 , ' ..., , - ' , 4 a) 7 . 30CDRES - , - , . 9-- 1.,74i CLOSEOUT . 0(the prke tickets yearOur , , 41 4., stock to iniko toom for new spring arrivals -- -7 , ,, , , , , --, , 11 1 - . -- and I ...? 1- ,-. ' - i - iei ja.,., , ' '''' Ly, , ' In at- - - , 4- , . , - ; ,, ,,,, ,' - , , , ,..- , 7,s.,,,,,.. , i -- - -- - Advance -- , . . , . - , - . ' - . , .3 . i I ,,, , - 1 , . -,-1- -- ' - i b i - -- - -- -- , - - , ,,, , ' , ,. 1 -- - i - , i .4. , Setting for the nuptial event ley, Miss Betsy Fillmore, ,Miss wai . the Beaver First-Thir- d Miss Shirley Ward meetinghouse..., President ' A. Carlos Murdock of Beaver Nelson, Miss Edna Mae Muir,' ' Stake officiated. : Miss 'Gail Gale and Miss Judy , ' Vincent:- the Immediately following rites the bridal pair was ban-ari-d Best man duties were while it a reception. nest and Dale by Ronald Gale, . , '. hostess were Swindlehurst, V arnel parents of the ' bride, .Mr. and Mrs. ' Wesley Parkinson, Farrell Gale, Clark , Bohn, Jimjiolui, Jim Park and, Stott, Beaver. Mother and father of the Garth Morgan ushered. bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. James Albert Gale, also of Bea- r AsPK1INT:111 . . , ver. 0 1, Brides Gown Tender-Frie- d For the nuptial event the :'. bride was gowned in tulle and - . ' lace over taffeta. The taffeta ... bodice was overscored with a ta, 0.4, p,,i,,a.e., ,of ysy, . s. dDU 1""61 ill V66 "in. with , bolero of.lace,-fashionePHONE tapered sleeves and a mandarin collar. HARVEST-FREEZ- E The )45Uffant skirt of tulle was orinkled with sequin'. A COMPANY ' tiara adorned vtith, sequins - - cii.,.10.09 Km tvwd SiDevis'' Issth11" "" caught the bridal veil- of Mu- - 71 Swot 3rd West eon; lace trimmed. , , , -,, tea , .. ' , . , I. . - 0 ,, of i00 booster drosoes. Odds ofq footit4relme allot, but whet velimet lure to see these) , , ,'' , i tv I. .s. 4 - DRtSSIC- DRESSES Doubtla , 1 - A . , , I -- ,.- " , , , I . , - I i - , . .., . ,, -- . - prIntr-and-plain-col- . '7, i ' 1'' sIC,..: - , . Group Includes regular and half sizes inlet" .t, . , 1"- , , , . , , ,. '' , " ,a , , ' - , " Douglas A. Gale claimed litiss Attending the , bride . were! Frances Stott for his bride in a Miss Phyllis 'Morgan, maid of Wednesday evening' ceremtmy. honor; Miss Martha Ann Yard- - 1' - - ---- - , - .' - - .. ..' ' ' - . . 1 ( - , ' ' -- ' , , ' ' , , 7 7 : ' ; eleanup of regular fall and Winter stock spricod to Move out at colic. Our advice Is to ad qukklytheso sensational bar. can't gains possibly last. ' t - -- . ; 0- , A sizzling collection of odds and ends. 1 t' ' - ' ,' ' . ; , ' :' 1 , 1 ' , . ' - , 1 ' . - - ----- o t, ,D. A. Gale, pea (We , nes aylldtvs '' ' ' - ''! 'f ' . ' , - - 1 . , . - -. , , , c 1 - , ; . , ,, I - - ; woolens. '- - ' , --- . Miss , , , - i, ... , semi-fitte- ' . s, , , , 1, ; d suit witb fitted pr -' jacket. The costume, with sheath dress and matching wool jacket, perhaps lined in a gay fabric, is soft on the figure and easy to wear in. similar lightweight ' - . -- 1 - . . , , - 4 ,, . ' ' ' VI,71 .. , oc--' 1A 1 ., - r ' e 114 i, N-1- r c --,- . ; . 'it itt , oo r-7-- tintiell. lrabries.'are airy in feel. be in One' of tbe wools crepe's, is accom- sheer in weight and beautifully ing and the trick: ' and Clever adaptable to the feminine softer plished - by weaving design rather than the ,actual measure in ounces. Texture is firth and smooth, in asset which has contributed much to the freshand !lettering clothes for , the season ahead. , fi ; Your first suit for spring may Cil,fiuirsdtrf, Jonvory 27, 1955 DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM,- - Stilt 'Lake "' , , , .....-- N , - 1 The array of tweeds, the linen ,.lo(zblc at new Avonlens, , their lomespun toucbt and the many luxury wool fibers such as alpaca,- - kid mohair and ,,cash- ' mere all have a very special , look for spring, :12.15. Thil is one of "weightlessnessf' and of beauty In texture and coloring. The trend to light weight con-- 1 I , a tes on Special : 00 , '' --- , .4 ' .' ' I ' ''S11 f' ' |