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Show -- I , -- ' ' -, 1 , - Y. - - . - - NEWS 1 ' t ANL).- Ici.rtIKAMI-Sol- Loki; City, Thursday, . 1955 Jahtiary27, . . - - - . . g. ,,, " 4 11 - 0 . . . k . AA' . . , , , t '' - , Am . do rat je, , . - , . . Haroldson ' - 'kinks." k, slitter '1 - ; and-would- This week John brought them to North Salt Lake. They ' Weighed Mn average of 215 pounds 'apiece, shoWing,190 pound k ; gamin 120 days. They brought1934 cents. -, Only complaint from the buyers: they were too fat! t , .. John Clark Sr and his son John Clark Jr., who is a Future Farmer boy figure.that it cost about (iti cents a poundliir the ..feed and $12 worth of attreomyecin. The pigs were led on the farm of John's brother. President' , seior i n the First Prestdency,l R e g . 67;95 Church of Jesus Christ of. Latter-daExtension type table, Saints. tt - --- II tt t. '01 II ' 1 s, . I We' ' t 5 ,,v.. '.,.,''',X . ie St 88- - .. . , -- I County agent, believes dwarf apple trees are the coming thing in commercial growing. - i - , . - r, . - t I 4 , , ed grower-who-plant- C ikd F.! I sk t. - 1 - L styling. , too;....,..0' ,,ol. , , : , .)----- ,,,,,,,,,. .. ---- ..,, 44 - ! ,, ,V ., k .. - ' - ,,, , , 2.1 - - ' ' Ake , Itt';,..1 1,', ,N;Ii., Al t 14.0;;tik, o , L. kiir, k'''' , Jr..., ,.:.,, Tf'7:',...,1, , lp 4'. .,, ''," . :,: ''.'; 0 . i 41, 11 ,; '",4 '...,,,, - 40 0- - 0 ti, a ,,' :';',41"4::',:i.:; ,47,4 ' " e - . 91" ' ., - .,,,, ", . ''''' ', le, . '5 " l' 1:' , 1' 7 'I ' , 1 e . .,' , : " ; 4 - ..... 2.98 3.98 7.45 .11.95 Reg. 3.98 2x3-f- t. Reg. 5.45 2x4-fi-t. Rog. 9.95 3x5.4t. 15.45 4x6-1- t. I " 0 Rim. Mtg. Reg. Rog. 52.50 89.50 4 , i; Choice of full or twin size mattress or box springs. a.. Look These Values! , ; tMe .., ! - - ,, , , , , , , ,. - t t I i 1 clucliEn Garter Belt 1 - '., - -- 7 4 ' .,.. $11 : t i 85 0 I I ,s, Bed Frames Reg.7.5)5 Reg.219.95 10x14-f- t. 104.50 1x1$ 129.50 12,08 adjust- orse ettes 'S - , - . I $ 98 ' ' -- - - - . headboard. - '' Bras , t , . - 4 ' coy. Solid I i, CI- C ;- ,..-- - - 4.. , , , LOOK TRIM ',EEL' V' - ,, TRI1A TR1MtHE BE , X- - ( ,,,- - - . . ,' $ - - - !. , -, ' ' -- - 1 - ,, 4 . , , : ' covering.. ,..- ' , ' ' ,nly! Features - , ' ' '. - a)RSETSHnP : LAKE CITY ' -- . ' , . - - amesom i 2. -' '''' ' , , '7: ' 4 '. ' - - ' ' , SeeCold, . -- . .A ii , ' , ' , . 1.1 1 - . - N.:, - 1:0-- ft ' horn. freettei' with ' Super-Wa- lt ' construction4 porcelain. porn-. ei interior. t , , , - , ), -- 41 "!.4.411', . tuTu . 60'14, Poo , EASE ot p611 totio totel to' - , - ,. ' ' , ... ' ' ' . 4,10 .1' 4 , Oni only .L.,., : 20,000 btu- - . ' ' ' '. 4. ,,, 4 tP ' ' ', '.." . ' 1909; a Dail ' - -- - .. .! . i , lotornetl. , , si:' -- 1 sir 4 .."'', ., 59C r 0".11, 14i ElP ' !I ' btu . 4 only . r .4... ... .. A 4 ,,., , ' ' - l': 1 , :111 ilit:1-1--- Lill' 95 stn), ction.. , n.',..!,11A Wit-Wa- mt IP p .a,aaellb64 ata,a11 6 r'41,1ii! ,- tew 0- tS.4.1i 4..4,,,,,, ,,,,,..... 4.4,4, ,: ' ' ., ,, , 4 7 , . p.. 23 only, of heavy, ' colorful - - ctti e,- -. v , i4 T.,- , , , . - T - .. rs , ' ,7 - ' - 3 7 ., . , -- -, .,. ', . ' . '.. ' . ' fr- - t' '.- - ,'f ' - ' .s :. . . ..:.- - ..- - .' . ': , 0 V ' . . . .. .., Rt3;iCS 171 4:11 r t,,., ,.. 4,.. , IfIrr e. . ,,,,,.y It - -. por-telai- - 50 only! Use with ,highchoirs'or cribs. SAY-711.5-"CLIAt- - , TE...:3 1S3 Re7,. . LtrIS , capacity. Cost iron with : , - ,- 33 1,n 0 ' 20-ga- t. 9 93 : , :,, Lzuntlri ,. 9495 - , ., - - - rev. 62.3 . 7800 ,, MAIN Oa STATE AT - 7 1 , 4 t ' ' 1 . - . N r 41 1640. matattablhet 7 with plastic top. , 1 , , , to Reg. 24.95 . , . , , . 07 ' .... 12c -- .., , , Paso Czbinc ' 149" , ,- ' 244n. base cabinet 'al with plastic top. ' $3 tOWIS ilt.c 11- .,.. '' 1444 1I . .. ' Ninon - r 9 00 , olsdrk ' , , '.,, 7:7 cEllri4.1e1S; -. . ' - Good setediOn choose from, I ' .. . ...4.,..: - GAS SPACE - , .....'; with KIPtin'tom ALL' YOU .. I J , , . 11, - - 7 , - 4 Do MetalI Crabirt'''" ' himiei :,'t llight and clock Included - , , .10"01 ., oven:' -- -- - 289954, in console Reg. 1135 ' , ' 364. Gat b retil.l Apettmeet Size Gas Range 4 -- - cabinet.'3 anlyi '' ,.$10 011!".al a., pa Down : , 1999S 4124a. Grhitito teamora gas, tang! with v irgall.,1"." grifl die, ' ,I ' ,' ' brailat':- with-slido4- R41. ...-"...0, '' 471) ,,, ' . Neg. 179.95 Griddle Gas with 36.414 covered..griddie o7on, tango 120in. , ., E...3c.-,,- t 41", go Vtle 0 - . ' :: - 79. and 45 ipms LA LA - ,, . won Noe, 149.9S rid' n0 -i Cs , ,.- . . LIDOOLIOD . ' t,, Sig 23.in. . . 9.g , . - (07) ill" ( ',i t 1 , , . ' . t, f I ':", .,,,, AT ' r"11 0 j , - .c1i.sri.o.,7er.c.ind í '!f,f,;;:,er' - 001,11 . ,' - . - 10, , , - . C.r7"''' - ., -- fr4P,4, 6f in or clpartmenCorrl------ - , . -- Reg. E9c 495 ' lietsrir . and storage apt: is., dospwell, too,iter ," ''''' MI, 21993 411At. Ktonottors I only, !tightly toad. Giant 20.107 WWI 4 -- - , ,- e,:11,Ce17;1., I T277:,' i o. Ilecord3 I With - . - Norton 1.39 Full Width Oven ,,,,, - , 7'11, 194.3tr' 1 ELEC.' RANGE. performance ,e..,167.1ti.,14.-in- 00 1 - spot convenient features today! , , '' ' !f''o ' L""" 7u , , - family size Big--9.3-f- t. . p. - ' 24-Inc- h; 30-- K ven,ient.stair:.ag.e.. I - - - In beautiful mahogany finished- -1 cabinet. .2 ,onlyt ELECTRIC - , UOW YOU SHOP AT SEARS ar -IL - ' , J . . - . . I.- -,- 1-,, , , . Full ,. liENMORE Gives big-range ph 00 tri r. rag tdC)ID"'CoE , . . 16C3 ...... control -, - 1 , . E)CO 1 , , , , '' , Kenmoro Ironer g;19?,95 CITY'S LOWEST PRICE! 4, innirsprieg. with !heavy stripe' tick -- -' . 411ASTIVOADVAVSALT , Ie (JD' a' metal, ( ' --- : Ake. - With Giant - , ' , 'design , . $SDows Reg.149.95 - 155 tiC avelolA. REG.179.95 - , Radlo-Phon- o. 95.10 89,95 90.87 148.62 - '; . - , , e , -',' ,, -' ' , , ERASERS ROUSE OF 16;000 97J :v. -- , , r sq. yd. 11; 0 95 ' Reg. 249.95 Gat,Dryer 1 anly7;:fully automatic 'Ken- mores - Rea. 2550 : - . , ' , ,. - . , , .. 1 1 Youth ranttress i . , , 1, springs.- ' Bro!ten, Sizes . 'P-fin- ... adiestoble ,. , -' 98.50: 79.50, - CI; La ., ' iri; Crib Do-vtettx- - - -- --- - Reg. 39.95 . it 'quality ' - ,--, , I I I wmisLokah' 1051: 1 , 129 ,1 . go' morel 1 ' 114.9 Reg. ' , 1 Down , asEzort . Fully automatic . . . lust set the dial and youv work is done! See the exclusive features of Ken- - crib Elattrets , ' hi hi 11"1111" 1'10 . 1 1, - PI 111 - 7988 . Oa in An& -- 4 $5 Down' -- Sale 119.50 I of These Super Do Luxe Models Just-- 2 Reg. 132.95 1 - LI algae Lounge Chair , , , - ann $10 Days , ; - Ar on ,chair with matching ottoman. Strapless Reg. 6.95 Green Axminster roll only. Lovely floral pattern - , 3 colors 18x30.4r1 rugs of foam rubber 499 Reg. zoviva Automatic - 0088 bookcase with set 90 0 -, -- itargebte-dril...---- . , Goddess to38Blocic t got - Te1evisionR- 2Tell.neivis.ion - - Trte6;129.95--------- "best 32 29.95 Enamel surface rug in tile or florals , . - 3 - Bedroom Suite I ,i . . . Hand Hook Rug Colonial Hand Hook Candy Stripe Hook Axminster with pad 12x11 Grey Axminster....... 11)03 Wool Wilton with pad 12x12 Wilton with pad . , 3x4 Rug Samples Reg. 1.98 Fatigue Rugs . Largo I - 588 casters. Hand Hook Rug Reg. 6.95 92(12 Enamel Rugs Was 176.50 159.95 149.95 147.50 137.95 .149.93 .179.95 .276.95 , 4.98 - 12x18 11x15 10x14 9x15 9x11 4 44" e9.329.00 -- 75.00 -- - - , G110 Description ! ' - . 1 p) Size v 93 39.50 Life like Hi-- radio. loics I 69.95 'phonograph console. $5 town 79.95 Just 2 to sell! 1x10-f- t. (:)1g-Garii- Salo 38.88 29.93 75.00 70.00 49.88 5.88 24.95 rugs in multicolored cotton 24x48-i- n able. Mounted on BlacklatilrFormal-Slips 'and Petticoati: - . met a I, All , ' 59.95 India Drugget Axminster with pad (used) 158.95 Axminster with pad (used) .148.50 65.95 Sample Rugs 8.95 4x6 Rugs Loop Heavy 33.95 , 9x12 Heavy Loop Cotton 59.95 9x12 - Reversible Chenille Reg. 1.98 Rug Throw Rugs Reg. 129.95 39x79 '99.95- Reg. 164.95 60xe0-149.9:Reg. 199.95 71x83 179.95 ry Broken Sizes ' i 12x18 9x12 8x10 12x16 12x10 z9x12 and Springs O'Podic Mattress Saari Was Hand Hooked Rug (soiled) 176.00 59.95 Candy Stripe Hook Description Six , Big Bedding Combinations. 30 ' Whits:1;4n : $2 Down 5 WAIST it 1988 1 ,, Comblnatl 21-I- ns Com 110:ft10.0 GD019 p Reg. 29.95 - - fut both- HI Fl , . dl. 95 ': Tab e , Bedding Offer ihoso-power- Silvertone to; ble model television. onlyto sell' - - . .., , , $5 Down Reg.159.95 - and painstaking cratt,monship, First quality in provincials, florals that look like heirlooms. - , - - , -- - s AS 0 1 IC) hancl-selecte- s $S Dowl , eiif Special group of gorgeous patterns,d for their colorful totlstry r ',-- , Kenmore& avings-on-Thi- st ' .29 Reg.74.95 2 of - - - ' ' . ; - , A,,, x d. "7, er - 44." , id, ,'.'-' t ,; .0 1 :e's ' s,' ,- Upright Vacuum I $20 A Big : ' ILL::-- - ' ' t '1 -- a , - twin revolving I G' f0Doi,--E- 1 , ,6.... ,..t.,. ''.4.- C''''' ''''''' ...N, ; ' . .14 04 )1:..,..1 iip,,,t7, ,: . ','": . '''4''''',A,.'.,t, ,,,,,,41, .:E' ',qr.,' !,;.?,.!S4 y4 2:0-6,p- ,rt ,i ::',7'1,'''''-- '..111:1-;4- '.' :. i- -- ,4itz,:,,,,, L: .it, sak .';',;12,, '. i - - A.1':' t 88 . 414.,',1;:)k .14 -- ,','N1,:, ,., . ,,, .0 ,,,,,,:,,, ,,,, 'I ,, :71 4 . - 1 tnitit Kenr"re-W-0- - 0 4 '' Floot7Polishers------- Reg. 48.50 . ) . , hi I , .. 1 " brushes. , ..foL ' - - - , 2C 9 , . I jr,tiogatr Ltkik.5--op14qa91- t. --- 2 of these Kenmore tank. type complete with attachments. I . , is . - 0 S Tank Vacuum', ,,. . Reg. 39.93 , , - - $8 Down .:., 413"-- mmil , r --,- , . Out most do lose soblooS and mithlotita now lost ;. , I , lotObi iltiu---s- , ,,, 4,,m,,, . -- b, ,....- ..,,,,.,.,4. , v.o, '! ..:S 9111 . Reg.214.95 DeskSeti stestr'suodSE ' A.1110.g. machine with thailr ..,,.., ,Jus - . , 127 11 KINIMrli Disk HS ltdS4MS ,1 ,.... , : ,. , . ,, , ..L,,. i: - ,.., -,- V - Rog. 1 89.95 Desk Modei , , , - Pbown, , ,..,,,,,....., .,,:., ,4,..,- k - 4 pecio y prices o ave. oil 011101s 07 - provincial it '''" 1 enmore swim thathhtili with cortvhth sato 'A. 7 "...Orglar rt-b- - - - Maple Chair chair, -, ' '''''''-'7 OR ...tar 1, - All A NINOW OP 92 il rrSlrirTY-- 4 rn Lrr P6 ) ,. ,,,,,,,,,i Reg. 59.95 Maple occasional '44,440 ..' , , 4020... ' ' , t Reg. 117.95 PortabliiK- , , - . , D. itntt I( tritiletil smortalpis wit insdom sato ,......, , , I.e.' 444., . ' 1 ' P , Reg. 149.93 Portabio . 7.-- ....0.4116 ,72,64,,, ..... I , 5.50 Down foam" blond finish. .. ' -- ;: - , Sewing Machines . . - Bedroom - V -- , :,, i..,,,,,,e,...,.., . , . I 5488 - - ,, - -- 4. A Big Values on . .111t 47, ,.,,, ... 41, ..110140" - ' , ... .0-- ilk . R, ,. , a' , :.;.,;,,,..,,, ,.....4. Jr. , ,mtvo0 .. i;',..'0.. cy ,S; , t 1 - .00,04--- -,-,,,,,, , v14,1,k.? r 4 ,0,4,,k,if-4- st;PP11,44..... P4 10 i, ,... - 4 - -- ..- ,,, . ''''' "4 ., .., .. ,..a. AN ,, or--: 1 woe -..- ..., ,4104, ,.. '"d. ..: FkLrr,,1 for I . r4 ., . ' $7 Down help solve the labor problem in picking fruit. Barlow says a small acreage of dwarf varieties is being 4-P- c. planted this year around Spanish Fork. e 7088 sizable-aercagA Provo bench a of 1129.95-standard variety apples two years ago now is budding them to Reg. In modern 'Sea-- . a newer variety to keep up with market trends. - , , 0 I 6988 - .,, .4,11111F' - an , Reg. 84.95,7 Lovely lemon uphol- N. k, .. ..4t"7- 0 ....VI, 411 - ,,, I"' r .., , 104 4- ...-- ; . I I - - - comfort. z it . , ., ,- ,b.w,- ",.... n i1 l Modern Chair He thinks dwarf varieties will permit operators to get v '1'1,'''- -' ,.., ....., ,t,y,4',.1a,s ' i,,ty tjs 1 $14 Down ivv70 foam rubber cushioning. that fruit .1toelCBarloassistant Utah - . . I 1 cove r ed; Plastic ..Pafsi CI 0 , - i'l ir-- Ali frot a ,i, 1'4095 111 - Reg.104.50 it Don is One of those philosophical individuals who r ealizes he can't make a good profit every year. He figures he has to take the bid with the good. Alit he's intending to stay in poultry. , ' el.1, 40 t ''' , , lo .1,, i,N.,., , Reclining- Chair . rot 4," , , , -- it x.-- I'Immc'ku-N- e. , - , 4...., " ., - ' ,11? , ,4,,,, t ,...-.- , ,-- ;7.1.14. lb i'. ,t,,,ip ' y . .., - Last year, however, egg producers were foaled. There were so many late eggs that the expettéd seasonal rise didn't - 'it. ,,i, - ,,,.,itycg,, P ,,... -,- -k- . . :2-p- 4 .4 . - Sectional -- 4 ". . .14, Living Room 7 tu. At: . , , ,,, ,,,,,,g,,,b,,,,,,I. -, .: sc .,,,,,q,,,,t.irt, , , k,.., , , we,. aik --I-77- -- - , -- , eVI 1,1 . - $5 Down One way he keeps his costs down is to buy all his year's grain supply in the fall of the year when Peripes generally are lowest. HReg.. 169.9S handy in fixing up labor saving gadgets, too. ,Don's theory is to order his chicks early to get pullets laYset with heavy ing by late August and capitalize on the seasonally higher prices' rayon frieze cover. during the'last six months of the year. - .. , ' 410 , . , ,' ,,, p . . - , .,,. , ' c m . 1 - t ,,,,, . , I 6W' AF ...,400.00, , ' 1W - k, - '. I "'' ' -viiited Don' C.- - (4teree, at Salertii.lie etherldiyLlinti-Nvtre- l-, ' , interested to learn that he's ordered 3,000 more chicksl, baby , 2-P- c. . even though Ens accurate. records indicates- it ,cost him $5.413 , l' a day "fortheprivilege ofworkinglin 1954 Reg,239.95 Ile's been in thec-eg- g business a dozen years and though Heavy ,frieze cover- - 16995 last year was a rough one, he's intending to stay. Don has ing, hardwood . no sideline lob, either. $17 Down frame. .; , . 4 -matching choirs. - , - , '. , 54 i 11 .' rr i Chrome Sets y ' sR's's "' ,,,, .,., 4: i,'",:. ,- , ' 41 ,- 'sss,;t'4,rctiol;o44444P 14 7400 '''" ' Vt'f ' - 1: ' . ; '. .., ...1,. , ,. , ,, ,d, ''''''' I.;."2,.ee . , . d'' - - f tidal. ,,.4- s , , ,,,,,,,,g atitticiti- - i . :: i I - . '' - W rt.Coe 51ifirDiCtli - e 0 0 , 00 t ClICS1l n't :. t 0, ' lk .. 1 1 0 til V,,,,,,morkSI - riTilIV13 ott5 03 0 Cuealicite tvt (!111 . , 1, 1 1 . ... '). .0.0' oult I.e.) i ' , : , .Aw'''' , 1 ,- ,"...,,,a- , I 1, DC ,k - , . , ..,...- -- - - , 1 , 1 OEBUC A plgs-'or-- From May 15, until ,Sept. 15 the pigs hardly did more than keep alive. By the end of the period they were "all , tars and, head," JohuTteld ILL. Morrill of Tooele. ' They weighed about 25 pounds apiece, or about the same ' as. weancrs ordinarily do. Then he began feeding them whey, rpashand aureomyecilj '' After a month they looked so milli better he changed the ration Ile fed atireomyecin, a little alfalfa hay anti ground wheat (obtained for only $1.80 per hundred because it had some pass Milling inspection). rye,,in it :: ',The pigs developed ,territic.thirst. They drank 20 gallons of well water a day. - . I 11 416 -1 . - 1111 . , , , . of nine . .. , . , 41--111- , ,. . . - John ClarkSr., tried the ration on phaned last May when the sow died. TILL: 0, A rs) r FREE p1'1 - 1 -, 1 , , -: .!! D 1k A Grantsville rancher has found that aureomyecin and witey are amazingly effectiye in bringing stunted pigs out of the , I ., 9.30 FRIDAY . Virl) By Edwin 0,- , , 1 . . , , . ! - ;', , , e7r , - - :' For Your ',Convenience ,13 . , '. . T - |