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Show ' ' - , , , , , , ..',. - ,- , - - ' . - . , - .. ' , , - , ' , , .... ' ' ' ' - , .' ' - ' ' : - ' - 1- - ' ' '. Salt lake City,Thursday, - :DESERET, NEWS AND 'TELEGRAM', Januarr-27- . - 15155 ' ' ' , , .,. I 4 ,,. ' ' . ,, , if-- , . ,, , , '' , I . ' . , , 4 , i ', - ': ' ' , . ' ; --- . 7 : ,.- " - - - .. . 75th Birthday Spee' ch' in - , - . - b.. , , ' : - -- - - -: -1 - -- ' --- - , " l'------ . , ' ''' - ''..- - ' . .1,,ork feverishly in dark. 'labors), ' geles Coutitv Council of the e .'Ibries to, find the meats to a, ' - .,,,- .. S.; , - (1:4')--Ge- , , . . - , , - 'A ? ', . A n 095 , :, ..... Ail Ittly , ,cy - , 0 - ' 0 i ' . . ,,, i , I 0 - , 1 IN THE WORLD ! ' Ila '51v Rad: MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS , I"' to Matottals, MEN'S VESTS Slat, Chocks, c93.10,1;:insfyam000nds Rio' at, 'Ali Plirtioonatis; , ' s. , , , , . , - - (- , , , , . i . l ,. lloys1 SHIRTS ". s 2.9$4.9S lit 99c $ites 4.10. a .. ,' s.:.. - 111. -- tif 917i 1,s ARMY SKI POLES Raui3n:stittn famous 1. .,, . Dasi Sttlfttl-66V4,- 1 2 i 114,,, -- -- , . Ladies' Western Shirts I l Pea, 9.95 ; NOW - - , , 11.99 ., $aar ..' 0.. IC , . . te,00,111 MEN 0029 tS Li. Si.., PAJAMAS " N.rdoni. ,i':::;,111Z,T:s. , ' $ , SPORTS i -- ' ' - ' - - ' i., - , ,-- ,,.... s 1 - --t With 5,8f1010 .6..'t - ' 4 -:- 4-- sims , 1,1, ,,,,,, th , .,- .,,,.- ' i 1 - ' ' - :- -- ---Roy Men's ., ,. , ,--- - ' I '441114-7I- ' WASH PANTS 40 . gs -- ---- --- .. - ' .7 ; - 'Cords,. TwinerLiam. Mostly Size 34 .. " . - ' terooa - 4 . :.. -1- -- 1'.."'ll J ; , ' , . , .. 250 - ... 6 6 .d ' rl DEt-il'. Sizes 412 Sizes 1440 0.;0;kr Smut, ,... ,. Win SWIMS ' teg' ta.,S lostat 11soliok'Clotk, Ulan Rtg SUITS 12.9S UITS , 1.9. 1895 - Is r. 1 10-1- LADIES t 4.nORT' ACM'S SUEDE .. - -- - . - ' ' - - wa'bk!!!1',16,- ' ' LEATHER JACKET , REMNANTS s Hump tufted torry, ideal for wash cloths, foto facials, polishing cloths. ,iwilli41 N, eA ..; N .,,t, .,. . -- , - 4 - ea. ' - - , ; ' , ,..'. . 21144 hsch, '' Wash 0011'4 . ,' South. State Now - - Now lot! 36L60 - ' Now Assoried Colors Ilea. 22 95- - A" Coiers, Snot .40. Full , 7, , deep' nap , , h,chss oot , ' ' os "-Y- -- 'r --- -i - a. 4 - 4 L9OP PUGS , ,, . - ' --- - ' ' for r.- irk : iiaw resistant . oo o '4 42s36-in- . 4 f 1 pair ''- . ''!! ' .. colors -- 1,.,..... ..... : ' .. -- . ' -- - - , ' Shrug and knits., - -- - ' 4 IF .z - , , 0, - N lit 100 SWEATERS in cardigans .in. Cy pAtIT4 Disnims Glut poplin's; 10-1- 1 - nsy - - - - am, , .401P soe-- s sins - i 2, 3, -- - .... 14' , 0 ., , ,, , - , .......,,.... Othrs . , .. ' COYS', Sixes 4 to 14 ' L - ' ' 198 ' , ' , QUILT VI, 1 WIP Rayon and nylon. Cossock-styl: broken sizes e , . , 1 911 3'1.7 PPAri - r , .303 . .. ' 2 00 and ' 41.C3 .... ' , r '. '... . - .. ..: .e. -- .. .. , ' , ..,- .-,. , . let3u pOLOZ: .. eve 7 - r 4111C:VET.,'1. ... r - .. 1 4.4) Rayon and nylon, sizes 4 to 6 , ' ...,. ,. - Noeithy patterns. sites .4 to 8 : - . .. ... .. LOZ1G ...SL.174,711ED , 2.... .. --- 2- JEALIS 11-0- Z. , , , . ... - ' , - .. ,,,,, 114:,:o.a.o , ' r. .. . DrEsscs ,,.. ' 2.00! ........ .2.00 . '.. .,... rs 04 ,, .. - , , .. ., .. , ' - .,,,,, . , ' ; - Drosiy and casual styles In cations and rayon ,taffehis , ,... - , :, ,. GIIILS' . 00- ''-- .........,............. , . ROBE4:-.. 07--- ;,-- Oa ,T s owe 6441 . itillieirrà4,yeiii'''''Z'7.-:,,,-7:-777.7772;7:-.7'',1- - - . - - EA1-1' - tOYS1 CEPARTeNT S. rsg , .. : l'r lo , - - L.- 84g ; SLIPOVER ,,: rl,:lEATER.S.- ---- . - ',.- GIRLS' DEPARTMENT looker' ailIS . 'T) ; , ' , 4 .....,,.., ... : ... ;.., , Sonforizsd cotton,' sizes '2 to 14 Cotton llama' gowns,. . t - .' , 3 to 5 ......... . , . ' 11444 - , :.. .. , ,..,44,-.4-4--- - - , .. , .. ''. ,. , ..... . , 3-- ... , , - ; , - ' 0 - iC 1 ''''.--;- .. ,i. - , PANTS St101:1- ,- ' - ,- - a ..,... . , DEPARTMENT , 3134 se,,,...., . .,..... e FLAIIIIELPAJAMAS-... 40.00 .... .:.; .. ' .0 Ci3OZL''Ai FAT,: ' thect-shosv- 34-4- 0 si.es to to 20 - - .., .. ......,,,- . ' . , ,. .. ,...-,- - '... - '1 33 SHIRTS';', - 4.00 ftf( -- , ' ... , , ' Cotton twillyelostio waist, .. ,- - WO . .... , ' - DICIALLS .. , -.. - ',- ..... . '.,'....-......- - --- - - itln .) Am gilf ' ,' WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR .13Armor1 ;1 .. .. - It. ... Royorkitylon, .: .5 0, 1 INtii ,,,..,,,,...,,t...,. 4 - , .. , . ' -:- , UU , ., . ' ' - :. .. - --- 1 CRIB'. BLANitET 1 - ' - ' " ' ' .. ; i .. -- ,.....,.......,. . , - stit,y, L120131 L.: ' .. .., . , - , in , ... "1 , . , . ." ., .. . . .. . 40-4-2 , - - .. regulars and longs Wigs and tan ' LIGHTWEIGHT--HJACKETS------ - ' ' Allik - ' ' - - .. .. ... IP I. INFANTS' ' 110 :, ' , - IP -- P-- .. 'ids and adults - for 041.40444 -' -.- - Single, broestod, ----- ; bardei printi; . t: . A .L. ,;.... 4 A rA ' ' . ! PAJAMAS '' ' ' - . ' . . - , .1,,,,, aluminum U -- ' butcher. , , ' , - CLOWII DOLL , ' n- -- 2 . GABARDINE SUITS . , 5 I PErCAL,E PILLOVCASES 7 MEN'S DEPARTMENT' foss;rtA , ,..- - . - . , gismo for , . 323e , , 7.00 SPREADS ' ... z - 4 - 7-' ' 4A "WHO '' - . Snfarizid cotton eclat 'efi'd . .. lipover style ' siva ' ' ',t v., 'PEEP DISH SET ',Sorske for ' - NYLONS ' TAtilLESS, TABLEWARE ' GE Rayon-acetat- . 2 for: 1.00 ... . .6 fat 1.00 . ., 2 . ,k-- - ---- ' ''r .. ' B0 , in sizes . ',. HOLLYWOOD STYLED SLACKS 90 , - , 3-e-' -,,,, - ---.- . NI 60-GAU- - - FLANNEL. - 3 6it d. ' - length Veove, A4torted prints Stionvor stylo with knit' bock, , rayon front. Alio cotton-style- s ' ', - , SPORT '''.."-",,":- ". 7 - -- it4 lull fashioned , 66f- ' . Short and Others Dark seam' , plain- hsoll, , , or twin size so' 1, 561id 14 Wow - ' ,, . EPAR-T-M.YENT ' . sole. - -- ----- ' TOWELS C1:1E111,LLE Yawata Cokes, V.'s, de.oe - , . oy.......:7, ' ossoriart colors COTTON :. 4.95 6.95 ;awn, 99 9.99 W"1.. n 99 1rid gig "'tit 99 Lottst itions. 0000000 , ,20e - - yd. 00 WOM EN'S BLOUSES , - ' . '.;, TOT, DE,PARTMENT 400 - DEPARTMENT box, styliTn ' - - and Pouch ,!S7,i , ,.!. ., ' pus tax . blue or black 0f 1 CiO :.:.;d',.. - 1 -- HANDBAGS , ' ...m. - ACCESSORIES , -- Id. - ' L. ' ..e for . sets, Moe , 2-- ' .. 0 . , , , 34-4- r . , WOMEN'S NYLON GOWNS. ; Slum - testi& - soil 481 ; .,,. ' - . .,,......,,, '4 NT and lipetial tion of .. lk ,.,;,, --- solos?. Vt.. k p ' ., --- 1- e i's:.P- , , Z ' - t ' ff 0 0 , , -- , ile' 17 ,,, ' full swing, two lions. High waist, panty , . erring, - WOrlEN'S 'HALF SLIPS - , socklocos, pins C - 11171, - - L ) .:,,.... ft. . , - - ' ,,,,,,,, , H , . '. ' - DOMESTICS -- ETAT!! ", --- N 6.4: Soso lo. kited, Patois Pecks,N.. .. it the- scants ofhargaiits . - olow Arstea am lest r.semple , 2 TOWEL , I' i 1..te,,"L . VI N ., - , i A , - - -- --- - . , - ( INOM EN'S NYLON GIRDLES , -- ., ..... Al - , IA ..4.:,...,.,( J., .. girdle style ' - ld"ne ! ' ,90 14.95- - $izes , , 80v ' , ., '' ' PItIWALE-conDur- t. , Reg. 10.9$ Wash . ,, ., - , , , . g , .y ,. - . : 4 , - - sr' JACKETS , FRIDAY . . . SATURDAY - Mt -.. - ' ,, sip , 41 0'0 - Ertl BOSSED COTTONS -, .., - ,7 - 0,11, , ' Weohlest Prints, 36incit , E3TS' esen'tAntrce ., ,,,,, - I . -- ,.., , . , , Sr v - 4. 2. 4, 44.4.,- - ' , , .,,., .. , ,, r i4-- - L -- -- - , ,(0 ,, 2 -- - ' . ,,,,, , ,,, , ,. , ' 1,50 . --- ' ' ' A -- - ZED- - Witsitfast prints, 7-- . rirt,T..........L.,, .. 4k, - - . inklvIC 4 - SAVIIIGSIII; - , , .... '... D '. ' ? Rayon taffeta Whit. in S, M. ..,.,..ycl, ,,., ,DEPARTMENT-- ,,, ....4 ' - . , - ...,.- PERCALESp 4'BRO' ADCLOtHS. ' - ty dai.. ..,e . sit9 , 1.711.s - .- .....,,,,,.,..pr. - NYLON ' ., ' ' . ,,....,." ., ; . ' d prints SENSATIONAL. - - " ,. LINGERIE-DEPARTME- ... .. ..,...... ,5 is . - ' ' I . loili '' it' , ! YARDAGE-T- YARDAGE .. - ...... sArwon an ' ' ,. - , , lk . - , yd, ..............., ....... .,, ...... ....yd. . .,,,, - - ., ,;--' Clots, wing, ,,,... , 2.99 '6-1- 2 . IRISH - LINEN - 4 riot; i 250 South State . 4111- , , proshrunk. PLASTIC .... .. 54Anch ,. ' -- bi telL.t DEPARTMENT , ' w'Itl' and 16": Now 3 40,1,93. Ass.6"4.11. . , t. - Is:41190S. ' - A, U , . --, .. - WWD-CI- , , . .. .1 ) - . , ,. I ,,, . ' , Wt 9- Re .. . .. ,....New ' ;'' BOYS' SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS it'''''' lf95 : '''etle' stleote ' ' Nov; Front . . V WV ... ,... Lined. a, Zipper 4.840. Folly Friogol, ' Silos , 27" 6 - . , ..7''' 11 '.., I, , . ,,, 1111: , weaves Sark, pebble ' .tr,;iiii.,d.,t...edifil - irZOTS'TEM - 48' DTIAPERYPRINTS .. ..... ., and frosted -- ' 4If . , - '' - ...Itioii lope' PEL1ON FULL PETTICOATS 1 - - - i CoI ' I pilets.lisos 14. i, froneh headed ruffle, ivory, yellow, . pink, green ', 4-78- 09 , ' CHROMSPUN PRISCILLAS ' -- r , .' it' -- at" . - ....i.- , - ,....." ....... ... . --- ---- . ' DRESSES'-- ' ,,, sE rilar Floral patterns, washable, . modern style .. , .. t-- Off ' ' ,-, , ,, .. ,,, ,, Pretty, sprini stries hi ederettlireetten o' ..!.- - , CHAIR COVERS ' , -- -- taaor $ S q ., ' . - 4. -- -, ' GALOREI ,.... ' ,- -- ' - - 1 ' ' .Rea. 13.95 ', - -- , SP DRAPERY BARGAINS 'Pt, ,r - JACKETS-- . - fip . , III L A,--- , Men's 'lightweight ' ' eit 4 . . .- - . , d,111111) .- , - ... , ,,,,. , at Main TODDLERS' ' , Op, e Br, . 19.99 7 99 ... Famous siood MEN'S SHORT JACKETS '17;p::;9.7.3,177;:rtil,rana' MEN'S - , -- , . . , 270 SOUTH V. ,,,,t-, .. 250 South,State - . t,,t,y . Or ;;.1v . COATS 4 ' .' it 4p " -- ,, ' , , ....,r, ,-, ::::,- . ) ,,,, ......, , , 4 r(,0' lr IN , - ). ,,,g; , ...,,, ' ' ,, Nliti, ' ,... , 6,1.,,,,,,,-,,,,,..,,,rt,,,,,,,,,- Brocade, Long Poor,' Snoop. 10-1- 2. ' ; S. , ---,, 0 600- MAMMOTH PARADE OF VALUESI.-- ' , 7 i - $al itio7czior : Reezt.se$; :Id, saose . CDC ' A" I 1 , t - 750:Watt Protector ' 7. 42"x90" 42'1x814 42"x 108" , , ' nic64-'- , .EX1A ----- ---- ,,,,, . , . 6 wosholsio finish, soft, Ivory color, vS 'Ilirdit-- 'T --1.-- -.. , NOW!!! . Rog. 1 $T950 . ..N.,.4. ,,. PANELS to s NO EXTRAS Orriors ' AMPRO OMM Taps Racettitt, diev. Musa 1 1,hoes ark Vitessa F2 Ultron Filltici $4950 REVERE - Voigtionckt ' - . Permanent, 500 80 , $59.50 , I RAYON , SAVE ,, SAVE .',.... :'..',;?-r--'- ' . - , , , ' ' SAVE , t,.., . ', 1 , : 1 s"... , , 2.99 - Sa9 SO. Reg. 1 , .. ". !i,,- . Slide Ptcoalttor Ampromaint 500, cam anti auto thanatit -''' ' ' 9.9c .......... it, , 't 1 354nta ' I I - 98c pr. s a, , , . ..- , -. , f mElcth.CSol'olesrs o' ,,,,,...,......,..''' SO, ,.- ,,,,333 loll tailor Spread - - I' . . to, SS34 Reg, ,.,,- . . $17.25 - 2nd South :....,!...A.J,Lillff! ' , lottot :, , . 1. , ' .4twom Cone ,. R.,- , 395 MINI WHITE DRESSSHIRTS , 4,, .250 South State 1 4, r ,.. ' ' .. i...,4,;;;,,r..,,. ,. P , 01.14--;.1.:51- - ALL WOOL SKI SOCKS 4 ) 41' eN-.,- 4. s , .- 1111- ., Cf ,sD ,,,, ,,, this.' -, .... ' SO .. - - , - . '141111hot . , ,' , ... , , . - bY I, ; c- .., '------- '4...,..: t ill' ajny..lcaorm.i:.,,,,n2 om4694. filet et 9 , 18 , Alt - Famous Naafis ..,. i 33otim , S 1E fo, , er - , . - ' ' t Ititii1 4,,i .tit-Aqli- Moro,' 50 Yahoo" - , , iattitat Pro- - FOC ' - Top Quolityf-- . , , ., , , - - 1.1",6 , , ''' , ' c . . ,, 1 STATE - , r' 99 1.99 . , 460 SOUTH , . 1" oll 143:-COttOn and Caw 500e SAVE .. MODEL - ,, ) , - ., , , rlill III , - SCOOP! . 1 .,. ,...0 Furniture - . .. z..4....;, CLEANER , - .., ,. -- , - 'Dark Laboratories' that at present rest: ..L.0010;0.0, less seientifte bands- - are "at '' : $9050 Biggest Allowance in Town - He said' , .. ' . , BEST $3 4) 99 ,.. 6 . During ,White pephant Day! Top Quality!. Famous BrandsrOur Regular Stocks . . With the biggest prlie cuts in town!. , , - ' ' - , 4 - MACHINE 1. s ., ' ' - Reg. $139.50 ' I ' 1 F.3,5 Xenor SAVES WATER ' WRINGER ' - preparin-gfor,--waras,--amean- ''''- ' BEST H omE Rt. . , ,, . VX ROLLIELORD ' , ' '1 111 PRICES... 111,..110., LIKE NEW - ( t- SLASHES i ; , F1 (Automatic) w i . A' it. A ,,, CAAARA SALE! NOW - "tt; D 14 - . V - five-sta- - ; 1 . e , , ,, , : - '' I l. . .op ''''' ..'''bk.& r - t,:l.i.,-,,,,-,- , ; i waoncert , - '--- - ,ta , , AO : , .. , a n,' ,..1 41 , t- - .. .. at-th- ) , - - LOS ANGEUS a Frapkenstein to destroy' both :straight jacket of the past''.and, ', ,.),,,,,,,. - AJnuglas 'MacArthur Thursday, sides: proclaim its readiness to abol- , urged the United States to help! MacArthur also charged tha,tEish war along with the other "abolish with the the formdsa crisis demonstrates world powers. of col:1 greatest powers of theworld" "the inherent weakness" , and 'lective thatt With dead seriousness, Mac-warned security or some day possibly-- be de-- ; Arthur unless warned the that the ultimate fate of the Far East: stroyed "alll att one blow.- and the rest of the world wi. masses' force the abolition of aR not be settled a war. race iiitayThe retired by war,' r preparedness general, ,. throw the world into a suicidal who was scheduled to return to, , Standing Ovation He ti1da crowd of 1,000 that nuclear war by "spontaneous New. York Thursday, warned on comblistion." ,gave him a standing ovation be-- , a 75th '' Wednes-- ' birthdaspeeeh fore. hespoke that the United' MacArthur, himself. a famed ' "day ilight that "war has become' States must "break out ,of the warrior. stornied mightily against, war throughout his entire speech. , . ,, ' The famed ''old soldier" i with ,leaders on both, pleaded .:1 :4 ' r of sides ., the Iron Curtain' to ,; ...., , iL . heed the ,11r. wishes, of their peoin "..04 , ,:' a workable plan , plesby seeking ; for disarmament and peace and decried recent statements in ;. that the nation Washington f3,. must 'go- on,' for 50 years or , ' C) 171 ' ot presecving peace. ', , Ile-stio- - , , , hatt-'-tion- , 1 ,1 11111 - , . day of festivities. dedi'ca-"- , - NlaeArthur's speech,' at An.,tarlier in thiii'day . of a statue of hinoielli in. Arnbassadorflotet civic AlacArthur Park. , quet sponsored by the I,os An. ,, , ' '. - , bloix " strotill,"-at--on- ,. , 1., Ooti,--lirnake- , ' Itelp Abolish Ititdr,'flacArthur Urges ' L itlk.- - -- ---', - , , ' . - , : ' - . . ''''' '' 'KiJJ 1 ,a , . |