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Show Washington, D. C. MORE PLANES TO CHINA It can now be revealed that the bottleneck has been broken In transportation trans-portation to China, and greater quantities of equipment for air operations op-erations against the Japanese are being moved. This is an encouraging development develop-ment following the successful Chinese Chi-nese operations against the Japs in the Ichang area within recent weeks. Incidentally, these operations opera-tions have been somewhat exaggerated exag-gerated by the Chinese. It now appears ap-pears that the Japs did not Intend to move against Chungking, nor did they have quite the number of men earlier reported. The outstanding point however, is that the Chinese were successful largely as a result of air power. This was a tribute not only to Chen-nault Chen-nault and the American pilots, but also to a contingent of Chinese pilots pi-lots flying with the Chennault group. Until recently it was not desirable to Increase the number of planes in China, because the limited supply facilities by air from India constituted consti-tuted a bottleneck. There was no need of having more planes if they could not be supplied with fuel and bombs for operation. Now, however, a greater number of transport planes has been provided for this service and it has become feasible to increase the number of combat planes at the end of the line in China. PLANES TO RUSSIA About a year ago, Russian Red army men in Washington almost got down on their knees begging for airplanes. air-planes. U. S. planes were much scarcer then than today. Production Produc-tion was low and there were also heavy demands from Egypt and MacArthur. At one time, the Russians actually suggested that the best way to parcel par-cel out lend-lease equipment would be to adopt a very simple standard, stand-ard, namely, which army was killing kill-ing the most Germans. Gradually, however, planes were sent to Russia, until today they are going in tremendous quantities. This is one reason why the Nazis have lacked heavy superiority in the air, which previously they had. In fact the Russians now have shifted their pleas away from airplanes air-planes and concentrated them on food. With the breadbasket of Russia Rus-sia In German hands, large sections sec-tions of the population are starving. MAIL BAG E. C. 8., Charlotte, N. C: An applicant ap-plicant tor enlistment in the navy who has a nude woman tattooed on his arm will not be accepted until the lady acquires a tattooed dress. One of the navy's causes for rejection rejec-tion is "obscene, offensive or indecent inde-cent tattooing." P. B., Philadelphia, Pa.: Technically Techni-cally speaking, a WAAC may not resign. She may request a discharge dis-charge through her commanding officer, of-ficer, but the request will be granted only under such circumstances as physical disability or extreme emergency emer-gency in her family. F. E. M., Dayton, Ohio: The sinking sink-ing of the battleship Bismarck was accompMshed principally by the fleet air arm rather than by British battleships. bat-tleships. ARMY DOCTORS STYMIED Next time the army tries to recruit re-cruit doctors in peacetime, a lot ot medicos who patriotically became reserve officers long before Pearl Harbor are going to think twice before be-fore they do so again. Reason Is that the doctors who became reserve officers well in advance ad-vance ot war have now been penalized. penal-ized. They are stymied on promotions. promo-tions. Meanwhile, doctors who have come into the army recently have shot way ahead of them in rank. What happened was that after a lot of reserve corps doctors had been brought into the army, still more doctors were needed. So. the medical corps upped its bids. It offered higher commissions as majors ma-jors and lieutenant colonels. Meanwhile, when lower ranking former reserve officers raise the question of promotions, the stock reply re-ply is: "The tables of organization do not permit it" MERRY-GO-ltOTND C The OPA or the army-navy might well do something for army-navy wives who have to pay terrific seasonal sea-sonal rents at Atlantic coast establishments. estab-lishments. H Gen. Albert C. Wcdemeyer, crack strategist of the U. S. general staff, who had opposed some of Church-Ill's Church-Ill's strategy Ideas, has suddenly been transferred from War Plans to North Africa. . Harry Hopkins knew very little about the creation of Justice Byrnes' new War Mobilization office before it was created-though he ts a member. mem-ber. Some polltlcos Interpret this as meaning that Harry Is slipping In his close personal friendship with FDR but he Isn't C Shenango Depot, Pa., has a stockade stock-ade where about 2.000 soldiers are detained as prisoners, but thousands of other 1-A men are sent there for transfer to other areas. It Is a transfer center, and the fact that a man la sent there does not mean he is going to a dumping-ground. |