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Show 22 WEB 5ITE-1MG- THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE ,2000 MONDAY, JANUARY 10. bocks, which is a big o if the company hopes to compete with the big boys, all of which accept returns. bn.com is a mistake in the first place, iind it will only cause you headaches if you buy books frorr. it Most students' best choice for is textbook ' suppliers online I for me was kicker bigwords.com The comall of the site's could download mercials online. I'm a huge fan of Tom Green. I'll explain in the next Web online auctions. Hold off on auctioning anything online for now. Read next week's story to make sure you don't get scammed. no-n- 5 continued from page 20 www.bn.com o out of 5 ' Barnes and Noble, one of the world's largest bookstores, tried to enter the online bookselling world and has had trouble with its major amazon.cvm. Now, competitor, Barnes and Noble is trying its hand, at college textbooks, which really isn't working out. Not only did the site not have any book that 1 was looking for (including the Pojman), it had a notice up saying that it wouldn't accept returns on text- - e electrical assume, Ko the into car to 300 pieces simply replace on$ sturipping wire, ,. pid "St. I mu , suddenly full of love for.be Bob, "bow long will liti&ctofd irt v .v ' He faugaed the way only mechanics 3td plumbrrs I. did a ciitwiselrr.'W big-tim- f .'. L , site-ing- s, is 15 '' caruObLypuhayetogotoaKdealer. Tm desler jhl rwb most dreaded wordg anyone Voo either a car ovraesr'or an i di'si track uMct id, 'vtvr ' ofalers arc dacgenjus and very xpehive&ll because you m arjpid aad it thlr iss&xf. I resolved so jay yvhatfer I haa to gst-faO0A fixed, even if it meant gobx a thi.gong to be.g:ii to the dealer (dsewTl taid it). went cv tbtiny H, Mliima&cr all, I kasr Uul fet slob frora jtonewhere) taJ had rite l&ht ftxtiire Fc ur or five days Iksr, it cani $M wrprnhgff, I wis only " charged $35. JinataUed it righttbsr? in the parking '., , And natMrr )iapprjied. I punched the stearlojE Vacel and ktomptd into Oit service department to buw n appointment to rip tny car iiuo 300 pieces to replace sense rtupid we, . I frothed t tlie muufe all the way back to my apartment. Hctv could this happen.? My whote break, ruined thanks to a bloody hght fixture. " But as I got out of the cat; sttftdhkg; waird fiappene The lipjht vorked. It whenl opened tny door and yy licard Both kinds 9 " ":. ''! orde. C7 I, B& Ryan Shupe ..ial. -- it K wiict just 1 I142 tsir Hrai alu &8& Ccf?r4tuAtio.s, ihana. it worked when I dossl Jite door and ratcfeerl it oa I lauglied...untii I reH2$-.-i there was s warning light on :ry dai)board informuig mc tlw air bag tainy steering whee! was no longer woidng. ' ,T fiurnvsrsity v BOOKSTORE) 1 January II ' ' cresk ??ayiig vjo fftat M TM Pstn::re ci 6& 4y wfta wif4 c5vw, sffirss. s?ei t l "n Lf - i o VP e Site o' the week: www.fcored.com. 3? 7nk i Ore of the most highly regarded bluegrass musicians in "TV ft mnn-rnrrfm- ,,jm.iiii k f & i-- r n iy iIhu mmm mi, irnr irii'ntf vt.i i . mt C! iff Notes Study Aides DictionariesThesarus' ' . .r Writing Guides :IIIW!iJliii T& .k Dictionaries n . a CHRON CLASSIFIEDS DISCLAIMER Chronicle reserves the or to edit classified adverdeny right on the basis of good taste tisements and propriety. Rates are as follows: words $3.75day, $15.00week (5 0 words $6.25day, days), $25.00week. The classified ad deadline Is 12 noon, 2 days prior to publication. Classified advertisements will not be taken over the phone. Ads can be brought to 240 Union or mailed with payment to 200 S. Central Campus Dr, 21-4- Rm. 240, SLC, UT 84112. For information about classified ads call In keeping with the Chronicle's desire to run honest advertisements, if you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, please call our office immediate-- . 1. 581-704- AFTERNOON CHILDCARE for 2 chilh dren, ages 10 & 5, 2:30-6:3- 0 1:30-6:3- 0 and Fri. Own transportation required. and interview. 583-555- 5 and references for information 114 ! COMPUTERS AUTOMOTIVE MACINTOSH TOP DOLLAR PAID for your car, truck, It s worth your van, 485-511while to call www.carsold.com 428 1. CHILD CARE NANNY NEEDED: pm, Tuesday 114 8am-5:30p- Monday 8 am-1:3- 947-167- 8. 0 IISL 17 meg RAM, high resoluticn monitor. Extended keyboard & mouse. Printer. $125 or Lest offer. Tir,4fj3-32I9- . 110 350 MHZ PENTIUM ER. 128 MB RAM, !!E IBM COMPUT- 56K modem, CD Rom, 3 12 floppy, ext. ditto drive, 17" monitor, eclor printer, flat bed scanner, loaded with mlcrcscfi office & many other programs. $1000 obo. Anrjelika 114 585-400- rpacks! P& Selection, of t era Y -- - . Foreign Language 1' 'as NOTICE-T- he - ; 0. from U. tleman. oven - LARGE ROOM for orderly a RM AREA- - Quiet neighborhood. Furnished one bedroom base--meapartment "Washerdryer access, $500montri Includes utilities. Quiet, nt 14 block gen- non-smoki- Kitchen with microwave grad student only. $235rr.o. 3635387 FURNISHED F CAMYON FOR RENT FURNISHED ;fTi-- 124 4 mature person wanted. No petsno smoking. Large backyard with deck & view of ML Olympus. Call Char 124 then enter access U 6103 or . call K.C. at Available ASAP. First & Icist month plus damage deposit of $250 needed. 114 BEDROOMS, FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED. $425-$51Deposit $250. Close to U. See at 1234 Alameda Ave. (40 So.) Call 328-853for appt. DOWNTOWNU OF U. Very new & n 2 bedroom house with wd. super-cleaPets ok. Fenced yd. 356 L 800 $0. 539-115$799mo. $100 off first LIGHT LARGE ROOM houses from U for mature, lady. Rent cr in exchange for non-smoki- part-tim- o work 363-536- 7. m. 5. 111 JfWIRSrrY 277-9998- 2. month's rentl AREA. Clean one bed-roor- n apartment for rent. $425mo, No petsno smoking. 1J2 323-174- 8. 110 |