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Show 2 MONDAY. JANUARY, 10, THE DAILY UTAH CHROKICLE 20CO see Pi. i IKIOGIKJEI! . -- 133. . Wrestling Program Axed; Upset Athletes, President Blame Title IX BVU added a women's softball BnixaiD Young Ucirersity Aaroo Bo&er stond in the wvestiiz room cm the secocjd level of 'ire Sosth Fieldhouse and thragix jbcHff tiie ctwiiideas hoars he has speat there wirii his teammates. But ater this. seasGu. tbe sophomore staudoot. who was just begm-&ix- g Co bud the most Jeminani in recent SYU history, wdl havr to eferwhere to svreat, vodt and learn bis kssom. "Thz- rtzs&B for such ots 3 to accooK&odate poiiciei ad speed to right to protect the "heakh-ca- re interest of the public and thtir an chiMreo- - One ef the students, said Yohn, is s e (acuhy numiatgttfT of a ber at ike uniwrsity. "It shucks of nepotism," said Yohrs. "But well to let lix court decide that." THE MICHIGAN DA? IV psut-rim- be U Wife lam. "1 agree with the coacepi of Titie EX. but I'm not sure I agree with tbe iaserpreiaticaai of how it's hnag jdmujistered." BYU Vke Prcsyknt Tick IX rqnaJ-rw?- K5 WORLD fyfe ff.fjVufg'Y St tirfwr, hi attack ou She IXC-Un- ited States Rep. Dan Burtoa. Idee pin fff t satf Fred Skousen sakL "We're comma 'ted to coropHyiag with the tnc We don't really hare a choice," EYU Preskkst Mssrtil Bateman said. ThfKJgh they dool beSew a qorxa , is faii, both Bstassm aad Sbxaem tnd the onivcrsty ts zdrrjzu: itc& grring equal ofportEr5e 60 Lxxh Btso aad 'vtbgce as specs, .Afer cia- c- &s&r,:s I EIok subpoenaed Gonzalez from Cuba to keep ST Jamaica Sw3a boa. aa coasset jwsq? sali !fctgr ta the United States despite the lauaigratioa aad Nacanrlaaion Service's order to return kba to Jt . is Bateman echoes the opinion of saany legal analysts in the United Smcs who ssy that the footbsil tesm's amount of scholarships should he eliminated from the proportionality equation to prevent further cuts to men's sports. H?k IX ssys that "nothing in the krw can be interpreted as to grant prefereatial or disparate treatment to members of one sex on account of an unbalance which may exist" Bat prcpcvrtioualify skeptics argue thai a gender quota does the very thing Tide EX preaches against discriminate one gender ever the other. "Proportionality is unfair and illcg2i." attorney Mark MartelL of Palo Alto, Calif, said "These current interpretations of Title IX have nothixig to do with equal oppertcniry. It means unequal opportunity." r AROUND THE pro-ars- that wiD begin this season. T benevc it should be based more on interests than a quota," Batenun - WORLD 9. peafc times." tfcac 163 rrupty spaces during ALMA ALLREC, DIRECTOR C U PARKING SERVICES v of xitct; Professor Sues University for Refusing to Enforce Failing Grade Dental school professor Keith Yohn filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan sftsr it refused to fail two sophomore dental students. Acting as his own attorney, Yohn filed claim in the US, District Court . charging the university with the 'deprivation of 'freedom of speech' and 'property' more "Tfce have 4 T f 0 THE DAILY UNIVERSE UWire DlillUTAH NICLE :4 ssw tefeSjftf and weekly Sur-mq- c Hirimg fisi avi 3iEnq; sBSeStes 'Strfnt 5fs ttiraiujfi Summer Tvm. Gnsjmcie elitnrs waSaff ancuwsersftfaf Uta SikIwscs ar sotety respors-sm- e fnr tne newsoajn's caineif . Funding comes Iron si' jdsn' memms ' a sbs 4eoct s SaiWk ar wst saiBmBts (ir cnmqlenfe eat (SOU 5!H3 i4"tcr HA3BCOCK im Cftig EBr RED Otnct jft.Mu an fee orid teMKMi RA1KYM CdQTiES KaiMsftmawi:. E&tor MR AH WATTS nWawwtfcafca.etfu r STEPHEN "STG- F- COLES :iX!tnim.iL& Art Prcduciscn Meager RYAN "6-- BULLOCK or.de Ofiltn Director BRIAN "KUTT0M MURIcAY Suswess Manager f, HY rlii WcSt lrftr3raca iti. ECftSTEX SVMWAfii! Cwi Pnotaoapr mi Ites AM0ERSSM t - jcrdfcc!itss 1 lifidmktetai!iii Ifl&g i r FIRST TSMI EVER: C&Sif bonus $tf00 nsrtiQfico Film Syrvev Fi?r? i i jciri th?s mtjematkmal stiKly Urn from 1395 m plus $sfe F08 CA5n OOr STUDIOS: - ABOUT THE ' Ofi FILM: anspaoo vwnrld Western Eastern Europe, Canada and IJEARN ANJMATlOfilTECHNEIQUES: rotcrtcopii'tg, silhojercfc, i BE MASTERS; Tex Aery. 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