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Show , aa&c--y- ,.7;, mamm m mmJd , CHRONICLE THE DAILY UTAH PLUS CALLIGRAPHY. WP Suite 8. Papers, resumes, Transcrip- TYPING NOW THAT COLD WEATHER IS - 2 QUIET 1 with wd. CI ELAN VERY DOWNTOWKU.. BEDROOM & 615 539-115- 2. don't yo tires? apartments Pets ck. $575 599. 671 S. L 700 S. $100 off first mor.th's rent! Open for viewing. U 600 for $30o.b.o. Call 581-70- SUGARHOOSE, Excellent condition. Call and leave message. & HIGH- LAND PARK. SHARP HOMES FROM TO TO 2 4 $1175; $690 PET BEDROOMS, LEASE AVAILABLE. AVE 2 bedroom. Great location,clos to UMCT & downtown. Laundry facilities in bksg. $525 per month. Proactive Property . 114 Manaqproent UNiVERSITY AREA- 572 S. 1200 L 1 bd parking, laundry faciliU. 3 available. $425 to walk the ties, Proactive month. Property per 114 Management E. 2ND 272-694- $300 FREE 9. 121 petno smoking. 339-486- GRAD STUDENT OR PROFESSIONAL wanted to share large home near cam- . South) with professional female and two dogs. Finished basement for rent with three bedrooms, family room, bath, laundry, pus (1800 Harrison-137- 5 OCT KCSiASOrl EXTSUCNCS CUNCAL rfYCMOi.OOY 3N 0, U4rWMti Ijmrdi 'mirlii DnM hi VCUt: P&S8fTNCQC FZQIKS HYENK F iMK L'ffB FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER iU edits, morettiSil tsre's word processes, transcribes, laser prints dissertationwith s, manuscripts, resumes. InternationalGraduate students welcome. Winslow's. hntmten 01000. & Evening TRANSCRIPTION, RESUMES, BUSINESS, theses, papers, proposals, laser, APA, diversified. Spreadsheets, mailings, labels, excellent grammar. FAX. Reasonable, professional, fast Branda. Cal Phlebotomy MTtStOS! 2MK IKQilKlMnON Of mn ltt!t lmiic'A ?vd F!tsImIr Dr. hkes ft SIMSW wMuit mas. 314 SK,!2 mm, 11 700 m tmrocmry Saturday classes Learning Center If (Til SC YJHii WTh SCHSM.E om way t 582-202- A &mtt jOKKX. prcintt 428 5. 36 JahMi 428 563-132- 3 0 STftiNT mCifKT IMIICU now He at Th U, of U. Studm Untoti. f--o ' COM: WORDS PROFESSIONALLY word POSED, edited, processed, typed, Each 5SO booklet contains vouchtrc transcribed proofread, (cassette tapes), scanned, isser printed, fsxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, wtuch can ba xchsngd for avallabia tickets to Regular aynm Screeairtgi prior to 6 p.rr.) in Oty or RsuU or PrfTjico ScrcniRgs in Salt Lak City, Ujrsiance, or Ogoan Vc2fW fttay be vxchanf at uty festival Tkkt Outlet bcjinri-n- lnra! tl Pi medical, legal. Formats: APA5 Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press, Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university experience. FREE pickup and delivery. Sstwdiy, 8 (sr-uw-y iickit nunsMIT mi , Ml- TrolUy Sqart - tm VMi towr Mb 428 277-672- 5. 20-3- Citt, Wftt tations, reports, etc. Transcription fax capabilities. Velcobinding & lamMarshe inating. St. Hsza (S00 Msin St.) WaSMJ?. -. 1 Stort (tickrti for . ittVti VACCINE STUDY Hfitorie Kadiuon Suitt Hot( (tickets for screenings st Peery's Ejyptisn Thir- in Ogdeti c .ly) If you are a heaJthy 18 to 30 year old woman interested in participating in a study in a development of a vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer, please call 585-987- 4 cr 585-568- tKt imni tajtetit? s4 sslliKnWtw. C&tr film teiWM. Guide-- . 4.ijcla at i cu.lsti. 3. ' ,ufc U si B UNIVERSITY Of UTAH HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER approved rtstarck COMPWSATOK LONDON OR HPS, an FDX Company, PROMOS) NOW PARSS - NEW YORK $258? MIAMI $287! GU ATA MA LA $408 Shift Times: 0 $ - 8:00 pes' Hour n m, hard&orang, dependable, 'rtandfart Fack&g pm - 11:30 7:30 pm Twi: $2.C 0 per hour including backpacks 199 LET'S GO GUIDEBOOKS 12 OFF! Sunrie: 1 pm 2:00 om - 4:30 om per hour $9.00 Preiood: 8 A 1 hm our doubte A n 1 RESN 4:00 pm Day: HUGE GEAR SALE! Up to 75 off ALWAYS !R!NG h kokirx hr pal-ti- Monday Friday: N Wekanc!s! Get c workout while you work Tuition Assistance of .50 per hour after 30 days Opportunities for advancement Only $299 roundtrip! Bacon 428 ext. 317. 0 578-850- iCrr!ritt SurKt,K Rsrt unfy) 114 Counciia $6.9CVhour. 428 4672738. Carolyn, $550ma 12 utilities. Details: Mary 581-144- 5, University Partnership has cpsoings ?or tutortrackers to work with students at West High School. Toe position requires a commitment through the end of May. Various shifts available. YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover letters, thesis, disser- 581-318- 114 i 6. 6, (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also editing, !3M typing. Can check speSHrmu grammar, references (APA, Tursbian). Mrs. Nelley, A6W Blanchard at Recipients must be members of Phi Kappa Phi on the date the awards are made. Deadline is February 1, to turn in 114 completed application. Call Bryan 6. 210 Trevel. 268-637- SCHOLARSHIPS HOUSE, U of U area 6 800-212-969- 8. ATTENTION SENIORS! PHI KAPPA PHI is offering graduate fellowships of $7,000 to graduating seniors who are applying for first year of graduate studies. YOu must have a cumulative CPA of 3.8 or Contact better. the Office of Undergraduate Studies, 132 Sill Center, for applications as well as additional information. With questions cell Ann 277-010- 7. S) No in JM Security building, 1 heat, hot water, & 114 parking, Z BEDROOM, FREE UTILITIES. Ciose to U. Washer, dryer. $65Qrno. References 400 8. 428 INTERNET 1 1 BEDROOM, block from U. Free Washerdryer. $900mo. $554-316or page Call 583-1697.1- DSL) (2S6K each room. Share remodeled house in Sugarhouse area. $300, utilities included, Tom $440. (1255 E. 13 utilities. phonecable off-stre- et BEDROOM FEMALE 0. 272-650- at OR 2 bedroom apartment 25 S. 1100 E. $300 deposit, $310mo, 12 utilities. 114 ROMMATE TO SHARE 3 BED2PATH HOUSE in quiet area. Washerdryer, big yard, near U of U. Must love animals, spacious apartments entry building. Laundry facilities, walk to SLCCi $400 & $475ma Proactive 114 Property Management SALT LAKE- 300 M 218 W. 4. 2 bedroom. Balcony w great overtook, parking. $475 per month. Proactive Property Management 272- 114 6500. required. Call Danielle 1465 E. 1300 So. MALE ROOMMATE, WANTED. . 200 L 1 & in secured 533-519- Flexible hrs and great residential working environment; Teach living skills to people with disabilities PT eveswknds, accompany on activities & provide bask: care, fax resume $&37hr Call 468-634or fill out applicato Psult 468-635tion at CoJumbus Community Center 428 2950 S. Main. TYPING ROOMMATES 0. 2 bd. WANTED EARN WHLE U LEARN WORD PROCESSING Off-stre- et SOUTH SALT LAKE- - W94 485-835- 8. V10 have 23 veers experience in booking last minute and student travel Save $$$ on worldwide travel! Call Holly Dining to Meet You inc. and 428 272-6500- 272-650- 652-060- TRAVEL AGENT SPEOAUST "Where in th worid would you like to go?" I 114 8. TUTORTRACKER POSITIONS OPEM The UVSC School, College and Republican grassroots Congressional campaign tor year 2000 election. Please call TRAVEL 2 JEWELRY 12! AVENUES-27- 9 $50. TV. 883-014- DIAMONDS: DO NT PAY RETAIL PRSCESiJ! Large selection of diamonds, bride! sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for appointment. SEMESTER 573 1874 OR 809- OK. 7427. COLOR VOLUNTEEFIS WANTED to help run 359-887- OPPORTUNITIES 210 more details. 1. 428 , 581-694- FURNITURE EXCELLENT OtPORTUNTIY for Social VOLUNTEER 487-823- DD-21- 120 , 22" CONSOLE MiLLCREEK 9. and ask for 4! " Kerstfa ' HR. ft 23 2000 Science, Education majors and others to gain experience worHng with individuals who have disabilities. Avaiiabie positions are throughout the wasatch front have flexible schedules. Apply: TURN Community Services, 535 L SIX or 428 400 tions, rtend lettering for envelopes, treasured writings. certificates, Barbara Excellent references. WHY NOT? New lamps. 677 So. 7th East 533-898428 FREE MATH TUTOR (through Calculus 4 t ill) for ail Veterans with a tease a general discharge). Contact the 5 for Veterans Affairs Office at STA-TA- wish you had some snow Get a pair of 155R-1- 3 110 3-- 4 SERVICES FOR SALE EE JANUARY 10, MONDAY, for l ALWAYS DU'CIOUS CfSaf- - CoifiO - 5:30 om per hoar vmh! Open 7:30 am Apply in - 12 mid FM Company Ax iOOK FQS 0V8 COUPON C4i 5 s' :00 am $9.00 lod wafers 6m - 900 East 300 South 1 222 SO. of 720 No. tit 400 West N. Sd( take (Bounhfui ttxit 3 1 8 shen West) or contact Scott of 301 J 2V4-5?9- 0 prion 1300 L, 5B2 - 7200 7800 SO. STATE, 255-593- 0 SI jj r & "HSTSHAUt IM MIT LAKH" UTAH HOLIDAY il! 3f SimD I WITH 53f StUC AKS row acici cr f::s ck kks 2 Si 8! 1 jj LJ. jl |