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Show COUNTY - VOL. I. NO. 18. ENTERPRISE. ladles and children enjoyed outing immensely. ljigiu.il Published every Wednesday by UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO., W. D. 8. Harrington, Manager. 99 East Main St. P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH Salt Lake Office, 17 Eagle Block. Subscription Rates: One year In advance 40 I - ; Al.-u-ui, Cult-loug- 15 W. W. WILSON. Entered as second class mall matThe portrait above fairly represent ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office W. Wilson, post muster at Kandy, W. at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of of the Sandy City Bank, president March 3, 1879. member of State Firemen's and director in water, ditch and other NO SINECURE. companies, and candidate for county If any one has an idea that the Job commissioner, subject to the decision ot the Republican county convention. of secret ary of the Jordan District Mr. Wilson's record is given in the School board Is a sinecure, let them letter lrom Holier M. Wells, following s pay a visit to the office and when he was governor of Utah: at Midvale and see the volume October 13th, 192. of business that Ik done spring, sumMr. W. W. Wilson, Sandy, Utah. mer, autumn and winter by one man Permit me to con My Dear Sir: and his stenographer, and that idea you your nomination upon gratulate will be banished. The wureroom la for a county commiseiunership on the arranged as systematically as any Salt. county board. I :im very store and the ahelvea and tables much pleased also that you have been filled with text books, blank books, designated for the long term and I maps, pens, pencils, inks, broom think If the Republicans of the county and all that is needed in the school know their business, they will elect room. Just now shipments of goods are being unpacked and arranged on you. In view of your record in the legthe shelves preparatory to the opening islature on the labor question, it seems of schools next month, when they will to me that ihe mine and smeltermen be in demand. Secretary Thompson of this county, out o gratitude for la genial and affable, never gets flus-- t your work in securing the passage rated and his work is systematic to r the legislature of the through a fine degree. He is a fixture in the to as to thcln, law, applied ought office that could not be dispensed with leave no stone unturned for your elecand earns every dollar of his compen- tion. I well remember with what zeal sation for work honestly performed. you came to me and urged me to affix o my signature lo the bill, after you and others bad succeeded In steering It BLACK HAWK REUNION. through both houses. Had It not been Win. L. Bateman, one of the Utah for your energetic work at that lime, Indian war veterans, has received Ida It Is my opinion the bill would never ' "' annual invite for hlmsolf ui! family, Iuxyo If you think this letter will do you to attend the second graivd date camp fire and reunion of the Utah Indian any good you are at liberty to use it. With best wishes for your triumph War Veterans, to be held at Spring-.villUtah, August 20 to 23. All w?io at the polls, I have the honor to be, Very truly yours, 'possibly can are advised to bring their IIEBEB M . WELLS. own camp outfit as thero will be pleno ty of shade and things will be modi comfortable for tbem to camp out. A lady who can kblicii subscriptions Those who prefer the hotels will be will be given a paying pnqiosition. provided for at reosdliable rates. No to Enterprise office or Box 177. Apply advance in prices will be made. Two special eating houses have been proWm. Halstead, Sandy's only substivided by the committee, where meals can be had at reasonable prices. There tute letter carrier, is having his house will be amusements galore, two pic- on Rural route 4 gayly decorated with ture shows each evening, dancing ev- Sherwin and Williams' grandest colsensational ors. ery night, a beautiful, Miller Christensen, rural carrier for local drama at the opera house, InNo. 2, is one of the most careRoute on Indian dian skirmishes, attack and ful and painstaking carriers in the trains last stage coach, emigrant but not least, Prof. Graver's Wild West Sandy poat. office, and he expects evshow, bucking horses, fancy roping ery body to be as precise in addressand trick riding. A great time is an- es,. etc., as he is. Thero should be no kick coming to him on his route. ticipated. n ware-nam- re-la- il eight-hou- btnJi-i&fcutfi- . e, o He is careful. SANDY. Sandy has a happy family of rural carriers, but they kick the Enterprise man if he is not in on time every intersold his James P. Jensen has est in the Sandy Mercantile company Wednesday morning. All the same, to his brother and will devote his they think heaps of the County Enlime to the implement business and terprise and would not go out withthe organization of the brick business out it, for they know that legions of subscribers look for it and are disin Crescent. appointed if it fails to reach them Look for the announcement next Wednesday morning. week of a big sale by the Sandy Commercial company. Mrs. N. Thompson celebrated her advertisements. birthday last week In a family reunion Watch Crapo's Their large stock mimt move to make at her home on East Second South room for fall goods and they are sell- street and Ninth East. Her two sons ing regardless of cost. and two daughters and their families were present and a rare good time Bishop J. P. Jensen of Crescent and wan enjoyed. Those present were J. his son, James P have ordered mar A. Thompson and wife ami J. W. chinery to make wire cut and pressed Thompson of Garfield, Mrs. J. O. brick (red and white). The machin- Erickson of Midvale aud Air. and Airs. ery is ordered and-- if It arrives on (. E. Mat I hews of Murray. time they will begin work this fall. We do not publish news items sent They will employ from six to twelve men. The brick yard will he on their us without the name of the sender, place at Crescent and ihe office at we must know that the news la reSandy. We need a few more such liable. Your name will not be published but wo must know from whom enterprises. Some people would kick if their the news comes. mother-in-ladied. They are built WANTED A subscription canvasthat way and can't help It. ser. Apply to Enterprise Office. w The horse race on Saturday, August was won by the Drajier horse, owned by Mr. Ailckelson. Archie Crapo and Sant Christensen were elected Icgeates lo the firemen's state convention, to be held in Eureka next. week. e.i-ession- - 8lnglo copies, 5 cents. 3, The reunion of the Gilbert raiuily ut Vienna lmr ;ii p:4f, Wednesday night . , assistant regiaFaltair last Thursday was highly en- when two masked men bolted through trar, domestic science and assistant joyed by the members of the family. the door of the saloon and ordered in ivv lew s H. G. Alarriott has relumed from hem to li till up their hands, which bis ten daqs vacation on the Welter Mr. and Airs. Curtis Shaw of Grant t lit-- mnl two Austrian patrons of the of Jordan high school at river and looks as though It hiul been ward are rejoicing over the arrival saloon did. Due of the thugs recog-- I Binghutii, Utah: beneficial to his health. He brought of a baby boy. nizeU Marshal and exHoward V. principal. Itack a guoJ supply of fish and nays It is the marshal, with It. It. Daw, science and mat hematclaimed: Air. and Mrs. G. W. Mumford had which loth fired jioiul hlmik at ics. they had all they could eat while Ihe bullet pierced his camping out. They had an enjoyable a pleasant visit from their daughter, Amanda Drimm, English and oral time. Mrs. Iaiwrence Parry ami hit husband breast tin- marshal had drawn his gun of Bingham. and liriil twice at the tallest of the Two nuii'c teachers have been added Sandy merchant are doing as e)l Both slims went Iwu as the merchants of other towns, and Warren Cave is visiting relatives in linmc; the third shot, which struck to the i aeuliy for ihe coming year and additional room liu been prothen some. Wo have never yet s.eon American Fork. i in- dead bandit, was fired by the to accommodate more students. cured any of the storekeeper idle and the ('olelniigii and (he tall thug Edward Hoffman of this cily and went, down A number of the clerks find plenty of work to do. while eighth grade graduthe slum together, Allss Jennie Miller of Sail Iaike lius ate them Helve as Inwoundthe expressed door, thug escaped through on Monday, August 5. tending .to attend the Jordan high H. G. Marriott, the wagon maker, ed by a bullet from Schericli's gnu. t school this year and from all appearThe marshal ilrupm-is busy all the time in his shop, even dead, one The primary officers or the First ances iL will he the banner year In tinat breast bone, just in this dull time of the year in' bis through ward met. ut. the home of Mrs. Orson (lie history of the Jordan high school. his caused instant Die heart, evidently line. Hansen Friday afternoon. was taken wounded The death. thug i Superintendent Orson Ryan did not to the hospital, where he hovert-- beThere is plenty to do in harness C. H. Banks, who has been connectfrom his vacation until Satreturn tween lire and death and finally died work in Sandy. Reg White is never ed with the Sunday school for years, the loth, owing to the Illness urday, liave His relative idle. Was pleasantly surprised at his home Saturday night. of Ills daughter, Arvllla. been notified and tin officers may by officers and teachers of the MurDr. Peterson reports that Sandy i now learn inure of his puxt, record. The architect reports work is proray First ward last Wednesday evennow short thug may he apprehended The just unpleasantly healthy.' ing. A highly enjoyable evening was very rapidly aud satisfactorgressing A good, steady Job is offered a. Subhour. Several arrests liave been on the new school building at spent and a vocal and Instrument nl any ily it and of suspicious characters scription canvasser, male or Yemije. program enjoyed. Refreshment were made looks now as though looks as though information of value Draper, and it Apply to Enterprise office or served. the will be ready for tbe building , may lie had of an organized gang of of school opening early in October. COW FOR SALE Apply to W.d.' which these iwo t lings wore members. Aim Sam Bircli of Fourth avenue Is Kuhre. . Laid at Rest. R. II. McDonald and John Dunn are suffering from an attack of appendi.t the Under auspices of the Woodmen to tbe Flremen'a convention delegates The fire chiefs and W. W. Wilson citis. or (he World in the presence of a ' at Eureka, have arranged with San Pedro railAugust 20, 21 and 22. laxgo number of friends, relatives, Mayor George' lluscher was at the road for a special train to Eureka .On Woodmen, ixilicemen, city officials of A special train over tbe San Pedro the day of the tournament, August Cottonwood last Saturday on business Alldvale and Woodmen of the World, Hue will be run to tbe Firemen's con22nd. The train will leave Salt lake connected with the power plaut. Impressive funeral services were held vention Thursday, August 22, at 6:30 Thursday morning, August 22nrT, at Sunday afternoon at Woodmen hull a. in. fi o'clock and reach Sandy at' sbout The petition being circulated by the for Marshal Frank A. Colclougli, who o 6:30 a. m. The fare will be 83,25 ior progress company to enjoin the comgave his life in the discharge of his missioners from proceeding with the the round trip from Sandy. All are COBBLE AND STONES law. The Ihe of duties ns an officer to go with the teams on this purchase of the power plant Is being crowd was too lurgo for ihe capacity BOQUETS. train. A good time will be enjoyed. coldly received and few taxpayers are of the big hall. Flowers iu profusion A e e e Under this caption we shall print signing it The people can see why were on the rostrum where the cofln Mrs. Fireburn of Salt Lake kud these pirates are so anxious to put short letters from our subscriber! In lay. the Misses Ostlund of Logan, al Rio- every obstacle in tbe way of the sucAt 2:30 twelve SalL Lake policemen, which they may write juat what they ters, were visiting on Tuesday .with cess of the project under Sergeants Emil Johnson and B. think of our paper, good, bad, or Indifferent We shall expect every letter Airs. W. W. Wilson. I). Selgrus, entered the hall and e e himJ, W. McHenry has announced marched to the place reserved for to bo signed by the writer, who must a W. W. Wilson, Jr., is vlsitfag his self a candidate for county comniis-dwbithem. The policemen all bore flow-et- bo subscriber. We ehall not puhlih tiie names, but we want to know from ptirej-tfor ji few ubJo tQjhe decision of the and wore white gloves. Allexcepl whom the letter cornea, that's all. Republican county convention. two were Woodmen. A. R. Gardner has taken a vacation The services began with the singing You hit the fakers mighty hard last and is now hiking it on the plains of Mrs. F. W. Tllncy, wife of Frank or 'It Is Well With My Soul." by the Wyoming, where he expects to learn Tllney, a former Murry iicc and now Joseph Poll quartet. Rev. P. A. Simp-ki- week, hut they deserved it, and your expose oi their tricks made many votes all the cowboy characteristics and editor of the Richfield Run, is visitthen offered a prayer. After tbe for the bonds. Much credit Is due Iu of Is cashier the great ing friends in Salt Lake. forget that he singing of And They Shall Know II the County Enterprise for its able ashank of Sandy City. No Aluro' by ihe Poll quartet, Bishop sistance In the victory for the making Mr. C. L. Gardnier is filling the ofA special train will lie run lo Eureka Joseph H. Wright, mayor of Midvale so people overwhelming. fice until Archie returns. on Thursday, August 22ml, by the and a high officer in the Woodmen of A MURRAY VOTER. on Ihe Tin the World, soko touchingly Firemen's association. State I I. A. will M. an The Jordan give Don't let, up on the enemies of the train will leave Salt Lake at ii a. m. personality f tin- dead marshal. Bishon at the Lagoon Thursday, and outing arrive at San Pedro ilejsit, .Mur- op Wright entile across the ocean people lull keep eternally after them. August 15. A grand time is anticipatat ii:15 a. m. The round (rip tick- witli Marshal Coleloiigh tliirly years Tiie pimple art with you and tbe ed. All are invited to accompany ray, et from Murray will lie ago ami has been his warm friend County Enterprise is the paper they them. ever linre. The Poll quartet then want. I am a subscrllier fur tbe Eagle llennlifiil Isle." Tlull will not renew. A new automobile garage has been sang P. A. Kinipkiu eulogized the Parson 131 at. "MURRAY, R. D. 5. llotlell Mr. (1. E. MURRAY. opened liy marshal. The South State street. Air. IMell is au litc of the departed Now that tbe County Enterprise is W. D. S. Harrington, editor and gen- expert mechanician, and solicits your quartet sting another selection and in the street and went tlio assemblage eral manager of the County Enter- patronage. in tuking up our cuHse, I, with many more See his advertisement forn.ed fur the parade to the ceme- have quit the Eagle. We have waited anni- another column. prise, celebrated the tery. Itev. Simpkin made a short long for such a paper an yours. versary at his birth on Tuesday. July address at ihe grave. The drdiealory ONE OF THE PEOPLE 3Hth, by assisting in making votes for Blinky Barlow and his snake In the bond proposition, which was car- in the grass deputy are trying hard entire services was very Impressive. The body of the dead bandit, You drove it in pretty hard to the ried by such an overwhelming major- to place themselves before their readS. D. EvEagle staff last week. Don't you think ity. He ia as mart elated over it as ers as injured Innocents," hut it Charh s (iaimneti, is at ihe aliing establishment await- it had better stop now? People don't if he had been presented with n gold dont go. The people know them too ans from his relatives as lo like too much of personalities. orders ing mounted stick. too well. its posit A Mi KRAY READER. See the Emporium ad. for bargains is the popuThe County Enterprise Let up on Barlow. We all know in their line. lar paper in Murray as well as every Tito Midvale eouncil offers $5oo for hut don't Iiko these personal him, Coalville, Summit county, by a vote other town iu southern Salt Lake the arrest of the scroiid bandit iu helweiii newspapermen. fight of 115 Jo 16 taxpayers decided to bond county, and has the largest circulamurder and the stale the A M ClUt AY READER. the city for $15,000 to install a water- tion in the county. That is why offers $.'.i'0 re ward for his arresl. works system. A large spring west blinky Joe is so envious. " ' liave your straw hat cleaned anil of the city will be utilized. Work Will To insure the safely of 1.10, non, blocked by low the Hatter. Agency he started at once. The County Enterprise is nut 13 iug the pay toll r the United at the Enterprise office. years old with moss hanging lo it," States an extra guard was canvasser A subscription hut four months young and at Iho People's State maintained Win. I'ow the Salt Lake Halter ha will be offered a paying proposition to with readers who appreciate bank until it to the established an canvas for the County Enterprise. Ad- a good thing. agency at the Rnter-prlemployees of tie' smelter, August 9th. office. P. O. dress Box 177. - CO month the day's j fl.00 months 1 $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. 1 I mouths C v UTAH, AUGUST 14, 1912. SANDY, Southern Salt Lake COUNTY - - liar-lende- r. wen-hiarrie- lull-le- - ( Box-177- . . a r, ' .'V r - n - $:l.-ln- . - sixty-thir- d nn-le- -- rep-resel- Min-Uer- l' , first-clas- s e e Sandy o 1) County Enterprise, 1.00 a year, 60 cents for six months. 30 cents ior 3 months. Subscribe now. The Eagles at Murray held a high jinks and kangaroo court and banquet Wednesday evening. A fine program was rendered and the Engles flew high from Ihe Aerie. Tito two Greeks accidentally shot THEY SAY: are at thu Vienna saloon hold-up- , That the Murray iles say that the getting along nieely and no serious reCOl'NTY ENTERPRISE is doing more MAR8HAL COLCLOUGH MURDERED sults are anticipated. boosting for the county than old moss hack publications of the Hit Murderer Dead- any The following is Iho faculty of the intlicted upon the pnb-li- c been liave that Utah: Jordan high school, Kandy, for years. Enoch JorgeiiM-u- , Principal, history Frank A. Colclougli, night marrhnl Wedreviews. last murdered and was at Midvale, That some people prate about patof athDrren H. Dutton, dim-tonesday night l.y two thugs attempthome industry yet publish ronizing ing to hold up tin: Vienna saloon. One letics, physics aud chemistry. whole advertisements of Salt page of hosHssisiant director Victor Kirk, of the desperadoes died In the Lake merchants inviting yon to trade science. pital and two patrons of the saloon athletic, mathematic and at their stores. Rodney l Allred, storekeeper, ag-rare suffering from gun shots in their allure, botany and zoology. legs. The second desperado escaped, That the people appear to like wounded I.ouis is ho Petersen, musical director, is It thought though humhuggery. band. and English, orchestra by shots fin'd at him by Paul o Ada II. Hartley, realstratr, Ian in the bartender. Willis Vincent besnme tin Hie Patronize German. men are and people puper the lieves thnt (lie iwo . director of physical COUNTY KNTHKlRISE. (live who held up his saluon on the night cm It nre, English and oral expression. and of July 19. Marshal your print in: jobs to them. Adlilst and about vertise in 1 lie paper that machos Eliza Jensen, secretary Scherieli were t.ilkiug over arts. domestic the the people. hold up the Vincent saloon MIDVALE. r Tiie Midvale Elysium opera house chairs have arrived and will he put in place at ouce. It is expected the next house will be open Some week. It will be worth the extra carfare for every person In the county to s Members of Wasatch Reliekah lodge visit, this strictly show, manNo. 30 and their children enjoyed a aged by Mr. Silas Brown, who knows picnic, east, of Sandy on Thursday. how to run a show. Murry it cs can was now enjoy a decent show. Millers' celebrated in and Sam service pressed Ferry The rigs were Mrs. J. W. McHenry and su:i have chuiwroned them. laden with good things to eat and the returned from their trip to Chicago. nit first-clas- four-in-han- d . it Coh-ln'ia- bar-tend- or-ian- |