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Show SOUTlThttN SALT LAKE COUNTY KVTFJIPRISE 444444444 4 44 Ur. Qotliard, Uentist 444444 The Thrashers of Wheat Seventeenth So. & State SU, MURRAY, Utah. SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY can only be successful when founded on thorough therapeutics. The impaired teeth must lie thoroughly treated and plaecil in proper condition before the tilling, inlay, erown or bridge work is installed, otherwise the dentists work will result in failure at some future time. Clare your dental troubles in charge of Dr. (Sot hard and they will be .successfully and perma- i! WILL SOON BEGIN THEIR WORK. The Threshers of Children Are i at their work nearly all the time. IS THE TIME FOR BOTH to lay in supplies of strength giving material. We offer the following Specials this week. ' Muiic.v back if you are nut satisfied. NOW nently banished. 1 lours iS a. in. to 25c Mai Coni Hakes. A pk 30c Luster liruwn CulTee. per Hi 25c lb Carnation Coffee, jut in loose and All kinds of Crackers, packages. 10c and 25c Canned Joutls, per can 25c Soaps: Woodchuck. 12 bars i bars 25c Swiss White and White, Crystal 25c Hake White, fi bars selection choicest The Finest ('realm ry lint ter. that conies to town. Full line of Vinegar. Full line of Tickles, CANDIDATES PHYSICIANS. C. L. COUNTRYMAN, Drs. ROBERTSON & PETERSON Bingham Canyon. CommisCandidate for County Physicians and Surgeons 302 East Main St., of to tlm decision sioner, subject SANDY, Utah the Democratic County Convcn- - Hours, 9 to 10 a. m., 12:30 to 2:30 and ileint.s Tickles. Full line of Crockery and (Jlnssware. Special prices on (Jlnssware. We have a line selection of Zephyr (liugheins that we will sell at S cents a yard. t ion. Our Fall line of Dry Goods and Woolens are coming in and we have some special bargains this week in NOTIONS, OVERALLS, RIBBONS, ; will Refund Money See our aiuioimenicnt each week. has Ihr largest typographical error occurs they tell us about it. So you can see how closely the paper is read. 106 to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. Emporium, Grocery Co. That the County Enterprise is given the credit of being largely instrumental in defeating the wily enemies or the people and making many votes for the bonds. A That the' Davis County faker told a Midvale subscriber that lie would "knock the block off the Cuunty Enterprise man, hut the block is still there 7 is the number. That the commissioners and their are supremely hapfaithful py over the victory, and will settle down to active work on the installation of the city power plant. Is Our Success." Reliability A little nnosense, now and then, la relished by the wisest men." Under this heading we shall print That we will ever be with the people which are pithy little paragraphs meant to amuse, and while the hits on every proposition for the public may strike home to dozens of people, good and shall fearlessly oppose the they are not meant for any particular bloated mouoiMilists who have liad their hands on the people's throats party. for so many years In Murray. It Is Rumored: That you can get bargains of COUNThat remorse alone does not pay the TY ENTKRPHiSE advertisers, enjoy a ransom. cool ride to their stores and combine That some people take a big chance husinesa with pleasure at their exby going out of their class to tackle pense. temptation that they know la too That these merchants who do not strong for them. That hi Inky" and his man Friday advertise should be shown that you hung their heads in meek humility the are just as Indifferent of their exi stmuming after the election, but trust ance as they appear to he of yours. them not, like the cowardly cur they are, ready to Btrlke at you again when That you do not have to do your the opportunity offers. trading uilh them. 1 5-- The New Strong Tungsten Lamp. Murray Garage . E. HODELL, Prop. Ml So. State St. M mil AY, Utah cir- culation and is read from cover to cover advertising and all. If a Oldham, Powell & (g., 80ME COMMON N8EN8E AND LITTLE NONSENSE. Phone 8 p. in. Oiir columns are open for the Oils and Gasoline, announcements of candidates in Washing and Polishing, Tire Vulcanizing. the coming fall elections. To Saisfaction Guaranteed. reach the people the candidates must select a paper that is popular with them. The COUNTY FOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP (nods delivered to any part of the count' fre of extra charge, Our prices are right. to Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing. GENTS; M and W. W. WILSON, Sandy. Candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Cuiinly Republican FURNISHINGS. We guarantee everything we sell In any one dissatisfied. 7 . d DRY GOODS, Professional Cards W4444444 j CARDS t p. in. Offers the Following Inducements: urn lbs. $6.00 Sugar Ftre insurance SEE JENNINGS INSURANCE CO State Agents, Tribune Building, Salt Lake Ctiy. WM. AYLETT, Resident Agent, Phone MIDVALE, 21G-- Utah Rasmussen 3C. IT SAVES YOUR EYES GIVES YOU THE EASIEST ARTIFICIAL LIGHT TO WORK BY AND READ BY EVER DISCOVERED. elecOllier improvements on the the with be not to tric lump are eompureil WIRE TYIE. THE WIRE TYIE is strong. Its life is twiee ns long its the life of the lamp. It electri-eil- y gives three times the light for each unit of For a quarter of h cent nu hour consumed. of the best you ean get twenty candle-powe- r light. Inexpensive eompared with ordinary light, isnt it I rlust wall'll ymir meter when burning the then try a Tungsten and note the differenee. We have them in all sizes, from 15 Watt to 100 Watt. Prices reduced to fifty cent?. WF.ST-IXdllOUS- arti-liei- E al old-styl- e, $1.10 Flour, St. (Ir., per suck $1.15 Flour, If. I1., per sack High and Guaranteed Tailoring. 85c Wheat, per bushel Ladies' Tailoring a Specially. Have Soap your next suit made to order. Main St., Gandy, Utah. 25c Crystal White, ti for Clothes cleaned, pressed and reG . . 25c for Pearl White, paired. 25c Swift's White, G bars for Main St. opposite Smelter St. 25c White Borax Naptha, 7 for MIDVALE, Utah 25c Diamond C", 7' for 25c N. B. Naptha, G for 25c Wood Chuck, 9 for 25c F&iry, G for '.T2bc Borax Castile, 6 for 3 Cans Corn 25c 3 Cans Milk, large 25c G Cans Milk, small 25c 3 Cans Mustard Sardines 25c G Cans Oil Sardines 25c 3 Pkgs. Corn Starch 25c 10c One 15c ltottle Ammonia 1 15o Bottle 10c Vinegar ' 3 lbs. High Grade Coffee $1.00 1 ? That you will consult your best in- One Bushel Potatoes 75c terests by going where your trade is 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea, loose 25c wanted. Tobaccos 25c null Durham, G pkgs That talk is cheap, but ir takes mo-ne- Duke's Mixture, C pkgs. 25c to buy printers ink. 25c Union Leader, U pkgs 25c That iMerchants of Sandy want your Dixie Queen. G pkgs trade ao.J will satisfy you In price and We also have a well assorted stock j iif quality, and pay carfares. Fancy Dishes, Crockery, Grniiite- ware and Tinware, Cured Meats and o WE ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL AND WI NTER GOODS iird. These prices are subject to SEWING MACHINE SALE. change without notice. FOR CASH ON THE SHELVES WILL MAKE A JENSEN & KUHRE Phone Midvals 148. .... TIi y 1 Sale Is s ss AND BEFORE PLACING THEM I For Ibis month I will offer some That the next move or the people should he for a MUNICIPAL COAL rare go oil bargains in second band YAKD, where coal can he obtained at machines, also second band good of all kinds. The machines arc all uctual cost this winter. of st anxl ard makes and are rebuilt Friers That the matter is already being and guaranteed by me. These are baragitated and if the people take it earn- $.00 to $S.OO. estly In hand the result will he equally gains and they will not last long, as great as the light and power proio-sitio- come in and investigate. Try was. them out anil be convinced. I sell ONLY. EMPORIUM GROCERY CO. Utah Murray PERFECT A BATH-ROOM- Sale Clean-u- p , is essential in every home where running water is obtainable. Obtain our estimate on PLUMBING WORK You will find it surprisingly low new and second hand bicycles at when of work and materials quality That the eyes of the people are very reasonable prices. New used are considered. No job D too opened to the fact that they can be wheels at cost, impairing done at small or too big for us. FRED ALEXANDER, kings and not slaves of the corpora- short notice. tions and other utilities will lie owned Sandy R. D. No. 1, Box 15. K. L. HOUR. East Side State Road, 41 It liruise 2H North State Ktrmt, Murray. by them. Smith of O. S. 1.. Crossing. n Phone 157-- J Call OF Summer Goods Every Day at the CAPITOL PHARMACY, SANDY, Utah. J. Dr. II. SMITH COLD DENTIST 110 So. WE CANNOT QUOTE PRICES HERE, BUT ASK YOU TO COME IN AND The Only Fountain within Five Mill's. Drint here Soda, Cold Cream Drinks, Sundaes, True Fruits. MURRAY, Utah The Finest Candies mauufac lured in the State. THE MORE A MAN KNOWS ALL TRAINS AND CARS about an auto., the more he will STOP AT TIIE DOOR. in the appreciate expert way which we ean put and keep it in GREAT BARGAINS WE WILL OFFER YOU running order. No ordinary ineehanie ean adjust and repair any make of ear. It requires the WJVI. pow The Old Reliable knowledge, skill and experience of trained man to do this properly. 571 South Main Street, We have the men, the facilities, SALT LAKE CITY. t.TAIL ete., to satisfy the most exaeting. Hals of all kinds cleaned, trimmed and blocked. EMIL CARLSON, I.eave your old hats at the ENTER47 So. .State St., PRISE office and have them returned a MURRAY, . i UTAH. in two days as gixul as new. ALL SUMMER GOODS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW AND KEEP THE GARMENTS FOR NEXT SPRING Stale Street gum! tN SEE THE AND SUMMER WEAR. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT OF FALL GOODS. CRAPO SATISFIES n- w O. C. ORAPO & SONS CO. 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |