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Show ROOSEVELT AND JOHNSON CHOSEN C310NEL ROOSEVELT'S CONFESSION OF FAITH Advocate Measures Which He Says Frankly May be Denounced Either As Socialism or Anarchy. DELEGATES SING HYMNS b .Aj&Ks THE NEW PARTY. Chicago Theodore Roosevelt made his confession of faith' on Tuesday to the National Progressive convention. The foimer president struck eut boldly into new ground, advocating measures which he said frankly would be denounced either aa Socialism or anarchy. The delegatea listened to hla speech with the under standing that they must either adopt s platform substantially In consonance with hla views or look elsewhera for a nominee for the presidency. These are the conspicuous points in the Roosevelt program: Recall of Judicial decisions. Colonel Roosevelt now advocates Its extension to apply to federal aa well as state courts. He favors the establishment of machinery to make easier of amendment both the national AS OF Two Candidates Depart From Tradition by Appearing Before Convention to be Notified and to Voice Their Acceptance. . Chicago. The first national convention of the new Progressive party was adjourned at 7:27 p. m. on Wednes-iifiul- r day. after Colonel Theodora Roosevelt had been chosen as the partys candidate for president and Governor nominating them was due to the large of seconding speeches lowed. As has always been the case in national political conventions, the bulk of the work of the Progressive gathering was carried on in the committees. Only s semblance of a conflict of opinion on the Hoot was a brief debate Wednesday as to whether an hours recess should be taken. The point was immaterial; but as one delegate expressed it, We just had to fight about something to make It a convention, Thera was sharp discussion, however, In several committee meetings and no little difficulty in agreeing al- miml-e- r and state constitutions. Use of the government to assist workmen to become part owners ol the business in which they are employed. Control of the trusts through relaw tention of the Sherman anti-truand the establishment of an inter atate industrial commission. Conditions determining monopoly prices to he controlled where these concerns deal with the necessaries of life. Adoption of a number of measures to secure social and Industrial justice to the Legislation to increase popular control of all governmental agencies, Including a national law for presidential primaries, election of United States senators by direct vote, the short ballot, corrupt practices acts aplying to primaries as well hb elections, qualified adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall. 'Woman suffrage. Strcngi.l.t.ning of the pure food law. Establishment, of a national health department. Creation of a permanent tariff commission. Measures to relieve the high cost of living. Development by tbe federal government of the Mississippi river as a deep waterway, by use of the plant employed on the Panama canal zone at completion of the canal. Fortification of tbe Panama canal, ixavy to l;. built up steadily un.-- . reduction of armaments is made possible by International agreement st SKIMMED on Important of All Dairy Farm Eapecially Good for Young Animala. Most The Wretchedness of .Constipation quickly be overcome by Skimmed milk Is the most imporon a farm tant of all tbe in the dairy line, it is worth from 15 cents to 1 a hundred pounds, acto its quality and the use that DAIRY COWS cording Is made of It. Hand separator skimmed milk la of Dutch Belted Cattle Have Bams Genvalue and of greater use than greater eral Qualities of Holstein and skimmed milk obtained by any other Give Largs Milk Yield. method. It gives better satisfaction because the milk la uniform every day. Not very many pure bred herds of If properjy fed, skimmed milk canDutch belted cattle are found any- not be aa a food for young where In America, and their appear- animals.surpassed The greatest danger and ance at the cattle shows always atwaste comes from overfeeding, tracts attention because of the unus- largest especially young pigs and calves. ual color markings. Each animal When the calf la two weeks old, lta possesses the broad white belt about feed be gradually changed from the b.'.Jy presenting the appearance of wholemay milk until only tbe skimmed a blanket milk Is fed. Calves seem to thrive Tbe Dutch belted cattle have the better on tbe warm skimmed milk general qualities of the Holsteins and from the band separator than on the are Inclined to large milk yield. As creamery, where the milk of several the herds actually exist, they ace hundred cows la mixed. If the chickens are fed on skimmed milk and allowed a free range, they will grow very fast In feeding milk to chickens It la greater economy to let the milk stand until It la thick. Skimmed milk la a very satisfactory pig food. Pigs seem naturally Inclined to the sour rather than the sweet milk, but in either case grain muat be fed In order to make a balanced ration. EXCELLENT AS PROPER CARE OF DAIRY COW Can CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and gently on the liver. Cure Biliousness ness, and Indigestion. They do their dutyt SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK, Genuine must bear Signature A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. , this mg rwtwrrli nod cm nmmni, cl) natarq latCMftfkod pf bjpthcariiuiM(fnrthMiioiiifortciid hep Juion.onirC!MiMc ua4 wuhgrmta., Irenvb end thet li li vunbjr thccitMtlua ot ttewcIbMpUali who culler from kidney, blcddcr. sorrows dlasiiMidiRitilfi WMknccNcc.tticcrs.cklc eruption. Ae there ta do dosht In fcctllacrcacvldcnl the bic atlr erected caungt n1iII(. Uic ?! RAPION La declined to ccal Into oblivion ell ShtMlvnsbl iwnwdlnc ibei wore fnrusrriy tho cole rclienre of cmdleal wen. )l Uof court Ibjuo iblo to I iil Buffer! cU w chou id Ilk to toll t In this shun srtirlc. bin those who would likeboa to keuw more shout this remedy that has effected so sjsnv w mlshi simon ssy, Hilrsrtiluuc mm, should send addressed envelops for rHKK book to lw. lers Med.t'o., llsveistoek Hrvd, llemuMeed, London, Kn. snddefililNfortheniseivc whet tier tho Kew Krernih Kerned t. It No. 1. No. I y THCR APION or Nil 1 Is whet they require fn vain daring elite of 'mine re. BarerlngJ'lfhiih& end unhspplnecs. Themidim Is cold iv drnwltiu or Stull I1.UU. yougeinCOH Ml Heckman bt Kew lurk. HOWARD E. BURTON Dutch Belted Cow, probably not equal to several other breeds in average milk yield, but tbe comparison Is hardly fair because there are ten herds of Holstelna, Jerseys or Guernseys to one of the belted, and It is easier to select competitive herds of more popular breeds. One of the best practical uses of the pare bred Block is In crossing with other cattle. Tbe grade heifer of part Dutch belted ancestry is pretty sure to be a good animal for dairy purposes. She will possess the characteristic white belt, although ends of body may be red or roan Instead of black. She will be a large milk yielder, the quality being good, although not particularly rich In butter fat She Is also likely to be a long lived producer and perluips a little more hardy than most pure bred stock. The Dutch belted reproduce their quality with remarkable exactness when crossing with other stock. Jersey Is Highly Developed Milking Machine and Her Characteristics Have Become Fixed. I am every ready to say a good word for tlie dairy cow. I ordinarily give bran and ground oats, even when I have to buy the feed, ard 1 can unhesitatingly say that they always pay It back even twofold. Hie breed which has given me best results are Jerseys, says a writer In an exchange. Some say they do not sell well, but I bave never been troubled In this respect I have alwnys been able to dispose of at good prices any offered for sale, no matter what color they were, providing they were fat. I select tho best heifers from the herd and sell the rest. Lait summer I milked nine cows, but this summer I will have double that number, because a number of heifers are coming In this spring. But 1 never let cows run out every day or roam around tbe barn during winter, because tbe profit would then be very smalL It does not pay to have RECORD OF A HOLSTEIN COW cattle shiver and freeze and use up flesh to keep warm when the object Is Dairy Animal Will Make About Ten to produce milk. I prefer to milk at Times Better Use of Her Food Than regular hours, and It means a great deal; In fact more than many dairy a Good 8teer. Baseball Players Union Formed. New York. Professional baseball players of the major leagues have organized a mutual protective association, with Dave Fultz, former star outfielder of the New York American League club, and now a New York lawyer, as president. It Is the first time since the brotherhood days that the playing fraternity has been united, and while as yet membership is confined to players of the National and B American leagurs, It is intended ultiwanexHrooD mately to take Into the fold every ac& UJBAtOO0 A y. tive member of the minor leagues working under the present system of Hiram W. John .n of California had upon the platform aa finally adopted. organized baseball. Colonel Roosevelt worked with the been selected as his running mate. In charge of the plat Soldier" Onward Christian Singing Break Prisoners Jail. and the Battle Hymn of the Repub-- j form until late Wednesday atternoon, Evanston. Wyo. After binding the delegatee pledged their fealty going over their work of tbe two preJailer Joseph Fife hand and foot and lie," to their party leaders. vious days and nights and vigorously some him la blankets, Joe wrapping a new depaiture In the pro- helping to mould the draft which at Marking Tnrner, serving time fe forgery, openof national conventions, the last proved acceptable to him. The ed tbe cells and llbeiaed all of the ceedings two candidate immediately were no- platform did not take up the negro prisoners In the county jail In this tified of their nomination and In the question. city on Wednesday. Scren men were midst of deafening cheers they in the jail and ail but one took advan-t:g- e before the delegates to voice of the Jallbrcak. Turner jumped their acceptance and to pledge their e:i the jailer and overpowered him, beti. efforts to the coming campaign. just as Fife and a trusty were enterFor several hours during the aftering to feed the prisoners. Hcrt Dal- noon and early evening the throng in ton, parner of the Whitney brothers, the ColiBcum had listened to a flow of escaped with the others oratory in nominating and seconding speeches, in which the dominant note Lumber Men Indicted. expressed was the belief that victory Sp(ikaii), Wash. A. L. Forter or would come to the new party In NoSpokane, secretary of 'me Western Re- vember. tail Lumbermens association, who R.i n:ond Robbins of Illinois pledged w th thirteen other secretaries of re- a 100,000 majority for the national tail lumber dealers' associations, was ticket in Illinois, and Gifford Plnchot Indicted in June. 1911, on a criminal predicted a 300,000 majority for Colcharge of violating the Sherman law, onel Roosevelt and Governor Johnson has been released on his cash bond in his home state of Pennsylvania. Moun ef by Judge Kennesaw These statements were cheered to the tain Landis of the northern district echo. f Illinois, and his bond accepted. The party formally christened itself the Progressive party," leaving out Permit Agricultural Entry. the prefix national" by which it has The house puhlle heretofore been known, but provision Washington. lands committee has reported favor- was made for the recognition ofreal ably the Smoot bill, which has passed progressives In any of the states by the senate, permitting agricultural whatever name they should be locally Mias Jane Adams of Hull house. Chicago, was among those who secentry on coal and gas lands, these pro- designated because of state laws. sesIt She was was onded Colonel Roosevelt. in ducts being reserved to the governthree the days During ment. sion. there was not a roll call nor a greeted enthusiastically. The new party formally placed itballot. The delegates asked no such Betting on the Election. formalities, either in placing their self on record os favoring equal sufNew York. Retting In Wall street candidate in nomination or in voting frage and further recognized the sufon the presidential race was brisk on for them. There was not a voice of fragette movement by providing for on the Tiiisi,:iy with Wilson a 2 to 1 favor-H- opposition, either to Colonel Roosevelt four women members-at-larg- e Odds of 5 to 4 and 19 to 7 were or Governor Johnson. The delay in national committee. given that Roosevelt will heat Taft Fighting In China. Aged Veteran Dies. Stop Smuggling by Tax. London. Severe fighting has broken Elizabeth. N. J. Colonel George II. Pan Francisco. "If opium were taxed $." a pound, smuggling would Sweet, & veteran of the Mexican nnd out at Wu Chang, in the Chinese proaccording to It news reaae and the government would ob- civil wars, Is dead at his home, The vince of llu-Pe81. served He of the at age agency dispatch received here front said United Maples." tain a large revenue, Tien-Tsi- n In Mcxhnn Scott The trouble arose over the the General under Duncan E. ustoms Klates ( Surveyor war. disbanding of some of the Iroopa. McKinley In discussing the subject AfteF the Beef Trust. Linotype President Seeks Divorce. One Commissioner for Canal. beef of a Reno. Nov. Philip T. Dodge, presiSoaring Discussion Washington. prices of the Washington. canal bill occupied the senate vnrt other meats have attracted the dent of the Morgen thaler Linotype of the federal government, company of New York, has filed a suit Tsesilay .and the principal action by attention the effect of hurrying for divorce from Margaret B. Dodge, hare and may a was of substitution the that body of tbe 3ii the who Is now In New York. The comone-mainvestigation form of govt prevision for a beef trust. plaint charges desertion. eranv .it In the canal zone. jy&azazf' ttarfyizr j I HAECKER, Nebraska Agricultural College.) To Illustrate the economic work of a good dairy cow In transforming forage and grain Into human food, I wish to call attention to the record of a Holstein cow owned at the Nebraska station. This cow produced In one year 18,540 pounds of milk, which contained 13 per cent of solids, which Is equivalent to 2 503 pounds of total solids, which Is largely assimilative and In the most favorable condition for human food. A good steer at the proper age and under the best methods of feeding will Increase his weight about 750 pounds In a year. After deducting 55 or 60 per cent of dressing, and 85 per cent for water, we have remaining about 250 pounds of nutriment as against In other 2,500 pounds for the cow. words ,a good cow makes about ten times better use of her food than a good steer. This I have given merely to Illustrate that where economy In tbe use of stock food la necessary the dairy cow will prove to be a far better animal In turning profits. (By PROF. A. Popular Breed of Jersey. men realize. I never chase the cows home with a dog. But the animals learn to recognize the voices of my wife and children, and aa soon as they bear their names called cotne, because they have been ao bandied that they love to be petted, fondled and milked. The Jersey cow is a highly developed milk making machine. Site has been bred so long for this purpose that her characteristics have become d BABCOCK TESTER IS PRAISED fixed, and the descendants of a dairy cow can be depended upon. The amount of milk that she will Invention Has Revolutionized Dairy- make depends largely on the amount ing Industry Bulletin Issued of food that you can get her to use. by Wisconsin Station. wel-bn-- A fitting recognition of Dr. Stephen Moulton Babcocks services to tbe dairy world through the Invention of the milk tester bearing his name Is found In a circular lately issued by the Wisconsin experiment station. Its title is The Coming of Age of the Babcock Test, and It Is written by Dean Russell. In bulletin 24, Issued In 1890 by the same station, tbe Babcock test was given to the public. The Invention has so completely revolu- e. d my-co- Babcock Testing Outfit lionised dairying, putting It on sound business basis, that upon Its twenty-firs- t birthday official recognition of the inventor's work Is given by the same Institution that fostered tbe Invention. Tbe circular contains complete account of the Invention of the tester and should be read with wherever cows are known. ln-ler- Daipy Notes for comfort, Select tbe milking-stoo- l not for a club. The best pasture fence is good feed in the pasture. A suspected cow should be tested with tuberculin. A dark stable helps keep the cows quiet at milking time. In milking It Is the last few pulle that produce the profits. The making of butter on the farm la almost a thing of the past. The good dairy cow eats largely, llgesla amply and milks abundantly. A bit of grain In the manger at milking time can call the cows farther than you can. Cows, to do their beat should have some green or succulent feed every day In the year. The hotter the weather the hotter the water should be with which tbe milk things ire cleaned. The profit to be made from dairying depends upon feeding and care as well aa upon breeding. Dairy products are high. Where la that surplus of dairy products some folks were sure we were to have? Salting is one of the most Important parts of good butter making. It takes an artist to know Just how It should be done. Have a pair of small stanchions for the calves, and fasten each In Its place at feeding time. Give them all a fair chance. A8?heem".sV,d ltl. 1: Isold perl men prtcet: Gold, Kilver, or Copper, $1. Mailing envelopes and full prlro lie sent on cpplimltnn, Control and umpire work solicited. Leaulvili Dots UcturaiMo, Csrbuualc MaUooal llsuk. H flllvor, Tbes (sold, fitie; Xlnc 52 LOCK! AGENTS BIG WINNERS Hntaloqufl and ' Jefferson Mtreet, Chlvndo Household Specialties, saiupleH KKKK. wage-worke- n MILK IS VALUABLE Ll 103 CO Mo MWIALTl W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Kl-I- 33-19-12. Homely Philosophy. After all, it isnt always those villi the loudest voices that have the best things to say, said the little brown ben." To be aweet and clean, every woman should uae Faxtine In sponge bathing. It eradicates perspiration and all other body odors. At drugg'stf. 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Iaxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Not So Bad. "I don't see bow you can find life S'orth living in such & small town." "Oh, lt'a not so bad. We probably have just as many scandals here as thers are In your neighborhood." Speed the Parting Guest. Father Knickerbocker Can't itay a little longer? Departing Visitor red cent left Father jood-by- . No. Haven't a Knickerbocker Oh! Well, Expect Big 8ale of Rod Cross Seals. Tbe campaign for selling Red Cross teals this year will be carried on in practically every state and territory In the United Slates, and even in Porto Rico, the Canal Zone, Hawaii and Philippine Islands. No less than 100,000 volunteer agents, Including department, drug and other kinds of stores, motion picture theaters. Individuals, and olliers, will be engaged in the work. Before the sale is oompleted, it Is expected that at least 100,000,000 seals will have been printed and distributed, besides several million posters, display cards and other forms ot advertising literature. Hot Weather Drink. Philip Hale, one of Boston's latter-da-y phllosopners, recommends barley water as s more sensible drink for hot " blends of war weather than ters, sirups, acids, gulped at the marble fountains. Mr. Hale's recipe for hla favorite tipple is as follows: For three pints of water you will require a teacupful and a half of well washed pearl barley, four lumpe of sugar and the thin rind and Juice of one lemon. Pour boiling water over It, cover with a saucer and let it stand till cold; then strain again and again till clear, and pour into a Jug." A buttermilk fan adds: Then set the Jug in a cool placa and forget It." "ice-cold- A Triumph Of Cookery Post Toasties Many delicious dishes have been made from Indian Com by the skill and ingenuity of the expert cook. But none of these tions excels Post crea- Toast-ie- s in tempting the palate. Toasties are a lux- ury that make a delightful hot -- weather economy. The first package tell its own story. The Memory Lingersts Sold by Graccn, Pimm Bool Midk. U. S. A. Cmk. Cirar, Caftwl |