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Show Southern Salt Lake COLONISTS CROSS THE BORDER COUNTY ENTERPRISE HUNDREDS KILLED W. D. 8. Harrington, Managing Editor. SANDY, - . - UTAH STATE NEWS The Utah Fruit .ublic.ily league fcai requested the publicity bureau of the Salt Lake Commercial club to assist In advertising and disposing of Utah's fruit crop. The Utah Chautauqua association meeting at Ogden was not a financial success, the directors reporting a toss of $500. Last year the expenditures exreeded tlie receipts by $900. Tbq president of the Itax Elder take has decided to discontinue Sunday services in the tabernacle for the month of August. Meetings will be held In four city wards instead. J. C. Aubeg, a pioneer well driver o( Payson, died last week from Injuries received in a runaway. Aubrg came to this country from Germany about forty years ago. lie was unmarried. Fire at Midvale partially destroyed a frame house belonging to Mrs. Thomas Le Tage. The lire la supposed to have started from sparks from a passing Rio Grande locomotive, By a vote of 115 to 16 taxpayers ol Coalville decided to bond the city for $15,000 to Install a waterworks system. A large spring west of the city will be utilized. Work will be started at once. BY Americans From Casas Grandea District Finally Rekch New Mexican Soil In 8afety. UTAH. STORIES OF RUTHLESS ACTS OF El Paao, Texas. Word was receives BRUTALITY COME FROM WAR here Sunday that the 300 American STRICKEN MEXICO. men who have been traveling overland for the last week from the Mormon colonies in the Casas Grandea district arrived safely at Hachita, N. Garrison Wiped Out and Many M. The arrival at the border of this Killed, While Train la group lirlugs out practically all the on Ambuched and All Board American settlers in the Casas Butchered. Brutally Grandea district. Men of Colonla Morelos, south of Douglas, Arts., however, have decided to remain and if Mexico City. Two hundred dead necessary fight for their homes. were lying in the atreeta of Ixtapa The party arriving at llatchita Monday night after Genevevo I)e compose residents of the Juarez, Dub-laLao's band of Zapatistas halted on Garcia and Pacheco colonies, from its march to Toluca, the capital ot which settlements all women and all the state of Mexico, only fifteen milet children were sent here a fortnight north. The town was garrisoned by ago. about 100 rurales. JOHNSON WILL NOT RESIGN. Fighting occurred around Tenan-cinearlier in the day and 600 federal quartered there defeated the Progressive Candidate for Will Not Give up Poeition rebels. The latter then concentrated ae Governor. their efforts on the smaller garrison of rurales at Ixtapa. San Francisco. Governor lllram W. At the end of the fighting all the Johnson, candidate of the Progressive rurales were dead and the total ol party for the office of two hundred Included many of the of the United States, arrived Sunday townspeople as well as Zapatistas. direct from Chicago. He stopped at The rurales founght desperately. Sacramento, the capital of the s'ate, , Thirty-sisoldiers and more than only ten minutes, where he made an twenty passengers were slaughtered address to persona assembled at the when a passenger train wag attacked railroad atation to welcome him. In from ambush north of Tlcuman, 110 hia talk he said that he had been draftmiles south of Mexico City. ed Into the ranks of the fighters for According to reports, the leaders of the cause which the third party reprethe rebels made absolutely no effort sents and that he waa ready to do to restrain his men from acts of bru- hia duty. He announced that he would tality greater than any that have yet not resign aa governor ot California. marked the campaign in the south. The wounded, pleading for their lives, Congress May Adjourn Soon. were struck down without pity and Washington. Congress la about to even .looting was held in abeyance terminate a session that has now run until slaughter was complete. over 250 days. The session has not Not satisfied with robbing their vic- been fruitful of much general legit-- ' tims In the ordinary manner, the latlon, but from the standpoint of fingers of men and women were great issues fought and great policies chopped off with hatches, that rings outlined it has been of more than they wore might be more quickly ob- usual interest. Many annual approtained. Ornaments were torn from priation bills that should have become ears of women and their bodies were effective July 1, still are at Issue beotherwise mutilated. tween the two houses. Minor legislation and Important questions of genWILL ABIDE BY THE COUNT. eral interest are being laid aside in Clagstone of Idaho Not in Favor of an effort to bring about adjournment by next Saturday, or at the latest by Third Party Movement the end of the following week. Spokane, Wash. Before leaving for Boise, Idaho, to attend the official Great Britain Will Protest. canvass of the vote cast at the Idaho London. Arguing that well Informprimary election, Paul Clagstone, who ed In Canada and France and on the face of the returns was defeat- evenopinion In the United States la unable to ed by eighteen votes by John M. reconcile the dlfferedllal treatment of Haines of Boise for the Republican American shipping In the matter of nomination for governor, said: the Panama canal with the While a great many third party the Times depreworkers have suggested my name as cates the treaty, of strong lanemployment a possible candidate for the governorbecause It the guage upon subject ship nezt fall, I feel that I entered would be calculated to Impede a quiet In the race the Republican primaries and friendly discussion of the matter as s straightout Roosevelt man and with the United States, which it will nearly won. I feel that I must abide be the British government's duty to by the result and under no circum- undertake. I stances will accept the nomination for governor on a third party ticket. Stabs Husband Through Heart Limited Plunges Through Bridge. Portland, Ore. Otto Fiechtl fa dead Seattle. Five persons were killed from a knife wound, and Mrs. Ethel and several Injured Monday when Fiechtl, hia wife, la under arrest on a the westbound Olympian limited of charge of murder. According to Mrs. the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Fiechtl, the couple spent practically Sound railroad broke through a bridge all night in quarrels and reconciliahalf a mile west of Keechelus, sixty-seve- n tions. In the final quarrel, she said, mile east of Seattle. The Fiechtl crowded her to the wall, slapand the ping and striking her with his fist train is a double-heade- r engineers and firemen of both engines Then, she said, to save herself from were killed. Mrs. Simon Jurich of further punishment, she seized s dirk. Seattle was the only passenger killed which was hanging on the wall, and and railroad officials say none other lunged at Fiechtl, driving the blade was Injured. straight through his heart. THOUSANDS ARE HOMELESS AND MANY TOWNS AND VILLAGES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. Seismic Disturbance in Turkey, Followed by Outbreak of Fire, Causes Heavy Loss of Life and Many of Survivors Are Camping In Fields. The details of the Consiintlnople. earthuake, which are coming iu slowly owing to the interruption of the wires, indicate that the seismic disturbances n, o Vice-Preside- nt WA vice-preside- DISTRICT ATTORNEY WHITMAN of New York, here seen at his desk, hands full these days with the prosecution of Police Lieutenant Becker and others for the murder ot Herman Rosenthal. x Clyde W. Jackson, formerly cashier of the Helper State bank, accused of embezzling and arrested July 20, was sentenced to serve two years by Judge A. H. Christensen of the district court at Price on Thursday. son of Harold Stevens, George Stevens of Burch Creek, Weber county, was severely bitten by a bulldog. The baby's face was torn, several sltches being taken by the attending surgeon. While attempting to extract a shell from a rifle, Vinson Porter of Ogden accidentally shot himself is the right foot. The bullet entered the top of the foot and ranged downward, breaking two small bones. With reservations already made at local hotels for 250 delegates, there is every promise of a record attendance at the annual' convention of the American Institute of Banking, which opens at Salt Lake City, August 21. ' Armed with the first search and seizure warrant Issued in Ogden, under the new liquor law. Chief of Police W. L Norton of Ogden raided an ostensible grocery store and confiscated $1,500 worth of malted and spin ttuous liquors. The greenhouse being erected as the state school for the deaf and blind at Ogden will be completed In about three weeks and will be one of tbs most modem In the state. It will d cost $1,500, is 22x55 feet, and divided Into three separate rooms Frank Co k: lough, night marshal at Midvale, was killed, one man fatally Injured and two sKghtly wounded, when two masked men attempted to hold up a saloon In Midvale, one of the robbers being shot by Cblclough after he bad been fatally Injured. Utah, aa a state, will spend the sum of $50,000 In advertising her resources thh year. Of this sum the business Interests of Salt Lake City are subscribing $10,000 for convention work and $15,000 for publicity. Salt Lake City herself is subscribing the sum of $5,000. The disappearance of Joseph Melo-graof Ogden, who narrowly escaped drowning at Lagoon July 28 when his cam panton, MIbs Emms Youngquist, s'as drowned after the accidental of a boat, leads his overturning friends to believe he has become mentally deranged. Notwithstanding the decrease In taxes the Utah county commission plans an active road compaign this fall The first piece of work to ne taken up will be from the Timpanogoa meeting house through to the road running by the Edgewood farm and onto the 'ast bench. Having traveled 3,000 miles on foot ind with only such equipment as can he put on the backs of two burros, S. L. Con ro, his wife and his ion, arrived in Salt lake Thursday, bound for Brigham City, whence they went Into Mexico as Mormon seven years ago. Miss Dorothy Drexel, who came to Eureka iu company with Alex died under circumstances which aroused the suspicion of officials. McCbrystal and Dick Camp bell were placed under arri-Bt- . Tn girl died from an overdose of laud anum. E. T. Joues. who lived north ol Helper, was struck by a train while driving across the track, his lifeless body being found beside the trark sumo time later. The mangled horse and broken buggy were discovered on the cowcatcher when the train pullea Into Price. Walls of the new concrete barn being built by the boys of the State industrial school at Ogden are nearly completed. The barn will be quite an Addition to the school and will cost ,000. When completed the barn can be figured at a valuation of $7,000. file police are now reasonably rer tain that Roy Carpenter, the young man lying In a Salt Lake hospital with a bullet wound through his hip, was shot either by a policeman or a railroad detective while trying to make his way out of tho Oregon Short Unt yards on a freight train. col-snls- ts Find Gold in Basement. Bingham, Utah. Rock carrying free gold values of from $3i0 to $2,687 per ton was discovered Monday by work men as they were excavating for a new heating plant in the basement of the Bolognese block on Main street in the heart of Ilingham and almost directly across the street from the Declares That Low Rates of Compromise Measure Would Bring Disaster to Industry in This Country. FOUR HUNDRED L08E LIVES AS Washington. For the second time RE8ULT OF EXPL08ION WHICH within a year President Tal't ou Friday DESTROYED PALACE. vetoed a bill to revise the wool tariff schedule K" of the Payne-Aldriclaw. President of Republic of Haytl Among The president returned to congress the Victims, the Menfberc of His the bill evolved aa a compromise between the house and senate, holding Family Being Saved Cause of that its low rates would bring disasExplosion Unexplained. ter tq home Industry. He appealed to congress, however, not to adjourn until It had enacted a measure substaniPort au Prince, Haytl. General tially to reduce unnecessary existing Leconte, president of the re- duties without destroying protection public of Haytl, perished Thursday in for the wool Industry In the United a fire which destroyed the national States. palace. It was caused by an explosion The president's disapproval of the of thjv powder magazine attached to wool bill Is to he followed with similar the palace. Vetoes of the steel1 bill and the cotton Later Investigation showed that the bill. The sugar bill Is likely to be verasuslty list In dead and wounded toed, as is the excise bill, the latamounted to 400 persons. ter probably on the ground that the The explosion occurred at 2:15 president believes It unconstitutional. o'clock Thursday morning and the FREE TOLL IS PROPOSED. shock shattered the palace. Fire followed quickly and the palace, a wooden structure, was consumed within 8enate Approves Administration Meashalf an hour. There were a great ure Providing Free Passage Through number of explosions of munitions of . Panama Canal to American Ships. war that had been stored in the celThe Panama canal adWashington ministration hill, providing free pas- lars. All the houses around the palace sage to American ships, prohibiting vessels from using the were greatly damaged, but as the pal- railroad-owneace itaelf was Isolated the firemen sucand authorizing the estab-- ! n ceeded in their efforts to localize the lishment of a government wss when the canal is completed, fire. The members of the family of the passed by the senate Friday night, by to fifteen. The president, all of whom were in the a vote of forty-sevepalace at the time, were saved, but provision for free tolls, which was President Leconte himself perished. fought out in the senate Wednesday, At a Joint meeting of the chamber was endorsed again jut before the and senate Thursday afternoon, Uen passage of the measure. eral Tancrede Auguste, senator and nnister of public works, was nam- - JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. ed as president h d one-ma- -- Shooting at Butte Picnic is Butte, Mont John MllkovPrh dead and lanzor Tusvich fatally wounded as a result of their lore of firearms. The two attended a miner s picnic near here Sunday and practiced A cowboy or with their revolvers. lorest ranger, whose identity has wit been established, and who, it is Imagined that he was being shot at, opened fire with his rifle and both men were wounded in the legs, Milkovltch died from loss of blood and there Is no hope for his cuinpauiou. ' post-offic- . j Will Commute Sentence. President Taft has Washington. decided to commute to life Imprisonment the death sentence of Mattie Lomax, a negro woman convicted of murdering her husband. She is said to have tuberculosis. a, PROGRESSIVE TICKET FOR IDAHO Probable That a Complete State Ticket Will be Placed in the Field. Caldwell, Idaho. Alleging that the nomination of John H. Haines was accomplished by the lavish expenditure of money and declaring that his nomination assures the election of a Democratic governor, unless the people be given an opportunity to vote for a Progressive, J. II. Gipson, state chairman of the Progressive party, stated Saturday that the Idaho Progressives state ticket headed by would plape Paul Clagstone in the field at unre. The ticket will be complete with the possible exception of justice of the preme court and one congressman, French and Stewart, being both re-garded as Progressives. The nomination will be made by petition and a meeting of the state committee has been called to coply with legal formalities. Will Attend Funeral of Mikado. Washington. Fur the first time in the history of the United Stales, the secretary of state haa been designated as a special embassador to a foreign power. President Taft on Saturday assigned Secretary of State Knox as special embassador to Japan to attend the funeral of the late emperor, on September 1, with the statement that the mission was given to the premier of the cabinet us tin evidence of American friendship lor Mut-suhlt- Japau. Minority is With Catlln. Washington Representative Theron Catlln, the young millionaire and society man from St. Louis, betrothed of Miss Laura Merrlam, a Washington beauty, is given a clear title to Ills seal In the house under a Republ can report filed by I he minority members of the house coinmi'.Ue of elections, which Investigated charges of Illegal use of money in his election. cell under double guard. .It is feared will attempt to kill himself. Schepps almost collapsed when arrested. Hia fear of the New York police and the 'system if he turns informer is just about balanced by h!s dread of the electric chair If he does not tell all he knows. that he j ! Arizona Team Wins. Butte. Pickens and Page of (llnhe, contest at Ariz., won theock-rtrillin- g the annual picnic of the Butte Miner' union on Sunday, sending their steel into solid granite 43 Inches in llfteen minutes. The purse was $l.nno. The team of Bardxlaw and Kinselln. also of Butte, waa second with 41 1M6 Inches. Four teams contested. injured. Bloodhounds to Trail Miscreant. was Idaho. Application Boise, made to the Idaho penitentiary on Monday for bloodhounds to aid in the pursuit of a negro who attacked Mrs. , Ban-laywife of a railroad engineer at Huntington. Ore. were widespread. Several hundred persons have been killed, thousands are homeless and outbreaks of fire have occurred in many towns and villages. Great destruction has been caused by the upheaval. The entire district between Constantinople and Adrianople felt the shock severely. Fugitives from Myriophito report 300 killed and 6,000 injured. The town was still burning when they has been wiped out. left Guuos-Hor-a eighty persons being killed and thirty wounded. The wrecked buildings took fire and most of them were burned. Shar-Ko- l was destroyed and two nearby villages were engulfed. Adrianople suffered little damage, but Tohorlu was partly destroyed by the earthquake and fire. The course of the disturbance appears to have been In the region of the Dardanelles. Eye witnesses from that section give harrowing accounts of the havoc wrought The majority ol the houses In the Gallipolis are in ruins and the people are camping in is in an the fields. Tofeanak-Kaless- i equally bad plight, but the loss of life in these towns is small, although the Injured are many. Warships anchored in the Dardanelles felt the shock severely. It was first attributed to a torpedo boat. The captain of the American steamer Virginia reports that the light house at Gancs-HorIn the sea of Marmora, haa disappeared and that the villages in the surrounding country are in flames. He was unable to anchor and render assistance owing to the violent movement of the sea. Schepps Fears Gang. Hot Springs, Ark. Sam Schcpps, paymaster of the men who murdered Herman Rosenthal, spent Sunday In a Santa Fe Shops Burn. Cleburne. Texas. Fire starting In the Santa Fe railroad shops here caused an estimated loss of $250,000. lighted candle in the hands of A. V. Campbell, a boilermaker, set an oil tank ablaze. Campbell was fatally Charged With Poisoning Husband. Mrs. Frieda Trost, Philadelphia. proprietress of an pptown saloon, was arrested on a charge of having caused the death of her husband, William Trost, within a week after her marriage by administering poison. PRESIDENT VETOES WOOL BILL OF CHARLES P. NEILL Denounces Da r row. Los Angeb-s- , Cal. Alternately denouncing Clarence S. Harrow as a corrupter of men and lauding his brilliancy of mind, Assistant District Attorney W. J. Ford made the opening argument in the Harrow bribery trial fa Monday. The denunciation extended to others eonnected with the delense of the Chicago lawyer. j I of This la Charles P. Neill, United States commissioner of labor, who ia so successful In adjusting disputes between s and employers wage-earner- Agree to Appropriation. Shot Her Husband. Favorable rejwrt Washington rank Licher aged Cincinnati. resolution appropriating 3o o Aurora, Ind was shot six ln.esrelief and transports- in the ah' omen by hi. wire at the from Mexico refugees home of Dr. Ralph Tilley of Peter.-hoUse the " a dare: burg, Ky., ns the result of on Tucslay. committee by Metier, who had become estranged j from his wife. Record Price for Steers. Kansas City, Mo. Another record Sugar Plant Burns. New Iberia, La. Fire Siinday night was broken at the stock yarns when V. H. Tapp of Liberty, sold through practically destroyed the plant near Swift-HenrCommission company the here of the Segura Sugar company. The estimated less Is slightly under' carload of steers at $l.li a O.-F- - . y huti-.drc- f.nn ruin EARTHQUAKE pound. Detroit Officials Confess. Detroit. It was admitted Saturday that Prosecuting Attorney Hugh Sliep-urhas in his possession the confessions of three of the. c'glit.een city official now under arrest in connection with recent developments in the local aldermunlc graft scandal. d Mr. Rockefeller, In order to Nomination Withdrawn. Taft has Washington. President withdrawn from the senate the appointment of Iaslie M Scott aa Ctiited States marshal for the district of Ore- gon. There had been much opposition to the appointment. facili- tate the social service work in which nae he ie interested, gathered, through detect! vee, a maaa of evidence againet the crooked policemen of New York that probably will be uaed in tho Roaenthal case. Taft'B Seeks War Loan. Washington. The Dominican minis- ter here, Dr. Iton Francisco J. l'rinado, lias been instructed by his government to im ange fur a loan of $Umi0.(iu to enable tho Douiiuican republic to war upon Haiti. Would Allot Coal Lands to Cities. Wasiii'.i'ttoti. Horretnry Filter has i piiin to allot government coal lands to cltl'-s- , which In turn tuny opt rale them under certain regulations to supply muti'rlpa! needs us wll as those ol eitieiiM. the Veto. When Pros'dent Taft wool hill he stamjied with Washington. v,ll Twenty-fift- tJle!we"t.,:'nrih i ure sent to him from congress. Most of the vetoes were on comparatively unimportant subjects. To Build Forts at Flushing. Berlin. Fresh flora information Holland shows that the Du'.it government now Intends proi-rcng a! a very curly date with ti,e bill providt.i;1 rli-'.iit- u ing for the erection forts. |