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Show IRRIGATION YASTE OF IRRIGATION Much Loss Can Be Avoided by Preparation of Ground. Much Dreaded Evaporation Can Be Avoided by Using Water in Reser- voir During Early Months and Then Filling Again. inui-- water ill; you waste dur- ing the lust run? Didn't wasti any not u drop got out of my field." ThU tuny Ik true and still you wasted water. It went down instead of off and whenever water soaks down one, two. yes, even five feet in eikis, it is wasted. This ran only be avoided by mure careful preparation of the ground. In California I found the bottom and sides of many supply laterals cennnted and the fields were prepared as carefully as a lawn tennis ground In Colorado. This was true even In the alfalfa fields. The old middle furrows and bark furrows were entirely obliterated, men worked over the fields wlih luu.d graders aficr the levels had been used, and every depression was tilled and every knoli leveled. The result was that when water was turned on it spread as on a floor. In Colorado the irrigator Is waiting half the time for his head of water to wet up the high sis, is. forgetting that all this time the water is Injuring the crop on the low spots and v. Ill in time ruin the land. When we get down to thorough intensive farming and gardening our whole country will change Its nature ami atqiciranro. I M ean by this intensive alfalfa crops, intensive whent anil o; ts. ns well as Intensive gardening, writes 1). C. Huberts in ih Denver Tills Farm. and Held will reiii!rc Hie breaking up of our big ranches into 10. 2d ami 40acre lots, with a man working intensely on every five or ten acres, and this will also require a more ronsluut sup ply of water not more water necessarily. hut more frequent nuts. With our present water facilities kept In good repair and under careful supervision, there is no excuse for lack of water even In ihe drvest seasons. Rome water should be in the canal nil the time during the pluming and seeding months of spring. If a reservoir is filled n winter the e is no need of lei ting it seep and evaporate during the hot season use it up first say in April and May. It can be again filled In June for August irrigation. Ily this means the dreaded evaporation so much talked about All we need to could be avoided. make this fair and rich lav of land blossom as the rose Is a little practical management. I often wonder why people do not mulch more In their gardens and around lawn shrubs and plants. The benefits are two-folFirst, If manure Is used It leaches into the soil and fertilizes It. Second, It keeps the surface roots moist and hence vigorous. In the hot sandy lands of Florida advantage Is taken In a similar manner by idling leaves weighted down around the plants, thus conserving 1h- - moisture as well ns protecting the routs from the excessive bent of the sun. An excellent way to keep mid strnwhi rry plants productive thrifty ?s to make quite deep furrows br tween the rows and fill them with strawy stable manure, well tram tied down. This will keep down the wnda as well ns fertilize the plants nnd tie same rule npidies quite us well to all the bush fruit. Wfter can ho run through the rows slo'vlv or IT by bore, can lie sprayed thoroughly. Clean straw or boards call he put clos'dy ai'romd tho Ft"aw-berruhints to keep the berries from sanding. I see a few Fingree farms In our town lots, hut wish to see more or them. The little hack yard 25x1 will j Summerfatlow Is Best and OF ALFALFA illy lout year It la generally agreed. 1 thluk, that aa the west Is usually subject to only a rather light rainfall which means briefly "A lack of moisture," the conservation of such la of the utmost Im- have found Experience that the suiunierfallow is the best apd practically the only method by which we cun hold the surplus moisture of nnn season over for the lienelit of a crop in the following season. One might liken the fallow unto a reserrapacity of voir; tlw which is only by Just that nmimut uf work anil lillace It may receive. and also Isv doing this work Just at I fe proper limes. Riu-l- i a fallow will provide at. least seed and bread In the driest of sea- port Mini. 'vp Plc.iced in PARSON'S) many of my friends scrtptlon to the is as hard on the the soli ns If It had been eontlnimlly crcq ped. Nevertheless many old fields through the province which have been worked , . banner pay ment fur (ItHNUWiA.L aut Oil NBWJ the-Mal- e ENTERPRISE. Stale Town 1.00; 2 years, 91.50 I year, Any SANDY, UTAH. in the li. S. TIN AND METAL WORKER. Guttering, Good I In litisiness fur your Health. ....... tt whne Peter Pierson Capitol Phaimacy Wcr. Roofing and Copper Work Gimrartttd. Repairing of All Kinat. N. E. cor. 1st North and State iw-e- Prescriptions our Specialty. Sandy, Utah. It NYALS 100 REMEDIES, Good for All. All Good, Capitol Pharmacy, Agency It We have the only Soda Foun- - BICYCLES and AUTOMOBILES Call and let US tain in Sandy. General Repairing done serve you. 3 West Main Street, riioiit, 'Alien planted in ;h' fall oil siimmri inlhiweil land, it will sometimes sue i Is right, but it Is red if tbe tl l.y c.dd and1 exu mir wry cn.-il- v I'rtuiyhi when J ut.g ei.il nut A b'.nr.d of a.'iil- e tubli.-icdsecured !:y .tin; low plowing an 1 a Advocate, CUL'NTY Name In-s- 1 stant fallowing for $ re- 1 water-holdin- ,1,at Enclosed find K K quested an opinion from me aa to the late planting or ulfalfa. At that time I bad only my own experience to profit by. which is that' early planting is much the licit. In the nieaiiimn. however, 1 have been able to iiccnuiilate some data from all over (be dry stales, and I Anil that the pcri'ciiiage uf successful planting after July Is only about 25, while Thai of early pluming about April nnd May Is about 75 or Mb and with deep plowlug probably 1U0 tier cent,; In fact. have no record of Miy failure to idituln a stand where the plowing was eight Inches or more attil the alfalfa sowed before June. The i aver; ge date for the planting of till:? legume seems to center iiruiiiid the limiisif April, and when the ground is wet down to a depth of two feet or more and plowed deep, there is little or no riak of failure. Alfalfa Is peculiar in this respect: it requires plenty of uioihtnre at the start, but cure established, no drought cun I. HI it out. The lop may dry. but it will b':i! hi. i in fruin the root. 1n If grout'll lx plowed deeply the reots go down vciv quick- MH.M ug Sl hail cclllir.l a ,, rll)!i it lH practically ,,ut of In Sections Where Rainfall Is Rather Light Conservation of Such la of Utmost Importance Solution of Weed Problem. "n ENTERPRISE: COL'NTY PUBLISHER the Season. Pract- ically Only Method. VY'lioie the cost uf cultivation U large the losses iTuin drought are felt all the more severely, as the expenses are eesntially the same whether a half crop or a lull one is harve&ied. of from one to two linmiied dollars per ucre bs a result of a few ii ks' drought are not uncommon iu the east. The experience of practical men and experiments by a number of mat ions indicate ti.ut an investment in an iiTig.il ion pLnt where market garden crops nnd small IruPb are grown will pay exet-p- ; tonally good interest. Mr. Milo 11. Williams of Hu department of agriculture!, who is in cuarge ol iirigaiion invest j.;aiions In the humid region, has compiled a table snowing tbe number of days when irrigii tiou was required during tiir leu years from linn) to I9:i9. inclusive, in repre-- , sentittive points In the humid region. For instance, at Ames, la , irrigation was necessary IIP) days during ibis period; Oshkosh, Wig., days; Vino- land, X. J., 252 days; Columbia, S. C., 508 days, and Selma. Ala., 721 days. Air. YViilituns arrives at this conclusion by determining that (Tops need water after every dry period of not less than 15 days, so that each and every day Included In the table represents periods tiint tbe drougiu extended over the y period. While the humid region fanner lias uoi the largest water supplies that may be available for the arid land farmer, he has many smaller streams which may be developed cheaply. Streams varying in size front creeks to large rivers are usually available for pumping purposes; ponds and lakes have few oilier cue than for irrigation. The process of applying water to crops by distributing it through tbe fields under pressure w.bii.h will si ray it Into the afr aud let li fall like a gentle rain has great. ossihil!lles In A spray system the humid region. will distribute water evenly over the Kutfnrc of rough or rolllrg lands, of soil or mi, lei ground conditions. Crops ccnipleiely covering tiie grourd can in ibis way be irrigated PLANTING No Record of Failure to Obtain Stand Where Sowing Was Done Early in . 24S-J- . If you want a good A.iii im.l , 1 have the h;u.-- ) the Michigan. 47 So. State Street MURRAY, UTAH ihor-i.Mii'hl- y Electricity . C. H. BANKS sets free fer:P- - ; ,w,( bf.a,si.n ;,;r some rianm or other Hy may continue j 0ru.n H.if : (,t afur a .,r or two. Supplies Many Ilot Weather without i1. addition of manure and The young pb.nts 111 the seed hRf Comforts. fertilizers is a question which will will stiiiid a li mperainre of about 2" probably lie oly answered hy actual Fahrenheit if !.t y are covered with test and demonstration. YYe know that snow, (be danger , Wit limit soils of different localities differ, that point is n! out 2't digrees. The 1"W some lands will stand crop bearing for the altitude tbe non cold they . , a lonpPr b"' ,?m; Mz.iul. nrd cinee we find that lack of .,,lan Is founded on fact air pressure increases the bursting mons'-p-eand pructlce and not a simple matter power of rror.i n sap. this rule arp'-THE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. of theory, tells us that the day muat not only to Hlfaifa. bat to all vegetaLICENSED EMBALMEL come, when our lands must be re- tion. OPEN DAY AND NI011T As far as the different varlelies of plenished; In the meantime so long as 144 State Street, Phone 347. the fallowing system brings forth the alfalfa are concerned, it Is a good idea yield It should we would consider that lo try thftn all. On my ranch I find MURRAY, UTAH. we have no better method, unless we the ordinary variety does aa well aa have a revolution In climatic condi-- : any. and usually costs b s. tions. Somu farmers are afraid lo plant I use all the manure available and alfalfa hecaui-they think their soil And ether appliances are so am seeding down to grass my oldest jg not right, but there is absolutely no land and Intend that all Hie land will wav of testing Ibis, except to iry it. convenient and economical. take its turn under this system, but lt can. with the help of a llit'.o maAre you getting the most of I am not going to drop the fallow un nure. he ruiM d even on a sand bur, SPRING AND SUMMER less it drops me. The system of and will ultimately convert it into comforts from life by using combined with spring good soil. For this reason, we need and fall cultivation, is The most prar- - never have ar.y abandoned farms in them? tieal method at The present time of 11P jf ve jdar-- t them to alfalfa controlling the weed prohem. which j t, far jt js too late, 112 So. State Street, with the cnn.Tva-,- ' goes weak or aandy land IITAK LIGHT & RAILWAY GO. tion of innls!nre. One cannot ema' crop ljM, manure should lie MURRAY, UTAH. weeds and rniiserve moisture at the Itarnitted In on tho Mirince nftcr F G- Local Agent, same time, lroluihly weeds and plants plowing and leforc planting, This j Pioneer Ave. are more filial thru the sun and vnd daikons the color of tbe r urines and toward depleting an area of the mois- dl'nluiah.es tlit glare from tbe sun, SANDY, UTAH. ture contents, for we can prevent which w ill s.oinrti'tii-- dry up the young evaporation to a very great extent pl.iuTs on very light co.orcd roll hy PERPECT JOHN HAZKUIUI3N, Prep. hy a mulched surface or (lust blanket scalding the leaves, even when there are working above and hut we-dIs plenty of nmiMure il.jwu 140 So. State St. fifTf tiie surface mid keep up a rnrtin-noit- s Alfalfii will oil en do butler in riili MURRAY. . pumping on the moisture supply bill soil than on :i weak sandy Ssmptns 1 make that IIOUD 1H I.'A wat-until their mn'urty. The miminerfal-loIt will xoiue'imes RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. Is reminded for the purpose o' at 2!) feet i'i three or lour years, and Pies :inl Cakes, Paslry. Million! dnmr.gc. Spray,jirigation is extorinln :'!ng thi-SEAL3, STENCILS, ETC. TdaniR and also A line of Groceries, t'andits, ('i&Jt then, of course, will yield as much also well adapted lo those humid eon The purpose of rcn:lng the seeds Sail J.alu rii.v, I 'tali. for r.l.aiia. as 1 T obaeco. actc ar. per di'lons wliiih dcmn.ul small and fre which tie in the soil to p.ermiie.i,. 35 V. 3rd So. St. lkur.,. Wax. :mi YY'o servo Coffee and C;.ks. in water uf the applications quoin tliar limy ruiy he killed o!T hv the cul i'l IONIC 3t1 R. rcpnraifoii of the soils for set; mg on! tfvation, the (Wi: make WiiI.Im-:- Sia'ups.y h'Hcr purpose being per- V young hints ami kd'ping tl...., grow h 1ho Uv(, ,mr,(!r,ant of A ror I0'1 'to $ f ,ll.P ,J,i: !ir when we are discussing eonsid.r to aid in weeding the 'iT iryi icing the ..r su'tinurfqtlowtne. advlsalii'i'.y and ruuiv.uion. of our roxious weed seeds Many Itivcstigntlons made hy Mr. YVilliams an abominable habit of lying have demonstrated that irrigation is have Place the qui.sls for poultry on a In Ike soil for all nnnner ef dormant ofii aide for and oihct ;u truck, berries I have a He a tailored man or wnun.ii ami command more respect level. , sui-periods until conditions ere Just iq'ojis iu all puna of the hu able to their approach a slrai ge bur. i Always tii Suite nns line wbiure. Mens of YVOOLENS a $2Z.C0 PrtGVO MILLS trnui Ur particular up mid region, as well aa fop citrus frutit of no doubt at tbe shoulder. lack and nioiture I will nu.kc t.) your meiuure in the ami 925.00 for which Ladies' Suits, op in Florida. There are hut few years, A good gardener will not l e eon: cut murh to do with y. Men's Own Ma'f iial made up from $15. (0 up Ladies (v latest rays, when Increased yield for such having wild oats, buck wheat this; with raising one crop a year. some and among Material n:ad up la Suits $ Id "ii, Jackets $11.00, Skirts $5.00. When coder crops aa Btrawberriea. celery, tc., i of the mustards a sere cnings have nr.d wheat Wheat goodly proportion would not pay lire interest on th.e brst r , j!j , .. lug a Sail see me first, orders left at f'Oi'NTY KNTHLPKISK Oftii-seem to Ignore any r on- both been used to fatten lambs. eost and the depreeiation of the plant, 1 do altera1 iotix, ati'-i'.'eas tbe and ra.-dlto. tbe list bo heads Corn promptly repairing, n nv lie er for season. These ditlon and while in surh years ns 19IU and 1511. lambs. in the riea'ent manner. that the sunmierfallow- - best single grain for fatt'-nir.in when many sceiions wete willumt rain of the squash and end off the Plneh makes count the , , . ing , greatest , , agarnst. 8 i ' " t not a guarantee against melon vines, so the fruit w ill get toon mV1'; to pay Mr year might l.e nourishment. dwlriIl.t1on. thp,r entire system. horrds tire S31-3YYhere tlio dropping SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. CONSTITUTION BUILDING. made of matched lumber Hie job of Bacteria for Alfalfa Soil. them is easier. Alfalfa metis a certain kind of bnr- - cleaning One pound of rut ton seed meal may In soil reHie the teria to give best fed daily to a horse, hut it should suits. Tin sc bacteria live on the he be mixed with other feeds. roots of Ihe plums, and give iqf as a Wild sirawliet ties have the most ami artiste- - wik ifial ihe whi'-lthe nitrogen the dellclou ate easily flavor. They we put upon our Shinn (fdlar-- , cu! cf plant need. This is an transplanted to ihe garden. The sui-plof good 1.500 to i.mhi In na'ure. fancy veaH and ("ilured sliirts, at re; j This is a good time to put a square pound work horses Is always behind In th soils where awe,., d iver has sunubli jirices. Ymi nevi-- i cu.m. Ic it af ...,,h f. ,.r Ihe demand. grown these hr.elcria ate usually pres- . that Her of your garments were not ne-u,p ,,.(.!U Fur horses doing a considerable ent. ir they are nut. it iis sometimes! Qett bos for j trol.li: know they weie your (.id didn't js h(ir(ip you ,f no of work is amount mad there jmr have tbe animal necessary to pet soil from some !': Id ami ii Lea clipped launder you: next digestion piics. grain equal to outs. is Hlfalfa Ina. or so rut where grow altetideil to l.y a veierinar- - j it teeth at the Still'd A properly trained lioree will s'op j linen ef gweet clover soil, and scatter it over ian. as soon as Miythiug goes wrung with j Thin the vec.i iHtdrs j.iKt a kmui as LAUNDRY MURRAY STEAM the harness or his shoes. come up. Why give room to they A cow produdiii; average testing Ye call for ami your ;.u-(lrplants not needed any more than tho milk should yield from T.iihi' to 8,000 j weeds? of free cl, extra in a milk of nipt year. pounds Keep Ihe poultry bui'.diugs r.r.d Deal gently wirii tin ci.w of tier One disinterred. pint yards properly She i.siniily is volts tr.iupci anient. f of carbolic arid in gallons one of the liot-- t In your herd. dlsla'ci-ant- . water makes an and putiimee whli the ('eiitieiif-sheifer lh:;l has calved for ill; first A garden should have perfect U.'ii : time will win out evey lime. whi a age, for there aie The weeilcr Is a nuiM effective tool tin will hold ground occupied wer-water; in in that It take every small will he nlrumt entirely hy them Its path ns well as to pulverize ir.uny wasted. clods. sumll THREE WEEKS TRIAL ORDER Thu pig is merely a meat producing Cow. Dependable lur iI.to Flense semi tin Cttl'NTY F.XTFllllllSK lo my aduii-rDisease of Hogs. niacl.ine, and the more lie is fed It is the cow that is always ready dethe with good Judgment, of course tbe and of en-- l estimates I lo mu do word if the lo of free weeks According may reus you charge, contrary eager for food at each feeding more meat he will turn over. can be depended upon to partment of agriculture 3.834. 150 hugs the throe necks, and I will semi tbe jeare oV tiller that tiniie it time sending Kwe that are broad and long will a llko amount of milk each day were lost hy disease last year, valued script ion at an early date. make good mothers Hnd produce vig- give a at $46,675,000. (or long period of time. orous offspring. In this way lambs of, a better type will be produced. Name Peanut aa Hog Feed. Feeding Cows. The ducks sre easily confined with Feed the cow too little and she will la coming to its own as -The peanut aver a low fence; they rarely fly hot he profitable. Feed her too much a hog feed. It has been given a good Town fence, though they will crawl imde ind she will lay on fat and waste the fair trial and it has stood tho ie nciY a very small opening. They moat satisfactorily. feed. clean, dry straw to sloap on. It. D. Hex Numlier. merri!,!o'v,!g system Til'd how Ions; This ! 1 . ! . wl-h- ; ; c vlillir)ery hard-ln-han- d fisher, Murray jjakery s he-lo- . Frar !i) bd-tom- i 1 e - 1 'ai Jim AL. sin-luc- patronize Home jndugtry ! ! j i j f t I . produce strawberries. pii-ssin- g i i T ,h0h CIIAS. W. 1IUIIL, Tailor I 2 I GENERAL Our Long Suit j 1 i ; ! ! i - Ideal Place for Chickens. The ideal place to raise chickens in on an alfalfa or clover patch, or at the end of a corn, mangel or mniip pateh, where insert life is fairly Chickens raised on free abundant. range with hens or with brooders will always be heaitby, strong and vigorous. and they develop quleker than those raised on a limited range. Ewes Best. s of collide a not YY'hy buy jwes? A few years lienee you will he ilile to give your hoy n nice little Bock or owe, in the meanwhile raisthe suring your own rums, selling plus to your neighbors, doing a missionary work, and they eost no store lo raise than the kind that are lust "sheep." High-Clas- s liigli-clHs- llt-;1- 6 Best Showing of Cow. The best showing a dairy cow ran sisiH. is a hieh rating under the test. k Select Gilts for Breeding. Is the time lo select some Ihoice gilts for brood sows. Now LATE MOISTURE SOIL Farmers - peas, beans, lettuce, onions, asparagus, rhubarb, for a good-sizefamily nnd then the fan Is thrown in extra. Who does not enjoy the early morning Inspection to see how much the plants have grown during the night, what new seeds have germinated and the prospect of those tie licious meals all front one's own gat den. And I must not forget the delectable radish, never growl unless pulled fresh from the ground and taken without delay to the breakfast table. To the man who will do these things I want to repeat tho Irishman's ton;t, May you live to eat the chicken that scratches over your grave. Thili-soc- STj0LD If a farmer could at a reasonable secure an insuram- w)icy guaranteeing him an Indemnity against loos of his crops through drought, there would be thousands who would The chance la Jump at the chance. here, explain officials of the department of agriculture, but the number who take advantage of it are few. In the east and more humid portions of the I'nited States where land values are high, the intensive system of agriculture is rapidly replacing the ex, A system of mixed hustensive. bandry has been largely replaced by Keidal branches of fanning. The many manufacturing cities aud thriving towns flint are being built up have caused a great demand for fruit and The high value per ucre vegetables. and the active and increasing demaud for fresh fruits and vegetables have Induced many farmers to cuter iqion the production of these eror, and tney are the ones who need crop insurance This can be secured through the establlsliiiicui of a simple irrigation v fet IN in Humid Portion of Country Assursd of Profitablo Crops by New Method. Many Tlow NEEDED I 1 r j j d itn-d- :e y |