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Show SAVING HOMCULTDRI; TREES BY GRAFTING HER Injured Parts Art Bridged by Means of Scions cf Last Year's Growth Plan Outlined. Orchard trees which have been girdled may often be saved by what Is called bridge grafting. This consists in bridging the Injured parts by means of scions of the last season's growth. thus connecting the part below the HOW TO MOVE LARGE TREES wound with that above. First trim the bark around the injured parts. Process Now Mads Possible Through Then sharpen the ends of the scions Contrivance Attached to Ordito a wedge shape and fit tightly into the layer of new wood Just beneath nary Wagon. the bark, called the cambium layer The moving of large trees is now Cover the union at the end of the made possible through a single conclone with grafting wax, completely trivance which may be attached to the to exclude the air. Also wrep the running gear of an ordinary wagon. wound with cloth to protetrt it from The tree can be raised to any desired drying out, likewise cover the wax angle and retained there, by meant of with old muslin to keep It froul being the endless chains on the melted by the sun. If the lower edge of the wound Is near enough to the ground to make it practicable tu do so, it la better to cover it thres or four Inches deep w ith fresh earth. Where the trees are very young and the girdling Is severe, cutting the trunk off below the wound is probably the best treatment. The exposed part of tbe stub should at once he coated with grafting wax. Select the best sprout that starts and support It by r tying It to a firm stake until It 1 stocky enough to withstand strong winds without danger of being broken off. When the sprout is well started Moving Large Trees. dress the stump so that It may heal In the upper part of the frame-worover readily. Cut the stub slanting at and their connection! with the block the base of the sprout so that It will and tackle below. The shed water. Then cover the wound with guy ropes, usually fastened to the made of pure white leafl, and raw head of the tree, are discarded, as they paint linseed oil, to protect It from water have frequently proved to be Injurious and from disease Do not germs. by disconnecting or loosening the the cut sur the beyond paint spread roots from the ball of earth. face. This method should produce a In order to get the wagon directly tree of age sooner than one over the ball of the tree, and also over could bebearing from a replanted nurgrown reto be the hole where the tree la tree. sery planted, the rear axle of the wagon Is To make grafting wax, melt togethremoved, and the back of the truss or er four parts, by weight, of resin, two elevated framework upon which the of beeswax, and one part of beef tree is suspended keeps this part of parts tallow or raw linseed oil. Apply while rethe wagon together at any width quired. To prevent damage to grass areas, wide tires are used. In the case tires were used on illustrated, the rear wheels. cog-whee- k h CULTIVATION Thorough Culture OF PEACH Kills TREE Weeds and Forms Mulch Conserving of tho Soli Moisture. Much It is very 'essential to take the very best possible care of the young trees. They should be kept thrifty and healthy, and all the necessary care given them to conserve the moisture nd plant food in the soil. Early In the spring, as soon as the soil will permit, it should be stirred six to eight inches deep; thus if the trees have been planted as deeply as they should, plowing this depth will cause them to produce a deep root system which will not be Injured as quickly by freezing or drought After this plowing the fertilizer should be applied and worked wjth a disk harrow or cultivator. Frequent cultivations should he given with the cultivator or disk harrow, running deep enough to form a good soil mulch and prevent subsequent baking or crusting of the surface and prevent loss of soil moisture by evaporation. Thorough culture kills all the weeds, which are a constant drain on the soil mosture and plant food and also assists in decomposing and liberating any plant food which may have been turned under. USEFUL AS HEDGE TRIMMER ; Implement Easily Put Together by Using Several Blades Attached to a Wooden Handle. Hedge cutting or trimming with a sickle or with hand snips Is very slow and tedious work. As I had considerable hedge to take care of, Buys a writer in Popular Mechanics, I made a trimmer with several sets of blades BRIGHTEST TINTS ARE POPULAR THIS SEASON. Horticultural A Hedge Trimmer. Note-- 5 Keep the weeds out of the orchard similar to a regular trimmer. The Fire blight attacks the pear, quince blades were attached to a wood han- and apple. dle and operated with a wood lever as Thinning fruit usually pays, grardirg shown in the sketch. The operation is fruit always does. the same as when UBlng tbe regular Put on an old mitten and get after hedge trimmer. the tent caterpillars Learn to Graft. Why not. urge the boys to experiment ' in grafting different kinds of fruit tree a T Dig up some small fruit trees, such as plum, cherry, apple or peach. Some of which can he raised by planting the seed. The plum and cherry trees can be found almost any time where the sprouts come from the old tree. Then get some limbs from a tree of the same kind and of a choice variety and bury them all In a box of dry dirt In the cellar. At any time during the wtntcr or spring graft them and put them back In the dirt till time to plant out. Care of Fruit Trees. Look well to the little fruit trees act out this spring. See that they do not suffer from lack of water. When trees need water pull 'the soil away from around the roots, glia each tree a pailful, and, after it aoaWo In, replace the earth. Raspberries should he picked when they have turned red There la not a home that can afford to he without blackberries In growing dewberries on a large scale one of the serious problems 1 that of securing pickers. As a crop for the young orchard beans rome as near being the ideal as anything thpt can be grown. To watch the trees and vine grow that one has planted, to provide bow ers a well as fruit. Is a pleasing am bitlon. Ret the blackberries out of tho sun j aa ioou ael they are picked, or they are likely to turn red in spots and be less salable. Leav.e plenty of mulch between the strawberry rows when uncovering. It helps to retain moisture, and keeps berries cleaner. Dig out and Lurn blackberry or blackcap plants that are Infested with liiiiUu cotton uwuiue in n pretty red rust Theres no other wsy to shade of pink la used for this mile fight this disease. trass. IN Pecks's Explanation as to Reason Somewhat Dispelled the Odor of Romance. Thats the kind Lib- There isnt bys an- other sliced dried beef like it. Good? It's the inside cut of the finest beef sliced to wafer y Especially la the Younger Generation Favored in This Respect Beautiful Shades of Satin for the Light Cloaks. The girl of eighteen Is a very lucky She has a Individual this season. range of cciurs from which to choose her summer attire, amongst which the most enchanting tints that are copies of flowers and fruit may be secured. Prominent in every way la a rich, full pink, the pink of olden days, called sometimes peony and sometimes hollyhock. Frocks made all of pink mousseline blush vividly, and would be truly trying possessions for anyone except the quite youthful wearer. Every shade of azalea is greatly liked. It is beautiful color, rich Ithal dainty, and a very good choice for the mother as well as the daughter. The pale amber tint flushed with pink la flie young wearers choice, and the more distinct golden shade of the flower that of tbe dowager. In satin It Is a specially beautiful dye capable of making a most desirable cloak with a softly falling collar of Mechlin lace. Such a cloak would he lined with blue and rose, and the glint of the background. Just perceptible through the other material, would add to the elusive and picturesque effect of the wrap. There must be a hint of romance in the new cloaks if they are to be a la mode. Without obviously copying the Spaniard's cloak, the Scotsmans plaid or the Irish colleens cape, the fashionable models ust suggest them. It is difficult to produce the complete charm of the folded draperies unless the aid of an expert be called In. Some of the new models owe Methods of Bridging Over Injury to their allurement to a long and flopping Trees. overcape, which falls eipon the shoulders back and front, and is eccentricmoderately hot with a brush or daub er. A supply of the wax may be kept ally cut across one corner, and perweighted by a tassel. Others on hand by taking tbe mixture when chance the finish of huge hood, formed hot and pouring It into water. When have very little precision, but recogit is sufficiently cool, work with the with as a hood of large dimensions. nizable hands until the macs assumes a huff Olive leaf Is a new color for the color. Hake into balls and wrap with waxed paper to prevent the balls from cloak, a dull and exquisite green with a tint of gray In it. which, with a little sticking together. platinum embroidery designed to support the draperies, is a choice at once HOW TO PLANT STRAWBERRY quiet and handsome an alliance of charms much In request. Other frankly vivid colors borrowed ConBeat to Have Plants in Bucket from flowers and fruit are apple Roots Water to Keep taining green and hawthorn rose, and we have In a Moist Condition, framboise, a rich red. which Is very l, One of the best methods of planting useful side by side with black or and a azure lovely particularly strawberries is to thrust a spade called love In s mist straight into the ground at the proper Such colors when softened by the place to a depth of five or six inches! writes U. S. Sando in Outing, and juxtaposition Inof, say, biscuit linen, relief with cotton of then lean It over to one side, forcing embroidered same shade, or with the ever the soil out of the wsy and leaving the a wedge shaped hole, one wall of useful touch of black, will make the which is straight up and down. The summer months radiant. Indeed. roots of the plant should be spread Cool and Nest. out in a fan shape against this wall Not every woman appreciates tbe and the spade, then set in the ground of pure white percale. This about six inches farther forward, and qualities la much used by trained nurses, fabric by a backward movement of tbe han for lightweight uniforms which may be die firmly press the dirt against the laundered roots of tbe plant. To lend additional much less to splc and apanneas with labor than linen require. firmness to the soli, step with one Percale Is also cooler than linen and 1 foot on either side or the plant. In weight. For beach much Tbe last hole made by the spade dresseslighter for morning wear It is a spe- should have route soil raked Into before leaving. When setting the plants it is best to have them in FOR GIRL OF 10 TO 12 bucket containing a little water in order that the roots may be kept moist until they are planted; but It Is not necessary or advisable to watei after setting plants Immediately them. HAND llenne and Peeke wore two henpecked married meu. The other day they met, and, after a few casual remarks concerning the weather, tbe subject of women and unfortunate husbands wag perhaps naturally discussed. To came suddenly llenne, however, thoughts of years ago, when he was a happy bachelor, and (unconsciously of what Fate had lit store fur him) was "walking out" a girl who was, later on, destined to bring him sorrow and misery. look In Peeke, seeing a "far-awathe his companion's eyes, inquired llenne retorted dramnl- meaning. icaily, "1 was Just then thinking, old fellow, of those happy days lung ugo when 1 used to hold that girl's hand ' lu mine for hours when " ltut the equally unfortunate Peeke suddenly cut Ills companion short by "Why, that's nothing! exclaiming: tlicer up! Do yoj know, only yes- lerduy I held my wifes hand for three olid hours. "What 7" said the startled llenne. "Yes. its a fact," resumed Peeke, sorrowfully': and I declare If I'd let loose slic'd lia.e killed me.' Ixtndon WIDE CHOICE IN COLOR bls-cut- j Mr. j I LITTLE j ' Sliced Dried Beef j j j stands supreme. The tasty dishes one can make with it are almost numberless. Lets see I Theres creamed dried beef, and but just try it. Then youll know ! Tit-lilt- TWO CARBUNCLES ruifraud, X. Y. It takes the French to make up the long wished for gown for the Sleeper. Copyright, liMInvoud ft This new gown Is of Lansdowne, but toning In front, adjusted to the waist by an elastic. The belt is run through the hag and carries the brush, comb and necessary toilet articles to take to the dressing room. ON NECK Veteran Home, Napa Co., Cal. I was afllicted with two carbuncles on the back of my neck. The doctors said they were tbe largest carbuncles he ever saw. 1 suffered the most intense agony, bo much that I could not rest or sleep for about a month. One was lanced four times. When the first began to get better another broke out and was equally aa painful as the first one. I heard of Cuttcura Soap and Ointment being good for auch thing, so I procured a box of Cutlcura Ointment and a cake of Cutlcura Soap. I washed both the 'arbuncles with Cutlcura Soap frequently whenever any put began to gather, and applied tbe Cutlcura Ointment. I felt relief after the first use of Cuttcura Soap and Ointment, and in a wees' time both carbuncles were gone and I was completely cured. I have not herb troubled since. "1 also had eczema of the scalp. My calp Itched fearfully and plmplea began to break out which emitted pus, and my head became sore and scaly. I had dandruff also. I used Cutlcura Soap for a shampoo with hot water, and used the Cutteuro Ointment on my scalp, and it afforded lust ant relief, followed by absolute cure. (Signed) George H. Wetsell, J3oc. 11, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each . Skin Ilook. Address free, with post-carCu!lcura DepL L Boston. daily satisfactory fabric and may be triinSIcd with stitching and buttons In mart style. A young woman who always looks as though she had stepped out of a bandbox wears nothing but white percale frocks In summer time. Consistent. A loose blouse with tan open collar Is Your friend is very particular trimly belted shove the short, straight about conformity In all things. Isn't skirt, and buttoned boots of whits be?" buck complete the costume. Yes, Indeed. When he went on IiIk last spree the family were In mourning and he saw only black snakes. The Ideal Bedroom. imI The bedroom is what Its name Business Practice, plies, a place of repose, and everyThe new actor In thin cnmpanv thing about It chould be conducive to certainly knows how to act on peotbe one purpose of obtaining reiL ple's feelings with fine touches." Everything in It ihonld be simple, ImYes; he used to be a dentist. maculate, and easily kept so. The floors of such rooms should be covWhere's One 7 ered with matting or should he oiled Pa, what's au anomaly?" and rugs placed beside the bed. The A summer resort that doesn't paper on the walla should be quiet guarantee its attractions. and subdued. If, to make the windows uniform with those In other Mn. Wlnitow Soothing Syrnp for ChlilffB are tMthiBg.Noftrui tliejruDift, reduce liiPuunra- rooms In the house, curtain as be hould simple tum. adayu pam. cure, wind colic, s a u.uitr. necessary, they a possible. Garish furniture, and j A cat may have nine lives, hut n articles not absolutely necessary to cow can kick the bucket a dozen times j no the occupant should have place nd t0 1101,1 her J,b; cominut there. Above everything the bedroom should be flooded with sunshine for at least on hour In the day and an abundance of fresh air admitted at all times. Always Insist on Libbys Don't ccapt"aJustssgood.B From iwlish to roast, from condiment to conserve, the quality of Libby's Reedy-to-SerFoods la always superior. And they dont coet one whit more than tbs ordinary kinds. vs Put up in sfertfisetf glass or tin containers At Every Grocers Libby, & Libby M-N- eill Chicago ISO ACRES RICH FOOTHILL LAUD FREE ABSOLUTELY Knvunt now or brraf tr. NoIrrlMiiiknaoroiMr mm. No toiler land anjwtoit. writ for fra iufuriiuuiim. Wo h iw land to MIL Add ns Mil WUTCHfXE. BIMFHOX r. a. 4ii, uoisei ijuie statiim. hw tom hi 32-p- d The bodice has oifl wide tuck over j each shoulder and the sleeves are set Into the armholes, the tucks standing out over them. j The skirt Is arranged In two tucks each side both front and back; it joins the bodice band, which, with the neck and sleeves, is trimmed wih embroid-- ' ery Insertion. Materials required: 3t& yards IS Inches wdle, 3 yards insertion. fa! i ' Soapless Face Wash. It Is possible. Oatmeal dots It. Almond meal is good. loo. First wash the face with warm tna-te- r to open the pores. Then rub In gently the paste, fresh mixed for the occasion. This completed, a good rinsing In warm water follows speedily. And after that comes u cold rinse. A shower Is delightfully refreshing. Most persona use soap; this soap-les- s wash Is for those whose faros era too sensitive. PER CEVT Aectatilc Preparation for As similating iheFcodantlReitala ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ALCOHOL- -3 I old-worl- d - la Ktel,e.,tptiluue will But mil II ovari L. aijtklaa. lijyr. Huar.ut.fd f Ortlw i maaar Sold by dfllwrwod aw J RABOLD SOMIXS. US BoOlIk t hii lrwUlo, X. X. tn. in prei-.n- RHEUMATISM luinhagn, nenmlgla anil kindred all unit relieved or eurrd liy iMuiiiiely new the innilil. Ki trralnirul. (ietaal harmful limy n. Nu III eftectn. l'imnalrd aa tonlrand preventive of rheumatic nuulliiima. Trial treatment, SV. HtaaiM or coni., if au afflicted, unlrrfor friend whirl. Write plainly ta MKXKA. IM1IN. tie WKiuirrnouii sv, Chicago, ii.i PARSERS HAIR BALSAM Bid kwNdlia lb Ml a msurwal fimdL Mvniv Fills to kntoiv Oni to its Youthful ruins Bur PNVHita hair fulling. U. Rt fH. BIV AGENTS muni tlnffus uml mine, dsrKetuft Rplllnc putotoeftfur urR cuVKvprp unWlm fulft 1h Bus Bull, Mtiftlkto Mnk ! onh 130 UN. 9MJ, The Kind You Have j d t LlitlTlI Mas.- 7(1 fh.H- - For Infants and Children. M ; Style for Wee Girls. For very special wear, one of the i fashionable schemes tills year for wee girls of three and four is represented by the pretty little coats of pure white woolen backed satin, made without a collar or decoration of any deta rlplion whatlitever with the exception of tle pearl-whit- e flehn of nlnon or chiffon folded over it In the form of an crossover, and fastened behind In a knot with falling ends These fehua are immensity popular for the little ireople this year, and one sees them with the tiny frocks cf embroidered lawn and mus'iu fer ths veriest babies. Maat, Ilh. handklAl A. ; . 5 DAISY FLY KILLER to? sse f Promotes Digcstion.Checrful-nes- s and Rest Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Always Bought Bears the a Signature t JJ y. k Not Naiic otic I ii Ar nr tfOU frSA.VUlWa!f jHxStmnm faMhfmtb - Atiit Stid In Stud -Ciffttd iTirfF HinkrffPt Use A perfect Remedy for Constipation . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and Loss Sleep of For Over Facsimile Signature of Tiic Cental-- r Company. NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrsppsr. Thirty Years TNI BINfMIN NNHIV, MM VH RITV. |