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Show vo" wi" live until you die and that old Mcthuselan did -- he Iked unl drink, and if yon eat and drink microbes " Artlo Circle . will surely die. and if yon don't eat '"' died. It is uncomfortably true that WW will still more Mireh die. ami drink For the benefit of those win abhor SeULlc Nov Mrs. F. H. IUdrr. there is almost as much distress Bound to siirelv die in :my event, you whose husbaml is in charge of thp United of mind in the anticipation as in printers" ink hs a prime factor to the had better pay no more attention to mi- advancement of their StM interests, we experiment station u itampart. the realization. About half of j erobes than your jranddadies did . They should Mate that Bainson the Alaska, jn t ow degree s.ontli of the bug our strong unhappy days are occasioned ate and drank everything they wanted the tirst to advertise. mm tic circle, was a repent visitor in rhiscitv partywas our looking forward to the un and they lived long and prospered. He took two solid columns to demonmid tolj surprising tacts regarding the by What did Methuselah know about strate his strength, and several thousand at riciiitmai possibilities 01 iiip, extreme happiness of the other half. in his time Rat and drink every "Sufficient unto the day is the people "tumbled" to the scheme Northland. thin: you want, microbes and all, j brought down the whole hnue. At the evil We thereof." need never Expose t ion, which is to be held at Seattle in take another jot on credit. In 100'J, there will he a moat iutereetiflg borrowing trouble natural laws exhibit of the results of .Mr. Jiader's are reversed; mere mole hills of experiments in the far north. The exbecome mountains, t'orinne, Ptah, position will dhow the people that there annoyance when viewed ahead. at a distance In more to Alaska than glaciers and loe Personal Responsibility, MO.000 Paid up Capital of flfl.OOfl. Some persons never take actual bergs. " wv are experimeutioK prineipaiiv comfort. In tranquil times the Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. w ith grains in an effort to produce var-- , dread of a coming change is al All business with us will receive prompt letles that mature before winter sets in in the of their ways enjoyway and careful! attention .she said. "The grain seeds we use ai ment. interest paid on lime deposits. liirdy varieties from Russia and Finland. If we take things as they come "All hardy vegetables such as carrots, we shall R. ORBISON, S. X. COLE. usually rind that they parsnips, rutabagas, potatoes and even . President Cashier, come much better than we have jicsk cau be raised successfully. Last any right to expect. Our anticiyear my husband succeeded in raising airing bearn, and many of the pods were patory flag may have been invit- Borrowing Trouble. Raises Wheat Near Mierol.es yon eat cud in evervthin" J. C. GATES. Kate, Cap, ami IIuMkt Goods. A full Hue of (Jent'w Furnishing I s a variety of wheat from Karkoff, Russia which is planted iu the fall, and Finnish j A complete ceries, A large line u iu Seattle in 1009. "It will do much to disabuse people's minds of the conception that Alaska is a land of perpetual snow and ice," said Mr. Johnson. "As a matter of fact, a large part of the territory is excellently adapted to agriculture of almost every sort. Yte have not yet learned to raise wheat, but by tryiug various varieties expect soon to be able to do so. We raise good oats and other grains, and practically every vegetable. "In our garden at Yukatat we grow potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, parsnips, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, green pa ami beans. The summer season lasts for five months or more, aud there is abundant rainfall. "North of us, about Cook's inlet a number of ('inlanders have taken up homestead claims and are going in for m mi m m WORKMAN. All work guaranteed T remonton. l09. Is Amundsen met a hearty welcome when he finally got to Nome, and Seattle coun made much try meu banquetted bltn and a went step further. of him. Then they was nst rich, They saw that the captain anil that the sloop was dead wood on his hands, so they got together and bought the vessel. 5l tiou. m ale C& ood ( and ( J ood 'rices. WOOD HKOS. PROP.S' Ulah. Tremonton, CLUB We GARLAND ftfg m Choice WINES, Liquors and Cigars WW. COOMBS. Proprietor. mm lTtah m A. B. Uyrum 350 l.iivton 30 Boy 75 jSalt 8 Lark 100 Lehl 1 i) f.ew iston m m m M loaSg Toll Lake City 2 Murray 1400 225 50 25 8 Ogden 40 Park City 30 Payson Plesant Grove Preston. Idaho Spanish Pork Springville Sugar Works, North Taylors ville lUtah Hot Springs Whitnev, Idaho ;! now located Chickens Potatoes per 100 MADE Hieycles Bicycle Supplies Sowing machine Supplies Ware rin Rejiaired. REASONABLE ,,&T-- Shoes Resoled and Repaired PRICES SI LOP. H OATKH' HTORK. KM N'I )N. I IT A ! I Bessinger Contractor and builder. IVI TREMOXT LOI)(!E. Xn l" meets every Tbtirsdsy at. 7:110 p. m in PrttPf Ml Hall. It F Meldrntn. Carl Ivcrson, Seev I .. rI"rt .08 FOttituatefl . Sfonth Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. B03-BO- .06 All work Guaranteed made B Miolic 2si mile West and '.'-'- S. F. CHRISTENSEN 2 m. i mile South o( 1 Utah Tremonton Scientific Optician BYES TE8TED FREE .00 With ORDER SUITS BROTHERHOOD Bttx OF Y0EMAN AMERICAN Km Tallev Hotnestetd Ko9M I.e. CbrUteasen and llriuham ( its L'tuh - of eub Kmtbttp.m.l nni Hall, TrawmtM Hart -- Dex..yvillc. ttah. the Fnter CSo Ncbeker 8nite Foremm. . " Pnctlcea in 0 and c Commercial I,nct.'n i Pboae TO. I mtr Rnicnbaiim'! BRIOIJAM ' IT V Iflce I'tiih. B i I have a new loom und'.'sm jre- - palfad tiid nit-- tin-bts- t ( waa.kf. Rrtefifa rou irorlu Auy work left at the Tn mont Times oflkr Slate- - I.andMflicr. Block p (. Doi ' sn- - all Slate and Federal Cosrta and lieforc the Lawyers D. Hart Carpet Weaver B H JONES. . M 1, P. Hums t'orn j" ndrnt in .Sons . A meets the '.'nd mid 1th Saturday evening cago Garden ( it Tayloring Co Suits, cheaper than you can buy elx w here. RICHARDS ETC.. AND Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awnings Oils m IN (iOODS Harnesses Saddles Collars Whips Blankets NKXT IIIKIMTII iid TRADE-MARK- S promptly obluliifd In all cuuuti lev, or nu fie. W'o oMuui PATENTS THAT PAY, aclvertiw: them thoroughly, at our ex per I1, at.tl JOU w KMOMft Send model, photo c.r tskctvh for FRCC on paU'OUhility. "0 j .ti s pnu SU R Otiaior i PASSING REFERENCES. Ifook on i'roflikhlo l'iit (iti write t 2 will sell the famous (.'hi- I. KINDS OF HARNESS .ALL )X K ( ( )M . TO DEALERS T' M L( ompany 0-ar- ness ?r ODD FELLOWS .95 .071-- remonton to do Dental Work. l .25 & .30 .25 Butter per lb. Eggs per doz. l Advertise with us. It pays. .52 1.05 .80 1-- T lo.'r I'TAll TREMONTON MARKETS .2 gg .Jr: remonton I0 Wlllard .tnmavM Brewers barley Beef cattle per lb. Pork dressed Pork alive at . LO CAN IMS WORK IS ALL GUARANTEED. G Weilsvi'lle TRITATO'NnYiV wheat per bu. Oats per 100 lbs. Feed barley per 100 lbs (moo Suntecfuin li - 3 I Di M 030 Mandy Logan Toll Ml- Air 2 g g Utah :.! Honey ville 230 Hyde Park g Manausa Proprietor. SB Garland, IFrovldencc Toll Provo 10 Richmond 18 Bivcrdale J Rl virion Hermitage SBEAR RIVER VALLEY TELE M. m m sMr - 10 Liquor and Cigars, Pool and Billflrdfl Wines. Choice It has come to our notice that some arc informing our subscriber that they can y.'r-V not reach outside points over our lines. We submit the following list to ehow out side connections with number of phones in each tow n. gsjir m 1 PEARL SALOON 5uT m prices. A stock company was formed of which E.I,. Orondahl, president of the Seattle State bank, is head, and the vessel whs purchased for MMtt Yukon It is to be exhibited at the Alaska of summer in the l'acirtc Exposition atten lH0!t. and Is sure to attract much feed m We have been the means of not only improving the service, but are giving our patrons a cheaper rale, and we think the people will appreciate these facts enough to stay with the home company, although offered free Telephones for the sake of killing us off, knowing well that if we were out of the way the rates would go back to the old m The vessel is now on the way from home ami is eipccted to arrive at Seattle shortly. Captain Amundsen set sail from Tornd bjem, Norway, three years ago, to find the passage that navigators have been seeking since the days of Henry Hudson The sloop, a staunch craft, was fitted out at the expense of merchants of Amund-K8- . Troudhjetu, who had faith in N. INT u two-thirds- ri Exposition in for Choke Wines, liquors Liverv ependent 1 I. STAHL, Headquarters and Cigars. tan We do not wish to boast, hut we have connected with our Tremtmtoii ; of the Telephones in opt ration in BetttfKver Yal Exchange, ley north of Brigham, and arc receiving hew subscribers daily. lea n..nf c tJ1 GarlaiK peneral farming. The country seems to yiy me particularly fitted for Scandinavian KfrAJta K;itus people, being in many ways bet ter adaptAmerican Fork jEffj ed to agriculture than Norway and Swcd Barclay MwwJ Bingham en. I look for an increased population of actual settlers yearly." i,51 Bingham Junction V' Brigham Brighton Cache Junction yi'i Vessel. ft-; Dcwcwille Amundsen's jg Draper Eureka Seattle Nov. '21. The sloop Cjoa, jgUP Franklin, Ida, (ogor.a made famous as the ship in which Capt. UjtC' Harrisville Uoald Amundsen discovered the for northwest passage, will be shown to visitor at the long-looke- 0 tali. remonton, J. Is a Home Concern Owned and Operated By the Farmers Of the Valley. m II J. C. GATES, m M . for cash. -- Telephon NrJ iit in if D Will meet all competition Rock, Briek, and Cement Mock Farmers M of Fancv gro- i convinced. Lb m i Come and try us and be black oats, which are planted in the spring. The crops seldom fail." Seattle Nov 27. Rev. Albin Johnson, for 17 years a missionary at Yakutat, Alaska, was a recent visitor in Seattle, enroute back to his mission after a stay of some months in the states. Mr. John-sosays that the Alaskans are tremond-uouslinterested iu the Alaska-Yukon- is to be held t'aeifie V.vnosition. , which r 1 EXPERIENCED needlessly, we might say criminally, robbing ourselves and other Cisterns a specialty of the happiness rightfully be Richard Schwab longing to US and to them Homesteads lu Northland. D ifootU. COLE BANKING CO. growing potatoes since 1872. "There are two grains which are being grown with much success in our locality FOR HEADQUARTERS - seven loche in length. ing compassion, and flinging ' ' Potatoes are among the most success-ful- l patches of darkness over many a crops wc hftve up there. Captain bright scene for months, only to Mayo, who lives at Rampart, has been find that we have been guilty of a0Ej Store i ill 1 AIT liejpromptly attended to. VKS IHIt'.ltS I AS. Thalclter. I Uh |