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Show The Tremont Times. TREMONTON. BOX ELDER COUNT V. VTA It THURSDAY, TOWII LrOCalS. A Innocent Man Victim of Sister's Spite. P to th9 Swamps. NOVEMBER 29, 1906. to ESTRA Y NOTICE. mitigate the Goal Situation. church Directory. STATE OF I'TAH County of B ix Eldnr. ) II M. Holier sored onto the Hadler "One of the strangest cases of Aceordiug to the Salt l ake Tribune j In the Manila Precinct said County. E. E. Clark, member of Inteisiate Com in Klwood this waek . OOS com ietion I erer heard of undone I have in my possession the following t meree Commission, is in Salt Lake City Wm. Fife and Harry Bovd of Garland . which iadictes the unreliability of circum- -.. ass. wmv PVI usiin as described cslrav animals which, if nol nun icil ri urausi Wl land the object of his visit there at this laid one old lawyer, U looked like ft one sided affair with MNlliriiHee, heme ia Ogden. claimed and taken away will be sold t i I one "poor, little edbor" of Tremonton "was where a young man was hanged public auction in tie- hiihett cash bid Dr. Mack the Optician, whs in town against four of Garland "bloods", but for the murder of his own farther andt dcjt.a: KhviMid. in Manila Precinct, on production and transportation of coal b this week and did a very good business. the railroads. To ascertain what If anv th .light we would take the risk and was proven after his death thai h was Tlfnrsdin (,. ,.f i theclub home waa man. Wm. Drew interest the railroad companic-- . directly and Ms sister, started out. After leaving Tremonton innocent, his young up from at the hour of 2 P. M or indirectly, iiave in the coal transport Toe tday . alt went well until about a mile south of a little younger than he, lived with $ E ANIMALS; DESCRIPTION ed by them, or in its production. An their father, who Bad a smail income Mies Addle Swerdfeger began her dut- town the Dr. got funny and commenced ne sorrel fort left on star head, horse, inquiry will also he made at this ines his trun to scare the horses. which enablnl them to live in comfort.; ies as schoolmistress in the Evans School. about in I mm r ItLmA f,i.,t ,1 ".It am 1.. t'f r t.ru t i, ... I aim ir i I..., have forgotten now ihc names of the The boys brought from Garland I young of Mr. Albert Morteaten Malsd, mii about three year-- old. companies get lair treatment in transpor (suppose parties, but the case is one well known thigh dog they called "Dan-o-jonhs taken the place of Oscar Wyatt at this must be an Indian name), aud was to student of the criminal law, is often paid est rays were taken up by ne in 'tat inn anil the Furnish fog of coal cars t the meat Market. said Precinct on the 20th. day of Xovcm- j and the like. the Dr.'s who set in the seat between referred to in the text books. M Sail 39 in i The commenced Kroksh has. investigation The youngest child of Mr. aud Mrs. the Dr. aud J ud in The formers 's gun "The son had often said that he wished Lake City Tuesday BtOrnlagat W o'clock Pound keener for Manila C. C. Wilson has been very sick the past laid loose across his lap when he pulled his father would d ie so he could come and it is expected by Commissioner weak. the trigger nod shot to get up more iuto possession of the property. Ami he ( 'lark that it will be concluded this week. a in very Lots For Sale. Purs for children a ad Ladies at Stearns speed the gun kicked and killed pxrihadfor along lime behaved These investigations. Mr. I'lark sun, Instead of dampening the uudutiful way toward the old man. A Lohr. Low prices, good styles and Dam arc being held all over the country, purBare thirty (Ire lots in Tremonton spirits of the crow d it seemed to have a morning in winter, when the -g od Goods. r.r " J..,;, hmImu. very dry effect and the whole crowd was ground was covered with free lily fallen which I offer for sale on the follow ing J. L. Stahl made a trip to the Swamps at at the last session, and known discount pass-very downhearted until we arrived at jtaow, the daughter of the old man rn terms. Those pax ing cash teat week and remembered c editor on "Tillman Gillette act." It is the as Silt Creek where the ducks drew our at- to the home of a neighbor, and, very Time sales are as fullows: ."0.(K) cash hit return with two fine Malard ducks. brand verv aad sweeping la the power t:iition, and shooting was tine for a muck excited, told .them that she had balance one year, or 25.00 cash and,.,M confers it upon the commission iu dam Yoder left last week for Goshen , short time, or until we. arrived at the j bees awar all night, and that when she per month, S; interest on all tune sales. which Every making these investigation-;- . Indiana, where he will be married on club fer.ee. After leaving there we j returned to her home that morning she Anyone wishing to get a desirable lo-- ; a Interstate to transport pertaining thing December 20th. went to the Club House where we wcie found her farther murdered in the cow nation will do well by calling early and nc lie ownershin of linn iiimv hn 'ic Mrs. T. E. Secrist and Frank Wood of given the best room and highly enter- j barn, which stood a little from the house, Bet first choice. Some wanted to buv coin coal mines, nroeueiion, en .. iuuuh talned by the landlord, Billie Bark). The neighbors went with her. They found lots on payments, now is the chance Gartaid ware business callers iu ed into The report of these iuvestiga The guests present were Jouh Lant. Fete j the old man dead beside his cow. His The lois are all priced and no change ' Wednesday. will be made to t.ions by the commission Fowler and Jack Austin of Garland, head was crushed with a hammer. There be made They are from 178.00 to pi Mrs. A. II. and Mrs. Horace Gleason m .. Congress, and accompaiiving these re j Chas. Kroksh and son of Ehvood a nd I were tracts in the newly fallen snow, 12o. according to location. , , first of the were Trtmoutoa callers the where deemed necessary will ne IJ . L. Stahl of Tremonton. from the house to t he bam. It was found . Call on Samuel Scbrenk Prop. or at ports, week. suggestions. There seemed to be a dispute of some by fitting the shoes of the murdered man The Tremont Time Offlce. Mrs. Richard sort between Stahl and Fife and as near to one set of tracts leading from the house Born to Mr. and DENTAL NOTICE. Schwab on Sunday, a daughter. All as we could determine the cause of the to the barn, that these tracks were his. One of our exchanges tells us of an old parties doing nicely. argument bet ween the two gentlemen j Another set of tracks led from the house German who had a boy of whom be was Uet a Cole's Hot Blast Heater of was alwut like i his When the Club was to the barn, and back again, and tbesou's Very proud, and decided to find out the Dr. 's Mosman & Naramore Of Ogden. Si obi Bros., it Is the otly stove (hat organized these two declared they would shoes fitted them exactly. That they trend of his mind. He adopted a novel Have opened an ollice in Tremonton burns tnlue run, or slacked coal without h$ve the best gun and the largest aud were the son's tracks was made doubly Wiethod by which to test him. lie slip most game. Fife went to the black- - gnre by certain peculiar patches upon the waste. ed into the boy's room one morning and where they are prepared to do all smith in Garlaud and had one made of ucei am soles w hich fitted the tracks, Dentistry of High Quality. laced on his table a bottle of whhkev, The Eighteenth annual session of the of large calibre and of good, "In the sou's bedroom was fouud con- - a Bible and a silver dollar. "Now a new have system of Crown and Tbey grand encampment of Odd Fellows of this of on a which a of prodrawer iu the corner length. Stahl, hearing they make a spec hamdwj(, R. 'vhendot hov comes in if ie Bridge work of Utah was convened in Odd Fellows tern ' of cccded to out do him. He had heard mer smeared w ith fresh blood and Utikes dot dollar he's going to be a been- - laity leeth extract ea wunoui pain. p'e, Salt Lake City. Tuesday morning. of our ow n manufacture. the new sewerage pipe the city council tufts of the old man's gray hair upon ik'-;mari. o h(! take.s dot Bibie he's going by a process Coai Ik scare, -i- ow a, the time to hay had ordered ami went to have a ' regu and with a the between of A" j bojic operations strictly first class and sat splinter t(J (m, a p,.(,af,ier; jf he takes dot whiskey a Majestic Kauge of Ntob! Bros. a it lar" gun made (the kind the Japs lined). claws. This broken fitted a isfaction Kuranteed. Charges extreme place splinter d au,j going to be a drunk ue8 n(J does the work with leas fuel than any The guns being completed these rival into the old man's skull, ard." Then he hid behind a door to see lv reasonable and within reach (if all. other range. E con-tlaw for the "nimrods" had only to wait "Of course the young man was which his son would choose. In came Office next to Telephone (change. say , "go boys, aud settle this difticul victcd. It was proved that he and his the boy The L. D. 8. University of Salt Lake whistling. He ran up to the owl week to a closed for been ty". They got an even break, had their fher slept alone in the bouse t hut table picked up the Bible and pat it un DO ng City has a i attack of diphtheria in the institu- big day 's hunt and each had his tale to night, and that his sister was away, as der his arm, then snatched up the bottle, YOU t 11 about himself snd the other fellow, she testified she waa. The young man took two or three di inks, picked up the tion. KNOW i All seemed settled until John his guilt to the douar ami as banred, deny in Holemgren went and pUt jt ju njg pocket Rudolph Kuchlcrof Ogdcu and Harry Tremont Mercantile Co. who owns the land and has a big herd ot iast. The Dutchman his Dtlt lips. C. Smacking candidates are Marks E. and Joseph INCORPORATE tije0nr years later tl.c srstc--r ot tne man pok(,ahis heful mt ftom behind the ewiivs for the speakership of the lower house wst rwumi line of Gents' RH the most ll fmndtbiit a large bull had been shot who was hanged was taken ill, and under door and exclaimed: "MeinGot, he is I nderware. of the coming legislature. CulTs Collars. Shirts, Ties, aud killed. This settled the size of the standing that she could not recover, she R boHtfcian." Q Mats, Caps, Hosiery Overalls, SuspendE. E. Breokmauu Is erecting a fine that her father and brother' ga ne but who shot it was the question j ers, Silk Roofers, Ear Muffs etc. in the large house on his farm joining Tremon-tin- . of the argument and to settle it we de had hoih offended her and she determined The Farmers Telephone Company are city. Mr. Brenkmann, like the rest of cided to hold a jury. Chas., Pete, Jack, to kill both, aud, according ly when her now territory and a our German friends believes ia having DO the pencil pusherand the landlord as jur- - father went to milk the cow in the even spreading out, gettiug in the old territory. more nice roomy house to live in. phones putting YOU to examine and test the on proceeded jUg she put on her brother's shoes aud are on a solid financial foundation They KNOW From what is learned Tremonton will guus. j he verdict orougiit in was tnat follow him with the hammer, and killed success over the and elated are highly We have the largest andjbest assort have a jail and from past observations neither gun would kill a jacksnip, but him. It had been snowing, but stopped have attained with the stubborn op It is certainly a necessity. We hope the that the gas pipe gun was much louder about that time. She returned to the they meot of Ladies' Fall and Winter Millln-- : position they have had to contend with. erv to select from, to be found in the Ma city council will attend to this without than the sewer pipe gun so put all blame house, placed the hammer where found a set of officers that This has company animal for on Fife by fright. and the shoes under the bed of her brolad Vslley, that we ate offering at great killing the delay. w of the interests and This ended the difficulties and every- ther, who was asleep at the time. Then are ever atchful reductions. W. O. Wyattan.l family left last Friof the company who now have a went forth and had a good evening she went to the home of a neighbor and welfare body FUnS Onr alnoti of I ndies' furs is day for Brewster, Kansas, where tbey good basis and the best service in the We that d was the arrested day pass certainly enjoyed upon night. "She will mkj their future home. No one spott. complete. and only for the accident going out her deathbed but died before she could country. will be missed more than Oscar who for DO there all would have been well. be brought to trial." Kanasa City Star, There was a pcrcular feature about the the last three years has been with the YOU with left unknown for Meat thai and Bros. Co., parts Jap KNOW Wyatt nearly alw)s LOST About five or six correconsiderable monev belonging to parlies at the counter waiting on customer-Farmers Attention! We have a complete line Of i, nints, here in Tremonton. The only ones that' He was always pleasant and accomodat Anyone returning spondents. Oils, Glaaa, Drugs, Medlcnie, Toilet to I am prepared to cry sales for anyone jot let down was those business nu n who iagand will be missed both by the firm the same will be rewarded by tides, Cntlerr. Rubber Goods, Tobacci and their customers. We wish them sue the thanks of the editor and who desiraa my service, have had expert j dontUke to throw awsy money advetising j Htfl(.kfwni stationery. School to support a home paper. .us in their ntw home. helping in miles ence line. that two Our prices are right J.H.Vance, the Times. of readers guppHe, t.,r They dont like to dis; up a few dollars Call and be convinced. of Tremonton. south On Friday last the families of W. P. The Japs seem to be getting Americaneach month, but when they save those! Lemons 25c, per dozen . C rosier and E. G. Porter left for Gridley. ized. A year ago one at Gailaud got s conn some dollars and faker measly up . We do not like to see these California-THMOfn MKKCANTII.r COMPANY. away and left several business men in bite and get let dow n. We along they move this of out where valley posplc the bole for different sums, none of them have no sympathy for those who loose tbey iave lived so long and prospered rery large, but this year a smooth, little, FOR SALE Early Ohio Seed in a game of this kind. so well. They came here from a drouth brown fellow gets the confidence of both That men smoke when at .50 rx-- r bushel. B. B. they 'xI u. stricken country and have gathered to white and brown, business ineu and farm-ej o;i i . uieitl s "ir . i.ne .si iiji ! iii , .e Potatoes lie l " o ue Tremnn fin. Iltfttl. see our line of smoker's supan Kntertainment Wednesday The chit fether a gor.J. sura of this world's goods. throughout the valley , and after he plies. Anybody would. It looks as though this is the place to tie had been lire, ail showed good training, but tb. FOR SALE Good sweet cider gone two or three days people The tobaccos Call on L. H. of finest are too. By their going Grtdley has gained not the of does .iiscnce their parents speak and cider vinegar. beg u o figure and found that he had busi-iTremonton two haa lost, well for the interest tbey .should show Getz Point Lookout. Utah. what good t ike out of the valley about 16,000, variety and of the most exe a aad two good families that will be in the schools. W hen they possibly can V Then; is amoral in this story and that is, pensive cure. TI''l)' so honorable addition to tha community don't give a Jap any more than you should turn out and by so doing it hey The pipes give solid comfort to haul gravel. Iu t.. Men and teams v ill aaOOUrage the teacher a well si tin where they caat their lot. would give a white man. 1 rcmonton, I tali. of D. C. Boush. the old and young ?moker. scholars. Iets all go to the next Enter-- ' (jtiire In times gone by some people would There are many families moving into. We won't mention our cigars linment. tay Trernoata-- waa not bTe on ft solid the Hear Uiver Valley who are buying NOTICE smoke of one but especially, basis, that we bad bo depot, no bank, property aud building homes. It wil our leading brands and you and nothing to guarantee that we were only be ft short time until the large tracts The city "Dads" have a force jt ,ys to gel yonr hrrse sboi ing dooe will smoke no other. beretoatay. How about it now? We of land will be divided into sniidler farms i if men 011 a man "ho understands the snstomy teams at work bv and In a have a fine depot and in a few days will and the valley thickly populated. i 1 1 cr C. lira IV.v. will hnvn oi s horse s foot snd guarantee all his & tart a bank building which will show few years it will look like it garden of Hll Oil hlieill iiuiuv. I K Hivu- un to trrade and if the the people that we are on a solid basis Eden, and the fruit that is now being Loan & Garland. Ut..h. ton, Utah. i ii and hare to stay If here with the goods shipped out. iu car loads will be in train perm us iney win oe & Preston Franklin, V Montpelier, covered M 20c.a NuhH oood cider Apple wc will with grave!. always be here, regardless of loads. W atch this great valley come to Idaho. ilttSI C .0. Adney forinne. l'tsh. the front aud kad all others. acy r pOliti EX. j ; i. i- i. One morning ibis week ye editor was invited to go to the Nwainps for ;i hunt with Judge Vanausdeln, Dr. i'raneke, No 40 :) Methodist. ! . Sf.uvicfs. Arn.itNcxiN . . . i . 2::t0 p. m. Preaching Bonrtcn EvF.KIita r , Preach lag, every alternate Sunday at s:0fl p. m. All seffioes at the Methodist church. invited y j ' I , 1 , I'asto. It R. GILPIN, i " Baptist. j - MoliMso Si.n , Prt-.-in- ot j Sunday School 11:00 A M rnwfhbu 1840 a M 7.30 P M I'rayer Weettng Wednesday night at 7 HO. All Services are held In the Baptist Church. Vou are cordially invited. A 11 Sit tfTUrJB, Pastor DIRECTORY. ADVENTS The Seven Day Advents hold regular Sabbath School at the M. E. Church, a l o'clock ; Everybody every Saturday. invited German . Evangelical Congregation. . . , Sen ices every alternate Sunday at 2 P. M. beginning Sunday 2nd. in the Baptist Church. Theodore Worms, Fastor. Johunie get your gun at Wilson's off on guns this week. j gat-pip- s Preaching - j j i Rvr.Kinn ftfeavtcm: j , ii FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze H. M. Holler. s. 17.00 per trio Turki Fine line of Ladies waists all sizes and styles at Stearns it Lohr. e (lood Cider Ao(lrrs, ( G . M 'Wc a bushel. Corituie. Utah. - Applnn- ' I Adut-- Wilson Heaters are the beat. Sen tbeni and you will buy no other. They are at the Hardware Store. Save you seen the new and handsome ssor.ment of dishes just opened at Stohl Bros. Fiirn. Store Beans! Beans!! Beans!!! Albs 25c. Hilt M.0 at the Hard G0C. 271ba $1 .00 lOOlbs . ware Store. wr,pni and Missei The style nud prices are right Stearns & Lohr. Call and see the Ladles Skirts. . at all kinds of Bros, are sellintr Stohl carpets, rugs and linoleum this season; their stock is always new ami j e, Where can buy two good Mousetraps or three dozen clothes pius for five cents When-gooWhy at the Hardware Store' 1 0c. a bushel. Corinne, I'tfth (Jood Cider Apples -- At Addrens ('.('. Adney There is plenty of that good (Coal, uqj Where'' At Wilson Lumber Lumber. Company's Yards. Tremonton aud l'.ear River j y City. If Jon are looking" f"i we lding pre- sents or any other presents go to the Stohl Jin. Fur. Store; they have j.st . i w hat vou wind The "L. T. L." will meet at the at -- 30 church, every Wednesday . Ml M p. invited to attend. art cordially L.T.L.Svc It Is No Wonder cs! Where" Al the uj (Wilson; Hardware Store. Ileal Stoves'' Well to date j 1''- i An - d prices, under. strong Look Xms ilipe and 3neai . foJ ek "rV poo,, " ',Hr,ls ln..hi 1. COTtuac. I'tal:. (i. Adney Have you seen the large aud i .legaut Hood Cider Apples t Addess C. I .' 50c. a ( line of Qneeaasrsrc at Store tbj UmAwms are there, the pric It will be i or th oui while t" ser The goofL, right. the elegant diapiagti 1 Dog's fOfgel to'' a Hiitjng job wiirk. Mrs. Y. A K.ie. ofllcc wl.en Cook offers her entire itock , V d goods are sold." j R ter Rrn; Dr 10 i i cant M the neat thirly dsys to luskatWrim ttH cornp I N line of Spriug and Summer MMliorr). St-her sfrcial raltieilo Fu.. MWinerv |