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Show SIX WIVES TAKE THE GREAT WINE COCKTAILS, AND AR TEA Women Time. Eat, Drink and Have G.) Then Have B: lis Sent to "Hubbies" Cheerful Surprise for Several Gentlemen. New York. "There will be six of us. We will be there at midnight. We want a good supper, with cocktails to start on and a nice naitri Ige for each of us. And t he wine? Oh yes, I forgot that. Three bottles will be enough. No, we don't want any coffee and brandy. Hut we will wind up on tea." "Think of a supper party winding up on tea." mused Torn Healy, the restaurant man, as he hung up the tele- A Story THEFT WHEN of a Mean Man and a Mean Deed That Wcl one-sixt- well-dresse- gray-haire- situation." BUSY SEES TAKE GhMR3: OF The Bees i RrWlFRY Took Possession Grocery Store. TflRF OlUnt of the Home there Is an apiary, and, accord- to bee fanciers, the winired lultradn "hloh the store came from the Bethany hives. A broken window gave the foragers their chance, and before the clerks in the store realized where the attacking party came from they were driven into the street. In the respite between the retreat of the clerks and the first attack on the invaders, the bees continued to swarm through the broken window, and when the clerks advanced to the charge the store was well filled with Insect occupants. All arternoon the battle waged, and although the clerks were able, after a determined stand with brooms and other Implements of warfare, to handle the orders which come in by telephone, there was a decided let up In trade, and the majority of customers who personally conducted their mar keting tours stood on the sidewalk outside ami veiled their orders through the open door. On the next day Mr. .lohnson and his assistants, armed for the fray and official beekueoers' coswearing tumes, started in on a campaign of extermination that the last stand of the bee warriors had been overcome nnil the l.iut nuuuilant ,,f Bnnn- - 1.-1,1 8"' 1nad succumbed to superior force Trade Is progressing as usual. Minneapolis. bj total disregard of the fact that it was Saturday and that customers on thai d.n bought their supplies for over Sunday, a swarm of bees tool; possea.-io- n of the grocerv store of M. H. Johnson, at Thirty "Pure Havana." fourth street and N'irolett avenue, and held it against all comers, for the bees "I thought you said Farmer Korn bad d 'ted an open sugar bin and cob had gone In the tobacco business other sweets, and would brook no InWU out to his farm and he's raising terference in their plans. nothing but cabbage " Over In the victultv of Bethany "Wail?"-- miwaukee Sentinel. I - d WAS FOR SALE. to France for $6,000,000 time of Louis Philippe. AWFUL SUFFERING. From Dreadful Pains from Wound Foot System All Run Down Miraculous Cure by Cuticura. In It is not generally known that Cuba very nearly became a French Colony in the reign of ljuis Philippe, twisting and turning, till Noah was for Spain, being without means of raising money. Queen Christina ofnearly dead and onlj his great mean-sefered some of the principal Spanish ness kept him going. colonies for sale. At last, scratched and bruised and Secret negotiations were carried on full of mud. weary and suffering, he at the Tulieries bet een Senor a deep mudhole. fell into which. the ambassador; Spanish Strangely enough, had been avoided Senor Aguado. the banker; Prince de cleveri) b) poor but honest Bill. Never mind, whispered Hill, helpTalleyrand, and King LooiS Philippe, and the hist article of the treaty, by ing him up. we have arrived." Cuba to which Spain was to sell Noah looked through the under brush, but he could see nothing ex- France for .'iO.000.000 francs, or was quickly agreed to. cept a black mass of something in the But the second article, relating to darkness. Those are the bams." said Hill. Porto Rico and the Philippines, broke Here, take this saw and saw holes off tha negoiiations, for Spain asked into the walls there and will creep $2,000,000 whereas France would ofaround the other way and scare the fer only $1,400,000. King Louis Phil Ippe asserting that the acquisition of turkeys so they will come out." Noah, madder and meaner than the Philippines might very easily inever, worked hard and sawed big volve him in a war with Kngland. It Is significant that in those days holes, out of which the turkeys scuttled. Then, as Hill scared them ud. nelgther party paid the slightest atStates tention to what the 1'nited off they flew into the woods until the whole big flock had vanished, might think; but the Spaniards must now regret that they did not accept s soon as the last one had gone, for it would have saved them many pom but honest Hill seized Noah and "We must hurry back and we millions in the ensuing 60 years. said: London Sketch. must go the same way we came." "Oh, dear, oh, dear," groaned Noah After Many Trials. Johnny had been fighting. His mother was telling him of the evils of resorting to violence to obtain redress for a wrong. "I don't care," said Johnny, "he took my ball." "Did you try to get it from him peaceably?" "Yes'm." "How many times did you try, Johnnie?" "1 tried once, twice, thrice and force; and I didn't get the ball till the last trial." Noah YVamskittle was a mean man; one of those mean people who hate to others prosperous, even though it does not Interfere with them at all. lb- lived in Sandtown and raised else. He turkeys, like everybody earned a lot of money, because he fat tened his turkeys well. It was his only generous deed, for he begrudged even the food that he gave himself, and as for others: Well. Deacon once said that Noah Wam-sit i Ic wan so mean that he would walk three miles to borrow a match rather than use one of his own to light hip tire in the morning. Noah Wamskittle did not like Dea con Vandertassel at all. and lie liked him even less after he heard Ibis. So some days before Thanksgiving day. he went to a poor man in Sandtown and said to him: 'Yon know that we will all have to Now. ship our i urKeys tomorrow. you have only 50 and if you do not get a good price tor lhem you will be hard pressed for money this winter, Well, 1 know a way to make the prices higher for you. If you will go to Deacon Vanderlassel's place with ' e Cam-puzan- Men are often capable of greater things than they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit and seldom draw to their full extent. Walpole. 1 r. 1905." Survival of Ancient Eelief. It is an ancient belief that a man's name has some mysterous sympathy with his nature, whence arise such stories as that of Rtimpelstiltskin, whose power over a human being vanishes the moment that his name si pronounced aloud. It has been suggested, with some show of reason, that the modern practice of "naming" a refractory member of the house of commons js. merely a sur- - .. vival of this belief, which our Norse ancestors brought into England. St. James' Gazette. -- Power Behind the Dough! "I See It All " me we can cut holes into his turkey houses and let all his birds fly into the woods. He will be quite unable to catch them again in time for shipment and the people in the city will be glad to pay you high prices for yours." The poor man. whose name was Bill Leggo. made believe to agree with the mean man. But really he did not agree with him at all, for he came of poor but honest parents, and was very much like them himself. So he devised a cunning plan. That night lie went to Noah's house and said to him: "Let us go to do this deed. But we will have to go into the just behind your house and around through them for sev- eral miles, so as to approach the dea- con's place through the underbrush in the back. It would never do for us to he seen." "That is a good idea," said Noah, I do not know the way through the woods." "I will guide you." said poor but honest Bill. "I fear, however, that you will find it rough going, for we cannot dare to carry a lantern." He took hold of Noah's arm and off went, up and down and in and through thick and thin and thorn and swamp, this way and that way. T If rw He Moaned. But he followed, and once more he was dragged through niudholes and creeks and over stumps and rocks until his shins and nose were skinned and every part of him was sore. At last they emerged on a road and ill a few moments they were at No-all's front gate and the mean man hur tied to bed. The next morning he could hardly get up, because he was so sore. But he crawled out to feed his turkeys, When he got to the barnyard, his heart nearly stood still. There was not a single, solitary turkey in the place. s He stood with his mouth open, dering. Then, slowly a terrible picion entered his mind. He limped as fast as he could to the back, and. sure enough, there he found great holes in the walls of the houses, "i 8ee jt all," he moaned, sitting "That right down in the mud. lain took me through the woods and uack to my own turkey houses." He ras quite right, When poor but honest Bill went by the house, carting his 50 turkeys to the town, Noah Wamskittle shook his fist out of the window, but Bill Leg-thego only laughed, and so did every-out- , when body else in Sandtown they heard of it. Thanksgiving Preeminently the Day of Family Gatherings. The good old New Kngland festival Thanksgiving is one that age does not wither nor custom stale. Originally. anil still nominally, a distinctly religious festival. It appeals to all whether old or young, whether pro- not, and whatfessedly religious or ... ever may be their religious belief or convictions lo college hoys and lootball teams the day may seem to be of special slg-aifloance In reference to triumphs or disasters on the gridiron field, but even to these it carries another and deeper significance which will grow with the years. And to those ot ma- years, men and women past 40, for example, this gracious, time lion- ored festival serves to punctuate their - ' j - 1 j j .ounces j i dough failures. and. sustains the absolute certainty. No cake made with K C A cannot fall. We insist upon refunding your money if a trial does not convince you. won-wood- sus-wor- k Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicago vil-"B- NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. SCIENTIFIC AND THg MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITAN- T. CAPISICUM VASELINE y EXTRACT OP THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-A- T ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS DON'T WAIT 15C.-- BY THE PAIN COMES-KE- EP A TUBE HANDY. substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritan- t known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and ail Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE-L- I N E PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. TILL A lives, so to speak, and marks the pass age of years perhaps even more distinctly than New Year's day or birthdays. For Thanksgiving is nently the festival of home, the day of all others when home ties and associa-o- f Hons assert their sway the strongest, linking the present with the past and binding all to the future. All who are have a home and happy enol'K1' reSt and he.ar,h. ,Urn K,:,dl" ' ,l refreshment of body and mind, and, whether present or absent from the nome cirolp lhat ,8 thJ conter and jn. gpiration of their thoughts. Perhaps to none is the day more full of assoilatlons and memories than to those who cannot thus join the home circle. The toiler in the city or In the country, unable even for a day to quit his duties, still takes pleasure In e thinking of those at home, and In agination, at least, takes his place at the annual home gathering and shares the pleasure of the day. pain-allayi- fr im-hir- j ... A real power that raises nre-emi- ' POWDER 25 ounces lor 25 cents (OCOSoceociceoQceccoooscocoooecGooQ THE FESTIVAL OF HOME. BAKING with tOCCGOGCCCCOOCOCOSOCOOCOOSOOSOOOOQOOG INCOG NITO. CHESEBROUGH 17 STATE STREET, MFG. CO. NEW YORK CITY BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Rooster- ' ' - For heaven's sake, Strut, old boy, what are you doing in that wreck" Cobbler- - Psst! No: not so loud you know It Is not safe for me to be recognized this time of year. garb'' Bma In a : Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. on "Words canont speak highly enough for the Cuticura Remedies, l am now seventy-twyears of age. My system had been all run down. My blood waa so bad that blood poisoning bad set in. 1 had several doctors attending me, so finally I went to the hospital where I was laid up for two montha. My foot and ankle were almost be- yond recognition. Dark blood flowed out of wounds in many places and I was so disheartened that I thought surely my last chance was slowly leaving me. As the foot did not improve, you can readily imagine how I felt I was simply disgusted and tired of life. stood this pain, which was dreadful, for six months, and during this time 1 was not able to wear a shoe and not able to work. Some one spoke to me about Cuticura. The consequences were I bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies of one of my friends who was a druggist, and the praise that' I gave after the second application is. beyond description; it seamed a miracle for the Cuticura Remedies took effect immediately. I washed the foot with the Cuticura Soap before applying the Ointment and I took the Resolvent at the same time. After two weeks' treatment my foot was healed completely. People who had seen my foot during my illness and who have seen it since the cure, can hardly believe their own eyes. Robert Schoen-haueNewburg. N. Y , August 21, ine h good-nature- d CUBA Its Own Reward. With the tea, over the making of which there was much con vet sat ion and ceremony, one of the ladies suggested something that Inspired gleeful little shrieks of approval. Two of them went to the telephone and called up tbelr husbands They did their so that talking in inclosed booths, vhat they said could not be heard. But when they came out their eyes were sparkling with pleasure and when they recounted their experiences to their companions, there were hysterical Utile shrieks of joy. Then two others went to the telephone, and Rnallv' lu a1 U'li 'i, eliililren nvpr n pert hi i r tjiviirfl inline ever m y ic the nlea.su re as did the six mature matrons over the individual narratives of their telephone talks with their liusbands. "Serves them right." was the most frequent comment. The only dissappointment was that one of the husbands could not be reached. "Well," saiil the toastmaster, with delicious malice, "there are five nerv phone receiver and set about giving for serving t lie midnight repast. "Must be a lot of hot sports," he said to his brother "P. J.." as every one calls him. "Oh, well, they won't stay Ions;." "A crowd comforted "P. J." that wants only three bottles of wine and cuts out brandy and coffee, will not tc troublesome." Promptly at midnight the party of six arrived, four brunettes and two blondes. The man at the door looked for the male escorts, as he assisted the ladies to doff their wraps. There is a rule in Healey's that no women unaccompanied by mail escorts can be served after the dinner hour, which ends at nine o'clock. The door attendant politely informed the ladies of the fact. "Send for Mr. Healy," commanded one of them, a substantial matron of considerably more than 45. Mr. Mealy lie shook obeyed the summon. hands with all the women, asked after their husbands and children and stood attentive. "It's this way. Mr. Healy." said the No Merrier Party Ever Gathered at Healy's. lady who hid sent for him. "We have turned, and Hie oing to have our re- ous husbands anyway, let's have some venge on our husbands. They are nesselrode pudding to swell the bill at their for them to away somewhere pay." lodges, playing poker or something The suggestion met with unanimous else. We are thed of this sort of thing While the ladies were enand want to get even. So we are go- approval.it the Sixty-sixtjoying street door ing to have a party of our own. We opened and a big man with a gray want you to serve it and send each of mustache and a tlorid our husbands of the bill. complexion came in. Will you do it?" "Gimme a high ball." he said to the "With the greatest pleasure," rewaiter at one of the tables in the mid"I thought the dinner dle room. plied Healy. While the waiter went to was for six men, or three men and fetch it be looked curiously through three ladies. I thought it strange that the into the north room. opening tea instead of coffee was ordered; but Clutching his hat. he said, "Well, I'll I understand it now. Come right be d d." this way." He piloted the ladies, Just as he arose as if to retreat the flushed and expectant, through a maze ladies caught sight of him and chartled of tables to one set witli six covers in in glee at his discomfiture. With a the center of the north room of his esSheepish look, such as illumes the face tablishment. Almost every table in of a small boy caught in the jam, he the room was occupied with went forward, tapped the little people, the chandeliers Hoodwoman affectionately on the ed the room wilh light and the men cheek and said: "What are yon doing and women looked with Interest at the Puss? Making a night of it?" six handsome women who sat alone The little woman didn't reply, but and clinked their glasses in a toast the others did. From the five version? heard only by themselves. of himself advanced he secured a No merrier party ever gathered at pretty fair idea of his standing as a Healy's. The ladies paid not the husband and citizen. He took It all suaniesi attention to mo other perand in fact, seemed to sons in the room. They laughed and enjoy it more than the ladies. joked with one another, hummed the "Well. he said to P. J., "I words of the popular songs played by guess I'veHealy,"to be the got the Orchestra, and seemed to be hav- two nice cold bottles of goat. Hring wine, order ing the time of their lives. three cabs and send me the bill. I've With the wine five of them began got to take these young ladies home to tease the sixth, a demure little and help tell their husbands what we woman, Into whose black tresses tiny think of them." skeins of silver were creeping. At just about three o'clock, as the "Oh, cheer up." admonished the ro- merry party filed the big man, bust lady who had acted as spokes- with his arm linkedout, that of through woman and toastmaster. "You don't his wife confided to Healy: want to worry about anything. The "P. .1.. I'm a lucky man. I'm going children are all right, and you want to to have a good time with five have a good time It will teach him a men who won't see the humor of the lesson " the neeessary orders TURKEY Offered UNIQUE REVENGE. HUSBANDS "OUT," MATRONS RANGE PRIVATE PARTY. SANDTOWN Sold by all Druggist.. |